Fiche 4 - Résumé Post-1945 International Relations: The Global Cold War PDF

Title Fiche 4 - Résumé Post-1945 International Relations: The Global Cold War
Course Post-1945 International Relations: The Global Cold War
Institution Institut d'Études Politiques de Paris
Pages 3
File Size 88.8 KB
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fiche de révision Post-1945 International Relations: The Global Cold War...


jeudi 12 mai 2016

POST 45 IR LECTURE 4: AFRICA Africa as arena of the Cold War antagonism and of competing modernities - 1950-60s : superpowers went to compete for the allegiance of the new post colonial states, and lead this process of decolonization in order to impose their own models of modernity. - Activism in the “Third World”: neutralism and non alignement Third World: word invented by Alfred Sauvy in his article in the Observateur in 1952. There was a world outside the 2 superpowers blocks and both tried to project that world. - Neutralism and non alignment = key concepts, contested by Eisenhower administration because they argued that there was no spaces in the middle, obligation to choose a side. Why was the Conference of Bandung (1955, Indonesia) so important? -

Search for an alternative international order and political space to the Cold war bipolarism : trying to connect with the anti-colonial, soon to be post colonial world. The initiators of this project where Nehru, Nasser, Tito… Neutralism and non-alignment (1961) : is that sufficient for an international coalition in terms of common security policies and economic models ? Still it was the goal of this conference.

1960s: Clash of modernity and modernizing strategies -

Kennedy and his “best and Brightest”: necessity to offer a response to this new challenge of modernization of the third world. In 1960, new African countries joined the UN.

Which Issues -


Self determination: building new nations states Economic development connected with nation building Natural resources (technical assistance, import, substitution, free trade) Race used in the effort to build a Pan African identity and Majority Rule: build bridges with non African realities. Ex: Cuba was very active in Africa (Congo, Angola…) Local/Regional balances of power and connection to broader geopolitical issues Human rights: idea that emancipation happens with the creation of new states

jeudi 12 mai 2016 The Three “African Cold Wars” 1950-60s: decolonization, development, modernization - Transnational/transatlantic civil rights movement - US: anticommunism + modernization + political stability (search for new political elites)  Prevent countries from communism by the creation of new political elites and my offering the tools and theories for a fast modernization - URSS: often reactive + support to revolutionary movements + efforts to create/ cultivate new national elites (education based on Marxist Leninist understanding of reality, with a great degree of racism) 1970s: soviet activism and proxy wars - Issue of White Rule: Rhodesia, South Africa, Portuguese, Colonies - Soviet and Cuban Activism: reaction (particularly to South African intervention) and optimism - Use of UN General Assembly by “Third Wordlist” Bloc - Implosion of Portugal, Last European Empire (ex: Angola, Mozambique) 1980 and beyond: neoliberal turn - From capital glut to capital shortage: the debt crisis, inability to pay the debt had a major impact in Africa - Centrality of South Africa = key issue: what to do with the apartheid? - Remnants of war: absence of cold war discipline? Example 1: The Congo Crisis (1960-1971) - Crucial variable: mineral resources - Attempt of US and Belgium to control the process of independence - Secession of Katanga and assassination of Lumumba (radical and non aligned, sought soviet support) - Cuban intervention 1964-1965: sent few hundred soldiers to Congo to wage a war against pro-western forces - Lumumba and Che as global revolutionary icons = first major cold war crisis with a dramatic human cost Example 2: The civil war in Angola - Portugal as key NATO member - Different Fractions: UNITA, FNLA (financed by the US), MPLA (pro soviet) try to exploit the cold war - Resources: Oil > jewel for the Portuguese empire - 1975: end of the Portuguese’s rule / Civil War / Key external actors: Cuba and South Africa  the civil war became a fight between these two countries for the control of the capital. Simple proxies or autonomous actors? Answer = 50/50 They had their own specific agendas connected also with racial elements Example 3: The Horn of Africa - Somalia was an ally of the URSS and Ethiopia had been a traditional ally of the US


jeudi 12 mai 2016 -

Territorial clash between the 2 African countries : Somalia attacked Ethiopia to get control of the region of the Horn of Africa. Therefore USRR stopped sustaining the regime and started helping Ethiopia whereas the US changes also their field Clear example of soviet confidence and hubris : military support

Example 4: South Africa -


Apartheid Exploits anti-communism vs ANC Reliable ally anti communist struggle Nuclear power Global mobilization vs human rights...

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