Families and Households PDF

Title Families and Households
Author jiayu shi
Course Marketing Fundamentals
Institution University of New South Wales
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Chapter 6 Families and Households

Multiple Choice Questions 1. Which of the following is FALSE regarding purchasing clothing for infants? A) Gifts are a significant part of the market. B) New mothers look to other mothers in deciding what to buy. C) Collections and coordination are critical. D) Comfort is important, durability less so. E) Mothers want a special look for their baby that is different from other kids. Answer: C Page: 195 Difficulty: moderate 2. What is the basic consumption unit for most consumer goods? A) organization B) household C) individual D) husband E) wife Answer: B Page: 196 Difficulty: moderate 3. According to the Census Bureau, all the people who occupy a housing unit is defined as a _____. A) buying unit B) blended family C) family household D) household E) traditional family Answer: D Page: 196 Difficulty: moderate 4. Sarah and her three roommates share an apartment. According to the Census Bureau, Sarah and her roommates constitute a _____. A) family B) nontraditional family C) subculture D) blended family E) household Answer: E Page: 196 Difficulty: moderate


Chapter 6 Families and Households 5. A _____ has at least two members related by birth, marriage, or adoption, one of whom is the householder (i.e., the one who owns or rents the residence). A) family household B) blended family household C) consumption unit D) household E) nontraditional family household Answer: A Page: 196 Difficulty: moderate 6. John and Dawn have been married for over twenty years. They have lived in their home in Northville, MI (a suburb of Detroit) with their three children for most of those years. According to the Census Bureau, which type of household do they live in? A) suburban household B) urban household C) rural household D) blended family household E) family household Answer: E Page: 196 Difficulty: moderate 7. According to the Census Bureau, a _____ household is a householder living alone or exclusively with others to whom he or she is not related. A) family B) nonfamily C) traditional D) blended E) consumption Answer: B Page: 196 Difficulty: moderate 8. Eric and Elizabeth live together in the same apartment but are not married. According to the Census Bureau, which type of household do they represent? A) family household B) blended household C) nonfamily household D) nontraditional household E) nonconformist household Answer: C Page: 196 Difficulty: moderate


Chapter 6 Families and Households 9. Which type of family consists of a couple, one or both of whom were previously married, their children, and the children from the previous marriage of one or both parents? A) nontraditional family B) traditional family C) blended family D) step family E) combination family Answer: C Page: 196 Difficulty: moderate 10. Ashley and her husband just had their first child. Ashley was married previously, and her two children from that marriage also live with Ashley and her current husband. Which type of family is this? A) nontraditional family B) traditional family C) blended family D) secondary family E) combination family Answer: C Page: 196 Difficulty: moderate 11. Which type of family consists of a married couple and their own or adopted children living at home? A) nontraditional family B) traditional family C) blended family D) step family E) combination family Answer: B Page: 197 Difficulty: moderate 12. Barry and Laurie have been married for almost twenty years, and this is the first marriage for both of them. They have two children living at home. Which type of family is this? A) nontraditional family B) traditional family C) blended family D) step family E) combination family


Chapter 6 Families and Households Answer: B Page: 197 Difficulty: moderate


Chapter 6 Families and Households 13. Which of the following is a household factor that influences purchase and consumption behavior? A) structure of household unit B) stage of the household life cycle C) household decision process D) a and b E) a, b, and c Answer: E Page: 197 Difficulty: easy 14. Which of the following is a reason marketers rarely target unmarried couples? A) it is illegal B) it is not cost efficient C) their purchasing power is minimal D) they are not easy to identify and reach E) they don't have different needs than married couples Answer: D Page: 198 Difficulty: moderate 15. Which of the following is NOT a reason for the decline in traditional families? A) an increase in single parent households as a result of divorce B) an increase in single individuals as the median age of marriage is delayed C) an increase in sole survivors as the percentage of the population over 65 has grown significantly D) a change in the way the Census Bureau has defined “traditional family” E) all of the above are reasons for the decline in traditional families Answer: D Page: 198 Difficulty: hard 16. Most families pass through an orderly progression of stages, each with its own characteristics, financial situation, and purchasing patterns, which is the basic assumption underlying the _____ approach. A) household life cycle (HLC) B) product life cycle (PLC) C) brand life cycle (BLC) D) inevitable cycle (IC) E) predicable cycle (PC) Answer: A Page: 199 Difficulty: easy


Chapter 6 Families and Households 17. Stages of the household life cycle are based on ____. A) age of the adult members B) marital status of the adult members C) presence of children D) age of children E) all of the above Answer: E Page: 199 Difficulty: easy 18. Which of the following is considered a “Younger” (i.e., < 35) stage of the household life cycle? A) Single parent II B) Single II C) Single III D) Full nest I E) Empty nest I Answer: D Page: 200 Difficulty: moderate 19. Which of the following is NOT considered a “Middle-aged” (i.e., 35-64) stage of the household life cycle? A) Single II B) Full nest II C) Delayed full nest I D) Single parent II E) Empty nest II Answer: E Page: 200 Difficulty: moderate 20. Which of the following is considered an “Older” (i.e., > 64) stage of the household life cycle? A) Single II B) Delayed full nest I C) Single III D) Single parent II E) Empty nest I Answer: C Page: 200 Difficulty: moderate


Chapter 6 Families and Households 21. Which HLC group is basically the unmarried members of the younger Generation Xers and older Generation Yers? A) Single I B) Single II C) Single III D) Single X/Y E) Empty nest Answer: A Page: 200 Difficulty: moderate 22. Half of females classified as “Single I” _____. A) live alone B) live with parent(s) C) live with others D) are divorced E) are engaged to be married Answer: C Page: 200 Difficulty: hard 23. Mike is 23 years old recent college graduate and is starting his career as a pharmaceutical sales representative. He will be living in an extended-stay hotel in the city where he will undergo training, but once he finishes that, he plans on renting a nice apartment with a friend of his from college. He also wants to purchase a sports car and save money for a ski vacation next year. To which stage of the household life cycle does Mike belong? A) Single I B) Single II C) Beginning D) Introduction E) Growth Answer: A Page: 201 Difficulty: moderate


Chapter 6 Families and Households 24. Julie and Bart are both in their late 20s and recently married. They have no children and are learning how to make joint decisions. Recent purchase/service decisions were related to household furnishings, a washer and dryer, and insurance coverage. Which stage of the household life cycle are they experiencing? A) young married B) full nest C) empty nest D) introduction E) growth Answer: A Page: 200-201 Difficulty: easy 25. When a couple has children, expenditures on which of the following does NOT usually decrease? A) alcoholic beverages B) meals out C) health care D) personal care products E) adult apparel Answer: C Page: 203 Difficulty: hard 26. Stacy and Adam have just had their first child, and they hope to have two more. They can expect expenditures on which of the following to increase? A) meals out B) education C) personal care products D) food at home E) alcoholic beverages Answer: D Page: 203 Difficulty: hard 27. Roughly what percentage of children are born to unmarried mothers, a percentage that has been relatively stable since 1995? A) one-tenth B) one-quarter C) one-third D) one-half E) two-thirds Answer: C Page: 203-204 Difficulty: hard !140

Chapter 6 Families and Households


Chapter 6 Families and Households 28. While roughly one-third of children are born to unmarried mothers, this may not be an accurate representation of the situation. A more accurate representation of the situation may be gained by looking at the percentage of American households that are single-parent families. What is that percentage? A) 2 percent B) 5 percent C) 9 percent D) 14 percent E) 21 percent Answer: C Page: 204 Difficulty: hard 29. Which stage of the household life cycle is made up of people between the ages of 35 and 64 who have never married and those who are divorced and have no child-rearing responsibilities? A) middle-aged single (or single II) B) middle-aged childless C) empty nest I D) empty nest II E) single III Answer: A Page: 204 Difficulty: moderate 30. Bobbie is 47 years old and has never been married and does not have any children of her own. She lives alone and doesn't like to cook because most recipes feed more than one person. She can only eat so many leftovers, and she usually forgets about it if she freezes to eat at a later date. So she purchases frozen dinners and canned food that come in single servings. To which stage of the household life cycle does Bobbie belong? A) middle-aged single (or single II) B) middle-aged empty nest C) empty nest I D) empty nest II E) single III Answer: A Page: 204 Difficulty: moderate


Chapter 6 Families and Households 31. Which of the following is NOT a description of the household life cycle stage known as “Empty Nest I: Middle-Aged with No Children”? A) married couples who have never had children B) second marriages in which children from a first marriage are not living with the parent C) married couples whose children have left home D) married couples who have adopted children who are still living at home E) all of the above are characteristics of this household life cycle stage Answer: D Page: 204-205 Difficulty: hard 32. Tony and Katie are in their 50s, and both have careers that keep them very busy. However, their children are grown, so they have more free time and money than they used to have. Which type of product or service are they likely to spend LESS money on than they have in the past? A) food at home B) expensive vacations C) meals out D) house-cleaning E) luxury cars Answer: A Page: 205 Difficulty: moderate 33. The trend toward later marriage and children has resulted in which of the following? A) Over 80 percent of all married couples with children under 18 now fall into the middle age HLC categories of delayed full nest I and full nest II. B) Now, 69 percent of all married couples with children under 18 fall into the middle age HLC categories of delayed full nest I and full nest II. C) Now, the empty nest I HLC category does not begin until married couples are over 64 years old. D) The stage of the HLC labeled empty nest I no longer exists. E) Now, 69 percent of all married couples do not experience the empty nest II stage of the HLC. Answer: B Page: 205-206 Difficulty: hard


Chapter 6 Families and Households 34. What is a major difference between delayed full nest I and younger new parents? A) the number of children B) income C) education D) commitment E) years married Answer: B Page: 206 Difficulty: moderate 35. Sheila and Jim are both professionals in their late 30s and have two children under the age of five. Which stage of the household life cycle are they in? A) young married B) full nest I C) full nest II D) delayed full nest I E) laggards Answer: D Page: 205-206 Difficulty: moderate 36. What is a major difference between the full nest II and delayed full nest I stages of the household life cycle? A) income B) age of the parents C) age of the children D) number of children E) years married Answer: C Page: 206 Difficulty: moderate 37. Teresa and John are both in their 40s and have two children living at home. Their daughter, Erin, is 14 years old, and their son, Stephen, is 11 years old. To which stage of the household life cycle do they belong? A) young married B) full nest I C) full nest II D) delayed full nest I E) laggards Answer: C Page: 206 Difficulty: moderate


Chapter 6 Families and Households 38. Teri and Ed are in their 40s, are childless, and were married for 15 years but are now divorced. However, Teri has always wanted children, so she adopted a daughter, who is now two years old. To which stage of the household life cycle does Teri and her daughter belong? A) single parent I B) divorced parent I C) single parent II D) full nest I E) delayed full nest I Answer: C Page: 206 Difficulty: moderate 39. Consumers in which stage of the household life cycle are over 64 years of age, are either fully or partially retired, are healthy, active, and often financially well-off, and are a big market for RVs, cruises, and second homes? A) single I B) single II C) empty nest I D) empty nest II E) delayed empty nest Answer: D Page: 206-207 Difficulty: moderate 40. Ray is retired, and he and his wife are both in their late 60s. They are healthy, active, and financially well-off. They purchased an RV and plan to travel to all of the continental United States. Which stage of the household life cycle describes them? A) childless B) jobless C) retired D) empty nest I E) empty nest II Answer: E Page: 207 Difficulty: moderate 41. Consumers who are single due to the death of a spouse are labeled _____. A) “single by death” B) “single by choice” C) “single by circumstances” D) “single again” E) “unwillingly single”


Chapter 6 Families and Households Answer: C Page: 207 Difficulty: moderate


Chapter 6 Families and Households 42. Barbara is a 72 years old and has been a widow for almost three years. She would be labeled _____. A) “single by death” B) “single by choice” C) “single by circumstances” D) “single again” E) “unwillingly single” Answer: C Page: 207 Difficulty: moderate 43. Research suggests that older singles that are single by circumstances (i.e., death of a spouse) will _____. A) be less innovative B) be more risk averse C) be more price sensitive D) engage in coping behaviors such as spending more time watching television E) all of the above Answer: E Page: 207 Difficulty: easy 44. The vertical axis in the HLC/occupational category matrix represents _____, which determines the problems the household will likely encounter. A) a set of occupational categories B) the number of children in the household C) the household income D) stage in the household life cycle E) current economic conditions Answer: D Page: 208-209 Difficulty: moderate 45. The horizontal axis in the HLC/occupational category matrix represents _____, which provides a range of acceptable solutions. A) a set of occupational categories B) the number of children in the household C) the household income D) stage in the household life cycle E) current economic conditions Answer: A Page: 208-209 Difficulty: moderate


Chapter 6 Families and Households 46. _____ is the process by which decisions that directly or indirectly involve two or more family members are made. A) Household decision making B) Consumer decision making C) Family decision making D) Joint decision making E) Group decision making Answer: C Page: 209 Difficulty: easy 47. A family purchase decision differs from an organizational decision in _____. A) the level of emotion involved B) the involvement of multiple people in the decision C) the absence of time pressure D) the fact that different people play different roles in the purchase E) all of the above Answer: A Page: 209 Difficulty: moderate 48. Which of the following is a family purchase role? A) initiator B) information gatherer C) user D) purchaser E) all of the above Answer: E Page: 210 Difficulty: easy 49. The family member who first recognizes a need or starts the purchase process is known as the _____. A) initiator B) information gatherer C) influencer D) decision maker E) user Answer: A Page: 210 Difficulty: moderate


Chapter 6 Families and Households 50. Stan has noticed that his car is not working properly and that it is getting expensive to repair. Thus, he gathered his family together to discuss the purchase of a new automobile. In terms of family purchase roles, which one best describes Stan's actions? A) initiator B) information gatherer C) influencer D) decision maker E) user Answer: A Page: 210 Difficulty: moderate 51. While Katie and Matthew are the children in the family, they do influence the alternatives considered for their family's summer vacation. What role do Katie and Matthew play in this family decision? A) initiators B) information gatherers C) influencers D) decision makers E) purchasers Answer: C Page: 210 Difficulty: moderate 52. Which family purchase role is played by the individual(s) who makes the final decision? A) initiator B) information gatherer C) influencer D) decision maker E) user Answer: D Page: 210 Difficulty: easy


Chapter 6 Families and Households 53. Bob is in the 6th grade. His family does not own a computer, and he really needs one to do his homework. He also wants one so he can play some of the games he hears his friends talking about. His parents realize that he needs a computer, but they really have no need for one and probably will never use it. Since they don't know much about computers, they are letting Bob do all the research and asked him to find the options that will meet his needs. However, his parents are the ones who will make the final decision on how much to spend and which computer to purchase. In terms of the family purchase roles, which role does Bob's parents play? A) initiator B) information gatherer C) influencer D) decision maker E) user Answer: D Page: 210 Difficulty: easy 54. What family purchase role is played by the individual who actually purchases the product the family has decided upon? A) initiator B) information gatherer C) influencer D) decision maker E) purchaser Answer: E Page: 210 Difficulty: easy 55. While the entire family is usually involved in major purchase decisions, Lisa is the one who usually makes the actual purchase. What family purchase role does Lisa play? A) initiator B) information gatherer C) influencer D) decision maker E) purchaser Answer: E Page: 210 Difficulty: moderate


Chapter 6 Families and Households 56. Carla and John are both children, but they use their family's electronic equipment such as TVs, DVD players, and stereo equipment. They did not play much of a role in the purchase decision on which brands to buy, but their parents did consider their needs when deciding on which products and brands to purchase. In terms of family purchase roles, what role do these children play? A) initiator B) information gatherer C) influencer D) user E) both c and d Answer: E Page: 210 Difficulty: hard 57. Which of the following are ways to categorize family decision making? A) husband-dominant B) wife-dominant C) individualized D) child-dominant E) all of the above Answer: E Page: 210-211 Difficulty: easy 58. Hank and Carol have been married for over 20 years, and in that time they have purchased six automobiles. Hank is the one who usually does all the research and decides what they can afford, while Carol just gets involved when it's time to decide among a few alternatives, and she really only cares about the comfort and styling. Which of the following category of family decision making does this illustrate? A) husband-dominant B) wife-dominant C) individualized D) single role E) dual role Answer: A Page: 210 Difficulty: easy


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