Field Interviews Week 3 SPD 200 PDF

Title Field Interviews Week 3 SPD 200
Course Survey of Special Education: mild to moderate disabilities
Institution Grand Canyon University
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Interviews with 2 professionals for week 3...



November 1, 2020

Reading Interventionist Interview Notes: In the interview, address the following.  Discuss the characteristics of individuals with exceptionalities whom you serve, including gifted as well as those with disabilities. o I serve children that are low level readers that may also have a learning or physical disability. I have not had the chance to work with the gifted program students. 

Describe the educational, developmental, and medical services available for individuals with disabilities in your district. o In our district we have a wide range of services that our provided. All the services provided start with the IEP or 504 creation. The team decides what the student needs based on the individual need of the child. Services may include occupational, behavioral supports (RBHS), speech, transitional services, specific disability services (such as autism).

Describe the specific steps in the IEP process. o The IEP process starts with RTI, then the school psychologist will evaluate the student. If the data shows that the child need an IEP and the parent’s consent, then the special education teacher will coordinate a meeting.

Explain how special education and general education teachers are supported in the IEP process. o By having an IEP and a behavior plan that outlines what needs to be done for each student. Each member of the team is given a chance to give input to be put in the IEP.

Describe how you collaborate with members of the IEP team. List other stakeholders you collaborate with as part of the IEP process and describe this collaboration. o The special education teacher collects data to create a draft IEP that will be presented at the IEP meeting. The data include the initial finding from the school psychologist, parent findings, general education finding (such as historical grades, observations, etc.), special services input and special education findings.

Describe what you do to support families of individuals with disabilities.

o In our school we do our best to make sure all services that the students need like speech and physical therapy are done during the school-day. Counseling and other parenting services are available to the parents. Explain the process of addressing behavioral issues for students with disabilities.

o The team may request an FBA and collect information about the behaviors that are occurring. The team will meet and decide if a BIP is needed and if so, each person involved with the student will receive a copy of the BIP. 

Discuss the professional development that is available to you regarding special education policies, services, and educational strategies. Discuss whether there is specific training related to confidentiality, including who leads the training and how often it is required. o We have to complete safeschools specific to special education yearly. Additionally, the district has several consultation services during the year that focuses on special education. Sadie Rayas also ensures that we receive up to date information whenever there is a slight change. Discuss what you do to stay current on special education law.

o At our school we have a special education meeting monthly to stay up to date on policies, services, and educational strategies. slight change. All of this helps us to stay up to date on the laws and strategies in special educational services.

Interview Notes: In the interview, address the following.

Discuss the characteristics of individuals with exceptionalities whom you serve, including gifted as well as those with disabilities. o The majority of my student’s characteristics include easily distracted, emotional problems, low reading Lexile’s, limited reading comprehension, and difficulty with math operations.

Describe the educational, developmental, and medical services available for individuals with disabilities in your district. o Specially designed instruction, small group instruction, accommodations, and health/behavioral services.

Describe the specific steps in the IEP process. o Gathering data and present levels, PSY evaluation, evaluations/ assessments, and behavior/ infractions history.

Explain how special education and general education teachers are supported in the IEP process.

o Special and General ed. Teachers are supported from the district by providing extra services and training for all disabilities. General ed. Teachers could be mentored by the special ed teacher by modeling how the accommodations should be served in the classroom. Special ed. Teachers could be mentored by autism specialists providing strategies to use in the classroom as well as behavioral counselors. 

Describe how you collaborate with members of the IEP team. List other stakeholders you collaborate with as part of the IEP process and describe this collaboration. o The IEP team is made up of gen ed, spec ed, LRE, parents and anyone else who served the student, such as speech, Autism, behavioral, etc. Together they decided what is best for the student using data, history reports and anything else that’s relevant to producing information to determine the student’s placements and services.

Describe what you do to support families of individuals with disabilities. o I keep an open communication with the students’ parents to find out what they do at home to support the child with disabilities. Because often times students with disabilities do not like change, I always make sure the parents know when things may be changing in the classroom, so they can prepare the student prior to coming to class. It always helps when everyone is on the same page and the parent show you care and want what’s best for the student.

Explain the process of addressing behavioral issues for students with disabilities. o It is always best to have a current PSY report by the school psychologists conducted on any child. The next step would be to involve behavioral services for an evaluation. With this, along with data and behavior history, you will create a plan (BIP) that best suits the students.

Discuss the professional development that is available to you regarding special education policies, services, and educational strategies. Discuss whether there is specific training related to confidentiality, including who leads the training and how often it is required. o

Each school year we have Professional development that updates changes due to special education services and Law. These are led by district employees and sometimes outside agencies.

Discuss what you do to stay current on special education law. o The director of special education services updates us yearly on changes that are made to IEP and the current laws and expectations. We have special ed meetings with the lead special education teacher and school Psychologist every two weeks to keep us updated on these changes and expectations.


I decided to interview two people that can have a direct impact on a students IEP process and in both I found some similarities. Samantha works with elementary students that need assistance in reading and comprehension, in her interview she stated she works with students that have low Lexile levels and sometimes will have a learning disability. Michelle works with high school occupational students and those students also have lower Lexile levels and many have a learning disability. This shows me that students of all grade levels are equally covered by their IEP and BIP regardless of age. Even though each person has a role in the IEP process it was nice to learn how each school met and formed an IEP for each student. Both individuals told how the information they provide is used in consideration for the formation of the IEP for the student and how each communicates with the rest of the members of the team including the parents to be sure the needs of the student are met. They both emphasized that the IEP must work together, the administration, special education teachers, general education teachers, specials or electives teachers, psychologists, therapists and parents all play a role in ensuring the IEP is correct and the goals are achievable for each student in all classrooms. I will seek their wisdom and guidance in the years to come in working as part of the team for my students IEP’s. I would meet with Samantha and discuss the students reading and comprehension in the early stages and with Michelle when the student is in their high school years and how the student can take what they learned when the graduate and how to apply it in the workforce. My field of study is general education and special education and I can see how both interviews can help me to better understand the IEP process and how it can benefit the student....

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