Excercse 33 part 2 - A&P2 Excercise 33 Part 2 Homework PDF

Title Excercse 33 part 2 - A&P2 Excercise 33 Part 2 Homework
Course Human Anatomy And Physiology II
Institution New York City College of Technology
Pages 3
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A&P2 Excercise 33 Part 2 Homework...


HW: Exercise 33 Human Cardiovascular BIO 2312 Physiology Blood Pressure and Pulse Determinations Due: October 10, 2017

Blood Pressure Determinations 18. Define Pressure. Pressure exerted by blood against the walls of the blood vessels 19. Identify the phase of the cardiac cycle which lead to the following Systolic pressure: Ventricular contraction Diastolic pressure: relaxation 20. What is the name of the instrument used to compress the artery and record pressures in the auscultatory method of determining blood pressure? Sphygmomanometer 21. What are the sounds of Korotkoff? Korotkoff sounds are sounds that can be auscultated over a partially occluded artery. What causes the systolic sound? Systolic sound is the sound of blood flow when it first begins to move through the constricted artery. What causes the disappearance of the sound? The disappearance of the sound is caused when the artery is no longer constricted and blood flows normally. 22. Interpret 145/85/82 145 is systolic pressure; 85 is diastolic pressure, 82 is diastolic pressure when the sound disappears. 23: Assume the following BP measurements was recorded for an elderly patient with severe arteriosclerosis: 170/110/-. Explain the inability to obtain the third reading. The patient’s arteries are very narrow by arteriosclerosis so blood flow is block a bit. 24. Define pulse pressure. Why is this measurement important? Systolic pressure minus diastolic pressure, important because it indicates the actual working pressure. 25. How do venous pressures compare to arterial pressures? Why? Venous pressures are lower because veins are far removed from the pumping action of the heart 26. What maneuver to increase the thoracic pressure illustrates the effect of external factors on venous pressure? How is it performed? Valsalva maneuver. A person takes a deep breath, and mimics the motions of exhaling forcibly, without actually exhaling. The glottis will close and the intrathoracic pressure will increase. 27. What might an abnormal increase in venous pressure indicate?

Heart failure. Observing the Effect of Various Factors on Blood Pressure and Heart Rate 28. What effect do the following have on blood pressure? (Indicate increase by ↑ and decrease by ↓ 1. Increased diameter of the arterioles ↓ 2. Increased blood viscosity ↑ 3. Increased cardiac output ↑ 4. Hemorrhage ↓ 5. Arteriosclerosis ↑ 6. Increased pulse rate ↑ 29. In which position (sitting, reclining, or standing) is the blood pressure normally the highest? The lowest? Highest when standing, lowest when Reclining What immediate changes in blood pressure did you observe when the subject stood up after being in the sitting or reclining position? It decreased and then increased. What changes in the vessels might account for change? Gravity pulling blood down in the body After the subject stood for 3 minutes, what changes in blood pressure were observed? It decreased. How do you account for this change? Decreased activity of the sympathetic nervous system. 30. What was the effect of exercise on blood pressure? Exercise increased blood pressure. On pulse rate? It increased the pulse rate. Do you think these effects reflect changes in cardiac output or in peripheral resistance? Both because cardiac output increases and peripheral resistance also changes. Why are there normally no significant increases in diastolic pressure after exercise? There’s normally no significant increases in diastolic pressure after exercise because diastolic pressure is deals with heart relaxation, in a healthy individual an increase wouldn’t be expected to appear. 31. What effects of the following did you observe on blood pressure in the laboratory? cold temperature: Increased BP What do you think the effect of heat would be? Decreased BP Why? Vasodilation would occur. 32. Differentiate between a hypo- and a hyperreactor relative to the cold pressor test. Hyperreactors exhibit a rise of 23 mm Hg or more in BP during the test. Hypo-reactors exhibit a smaller increase or a decrease in BP.

Skin Color as an Indicator of Local Circulatory Dynamics 33. Describe normal skin color and the appearance of the veins in the subject’s forearm before any testing was conducted.

Pink with veins flat and difficult to see. 34. What changes occurred when the subject emptied the forearm of blood (by raising the arm and making a fist) and the flow was occluded with the cuff? Skin becomes pale and cool What changes occurred during venous congestion? Skin becomes pink (red) and warm, and veins are congested and very visible. 35. What is the importance of collateral blood supplies? Can maintain the blood supply to an organ or body part in case the major nutrient artery is occluded 36. Explain the mechanism by which mechanical stimulation of the skin produced a flare. Local inflammatory response produced by the chemical mediators released by injured tissue cells....

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