Feb 26, 2019 - Thesis outline draft PDF

Title Feb 26, 2019 - Thesis outline draft
Author Lawrence De Jesus
Course Chemistry
Institution University of Southern Mindanao
Pages 26
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CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF LOCAL TURMERIC TEA IN USM, KABACAN, COTABATO LAWRENCE DHANIEL L. DE JESUS A Thesis Outline Submitted to the Department of Chemistry, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Southern Mindanao Kabacan, Cotabato in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of BACHEL...




A Thesis Outline Submitted to the Department of Chemistry, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Southern Mindanao Kabacan, Cotabato in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN CHEMISTRY



Page INTRODUCTION Significance of the Study


Objectives of the Study


Scope and Limitations


Time and Place of the Study






Collection of Commercial Tea Samples


Collection Tea Samples and Analysis


Determination of Moisture


Determination of Ash Content


Determination of Crude Fat


Determination of Crude Fiber


Determination of Crude Protein


Determination of Carbohydrates




Determination of Total Sugars


Determination of Curcumin





Significance of the study

Turmeric or luyang dilaw comes from the ginger family thriving in tropical countries such as those in South Asia, it is widely distributed in the Philippines in and about towns, sometimes in open waste places and sometimes planted. The plant parts that can be utilized in this plant are its rhizome and leaves. [ CITATION Rey18 \l 1033 ] This herbaceous perennial plant is boiled, dried, and then ground to its popular orange-yellow powdered form that is slightly bitter and slightly peppery hot to taste. The ground turmeric powder has numerous culinary uses; however, the highlight of this study would be its tea derivative. The popularity of turmeric as a superfood has been escalating throughout the years. This spice has been present since the ancient times and was primarily utilized to combat different conditions brought on by inflammation. Nowadays, turmeric is available in the market in different forms and incorporated into numerous products, one of the most popular being turmeric tea. [ CITATION Mer17 \l 1033 ] Turmeric tea may be used to alleviate numerous body conditions and assist in the treatment of many others. (Mercola, 2017) Moreover, nutrients found in turmeric do more than just prevent deficiency diseases. It has a high nutritional status that can be exploited. The curcumin contains vitamins or vitamin precursor which produces Vitamin C, beta – carotene as well as polyphenol coupled with fatty acid and essential oil. The leaves are known as great source of vitamin and minerals (Chattopadhyan et al., 2004)


Tea is the second most extensively consumed beverage in the world (Mukhopadhyay et al., 2012), following water, and has a slightly cooling, astringent flavor (Mondal et al., 2004). The drink is prepared from the evergreen perennial shrub called Camellia sinensis l. (Mukhopadhyay et al., 2013). The tender leaves are processed to make a drink that gives people the stimulus necessary for doing mental and physical work. When Filipinos take their tea, it’s for a deliberate purpose—for better health. Hence, it is important to determine the quality of the tea we are drinking to ensure that we get the full nutritional benefits it can provide. Interestingly, “tea is also more than just another health drink”, which can easily be seen in how tea-drinking countries treat it as if it were as necessary as water. For these countries, facets of their history and culture center around tea. The Dutch and the Portuguese were credited to have brought tea to the Western world, two powers that were also notoriously at odds with the Spanish monarchy that colonized the Philippines. (“History of Tea”, 2018) Quality is defined as the totality of features relevant to the ability of a product to fulfill its requirements (ISO 2005). Food quality is the characteristics of food that is acceptable to consumers which caters to the different demands of the manufacturer and consumer. Hence, when the product is sold to the market, nutritional or qualitative analysis of the food product (turmeric tea) is crucial in making sure it is safe for consumption.

The University of Southern Mindanao – USMARC and PICRI, both heads of research and development produce the best quality products the university has to


offer. These contribute widely to the local markets in the Philippines through their research and development activities that aid with the industrialization and economic stability of the country. One of the quality products produced by the USMARC and PICRI research centers is the organically grown Turmeric tea, labeled as, “Instant Turmeric Tea” and is sold as a local product within the University of Southern Mindanao. The study gears towards proving the quality of our local products via qualitative analysis of “Instant Turmeric Tea”. Moreover, this study seeks to provide a proper nutritive label for the local product. The nutritive label provided at the end of this study will prove significant for future consumers and when sold commercially, exported into the foreign markets.


Objectives of the Study

In view of the stated facts, the treatise will be under taken generally to the qualitative analysis of turmeric tea from USM. Moreover, this study specifically aims to: 1. Measure total sugar, fat content, protein content, ash, moisture, pH, carbohydrates, fiber, and curcumin content of Instant Turmeric Tea (powder) 2. Measure quality of the local raw turmeric product based on the set parameters. 3. Compare data from the first and second objectives to determine the quality of the Instant Turmeric Tea based on the raw turmeric product.

Expected Output

1. Total sugar, fat content, protein content, ash, moisture, pH, carbohydrates, fiber, and curcumin content of Instant Turmeric Tea (powder) 2. Quality of raw turmeric product based on the mentioned parameters from the first objective. 3. Data comparison of raw turmeric product vs Instant Turmeric tea to determine the quality of the Instant Turmeric Tea based on its raw unprocessed form.


Scope and Limitation of the Study This study will be focusing on qualitative analysis of Instant Tea-Turmeric acquired from the High Yield Crops Processing building, with courtesy of the College of Agriculture staffs responsible for distribution of samples at the University of Southern Mindanao, Kabacan, North Cotabato. This will be limited on the analysis of the total sugar, fat content, protein content, ash, moisture, pH, carbohydrates, fiber, and curcumin content of local USM turmeric tea (powder).

Time and place of the study

This study will be conducted from February 2019, at USM, Kabacan, North Cotabato. Instant Tea-Turmeric samples will be collected from the High Yield Crops Processing building. The processing and qualitative analysis of the samples will be done at the Laboratory Rooms, Chemistry Department, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Southern Mindanao, Kabacan, North Cotabato.


Curcuma longa L

Curcuma longa Linn. (Family: Zingiberaceae), commonly known as turmeric, is one such perennial herb. Its rhizomes and oils have great importance as it is extensively used as spice in domestic cooking. In combination with other natural dyes, it is also used as a coloring agent for textiles, pharmaceuticals, confectionary and cosmetics (Singh et al., 2010). In Indian system of medicine, turmeric rhizomes are used for stomachache, as a blood purifier, carminative, appetizer and tonic. The essential oil extracted from turmeric also possesses anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antihepatotoxic and antiarthritic activities. [CITATION JJu09 \l 1033 ] Turmeric has very good nutritive and medicinal values. Turmeric contains protein (6.3 percent), fat (5.1 percent), minerals (3.5 percent), carbohydrates (63.0 percent), fibre (6.1 percent), moisture (13.1 percent), calcium (0.02 percent), phosphorus (0.26 percent), iron (0.05 percent), sodium (0.01 percent) and potassium (2.5 percent). Vitamins presents in turmeric are vitamin B1 (0.09 mg/100 g), vitamin B2 (0.19 mg/100 g), vitamin C (49.8 mg/100 g) and niacin (4.8 mg/100 g). Turmeric contains up to 5 per cent essential oils and 3 per cent curcumin, a polyphenol. (Chattopadhyay et. al., 2004)


Effects of Curcumin in the Body

Curcumin, according to previous studies have been known to exhibit poor bioavailability in the human body when administered orally. It is due to their rapid degradation and poor absorption in the gastrointestinal tract, which results in low plasma concentrations and a very low distribution in tissues. (Rao et al., 2017) Yet despite its very poor bioavailability and absorption in the body tissues, curcumin has been recognized as an important therapeutic natural product. The highest medical value of curcumin is its strong antioxidant effect and its binding to inflammatory transcription factors as to precursors whether chronic diseases or tumors. These results come from previous studies on Curcumin; a very small number of clinical trials were conducted specifically on humans in order to fully confirm and prove its effectiveness. [ CITATION Hew17 \l 1033 ] Curcumin has a property of donating electrons in order to neutralize free radicals by creating stable products, and thus breaking a chain reaction of creating free radicals in a living organism. Curcumins’ ability of capturing hydrogen peroxide is higher than that of the commercial antioxidants (BHA, BHT, vitamin E). [ CITATION AkT08 \l 1033 ]. Ingesting curcumin by itself does not lead to the associated health benefits due to its poor bioavailability, which appears to be primarily due to poor absorption, rapid metabolism, and rapid elimination. There are several components that can increase bioavailability. For example, piperine is the major active component of black pepper and, when combined in a complex with curcumin, has been shown to increase bioavailability by 2000%. Curcumin combined with enhancing agents provides multiple health benefits. (Hewlings & Kalman, 2017) A good example for


effective delivery of the bioactive compounds within turmeric is fusing it with nanoparticles through a process called nanoprecipitation, a solvent displacement technique. Polymeric nanoparticle formulations are generally prepared using various polymers by the nanoprecipitation method or emulsion-diffusion-evaporation methods. Nanoprecipitation is a solvent displacement technique. The process to prepare polymeric nanoparticles by the nanoprecipitation method involves the precipitation of dissolved materials as nanoscale particles, after exposure to nonsolvent that is miscible with the solvent. (Her et. al. 2018)


One of the factors that greatly affect the quality of the product is moisture, which can influence the physical and chemical properties of food. The determination of moisture content of spices is of importance for many scientific reasons. Water occurs in foods essentially in three forms, as bound water, entrapped and as available free water. Bound water includes water molecules chemically or hydrogen bonded to ionic and polar groups whereas free water is that which is not physically linked to the food matrix and which is freezable and easily lost by evaporation or drying. Most of the foods are heterogeneous mixture of substances, they may contain varying proportions of the two types. (Nagarnaik et al., 2015) In Turmeric, moisture is necessary for the biochemical changes that may influence the sensory and shelf quality of turmeric products (Flores, 2007), However, it is important to keep the moisture of turmeric at certain level because molds are more likely to develop at high moisture levels. A quick dehydration that yields a


higher quality product is always required. Convective drying is the simplest and most economic method for dehydration of foods and could be a good solution.


Ash is the end product of incomplete combustion that represents the total mineral content in foods. Its constituents include potassium, sodium, calcium and magnesium, which are present in larger amounts as well as smaller quantities of aluminum, iron, copper, manganese or zinc, arsenic, iodine, fluorine and other elements present in traces. Minerals play an important role in our body, although they only comprise small proportion of dry matter, often less than 7% of the total. Fresh foods usually have lower percentage of ash rarely greater than 5%. [ CITATION Nie10 \l 1033 ] Turmeric rhizomes undergo drying, curing, grinding and milling before being processed into the lab to determine its ash content. Generally, ground turmeric powder have an ash content of 8% w/w max while coarse ground turmeric powder have an ash content of 9% w/w. [ CITATION Foo04 \l 1033 ] The quality of turmeric powder can be assessed by considering the total ash value and acid insoluble ash value. The ash of spices is the inorganic residue remaining after the organic matter has been burnt away. The ash content can be regarded as a general measure of the quality or grade of the material under investigation and often is a useful criterion in identifying the authenticity of a food. When a high ash figure suggests the presence of an inorganic adulterant, it becomes necessary to also determine the acid–insoluble ash. High values of total ash may be


due to presence of carbonates, phosphates, silicates in the sample. (Nagarnaik et al., 2015)

Crude Fat

Fat, also known as triglycerides, is one of the three main macronutrients, along with carbohydrate and protein. Crude fat is the ether extract or the free lipid content also used to refer to the mixture of fat-soluble material present in the sample. The lipid materials may include triglycerides, diglycerides, monoglycerides, phospholipids, steroids, free fatty acids, fat soluble vitamins, carotene pigments, and chlorophyll. (Food Science, 2008) Most fats and food with high fat content are associated with health complications including high cholesterol level, diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure. However, not all fats can be considered unhealthy and therefore, this depends on the type of fats taken. Some fats are useful and essential to our body including omega-3, a polyunsaturated fat that build brain cells and perform other important functions. [ CITATION Med18 \l 1033 ] Fat serves useful in maintaining body temperature and promoting healthy cell function. Some vitamins, such as vitamins A, D, E, K, can only be digested, absorbed, and transported in conjunction with fats. One of the factors that help us classify whether a food can be considered healthy is its fat content and the type of fat it contains. Curcumin powder has been revealed to have high amounts of linoleic and oleic fatty acids than compared to other fatty acids. (Youssef et al., 2014) These two fatty acids are omega-6 and


omega-9 fatty acids, respectively, which provide nutritional benefits when consumed in place of unhealthy fats. Fat content or yield is also one of the important quality indices for turmeric processors during purchasing of ground turmeric powder.

Crude Fiber

Fiber, a type of carbohydrate, is part of the food that our body cannot digest and absorb but is an important part of our diet. Generally, fiber can be classified as soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber dissolves into a gel-like texture, helps in slowing down digestion which make us feel full while insoluble fiber helps food to move through the digestive tract more quickly for health elimination. Although many foods contain fiber, it is still one of the most under-consumed food components. Most plantbased foods contain both soluble and insoluble fiber but the amount of each varies in different plant foods (Mayo Clinic, 2015). Fiber is an essential nutrient that offers a variety of health benefits and is helpful in reducing the risk of chronic disease such as diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease and diverticulitis (Food Science, 2008). Various processed foods including cereals and breads, have added fiber but these sources of Fiber are not highly recommended. Crude fiber is a measure of the quantity of indigestible cellulose, pentosans, and lignin present in the food samples. The bioactive compound, curcumin, within turmeric have high nutritional value due to its high dietary fiber, furthermore, the soluble fibers in particular are thought to exert a preventative role against heart disease, as they appear to have the ability to lower serum cholesterol. (Youssef et


al., 2014) The high nutritional benefits of the fiber content within turmeric make it a good aspect of quality of the turmeric product. Crude Protein

Proteins are the most abundant class of molecules in the body aside from water. The type of protein is important in considering the digestibility and antinutritional facts present in food. Malnutrition and protein deficiency can lead to variety of serious conditions including mental retardation and kwashiorkor. [ CITATION Hei \l 1033 ] The generally accepted dietary allowance is 0.8g/kg measured as intake per kilogram of body weight. [ CITATION Man06 \l 1033 ] The World Health Organization (2007) states that a high protein diet is carcinogenic, but the cancer risk is somewhat reduced if it is non-animal protein. On average, turmeric powder contains about 9% w/w protein. (Youssef et al., 2014). Turmeric also contains 1.08 % tannin. Tannin exerts antimicrobial activities by iron deprivation, hydrogen bonding or specific interactions with vital proteins such as enzymes in microbial cells. Tannins are water soluble plant polyphenols that precipitate proteins. [ CITATION Abd16 \l 1033 ] Herbs that have tannins as their components are astringent in nature and are used for treatment of intestinal disorders such as diarrhea and dysentery. [ CITATION Dha03 \l 1033 ] Tannins have been reported to prevent the development of microorganisms by precipitating microbial protein and making nutritional proteins unavailable for them. The growth of many fungi, yeasts, bacteria, and viruses was inhibited by tannins.



Carbohydrates mainly function as an energy source of living organisms, as structural components of cells and also play an important role in biosynthesis. However, not all carbohydrates can be metabolized by organisms to yield energy. Despite the fact that carbohydrates are the common source of energy in living organisms, no carbohydrates were considered essential nutrient in human (Westman, 2002). Ground turmeric powder contains high amount of carbohydrates, mostly starch, soluble dietary fibers and insoluble dietary fibers. Turmeric contains 67% of carbohydrate. (Nwankwo et al., 2014). The Food and Agricultural Organization and World Health Organization both recommended that only 10% of the 55-75% total energy from carbohydrates should be obtained directly from sugars or simple carbohydrates.


Potential Hydrogen (pH) is a numeric scale used to specify the acidity or basicity of an aqueous solution. Acid by nature is corrosive, thus, the body must create and retain buffers to neutralize the acid until it can be eliminated. Neutralization puts extra stress in our body by working overtime to reduce and buffer these extra acids (Weeks, 2013). Accumulation of too much acid in the body may


lead to acidosis; a condition typically developed as a result of uncontrolled diabetes, chronic diarrhea, ...

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