Title Final EXAM BADM
Course Business Careers in the Global Economy
Institution University of South Carolina
Pages 2
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final exam study guide...


FI NALEXAM BADM whatar esomet hi ngsasi def r om basedsal ar yt hatyoucannegot i at e? ex.v acat i onday s,phone/ car / l apt opper ks,s t ockopt i ons ,negot i at esoonerr ev i ew per i ods,fl ex i bi l i t yi nwor ksc hedul e. RESUME compet enc yandski l l sr equi r edt odot hej ob,whatar esomeski l l sr equi r ed?t i me management ,or gani z at i on,communi cat i on,t eamwor k ,l eader s hi p,( chap.5) Accompl i shmentbasebul l etpoi nt( canyougi veanexampl e)( chap6,page45)  bey ondl i stofski l l sanddut i es  v al uey oubr oughtt ot hecompany  whatr es ul ty ouachi ev ed  back gr ound,act i on,r es ul t whati sabehavi or ali nt er vi ew?( page59,chap.7)  pastbehavi ori st hebestbehavi oroff ut ur eper f or mance  “ t el l meaboutat i met haty ou…”  as ki ngabouts pec i ficex ampl est hathappenedi nt hepas t  pastexper i encesv s.whatwoul dy oudoi nt hi ssi t uat i on howdoyouanswerbehavi orquest i ons?( page60) S:si t uat i on T:t ask A:act i on R:r es ul t Canyouansweri tusi ngt hebehavi or alf or mat ,andwhatdoesst armean? Whati mpact syourper sonalbr and?  onl i nepr es ence  s oci al medi a o pr of es si onal i sm ( appr opr i at epi ct ur es ,nol i k es / comment sofi nappr opr i at e t hi ngs)  howy oudr es s  howy oucar r yy our sel f( bodyl anguage:ex .Ey econt act ,smi l e,post ur e)  r ef er ences ,r ecommendat i ons  wor dofmout h whyi snet wor ki ngi mpor t antt oyourover al lcar eer ?  Notwhaty ouknow,aboutwhoy ouknowandhowt ogety ourf ooti nt hedoor  80% ofj obsar er ef er r al s  expo’ s,cor por at eev ent s ,i nf or mat i onsess i ons

i nf or mat i onal i nt er vi ews

Whatonl i necar eerr esour cesdi dwet al kabouti ncl asst hatar especi fict oonl y USCst udent s  v aul t( j obsandi nt er nshi ps )sal ar ygui des ,findr ev i ews ,pr of essi onal doc ument s r el at edt oj obsear ch  handshak e( ev ent sacr osscampus ,al umni whohav ewor k edt her e/ cur r ent s t udent s ,ot hers t udent ’ spr ofil es ,r evi ewsf orcompani es  car eer s hi f t( cont act s)cal endart ok eept r ackofwher ey ouappl i edandwhen  goi ngl obal ( s t udyabr oad,wor kabr oad,hous i ng,v i sai nf or mat i on) what ’ sacasei nt er vi ew? ani nt er v i ewpr esent i ngacompani es as k edt oanal yz et hesi t uat i on,i dent i f yk eybus i nessi ssues ,anal yt i cal bus i nessski l l s Bi r kmen: Howi sI tv al ueaddedwheni tcomest oj obsear chandc ar eerpl an?...

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