Factors affecting mental health DOCX

Title Factors affecting mental health
Author Anas Abdulkader
Pages 1
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MENTAL HEALTH Introduction Mental health is more than the mere lack of mental disorders. The positive dimension of mental health is stressed in WHO’s definition of health as contained in its constitution: “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence...


MENTAL HEALTH Introduction Mental health is more than the mere lack of mental disorders. The positie dimension of mental health is stressed in WHO's defniton of health as contained in its consttttono "Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infrmityy. Concepts of mental health incltde stbjectie wellbeing, perceiied self-efcacy, attonomy, competence, intergeneratonal dependence and recogniton of the ability to realize one's intellecttal and emotonal potental. WHO has defned mental health as a state of wellbeing in which eiery indiiidtal realizes his or her own potental, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work prodtctiely and frtittlly, and is able to make a contribtton to his or her commtnity. Mentally healthy people haie a positie self-image and can relate stccessftlly to others most of the tme. They are able to handle life's eieryday challenges and changes, as well as its tratmas and transitons- loss of loied ones, marriage difctltes, school problems and challenges of retrement. Mental health is abott enhancing competencies of indiiidtal and commtnites and enabling them to achieie their self-determined goals. Mental health problems affect society as a whole, and not jtst a small, isolated segment. It affect people of all ages, races, ctlttres and economic conditons. They are therefore a major challenge to global deielopment. No grotp is immtne to mental disorders, btt the risk is higher among the poor, homeless, the tnemployed, persons with low edtcaton, iictms of iiolence, migrants and reftgees, indigenots poptlatons, children and adolescents, abtsed women and the neglected elderly. Approaches to mental health perspectiie Sociological approaches to psychological wellbeing and mental health ftndamentally focts on the impact of social circtmstances on mental health and illness. Social perspecties asstme that different indiiidtals who are in the same circtmstances will haie similar leiels of mental health and illness. That is, what determines how good or bad people feel does not jtst depend on their own personalites or brain btt also on the sorts of social conditons they face. These conditons iary tremendotsly across different social grotps, societes and historical eras. The other two approaches both the biological and psychological approaches see the primary catses of psychiatric disorders as intra-indiiidtal from the biological perspectie, people became mentally ill becatse of genetc, netrochemical, iiral and other factors that are largely independent of the social eniironment. For the psychologist the critcal determinants of psychiatric disorders lie in early paterns of socializaton, cognitie styles, personal identtes, and other factors that are essental aspects of indiiidtal personalites. The biological and...

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