Final case study - Grade: A PDF

Title Final case study - Grade: A
Author Rylie Burden
Course Reading
Institution Tarleton State University
Pages 13
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Final case study: over reading student in the 4th grade...


Learner Assessment Profile Student Name: Anylah Age: 9 School: Benbrook Elementary Grade Level: 4th Date of Report: April 17, 2019

Report Created by: Rylie Burden Interdisciplinary Studies Student Tarleton State University Fort Worth Texas

As partial completion of READ 3384 course requirements, the following report, consisting of results from interviews, surveys, literacy assessments, and selected subtests of an Informal Reading Inventory, was administered, scored, and interpreted by Rylie Burden, Ms. Burden is an Interdisciplinary Studies student at Tarleton State University, Fort Worth, Texas.


Student Name: Anylah

Date of Birth: 07/24/2009

Grade: 4th

Age at Testing: 9 years and 7 months

School: Benbrook Elementary

Date of Report: April 17, 2019

Teacher: Rodriguez

Examiner: Rylie Burden

Background: Education Anylah is a 9 year old in fourth grade at Benbrook Elementary. Anylah’s homeroom teacher is Mrs. Rodriguez, and Anylah said she “loves” her homeroom teacher. Anylah has been at Benbrook Elementary since Kindergarten. Anylah said that before Kindergarten, she went to preschool but she can not remember where. Anylah said she receives help outside the classroom. Anylah’s guided reading level is N. The assessments for this report took place at Benbrook Elementary in the science lab room during six, one-hour sessions. The purpose of administering these assessments to Anylah was to determine her strengths and areas of improvement in literacy and to make instructional recommendations.

Background: Description of the Learner Anylah is eager to learn. Anylah was not afraid to talk about her personal life. Anylah is distracted during sessions, and often talks off topic. Anylah has three sisters and two brothers. Although she have five siblings, she stated they don’t all live together. Nine people live in Anylah’s house, including her grandmother and sometimes an aunt. Anylah reports that her grandmother takes care of her and her siblings most of the time. Anylah mentioned that she does not see her father very often. Anylah says that she goes to dance everyday after school, and she enjoys it. Anylah also likes horses, but has never ridden one. Anylah is interested in rocks and nature.

Interest Survey An interest survey provides the examiner access to Anylah’s attitude towards reading, school, and reading interests. Anylah expressed that she enjoys school the most when she can go outside. “When I grow up I want to be a geologist,” Anylah said. Anylah claims to love reading and says books are “fun.” Anylah prefers to read about science, people, history, fantasy, mysteries, science fiction, riddles, dogs, poetry, and horses. Anylah does not like to read about natural disasters or “bad things that happen in the world.” Anylah would like to read more books about rocks and famous geologists. Anylah likes to read to her little brother at night. Anylah claims to have been to the library once with her grandmother. Anylah says she would rather watch TV than read books.

Part II: ASSESSMENTS ADMINISTERED Elementary Reading Attitude Survey Raw Score

Midyear percentile rank


Recreational reading




Academic reading



Slightly Below Average

Reading attitude total




Raw Score

Midyear percentile rank




Significantly Below Average

Elementary Writing Attitude Survey

Writing attitude total

Ekwall-Shanker Test 3: Phonics Element



Mastered/ Not Mastered

Application of Phonics Skills in Context




Ekwall-Shanker Test 5: Structural Analysis Element



Mastered/ Not Mastered

Application of Structural Analysis Skills in Context (Test 5a1)




Ekwall-Shanker Test 10: Graded Word List Independent Reading Level: Grade _3__ Instructional Reading Level: Grade __4__ Frustration Reading Level: Grade __5__

Ekwall-Shanker Test 2: Sight Word Test Element

Quick Check for Basic Sight Words



Mastered/ Not Mastered




Ekwall-Shanker Test 11: Reading Comprehension Oral


Independent Reading Level

Grade 3/770L

Grade 1/540L

Instructional Reading Level

Grade 5/940L

Grade 3/850L

Frustration Reading Level

Grade 6/970L

Grade 4/930L

Listening Comprehension Level

Grade 4/100L

Running Records of Oral Reading Behaviors Title

Lexile Level

Error Rate

Self-Correct Oral ion Reading Accuracy

Passage Level

The Grinch: Chapter Book






The Magic Tree House: Dinosaurs Before Dark






Types and patterns of miscues: Anylah had a total of four visual errors, four sound errors, two meaning errors and two self-corrects. For example, instead of reading “tightly” she read “tight.” Anylah also read “creepy” instead of “creaky.”

Fluency Assessment Rubric 1




Expression and Volume

Reads in a quiet voice as if to get words out. The reading does not sound natural like talking to a friend.

Reads in a quiet voice. The reading sounds natural in part of the text, but the reader does not always sound like they are talking to a friend.

Reads with volume and expression; however, sometimes the reader slips into expressionless reading and does not sound like they are talking to a friend.

Reads with varied volume and expression. The reader sounds like they are talking to a friend with their voice matching the interpretation of the passage.


Reads word-by-word in a monotone voice.

Reads in two or three word phrases, not adhering to punctuation, stress, and intonation.

Reads with a mixture of run-ons, mid-sentence pauses for breath, and some choppiness. There is reasonable stress and intonation.

Reads with good phrasing, adhering to punctuation, stress, and intonation.


Frequently hesitates while reading, sounds out words, and repeats words or phrases. The reader makes multiple attempts to read the same passage.

Reads with extended pauses or hesitations. The reader has many “rough spots”.

Reads with occasional breaks in rhythm. The reader has difficulty with specific words and/or sentence structures.

Reads smoothly with some breaks, but self-corrects with difficult words and/or sentence structures.


Reads slowly and laboriously.

Reads moderately slowly.

Reads fast and slow throughout reading.

Reads at a conversational pace throughout the reading.

Score ______9_______ Anylah needs additional instruction in fluency.

Fluency Words Per Minute Title

The Magic Tree House: Dinosaur Before Dark

Grade Level /Lexile


Words Correct Per Minute (WCPM)




Winter National Oral Reading Fluency Norm For Current Grade Level 50%

Meets/Does not Meet Grade Level Standards

120 WCPM

Does not meet grade level standards

Words Their Way Elementary Spelling Inventory Features Total

Percentage Correct

Beginning & Final Consonants



Short Vowels









Long Vowel Patterns



Other Vowels



Inflected Endings



Syllable Junctures



Unaccented Final Syllables



Harder Suffixes



Bases or Roots



Total Words Correct



Spelling Stage: Within word pattern Spellers at this stage are typically learning about the following spelling features: ● Long-vowel spelling patterns ● R-controlled vowels ● More complex consonant patterns ● Diphthongs and less common vowel patterns

Ekwall-Shanker Supplemental Test Knowledge of Contractions Features Total

Percent Correct

Number of Words Pronounced



Number of Words Known



Total Score



This assessment measured Anylah’s knowledge of contractions. Anylah pronounced 37 of the 47 contractions, but she only knew what 25 of the 47 contractions meant. Anylah scored in total 67% suggesting that she needs additional instruction in contractions.

SUMMARY OF READING BEHAVIORS Motivation and Attitude According to the Elementary Writing Attitude Survey Anylah ranks significantly below average in comparison to other student her age. Overall, Anylah does not like to write in her free time or at school. Anylah expressed that she would be most comfortable writing answers to questions about science and social studies. According to the Elementary Reading Attitude Survey Anylah’s attitude towards reading is: about average in recreational reading and slightly below average in academic reading. Anylah expressed that she would be excited to get a book as a gift; however Anylah does not like reading her school books. Anylah is interested in science. She stated that she enjoys reading about: geology, history, fantasy, science fiction, and dogs.

Phonics The Ekwall-Shanker Phonics Assessment was given to determine if Anylah has mastered phonics and letter-sound associations using both auditory and visual stimulus. Anylah showed mastery in the section application of phonics skills in context. Phonics is one of Anylah’s strengths.

Structural Analysis To determine if Anylah can use structural analysis skills to help in decoding longer, unknown words, the Ekwall-Shanker Structural Analysis assessment was administered. Anylah showed mastery in application of structural analysis skills in context. Anylah is strong in decoding multisyllabic words.

Sight Word Recognition The Ekwall-Shanker Basic Sight Vocabulary assessment was administered to identify Anylah’s knowledge of basic sight words and basic sight word phrases. Anylah recited all the sight words accurately and with speed, showing mastery of basic sight words.

Comprehension (Oral, Silent, and Listening)

To identify Anylah’s independent, instructional, and frustration reading levels, for both oral and silent reading, the Ekwall-Shanker Reading Passages Tests were administered. This test also determines Anylah’s listening comprehension level. In addition, this assessment provides a close analysis of Anylah’s understanding of phonics, sight vocabulary, structural analysis, context clues, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension abilities. Based on the oral comprehension test Anylah’s instructional level is at a fifth grade reading level (940L). According to the same oral test, Anylah’s frustration level is at grade six and (970L). The assessment data indicates that Anylah’s silent instructional level is lower than her oral instructional level. Her silent instructional levels, grade three (850L). Based on the listening comprehension test Anylah’s instructional level is at grade 6 and (1000L). Anylah’s lack of fluency affected her comprehension. In addition, Anylah comprehended at a higher level when she read aloud and when she was read to.

Fluency Fluency is when a student reads with speed, accuracy, and expression. Reading with fluency is important because, it can help readers understand and comprehend text. Anylah scored a 9 out of 16 on the fluency rubric, and she would benefit from additional instruction. In particular, she needs additional instruction with accuracy and expression. Anylah read 89 words correctly in one minute. Anylah does not meet fourth grade level norms for fluency.

Spelling Anylah was given The Words Their Way Elementary Spelling Inventory in order to determine her spelling stage. Anylah is in the within word pattern spelling stage. Anylah would benefit from instruction in spelling with long-vowel spelling patterns, r-controlled vowels, more complex consonant patterns, and diphthongs and less common vowel patterns.

CONCLUSIONS Based on the assessment data and my observations, the following are the five most important conclusions about Anylah’s literacy behaviors:

● Based on the data from the Reading Comprehension test Anylah’s silent instructional level is Grade 3 (850L). ● Based on the data from Anylah would benefit from additional instruction with phrashing, smoothness, and pace. Anylah reads 89 correct words per minute; this does not meet fourth grade level standards. ● The results from the spelling assessment indicate that Anylah is in within word pattern spelling stage. Anylah would benefit from instruction in spelling with long-vowel spelling patterns, r-controlled vowels, more complex consonant patterns, and diphthongs and less common vowel patterns. ● Anylah’s attitude towards reading is average compared to other fourth graders while her attitude towards writing is significantly below average. Anylah likes to read scientific books. ● Anylah mastered the sight word assessment and sight word recognition is one of her strengths.

Part III: Recommendations

Fluency ● Anylah scored a 9 out of 16 on the fluency rubric, she would benefit from additional instruction. Anylah read 89 words correctly in one minute. Anylah does not meet grade level norms for fluency. In particular, she needs additional instruction with accuracy and expression. ● Strategy: Words Per Minute Partner Read: Anylah would be grouped with another student. Having one of them read first while the other times them. Then have the other student read while being timed. Then they try to beat each others time. Using this strategy will allow Anylah to read at a faster pace, encouraging her to beat the other student will relax her and can be fun. ● Strategy: Drama/Readers’ theatre: Anylah would produce a drama from a book that she had read, by writing lines from the book and finding the most important information to put in the drama. She and other classmates would act the drama in front of the class.

Readers’ theatre is way to allow Anylah to retell the story she just read. It also would encourage Anylah to read with expression, smoothness, and conversational pace.

Spelling ● Anylah is at the within word pattern spelling stage. Anylah would benefit from practice with long-vowel spelling patterns, r-controlled vowels, more complex consonant patterns, diphthongs and less common vowel patterns. ● Strategy: Word sorts: Sorting words makes it easier to see the similarities and differences of words and to reveal consistencies within our written language system. Word sorts are often cued by key words placed at the top of each category. Word sorts provide students with hands-on opportunities to manipulate word features in a way that allows them to generalize beyond isolated, individual examples of entire groups of words that are spelled the same way. Anylah would benefit from word sorts that focus on long-vowel spelling patterns, r-controlled vowels, more complex consonant patterns, diphthongs and less common vowel patterns. Comprehension ● The assessment data indicates that Anylah’s silent instructional level is lower than her oral instructional level. Her silent instructional level is grade three (850L). ● Strategy: Double entry journal: A double-entry journal would have Anylah make connections while reading Anylah would write down text-to-self, text-to-text, and text-to-world connections from the texts in a journal. Having Anylah make connections will help her recall facts and details and retell the story. ● Strategy: Brainstorming Background Information: Anylah would make a brainstorming cloud on a piece of paper. Then she would prompt herself with one question “What do I know about this book?” Anylah would then write as much as she knew about the book to provide herself with enough background information. When she reads the book she could then refer back to her notes about what she already knew to help her comprehend what she was reading.

April 17, 2019 Dear Mrs. Rodriguez and Family of Anylah: Thank you so much for allowing me to work with Anylah. Anylah was a joy to work with. She was always excited to come to our sessions, and she worked hard every session. The purpose of administering these assessments to Anylah was to determine her strengths and areas of improvement in literacy and to make instructional recommendations. Anylah has many strengths, including sight words, phonics, and structural analysis.

Anylah’s attitude towards writing is significantly below average compare to other fourth graders, however Anylah loves learning about rocks and nature allowing her to read or write about rocks and nature could positively impact her attitude about reading and writing. Anylah’s instructional silent reading level is third grade level (850L). Anylah score a 9 out of 16 on the fluency rubric. Anylah could benefit from instruction in reading pace. Anylah is in the within word pattern spelling stage. She needs additional instruction in long-vowel spelling patterns, r-controlled vowels, more complex consonant patterns, diphthongs and less common vowel patterns. Thank you again for allowing me to work with Anylah, I learned a lot from our sessions together. Please see the attached case study for additional information of Anylah’s literacy abilities.


Rylie Burden

Tarleton Preservice Teacher...

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