Author Lerie Jade Bernardo
Course BS in Accountancy
Institution Saint Mary's University Philippines
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Factors Affecting Senior High School TrackPreferences of Grade 9 Students of Don BoscoTechnology Center, Inc. Academic Year 2014-2015: A Basis for Career Guidance ProgramA Study Presented to theCollege DepartmentDon Bosco Technology CenterIn Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the DegreeBach...


Factors Affecting Senior High School Track Preferences of Grade 9 Students of Don Bosco Technology Center, Inc. Academic Year 20142015: A Basis for Career Guidance Program A Study Presented to the

College Department Don Bosco Technology Center

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree

Bachelor of Science in Technical Education Major in Industrial Electronics Technology, Major in Mechanical Technology, and Major in Furniture Technology By

Joshua O. Japitan Grant Emerson D. Camangyan John Benedict L. Rodrigo Jason Thom C. Paez Johnrey T. Remeticado Eleonido D. Bacarisas

March 2015

Ranilo Camacho Adviser


This study aims to determine the factors that affect the senior high school track preferences of the Grade 9 students of Don Bosco Technology Center of academic year 2014-2014. This study utilizes descriptive method of research to determine the factors. It would see if dependent variables relating to personality, family/relatives, interests and job opportunities were significant factors influencing the track preferences of the respondents. The descriptive research used quantitative methods to assess

the feedback from the

respondents. Scale/questionnaire is given to the respondents to conduct the study personally and is collected after to gather all the results. Most of the literature gathered talks about the factors that affect career preferences/choices, namely personality, family, interests and job opportunities, which would specialized in senior high school of the k-12 curriculum.



This study had made through the guide and support of our Lord Almighty. We would like also to thank Mrs. Abella and Arnold Ocampo who let us borrowed a project data book sample in order to us researchers be guided in our every single paperwork. We would also thank our beloved Research teacher, Mr. Ranilo Camacho who taught our lessons very well and who guided us to our way up here. We would also like to thank him for his very long patience and generosity of his knowledge to us. We would also thank our fellow students and our dear educators especially Mr. Arnel Singson, Mr. Aubrey Sa-a, Mr. Anthony Tan and Ms. Loida Baran Who were there to help us in times of problems and also to all the respondents of our survey who really helped in study. Lastly, we would like to give thanks to the Japitan family and our families who were very supportive to us and provided all our needs for this study.


TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Approval Sheet Project Title Abstract




Table of Contents


Chapters 1 The Problem and its Setting




Conceptual Background


Theoretical Background


The Problem



Statement of the Problem


Significance of the Study


Scope and Limitations


Definition of Terms


Review of Related Literature








Job Opportunities







Research Design


Locale of the Study


Research Respondents


Research Instruments


Data Gathering Procedure


Statistical Treatment of Data


Results and Discussions


Socioeconomic Profile of the Students






Parents’ Educational Attainment


Parents’ Occupations


Socioeconomic Status


Fields of Study and Track Preferences


Field of Study


Track Preferences


Factors Affecting the Track Preferences








Job Opportunities


Resume on Factors Influencing Students’ Track Preference vi



Summary, Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations














Appendix A – Letter to Conduct Study


Appendix B – Survey Questionnaire


Curriculum Vitae


List of Figures Figure 1

Conceptual Framework


Figure 2

SCCt Interest Model


Figure 3

Research Design Framework


Figure 4

Extent of the Factor’s Influence on Track Preference 35

List of Tables Table 1

Specification Grid on the Rating Scale/Questionnaire Affecting the Student’s Senior High School Track Preferences 22

Table 2

Frequency and Percentage Distribution by Age


Table 3

Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Parents’ Educational Attainment


Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Parents’ Occupations


Table 4


Table 5

Frequency and Percentage Distribution by Socioeconomic Status


Table 6

Fields of Study that the Students would Pursue


Table 7

Track Preferences of the Grade 9 Students


Table 8

Personality as a Factor on Students’ Track Choice


Table 9

Family/Relatives as a Factor on Students’ Track Choice


Table 10

Interests as a Factor on Students’ Track Choice


Table 9

Job Opportunities as a Factor on Students’ Track Choice



CHAPTER 1 THE PROBLEM AND ITS SETTING Introduction The Philippines is one of the three countries remaining in the world, namely Djibouti and Angola in Africa, and the only remaining country in Asia with a 10- year pre-university program. This short period makes it difficult for Filipinos to be competitive with other countries that have at least 12 years of basic education. The majority who do not go to college are too young to enter the labor force, thus, they would either be unemployed to set up businesses or cannot legally enter into contracts. With this apparent problem on education, the Department of Education has started to implement the new K-12 Curriculum, which is a major reform in the curriculum for all schools nationwide. This reform includes decongesting and enhancing the basic education curriculum for learners to master basic competencies, lengthening the cycle of basic education to cover kindergarten through year 12.

By prolonging the basic education, that is, adding

kindergarten and two years in high school, the program ensures that graduates earn the necessary skills and reach the legal age for employment to qualify entrance into the world of work, if they desire or need to do so. On the other hand, graduates who opt to go to tertiary education are deemed better prepared for college study (SEAMEO INNOTECH, 2012). A major change brought about by K-12 curriculum is the addition of two years in secondary education, known as Senior High School (SHS). The old 4-year secondary curriculum will be now renamed as Junior High School (JHS) which starts from Grades 7 to Grade 10, and Senior High School will follow through from Grades 11 to 12. The additional two years of SHS would mean that the high school graduates are better prepared for whatever path they will choose, and be of legal age (18 years old) to be lawfully employed upon graduation. The secondary education curriculum, in itself, would be reformed too. All core subjects, namely: Science, Mathematics, Araling Panlipunan, MAPEH 1

and Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao; will be taught using the spiral approach wherein learning is a process of building upon previously learned knowledge. The newest addition and one of the main highlights of K-12 curriculum is the Career Pathways, more known as Tracks. It offers opportunities for specialization in Academic, Technical-Vocational-Livelihood, Sports and Arts fields. The students may choose based on aptitude, interests and school capacity. The choice of the career track will determine the content of the subjects the student will take in Senior High School as preparation for his/her career. The tracks aforementioned are as follows: 1. Academic, which is further subdivided into three strands: a. Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM) b. Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) c. Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) 2. Technical-vocational, which is further subdivided into four strands: a. Agriculture-Fisheries b. Home Economics c. Industrial Arts d. Information and Communications Technology (ICT) 3. Sports 4. Arts and Design At Grades 7 and 8, students will study exploratory subjects by taking four Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) courses for each Grade. At Grades 9 and 10, TLE specializations are offered, then at Grades 11 and 12 career pathway specializations are offered. Career pathways lead to eligibility 2

for Certificate of Competency (COC), which TESDA issues to individuals who satisfactorily demonstrate competence on a particular or cluster of units of competency. The COC leads to certification beginning with NC 1 which indicates the performance of a routine and predictable task, requiring little judgment and supervision, and NC 2, the performance of a prescribed range of functions. Aside from certification of TESDA, other recognition may be issued by other government or non-government agencies. For instance, art-related career pathways may be assessed by the National Commission for Culture and Arts (NCCA); sports-related career pathways may be assessed by the Philippine Sports Commission (PSC); and foreign languages may be assessed by TESDA or foreign language institutes. The first phase of K-12 implementation has been started on AY 20122013, wherein the new curriculum is now being offered for Grade 1 and Grade 7. For AY 2014-2015, the pioneer Grade 7 class is now at Grade 9, and in AY2016-2017, they would be the first batch of Senior High School graduates of the K-12 program, as this class would be the first to take up Senior High. The career specializations offered by the K-12 curriculum serves as a stepping stone for the students to plan up and act upon on their chosen career. As the future pioneer batch of Grade 12 graduates, the Grade 9 students of AY 2014-2015, are at the phase wherein they would choose their specialization that they would take up for Senior High School. Thus, it is important to determine the specialization that they are about to take and the factors as to why they chose the said track.


Conceptual Framework The focus of this study was undertaken by the following conceptual framework shown in Figure 1 which has a three part process: the input, process and output. Input – This includes the socio-demographic profile of the students, their choice of field of study to specialize, their track preference and the factors that affect their preference. Process – In the research process, this includes determining their track preferences and determining the leading factors that affect their preference. Output – This study would identify the track preferences of Grade 9 students of Don Bosco Technology Center and the factors that affect them which can be used as basis for a career guidance program of the said school and for certain institutions that would like to design and implement a Senior High School program.




•Socio-Demographic Profile of Respondents •Track Preferences •Factors that Affect their Preferences

•Tallying of Data •Weighting the Extent of Influence of the Factors

•Senior High School Track Preferences • Leading Factor(s ) •Basis for a Career Guidance Program •Insight for Design and Implementation of SHS Program

Figure 1: Conceptual Framework 4

Theoretical Framework The study is anchored on the theory of Donald Super which focuses on the development of life roles over the life span with emphasis on inter-role congruence. His vocational concept as a part of self-concept is formed; it is the driving force that establishes a career pattern one will follow through life (Super, 1990). Vocational developmental tasks are derived from vocational stages which provides framework for vocational behavior and attitudes. The vocational developmental stages are as follows: 1. Growth (birth-age 14 or 15), characterized by development of capacity, attitudes, interests, and needs associated with self-concepts; 2. Explanatory (ages 15-24), characterized by a tentative phase in which choices are. 3. Establishment (ages 25-44), characterized by trial and stabilization through work experiences; 4. Maintenance (ages 45-64), characterized by a continual adjustment process to improve working position and situation; and 5. Decline (ages 65+), characterized by preretirement considerations, reduced work output, and eventual retirement. The crystallization task (ages 14-18) is forming a preferred career plan and considering how it might be implemented. Pertinent information is studied with the goal of becoming more aware of the preferred choice and the wisdom of preference. The specification task (ages 18-21) follows in which the individual feels the need to specify the career plan through more specific resources and explicit awareness of cogent variables of the preferred choice. The implementation task (ages 21-24) is accomplished by the completion of training and entry into the career and develops a feeling of security in career position. The stabilization (ages 24-35) is reached when the individual is firmly established in a career and develops a feeling of security in career position. Finally, the consolidation task (35+) follows with advancement and seniority in 5

a career. Super also identified six dimensions that were thought to be relevant and appropriate for adolescents: 1. Orientation to Vocational Choice (an attitudinal dimension determining whether the individual is concerned with the eventual vocational choice to be made); 2. Information and planning; 3. Consistency of Vocational Preferences (individuals’ consistency of preferences); 4. Crystallization of Traits (individual progress toward forming a selfconcept); 5. Vocational Independence (independence of work experience); and 6. Wisdom of Vocational Preferences (dimension concerned with individuals ability to make realistic preferences consistent with personal tasks.) This theory is found to be appropriate because of its stressfulness in terms of developing a career plan that will guide the individual in choosing his/her career pathway. Also, Super’s six-dimension is appropriate for adolescent is truly applicable because high school students fall under this category. Another theory adopted for the research is David Tiedeman’s “SelfDevelopment Approaches to Career”. Tiedeman believes that evolving egoidentity is of central importance in the career development process. Tiedeman referred to the evolving self-in-situation from the earliest awareness of self

to point at which

individual becomes capable of evaluating

experiences, anticipating, and imagining future goals, and storing experiences in memory for future reference with Tiedeman’s context of Erik Erikson’s eight psychosocial crises. Self-in-situation, self-in-world and the orientation of work evolve as one resolves the psychosocial crises of life. Tiedeman therefore conceptualized a paradigm for problem-solving as the mechanism of career decision making. The paradigm covers four aspects of anticipation or 6

preoccupation (exploration, crystallization, choice, and clarification) and three aspects of implementation of adjustment (induction, reformation, and integration). Tiedeman stressed out why individual change their courses of action because of external factors because of external forces (such as the call of the armed forces, an economic crisis, the work setting itself) or by broad psychological drives (such as unmet needs, changing aspirations, role diffusion). According to the prescribed sequence, a new decision unfolds and must be made, beginning with exploration and eventually reaching integration. If integration is not reached once again, the individual may adapt to a career environment or may simply withdraw and begin a new search for eventual integration. The rationale between these two theories is one follows a vocational self-concept which is a driving force that establishes a career pattern one will follow through life but there are some factors could might altered this pattern. These factors, such as external forces (called of armed services, economic crisis, and work setting itself) and psychological drives (unmet needs, changing aspirations, role diffusion) altered the career patterns of individual. Super said that indecisiveness is a period in developmental process when interests have not been fully crystallized.

Individuals lead to

discriminate two or more choices of two or more occupational objectives when uncertainty about future occurs. Tiedemann noted that as individuals become more aware of the developing character of the career process itself, they are more willing to make changes and to alter or redefine a decision.


THE PROBLEM Statement of the Problem This study aims to determine the factors that affect the senior high school track preferences of the Grade 9 students of Don Bosco Technology Center of the Academic Year 2014-2015. Specifically, it seeks to answer the following: 1. What are the socio-economic profile of the Grade 9 students in terms of: a. Age;

d. Parents’ Occupation;

b. Gender;

e. Socio-Economic Status?

c. Parents’ Educational Attainment;

2. What career/field do the respondents want to specialize and pursue further once they graduated from Grade 10? 3. What track would the respondents prefer to take up for senior high school? 4. What are the leading factors that affect the respondents’ preference among these areas: a. Personality

c. Interests; and

b. Family/Relatives

d. Job Opportunities?

5. To what extent do the four factors mentioned in Question 4 influence the students’ track preference?


Significance of the Study Learning is the aspect of development that connotes modification of behavior, skills and knowledge that results from practice and experience which sought for quality education. The generalization of this present study would be a great contribution to the vast knowledge in relation to student’s achievements. Vital results of this investigation could be highly significant and beneficial specifically to the following: Researchers – As future instructors of the K-12 curriculum, this study will greatly help and inspire them to be more innovative and carry out the programs of Department of Education (DepEd...

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