Fall 2019 Syllabus PDF

Title Fall 2019 Syllabus
Author Sami Hasan
Course Introductory Biology II
Institution University of Texas at Austin
Pages 8
File Size 272.9 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 84
Total Views 170


Syllabus with some HW info...



Co urse Desc ription This course has been designed to engage you, excite you, and get you thinking like a scientist! Each topic will be covered in a collaborative ‘hands-on’ manner. You will work with your fellow students to generate hypotheses, design experiments and collect and analyze data, and discuss ethical issues. The course will introduce you to cell and molecular biology techniques used in a broad range of laboratory work. You will master the use of optical microscopes and study the structure of protists as well as plant and animal cells. Molecular techniques such as gel electrophoresis and the amplification of segments of DNA using PCR (polymerase chain reaction) will be introduced as well. You will spend a portion of the course examining animals and plants and how their structure , physiology and development are a reflection of millions of years of evolution. We’ll focus on one plant process (photosynthesis) and two key animal systems (respiratory and cardiovascular) to gain an understanding of how plants and animals maintain their internal environment. You will also design an experiment to study the feeding behavior of crickets. At the end of the semester, we hope you are as amazed as we are by the great diversity of life and have a deeper appreciation for the role of evolution in shaping its form and function. This course carries the Ethics Flag. Ethics courses, like BIO 206L, are designed to equip you with skills that are necessary for making ethical decisions in your adult and professional life. A substantial portion of your grade (50%) comes from assignments involving ethical issues and the process of applying ethical reasoning to real-life situations.

BIO206L consists of a range of unique numbers (beginning with 46285). Each unique number corresponds to a specific lecture and laboratory time. Scheduled locations and times of all BIO206L lab sections are listed in the Fall 2019 Course Schedule online: http://registrar.utexas.edu/schedules/ You must attend the BIO206L laboratory section to which you are officially enrolled. Attending the lecture will help you to prepare for lab that day. You should have either registered for or have credit for BIO311C in order to take BIO206L. If this is not the case, contact Dr. Maas immediately.

Re quired m aterials Lab Manual The required text for BIO206L is a NEW COPY of the lab manual “Introductory Laboratory Experiments in Biology,” sold exclusively at the University Co-Op bookstore on Guadalupe Street. An introductory biology textbook of your choice, such as that used in BIO311C and BIO311D, is also recommended as a background reference.

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Lab Notebook Researchers use laboratory notebooks to document their hypotheses, experiments, observations, illustrations, and their interpretations of these experiments. You are required to purchase a bound (NOT SPIRAL) lab notebook . You do not need to spend extra money to purchase a notebook that creates duplicate pages! Your LI will check your Lab Notebooks as part of your Lab Performance grade (see below). Only handwritten notes (from lecture or lab) or images you captured during lab may appear in your Lab Notebook. You may not copy the lab manual word-for-word into your lab notebook.

LabClicker LabClicker is a course management system that contains general course and instructor information as well as a source of online resources that are integral to success in the course. You will find lecture notes, handouts, updated experimental protocols, and assignments on LabClicker. Please visit it frequently to review these resources. To use the LabClicker system, you must register using your UTEID online at http://labclicker.com and pay a $35 plus tax registration fee.

You will also use LabClicker to complete Pre-lab Homework and for you to enter Peer Evaluation points. Any personal web-enabled device such as a smart phone, tablet, computer laptop, etc. can then be used to access the LabClicker system. You are required to bring a web-enabled device to every lecture. If you require additional assistance registering for or using the LabClicker system please email [email protected].

Canvas (http://canvas.utexas.edu/) I will use Canvas for sending and receiving emails and posting important announcements. Please check the Canvas website regularly for course information: I will also use UT Instapoll (a Canvas tool) to ask questions during lecture. You will also submit your Data Reports and Ethics Case Study assignments as Word Documents on Canvas. Once submitted, your assignments will be reviewed by the plagiarism-detection tool, Turnitin. Turnitin is a software resource integrated with Canvas and detects plagiarism and improper citation. The software works by cross-referencing submitted materials with an archived database of journal, essay, and newspaper articles, books, student papers, and other published work. I DO NOT ACCEPT OR GRADE LATE ASSIGNMENTS. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO DOUBLECHECK THAT YOUR ASSIGNMENT HAS BEEN SUBMTTED CORRECTLY ON CANVAS. Canvas will serve as the official repository of the BIO 206L scores that will comprise your total BIO206L final grade. It is your responsibility to ensure that your scores for all of the various BIO 206L assignments are correctly displayed in Canvas.


Co urse Per sonnel Lecturer: Dr. Martha Maas Office hours: M from 12-2:30 PAI 1.13 Or by appointment. Email: [email protected]

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Laboratory Instructors (Teaching Assistants) A Laboratory Instructor (LI) will supervise your work during each laboratory period for the duration of the semester. Your LI should be your first point of contact for individual assistance during the course. Your LI will be available to assist you during regularly scheduled office hours or by appointment. Each LI will provide a handout with additional details including his/her office hours this week in lab.

Co urse Str ucture 1. Lecture Questions Lectures consist of activities and mini-lectures to provide an introduction to the concepts and the ethical ideas covered during lab. Lecture materials (handouts, slides, etc.) will be posted on Canvas.

During lecture, I will pose Lecture Questions to help you assess your own understanding of the material. Starting on Monday, September 9th, I will begin to record your answers. Lecture questions will be asked using UT Instapoll. You will access UT Instapoll through Canvas. Please be sure to bring a web-enabled device to every lecture.

You can earn a maximum of 5 points by answering Lecture Questions. I will record the percentage of questions you answer during each lecture. I will then use that percentage to determine the number of points (out of 5) that you have earned. For example, if you answer 90% of the questions asked during lecture you will earn 4 out of 5 Lecture Question points. You can’t make up a Lecture Question for any reason. 2. Pre-Lab Homework Pre-Lab Homework is administered through the LabClicker system and will contain questions that are designed to help you prepare for each upcoming lab in an interactive manner. I recommend that you carefully read the appropriate section in the manual before you attempt Pre-Lab Homework. To complete Pre-Lab Homework, you will login at http://labclicker.com/lab/. To access each assignment, select the Pre-Lab tab at the top menu. Each Pre-Lab Homework will only be opened for a short time with a deadline as shown in the LabClicker system. NOTE: Each Pre-Lab Homework must be completed PRIOR to its respective deadline. There will be 12 graded Pre-Lab Homework assignments over the course of the semester. Each assignment will be worth 0.5 point, and I will take the top 10 grades (for a total of 5 points possible) to calculate your Pre-Lab Homework score. You cannot make up a Pre-Lab Homework. 3. Lab Quizzes You will take a quiz at the beginning of lab starting the week of September 2 nd. Each quiz is worth 5 points, and I will take the top 10 grades (for a total of 50 points possible) to calculate your Lab Quiz grade. The quiz will have multiple choice and short answer questions about concepts, lab procedures, results and ethics activities from the previous labs AND the upcoming lab. You can use your Lab Notebook to help answer the questions. You will NOT have access to the Lab Manual during the quiz. Your LI will grade your Lab Quizzes and return them to you the following week. You then have 48 hours to speak with your LI about a grading concern. After 48 hours, your Lab Quiz grade will not be adjusted. You cannot make up a Lab Quiz. BIO 206L Fall 2019

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4. Laboratory Performance The Course Schedule (page 8) lists the lecture topics and laboratory exercises that will be covered this semester. For each laboratory exercise, you will receive a ‘Lab Performance’ grade posted in the LabClicker system. You can earn a total of 4 performance points during each lab and we will take the top 10 grades to calculate your Lab Performance Score (a total of 40 points possible). The components of your Lab Performance grade are as follows: Laboratory Technique and Clean-up (2 points possible, graded by your LI): Your LI will evaluate your Laboratory Technique and Clean-up during lab. Good technique includes arriving on-time to lab and in proper attire (long pants, closed-toe shoes, course-provided lab coat). During lab, your LI will observe your performance of lab activities and record whether you are focused, participating and following safety protocols. During lab, you need to take notes and record your data and results in your lab notebook. The observations of living or preserved specimens should be in the form of notes or drawings and include complete identification of the organism, body structure(s), and any other important information (e.g., age or state of maturity, sex, specific strain or preparation, etc.). Any illustration made with a microscope should have a note indicating the type of microscopy used (e.g., bright-field) and the total magnification at which the specimen was observed. You are also required to completely clean-up your work area, properly disposing of any waste material and used gloves and neatly returning your lab coat to the rack outside of the room. Check-in with your LI before leaving lab if you have any questions about how to clean-up your work area or store equipment and supplies. Participation (2 points possible, graded by students in your lab group): You will be assigned to work with a group of several students (typically 4) to complete lab activities. Groups will be assigned during the first laboratory period with switches among groups done throughout the semester. After each lab exercise, you have an important responsibility to rate each group member (including yourself) using the rubric below. Each student can earn up to 2 points total for excellent participation during lab. Each score will be calculated by taking the average of the total points awarded by all members of the group. You must enter your ratings within 24 hours of lab ending using the LabClicker system at https://labclicker.com/lab/peer. If you do not ente r your ratings within 24 hours , peer scores will be averaged without your input and you will receive zero out of two points for that lab.

Activity Participation Rubric


2 = Excellent

1 = Fair

Fully participated in activities during lab; Encouraged all members of the group to participate; Listened to ideas without interrupting; Work ed well with group.

Sometimes participated in the activities; Sometimes did not listen to other group members; Sometimes did not work well with group members.

0 = Needs to improve Did not participate in the activities; Did not listen to or work well with other group members.

In summary: to earn all 4 Laboratory Performance points you must: 

Demonstrate good laboratory technique and thoroughly perform clean-up duties (2 points possible, LI-evaluated)

Participate in activities (2 points possible, peer-evaluated within 24 hrs)

Once your performance is graded, you have 48 hours to speak with your LI about a grading concern. After 48 hours, your performance grade will not be reviewed or adjusted. You cannot make up Lab Performance.

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5. Data Reports You will complete a Data Report for four of the exercises (see Course Schedule on page 8). You can earn a total of 5 points for each Data Report assignment for a total of 20 points (no Data Reports can be turned in late or dropped.).

Working on the Data Report during lab will improve your answers because the material is still fresh and you can also ask your LI for help at that time.

Write the answers to the Data Report questions in complete sentences, using proper

grammar and spelling. Grading will be based on completeness and clarity, evidence that experiments have been conducted correctly and carefully, the interpretation of your results, and the use of appropriate graphs, tables, labeled figures, etc. to share your data. Also, be sure to appropriately cite your sources using a population citation format. You must submit a Word Document of your Data Report on Canvas before your next lab begins. Any Data Reports submitted later than 15 minutes after the start of the laboratory period will be considered late. Any Data Reports turned in late will not be accepted for grading , and a "0" grade will be recorded for that report. Your LI will grade your Data Reports using Speed Grader on Canvas. Once your Data Report is graded, you have 48 hours to speak with your LI about a grading concern. After 48 hours, your Data Report grade will not be reviewed or adjusted. You cannot make up Data Reports.

6. Ethics Case Studies You will complete four Ethics Case Studies (see Course Schedule on page 8). You can earn a total of 5 points for each Ethics Case Study assignment, for a total of 20 points (NO CREDIT FOR LATE ASSIGNMENTS.). Each Ethics Case Study assignments will be posted on Canvas. Your assignment must be completed using complete sentences and proper grammar and spelling. You must submit a Word Document of your Ethics Case Study assignment on Canvas. Any Ethics Case Study assignments turned in late will not be accepted for grading, and a "0" grade will be recorded for that case study.

Your LI will grade your Ethics Case Study assignment using Speed Grader on Canvas. Once your Ethics Case Study assignment is graded, you have 48 hours to speak with your LI about a grading concern. After 48 hours, your grade will not be reviewed or adjusted. Any Ethics Case Study assignments turned in late will not be accepted for grading , and a "0" grade will be recorded for that report.

7. Concept Exam On December 9th, you will take a one-hour, multiple-choice exam DURING LECTURE that will have questions about the ethical and biological concepts presented in lecture and in lab. There will be 40 multiple-choice questions worth two points each on the exam (for a total of 80 points possible). 8.

Laboratory Practical Examination

During the week of December 2nd, you will take a one-hour "Laboratory Practical Examination" worth 80 points. The format and the method of administering the practical exam will be explained later in the semester. Each Laboratory Instructor will administer the Laboratory Practical Examinations for his/her sections.

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Gr ading Su mmary Your gr a de in B IO 206 L w i l l b e det er m ine d as f oll o ws : Lecture Questions

% of questions answered


Pre-Lab Homework (0.5 point each)

Top 10 Pre-Lab Homework assignments


Lab Quizzes (5 points each)

Top 10 Lab Quiz grades


Lab Performance (4 points each)

Top 10 Lab Performance grades


Data Reports (5 points each)

Four Data Reports


Ethics Case Studies (5 points each)

Four Ethics Case Studies


Concept Exam


Laboratory Practical Exam




This gives a total of 300 possible points. The course grade will be computed by dividing the sum of all points earned by 3 to obtain a score based upon a 100 point scale. If your score falls within one of the categories listed below, you are guaranteed the letter grade indicated. In this course your final course grade will be one of the following: 93-100 points = A, 90-92.99 points = A-, 87-89.99 points = B+, 83-86.99 points = B, 80-82.99 points = B-, 77-79.99 points = C+, 73-76.99 points = C, 70-72.99 points = C-, 67-69.99 points = D+, 63-66.99 = D, 60-62.99 = Dbelow 60 points = F. The grade you will receive at the end of the semester is the grade you earn. There is NO extra credit of any kind in this course. There is NO curving of grades at the end of the semester. All scores that will comprise the total final grade will be posted in LabClicker and Canvas. All student grades will be available for individual inspection on LabClicker and Canvas using your UT EID. This means YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE to review and confirm within 48 hours that your assignments have been graded correctly. Due to Federal law, scores and evaluation of your performance may be discussed ONLY during office hours or by appointment.

IMPORTANT Policies Policy on academic integrity (Honor Code): You are expected to maintain academic integrity. The University of Texas at Austin Honor Code states: “The core values of The University of Texas at Austin are learning, discovery, freedom, leadership, individual opportunity, and responsibility. Each member of the University is expected to uphold these values through integrity, honesty, trust, fairness, and respect toward peers and community.”

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All assignments must be your OWN work. All submitted assignments will be checked for evidence of cheating. When cheating is suspected, we will act in accordance with the University’s honor code policies. If you become aware of the scholastic dishonesty of a fellow student, you are obligated by the University Honor Code to report it. Students who violate the University’s policies on academic integrity are subject to disciplinary penalties, including the possibility of failure in the course and/or dismissal from the University. To see the UT academic dishonesty policy, please see: http://deanofstudents.utexas.edu/sjs/acadint_conseq.php

Arriving late to a Laboratory Exercise Students who arrive more than 15 minutes late to a laboratory period will not be allowed to participate in the lab exercise and will be marked as absent.

ONE Absence from Lab You may miss ONE lab (although I encourage you to attend every lab!). For this ONE missed lab, you may ask your lab group for their notes and data for writing a Data Report (if assigned). You can’t make Performance Points for the missed lab. And, if a Data Report is due, be sure to turn your in your Data Report on Canvas before your regular lab section begins.

MORE than one Absence from Lab If you have another lab absence (the second absence), the maximum number of points you can earn in the class is 250 (except for EXTRAORDINATRY circumstances). If you miss more than two labs, you will earn an ‘F’ in the course.

Policy on Religious Observance By UT Austin policy, you must notify me of your pending absence at least fourteen days prior to the date of observance of a religious holy day. If you must miss a lecture or lab or an examination in order to ...

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