Fdiel - task 1 PDF

Title Fdiel - task 1
Course Fundamentals of Diversity, Inclusion, and Exceptional Learners
Institution Western Governors University
Pages 7
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task 1...


Airiana 0Kibbler 0 Western 0Governors 0University 7/17/2019 Fundamentals 0of 0Diversity, 0inclusion, 0and 0Exceptional 0Leaners

B 01. 0In 0video 0#213, 0the 0teacher 0has 0a 0wide, 0diverse 0group 0of 0students 0including 0white, 0Hispanic, 0Asian, 0Black, 0and 0multiple 0race 0students. 0The 0students 0are 0studying 0Ellis 0Island 0and 0immigration. 0The 0teacher 0has 0given 0the 0students 0True 0or 0False 0questions 0in 0regards 0to 0the 0lesson. 0She 0has 0also 0created 0small 0prompts 0for 0the 0students 0to 0critically 0think 0about 0what 0they 0would 0do 0if 0they 0were 0in 0that 0situation 0on 0Ellis 0Island. 0The 0students 0have 0small 0discussions 0with 0one 0another 0to 0talk 0about 0the 0unfairness 0and 0inequality 0the 0immigrants 0faced. 0 B 01 0a. 0With 0the 0teacher 0choosing 0a 0lesson 0about 0Ellis 0Island 0and 0immigration, 0she 0is 0helping 0students 0recognize 0their 0own 0biases 0towards 0other 0cultures 0and 0classes 0such 0as 0first 0and 0second 0class 0and 0people 0in 0poverty. 0She 0is 0showcasing 0cultural 0pluralism 0by 0showing 0the 0different 0societies 0of 0immigrants. 0Unlike 0the 0melting 0pot 0idea, 0“cultural 0pluralism 0does 0not 0require 0cultural 0groups 0to 0relinquish 0or 0abandon 0their 0cultural 0heritage 0(Garguilo, 02015). 0This 0allows 0the 0students 0to 0recognize 0and 0appreciate 0their 0differences 0culturally 0and 0linguistically. 0The 0teacher 0creates 0an 0open 0floor 0discussion 0in 0the 0small 0groups. 0She 0asks 0open 0ended 0questions 0in 0regards 0to 0the 0lesson. 0This 0allows 0the 0students 0to 0learn 0from 0other 0students 0perspectives 0on 0immigration 0and 0how 0immigrants 0are 0treated. 0 B 01 0b. 0The 0teacher 0could 0use 0Bilingual 0Education 0to 0further 0expand 0on 0the 0lesson 0of 0immigration. 0She 0has 0a 0wide 0array 0of 0students 0that 0speak 0different 0languages. 0Using 0bilingual 0education 0to 0build 0off 0multicultural 0education 0would 0further 0emphasize 0each 0student’s 0culture 0and 0differences. 0 B 01 0c. 0I 0would 0use 0the 0strategy 0of 0bilingual 0education 0in 0this 0lesson. 0By 0taking 0advantage 0of 0the 0small 0groups 0and 0open 0discussion, 0the 0students 0who 0felt 0comfortable 0to 0speak 0in 0their 0native 0language 0could 0teach 0other 0students 0that 0primarily 0speak 0English 0different 0words. 0This 0would 0further 0expand 0the 0idea 0that 0different 0cultures 0and 0languages 0are 0similar 0but 0help 0them 0recognize 0and 0appreciate 0their 0differences. 0The 0students 0that 0only 0speak 0English 0would 0recognize 0that 0their 0friends 0from 0different 0backgrounds 0had 0to 0learn 0a 0new 0language 0to 0adapt 0to 0the 0melting 0pot. 0They 0could 0also 0see 0that 0the 0students 0with 0different 0backgrounds 0still 0recognize 0their 0culture 0and 0linguistic 0diversity. B 02. 0In 0video 0#379, 0a 0class 0of 02nd 0graders 0are 0separated 0into 0small 0groups 0of 0a 0variety 0of 0students 0from 0different 0ethnicities, 0language 0proficiencies, 0and 0academic 0achievements. 0The 0teacher 0uses 0the 0small 0group 0strategy 0to 0support 0a 0culturally 0diverse 0learning 0environment. 0With 0the 0students 0listening 0to 0one 0another, 0they 0are 0able 0to

0listen 0and 0engage 0with 0other 0students 0of 0different 0cultures. 0The 0students 0are 0discussing 0a 0text 0they 0had 0just 0read. 0The 0teacher 0was 0instructing 0the 0students 0how 0to 0read 0a 0text 0and 0use 0reading 0comprehension 0strategies 0to 0cognize 0the 0text 0they 0just 0read. 0The 0key 0to 0the 0students’ 0success 0is 0due 0to 0the 0teacher’s 0engagement 0and 0the 0rich 0oral 0discussion 0between 0the 0teacher 0and 0student, 0the 0peer 0to 0peer 0discussion 0and 0the 0whole 0small 0group 0discussion. 0This 0oral 0language 0is 0incredibly 0helpful 0for 0raising 0all 0students 0language 0proficiency 0whether 0they 0are 0English 0learners 0or 0students 0with 0low 0vocabulary. 0For 0example, 0the 0teacher 0uses 0complex 0sentences 0which 0is 0scaffolded 0for 0all 0of 0the 0students 0meaning 0comprehensible 0input. 0In 0addition, 0the 0healthy 0and 0safe 0relationship 0between 0all 0members 0of 0the 0classroom 0is 0tremendous 0social 0interaction 0in 0supporting 0all 0aspects 0of 0learning. 0Nevertheless, 0the 0teacher’s 0continued 0focus 0on 0teaching 0reading 0strategies 0as 0opposed 0to 0teaching 0based 0on 0a 0close 0reading 0of 0the 0text 0will 0be 0more 0effective 0in 0improvement 0of 0reading 0comprehension. 0This 0is 0especially 0true 0for 0students 0who 0have 0limited 0background 0knowledge 0simply 0because 0of 0their 0experiences 0differing 0from 0the 0typical 0stories 0found 0in 0basal 0reading 0series. 0 0B 02 0a. 0By 0using 0small 0groups 0composed 0of 0different 0students 0in 0all 0aspects, 0the 0students 0are 0able 0to 0develop 0higher 0order 0thinking. 0This 0strategy 0is 0effective 0to 0ensure 0students 0engage 0in 0a 0culturally 0diverse 0setting, 0as 0seen 0in 0the 0open 0discussion 0composed 0in 0the 0video. 0Every 0student 0is 0involved 0regardless 0of 0their 0ethnicity, 0language 0proficiencies, 0and 0academic 0achievements. 0Small 0groups 0create 0an 0environment 0that 0encourages 0generating 0questions, 0giving 0opinions, 0and 0comparing 0different 0thoughts 0given 0by 0other 0students 0from 0different 0cultures 0and 0backgrounds. 0This 0strategy 0also 0teaches 0students 0how 0to 0use 0oral 0communication 0to 0increase 0their 0abilities 0using 0the 0English 0language. 0The 0dual 0language 0setting 0of 0the 0classroom 0is 0highly 0effective 0for 0all 0students 0regardless 0of 0their 0native 0language. 0

B 03. 0In 0video 0#546 0all 07 0high 0school 0students 0have 0severe 0disabilities 0and 0are 0all 0non-verbal. 0Five 0of 0the 0students 0use 0wheelchairs 0for 0all 0mobility 0and 0two 0students 0use 0wheelchairs 0for 0some 0mobility 0and 0walk 0with 0assistance 0for 0short 0distances. 0The 0students 0all 0sit 0at 0one 0table 0that 0is 0easy 0to 0access 0with 0their 0wheelchairs. 0The 0teacher 0is 0standing 0at 0the 0front 0of 0the 0room 0giving 0the 0lesson 0of 0how 0to 0bake 0a 0cake 0while 0the 0paraprofessional 0is 0sitting 0among 0the 0students 0assisting 0the 0lesson. 0The 0room 0is 0considerably 0smaller 0than 0traditional 0classrooms. 0Also, 0the 0environment 0is 0louder 0than 0traditional 0classroom 0environments.

0B 03 0a. 0Every 0student 0in 0this 0class 0uses 0some 0type 0of 0accommodation 0in 0their 0classroom. 0All 0of 0the 0students 0use 0a 0wheelchair 0and 0the 0table 0is 0a 0perfect 0accommodation 0to 0meet 0their 0needs 0to 0write 0and 0be 0involved 0in 0the 0lesson. 0All 0of 0the 0students 0use 0some 0type 0of 0communication 0device 0to 0answer 0yes 0or 0no 0to 0questions. 0There 0is 0even 0a 0student 0sleeping 0during 0the 0lesson. 0The 0student 0has 0a 0medical 0condition 0that 0keeps 0her 0awake 0for 0days 0and 0then 0sleeps 0for 0long 0periods 0of 0time. 0The 0student 0is 0undisturbed. 0This 0is 0a 0huge 0accommodation 0for 0her 0because 0her 0health 0is 0so 0much 0important 0than 0the 0lesson. 0B 03 0b. 0The 0students 0are 0very 0limited 0on 0what 0they 0are 0able 0to 0do 0while 0cooking. 0The 0use 0of 0switches 0for 0every 0individual 0student 0is 0very 0beneficial 0in 0making 0sure 0all 0of 0the 0students 0are 0able 0to 0get 0involved 0in 0the 0lesson. 0The 0teacher 0does 0a 0good 0job 0finding 0balance 0between 0their 0needs 0and 0health 0and 0the 0importance 0of 0the 0lesson. 0 0B 03 0c. 0The 0teacher 0did 0an 0excellent 0job 0in 0teaching 0the 0lesson. 0One 0way 0I 0would 0further 0the 0support 0for 0the 0students 0is 0have 0the 0IAs 0more 0involved. 0They 0were 0very 0stand 0offish 0towards 0the 0students 0and 0the 0lesson. 0There 0could 0have 0been 0more 0encouragement 0from 0them 0for 0the 0students 0and 0teacher. 0I 0also 0would 0try 0to 0be 0more 0consistent 0when 0providing 0assistance 0to 0the 0students. 0These 0students 0would 0benefit 0with 0a 0fixed-interval 0reinforcement 0schedule, 0giving 0them 0something 0to 0look 0forward 0to.

B 04. 0The 0teacher 0in 0Understanding 0and 0Interpreting 0Non-Fiction 0Texts, 0differentiates 0instruction 0by 0using 0different 0instructional 0resources 0to 0engage 0ELL 0students 0in 0listening, 0speaking, 0reading, 0writing, 0and 0thinking 0activities. 0The 05th 0grade 0teacher 0has 0seven 0ELL 0students. 0The 0teacher 0is 0able 0to 0communicate 0through 0Spanish 0when 0necessary 0to 0help 0the 0students 0express 0their 0thoughts 0when 0frustrated 0trying 0to 0communicate 0in 0English. 0The 0lesson 0is 0covering 0animal 0adaptation 0and 0survival. 0She 0has 0the 0students 0read 0a 0book 0covering 0animals 0in 0their 0environments. 0She 0then 0has 0them 0fill 0out 0KWL 0or 0What 0I 0Know, 0What 0I 0Want 0to 0Know, 0and 0What 0I 0Learned 0chart 0throughout 0the 0lesson, 0helping 0the 0students 0expand 0on 0prior 0knowledge 0with 0new 0material. 0They 0are 0then 0exposed 0to 0an 0open 0floor 0discussion 0about 0the 0text 0and 0what 0they 0learned. 0 0B 04 0a. 0Scaffolding 0is 0effective 0in 0any 0type 0of 0learning. 0Being 0able 0to 0take 0something 0one 0already 0knows 0and 0expand 0on 0this 0prior 0knowledge, 0students 0are 0able 0to 0comprehend 0the 0material 0in 0a 0more 0efficient 0manner. 0The 0teacher 0uses 0visuals, 0discussions, 0and 0writing 0materials 0to 0engage 0all 0the 0students 0in 0the 0lesson. 0The 0students 0appear 0to 0be 0involved 0in 0the 0learning 0process 0versus 0just 0watching 0the 0teacher 0give 0a 0lesson. 0

C. 

I 0consider 0the 0philosophy 0of 0constructivism 0will 0benefit 0my 0future 0diverse 0and 0exceptional 0students 0social, 0emotional, 0intellectual 0and 0physical 0needs. 0Through 0the 05 0E 0model, 0learners 0build 0and 0construct 0new 0ideas 0by 0using 0old 0ideas 0previously 0learned. 0Students 0begin 0by 0Engaging 0in 0an 0activity. 0The 0activity 0should 0be 0used 0to 0build 0up 0previous 0work 0while 0introducing 0new 0ideas. 0The 0students 0then 0Explore 0these 0new 0ideas 0by 0actively 0discovering 0their 0environment 0or 0through 0materials 0given 0by 0the 0teacher. 0Next, 0the 0students 0Explain 0the 0new 0concepts 0they 0have 0been 0exploring. 0Through 0verbal 0explanation, 0the 0students 0are 0able 0to 0build 0their 0social 0skills. 0Finally, 0students 0Evaluate 0what 0was 0the 0new 0ideas. 0Evaluation 0and 0assessment 0can 0occur 0at 0all 0stages 0along 0the 0range 0of 0this 0process. 0This 0model 0involves 0all 0students 0in 0every 0aspect 0of 0the 0learning 0process. 0

In 0video 0#113, 0the 0teacher 0implements 0scaffolding 0into 0her 0lesson. 0I 0had 0never 0heard 0of 0the 0KWL 0graphic 0organizer. 0I 0think 0this 0instructional 0resource 0is 0valuable 0in 0practicing 0the 0constructivism 0type 0learning. 0

Despite 0not 0knowing 0the 0entire 0background 0on 0the 0situation, 0video 0#43 0has 0separated 0the 0classes 0based 0on 0gender. 0I 0am 0not 0sure 0how 0this 0is 0effective 0in 0teaching 0students 0about 0diversity 0and 0other 0perspectives. 0Boys 0and 0girls 0see 0the 0world 0differently, 0and 0it 0is 0important 0for 0each 0gender 0to 0understand 0each 0perspective. 0

In 0video 0#213, 0The 0classroom 0environment 0seems 0very 0relaxed. 0The 0students 0seem 0to 0be 0able 0to 0express 0their 0thoughts 0to 0their 0teacher 0and 0not 0feel 0judged. 0They 0are 0able 0to 0use 0instructional 0materials 0and 0build 0off 0that 0information 0to 0create 0an 0open 0discussion. 0The 0small 0groups 0create 0an 0environment 0allowing 0the 0students 0to 0engage 0with 0one 0another 0while 0not 0being 0left 0behind 0like 0in 0a 0whole 0group 0discussion

C 01. 0ADAA 0or 0Americans 0with 0Disabilities 0Act 0Amendments 0will 0be 0applied 0into 0my 0teaching 0because 0it 0insures 0no 0child 0is 0left 0behind. 0ADAA 0is 0when 0legislation 0revised 0the 0definition 0of 0a 0disability 0in 0favor 0of 0a 0broader 0interpretation, 0thereby 0extending 0protections 0to 0greater 0numbers 0of 0individuals 0(Gargiulo, 02015). 0ADAA 0can 0be 0implemented 0in 0my 0classroom 0by 0using 0tables 0all 0students 0can 0use 0easily 0and 0without 0distraction. 0By 0only 0using 0standard 0desks, 0some 0students 0are 0limited 0if 0they 0use 0a 0wheel 0chair 0or 0have 0to 0be 0moved 0up 0during 0lecture 0because 0of 0their 0hearing 0impairment. 0

References GARGIULO, 0R. 0(2015). 0SPECIAL 0EDUCATION 0IN 0CONTEMPORARY 0SOCIETY(5TH 0ED.). 0Thousand 0Oaks, 0CA: 0SAGE 0Publishing....

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