Fahad Alsowaylim, assignment 3 PDF

Title Fahad Alsowaylim, assignment 3
Course bscs
Institution Government College University Lahore
Pages 13
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online food ording model...


Fahad Alsowaylim

Online Food Ordering System Fahad Alsowaylim CWID: 893437186 CPSC 362 Marc Velasco


Fahad Alsowaylim

Table of Contents INTRODUCTION


Problem Domain




Product Scope






Hardware Requirements


Functional Requirements


Non functional Requirements


Development tools




Authentication activity diagram


Place Order Activity Diagram


Use Case Diagram


Class Diagram


Food ordering system class diagram


Architectural design



Layered Architecture


Object-Oriented Architecture



Data-Centered Architecture






Fahad Alsowaylim

INTRODUCTION Problem Domain With the widespread pandemic, social distance and other measures taken to avoid the spread of Covid-19 has negatively hit the food industry. The pandemic has forced restaurants to be innovative in the way they provide services to their clients. Food industries have to cope with these factors to keep business afloat: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Indoor dining at the restaurants can only accommodate 25% maximum capacity. There is an increase in remote ordering services. User reviews can no longer be obtained through touchscreen programs at the restaurants. There is no mechanism in place to protect restaurant staff while interacting with customers. 5. There is no mechanism to protect delivery personnel when delivering orders to customers. 6. Cash payments or touching cards while making payments leads to an increase in the spread of COVID-19. 7. Touching taps or soap dispensers result in the spread of COVID-19. 8. There is no mechanism to protect staff and restaurant suppliers while interacting with each other. 9. The use of a booklet menu may lead to the spread of COVID-19. 10. There are no safety measures for staff who handle orders placed by remote customers. Requirements 1. Modern Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems need to be installed to provide quality air indoor-dinning customers. 2. The room for handling remote orders will be restructured to accommodate the increased demand for drive-through and online customers. 3. Technology should be used to enable customers to access the online menu, place an order, make payments, and place reviews. 4. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) should be provided to staff and deliverer personnel. 5. Sensors should be installed to automate water taps and soap dispensers. Product Scope The system will be used by restaurants to help customers to place food orders and get deliveries. Assumptions This system works under the assumptions that: ● All the users are computer literate ● All the users can access internet services and have a computer, laptop or phone ● All the users can read and write 3

Fahad Alsowaylim

SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Hardware Requirements The proposed system will run on mobile phones, laptops and desktops. Some of the minimum hardware requirements will be:● Mobile phones, laptops and desktops with a processor speed of more than 1GHZ to access the system Functional Requirements Users of the proposed online food ordering system will have the following functionalities: ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Register an account Login to an existing account Navigate the restaurant’s menu Select a food item from menu Place an order for a food item Cancel an order for a food item Make payment for the order

Non functional Requirements ● The system will encrypt sensitive user information such as passwords ● The system will be easy to use and navigate through ● The system will have a uniform and simple look ● The system will authenticate its users first before accessing its services ● The system will be available at any given time (24 hours a day/ 7days a week) ● The system have regular maintenance patches e.g. security and feature updates ● The system will have a fast load time i.e. between 0.5s and 1s ● The system will have a high response time when fetching data ● The system will have the ability to handle multiple users at a time without crashing Development tools The system is developed using :● ● ● ●

Laravel: which is a PHP framework used to develop dynamic web apps Boostrap: which is a styling library used to make a responsive and appealing system MySQL: which is responsible for database implementation and quering jQuery: which is a JavaScript library used to make the system more interactive


Fahad Alsowaylim

SYSTEM DESIGN Authentication activity diagram It consists of activities that are made up of actions which apply to login authentication.

Figure 1: Authentication activity diagram


Fahad Alsowaylim Place Order Activity Diagram Figure 2: Place order activity diagram

Use Case Diagram This is a representation of a user’s interaction with the system. It shows the relationship between the user and the different use cases in which the user is involved. 6

Fahad Alsowaylim

Food Ordering System Class Diagram This diagram analyzes classes into implementation classes and data structures used in Online Food Ordering system. Figure 3: UML Class Diagram for Online Food Ordering


Fahad Alsowaylim


Fahad Alsowaylim Figure 4:Use Case for hand wash automated System

Architectural design 1. Layered Architecture (Wayner, 2020) This is the most used architecture where the application components are built around the database. It is designed in such a way that data first enters the top layer and goes through all the layers until it reaches the core layer which is the database. The model layer is responsible for application specific content and processing logic such as access to external information sources. The view layer consists of interface specific functions and helps in the presentation of application content. The controller coordinates data flow between the model and view layers and helps manage both of them. Online food ordering system has the following controllers; ● CartController ● CustomerController ● CategoryController ● DishController ● PaymentController Online food ordering system has the following models: ● Category ● Customer ● Dish ● Order 9

Fahad Alsowaylim ● OrderDetail ● Payment ● Shipping ● User Online food ordering system has the following views: ● Auth ● Backend ● Frontend ● layouts

Figure 5: Source - https://techbeacon.com/app-dev-testing/top-5-software-architecture-patterns-how-make-right-choice

Pros ● ● ● ●

It is good for the application that needs to be developed quickly. Works best for new developers with little experience in other architectures. It is best for the application that has strict testing and maintenance standards. It is recommended for those applications that must adopt the traditional IT processes and departments.

Cons ● Does not work for code that is not organized with specific roles assigned to each module. ● It is slow as processes must pass through all the layers before reaching the core layer. ● Minor changes might lead to redevelopment and redeployment of the entire software. Source: Available on https://techbeacon.com/app-dev-testing/top-5-software-architecturepatterns-how-make-right-choice 2. Object-Oriented Architecture (Object Oriented Architecture, n.d.) 10

Fahad Alsowaylim Under this architecture, the entire system is subdivided into independent and reusable objects.

Figure 6: Object Modeling Processes

Pros ● ● ● ●

It’s easy to understand because real-world objects are mapped to the application. Reusable objects make it easy to maintain the program It is robust as errors can be managed during execution. Its scalability makes it easy to add new features without affecting the entire system. ● Testability is improved through encapsulation. ● Reduced time and development cost. Cons ● It is hard to determine all the needed objects and classes for the application. ● Due to its different approach to project management, it is hard to complete the project within the set budget and cost. Source: Available on https://www.tutorialride.com/software-architecture-and-design

3. Data-Centered Architecture (Tutorials Point, n.d.) 11

Fahad Alsowaylim Data is stored in a central database where other application components can access it. The main objective of this architecture is to enforce data integrity.

Figure 7: Data-Centered Architecture

Pros ● It enforces data integrity through backup and restores features. ● It is scalable and reusable because each agent does not have a direct connection to other agents. ● There is a reduced overhead of transient data from one software component to another. Cons ● ● ● ●

It is vulnerable to failure due to the duplication of data. There is a high dependency between data agents and the data store. Any adjustment in the data structure will affect clients. It is difficult and costly to evolve data.

Source: Available on https://www.tutorialspoint.com/software_architecture_design/data_centered_architecture.htm Object-Oriented Architecture is suitable for restructuring and redeveloping the restaurant system that will work in a post-COVID world because of the numerous advantages it has to offers such as scalability, testability maintainability, reusability, reduced development time and cost.


Fahad Alsowaylim

References Wayner, P. (2020, July 15). How to choose the right software architecture: The top 5 patterns. TechBeacon. https://techbeacon.com/app-dev-testing/top-5-software-architecturepatterns-how-make-right-choice

Object Oriented Architecture. (n.d.). TutorialRide.Com. Retrieved November 7, 2020, from https://www.tutorialride.com/software-architecture-and-design/object-orientedarchitecture.htm#:%7E:text=Object%20Oriented%20Architecture%20is%20an,reusable %20and%20self%2Dsufficient%20objects.&text=Object%20oriented%20is%20based %20on%20modeling%20real%2Dworld%20objects

Tutorials Point. (n.d.). Data-Centered Architecture - Tutorialspoint. Retrieved November 7, 2020, from https://www.tutorialspoint.com/software_architecture_design/data_centered_architecture. htm

“Staple Food a Restaurants Category Bootstrap Responsive Web Template.” W3Layouts, 5 Nov. 2020, w3layouts.com/product/staple-food-restaurants-category-bootstrap-responsiveweb-template/. “Free Bootstrap Admin Template.” Free Bootstrap Admin Template | AdminLTE.IO, 31 May 2019, adminlte.io/.


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