Figuring ways of having a Good life PDF

Title Figuring ways of having a Good life
Author Joise Daria Alabo
Course Stas BS-MLS
Institution Our Lady of Fatima University
Pages 3
File Size 96.6 KB
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Joise Daria Alabo

BSMLS 1-Y2-5

STAS 111 Activity : The Good Life Answer the following elaborately. 1. In your opinion, what constitutes a good life? All of us have different constitute of having a good life some says, that having a good life is being contented on what they have in life yes, it’s correct and in my opinion, the constitute of good life is living in life that sets us free from toxicity and negativity. Because this pandemic challenges us, it brings a lot of negativity and toxicity in our world. Wherein some of people is facing a lot of negativity in mind because some of us are just focusing on the negative side of life but doesn’t want to see the positive side, because they are afraid that it will happen again and again. Life is so short and only one, no one knows if it is your last day here in world , we need to free ourselves from the negativity and toxicity of life. We need to live in a life wherein that satisfies and fulfill our dreams or goal that adds happiness, joy, and a sense of purpose to our life. A life that is worthwhile, a life that makes contribution not just for yourself but also to those person around us. 2. What does Aristotle say about the good life? Does it still stand in the contemporary world? According to Aristotle, that the most important factor in the effort to achieve happiness is to have a good moral character and he calls it “complete virtue.” It means that the good life is living a life according to virtues and moral concepts. Having a virtuous life leads to happiness and prosperity that leads to the perfection of human nature and to the enrichment of human life. According to him, having a good life is having happiness or prosperity which can be accomplished by living a life according to virtue which is achieved by continually living in a virtuous manner or living with high moral standards. This must still stand in the contemporary world because most people are being obsessed with material things. For most people, having a good life is being rich with material possessions. They miss to remember that happiness and having a good life is living a life that is consistent with having high moral standards.

3. How is the progress of science and technology a movement towards the good life?

The progress of science and technology is very helpful in our society because it helps us to explore many areas of life that helps us our life make it easy and convenient. Because now adays the advancement of science and technology is now increasing with time, society is looking to create and develop easier ways to live and lengthen our lives First is having an easy access to information, the continuous development in the field of science especially to technology, information can now be easily accessed. With just a click, tons of information are shown to you. You doesn’t need to go to a library to search for the book or read a lot of resources just to get the information that you need. It is updated all the time from many places across the globe and is storing the history and heritage of the world that we live in. The internet will provide you almost all the things you need. You just need to be careful because not all on the internet are credible information. Second is having a faster resolution to problems A good example of this is in the field of healthcare. There are diseases that were categorized as dreaded before but can now be easily treated. Medical professionals as well as specialists from the field of research made is possible. They never stopped looking for solutions especially to those fatal diseases. With science and technology being improved progressively, the trend of improved treatment will surely continue. Lastly, is having Better or more Options to choose from. If before, we are left to the option we get used to, the improvement in science and technology empowered people to search and discover to better options. Options are presented for people to choose, whichever will be convenient to them. This also gives people the liberty to choose.

References Aristotle. (n.d.). “The pursuit of happiness as the exercise of virtue” , Pursuit of Happiness ,Retrieved March 29, 2021, from Rochella C. (2019), “ How is the progress of science and technology a movement towards a good life?”. Retrieved march 28, 2021 from 20Technology%20leads%20us%20to%20good%20life,More%20Options%20to%2 0Choose%20From Daintyxelibries, (2018) “What does Aristotle say about the good life? Does it still stand in the contemporary world,?”. Brainly, Retrieved March 29, 2021 , from ristotle%20is%20known%20as%20a%20philosopher%20and%20scientist.&text=H ere%20is%20what%20Aristotle%20says,to%20be%20the%20good%20life....

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