Fictional Short Story DOCX

Title Fictional Short Story
Author Sarah Jane Manago
Pages 2
File Size 16.4 KB
File Type DOCX
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Manago, Sarah Jane A. January 7, 2015 Prompt: Identify the belief you hold most passionately. Write a Flash Fiction that explores an instance in which this belief is untrue. “Love doesn’t cost a thing” It was a gloomy rainy night. Everyone is preparing for their dinner. But one family is more prepar...


Manago, Sarah Jane A. January 7, 2015 Prompt: Identify the belief you hold most passionately. Write a Flash Fiction that explores an instance in which this belief is untrue. "Love doesn't cost a thing" It was a gloomy rainy night. Everyone is preparing for their dinner. But one family is more prepared for their dinner for it is a special night for Sienna; a bride to be in the family. They were busy preparing for the dinner when Sierra came to the house. She greeted her mother, father, auntie and cousins. They began a happy conversation. They talked about Sierra's success in her career, being a top model. It was in the middle of their conversation when Sienna came. All attentions were driven by Sienna. Everyone was excited in her very soon wedding to a rich man owned a big company. They congratulate Sienna for her fortunate life but Sierra never did. Sienna noticed her sisters' silence, so she approached her and started a conversation by asking her career. Sierra answered back with very short words as if she doesn't want to speak with her. To break the intense between them, Sienna continued the conversation with her mother, praising the food her mother cooked for her. And the celebration went on in the family. Everybody is happy except again for Sierra for she was insecure with the good fate her sister soon to have. Sierra was very ambitious. She wants all the best only for her. She doesn't want to share her blessings with others even to her family especially to her sister. She considered Sienna more a rivalry than a sister to her. She always wanted to be better than her sister. While Sienna was her opposite; she is kind and generous, a good daughter and sister. She always wanted a simple life but fate gave her a rich opportunity that Sierra wanted to. So Sierra was full of insecurity and anger against with her sister. Sierra thinks that her sister deserves not to have a good life more than hers for she always think that she is better than Sienna. After the night celebration, the two sisters went to their bedroom. Sierra can't hold her curiosity about her sister's wedding so she asked her. Sienna told her about the gifts she have received from the parents of her groom to be; an expensive white Lexus car, Red brilliant dress and a diamond ring. Because of Sierra's jealousy, she borrowed forcedly all the nice gifts Sienna had from her parents-in-law. She wore the dress, the ring and she drove the car. She asked Sienna to drive the car with her. Sienna just easily agreed for she wants to share it also with her sister. It's raining hard when they left the house. As Sierra drove the car so fast, she remembered all the things taken from her and was given to Sienna and how Sienna was always favored and loved by everybody. Then, she started rattling questions to Sienna; "why your life is better than I have?" "I should have it and you, you don't deserve it. I will take everything from you even your...

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