Final Exam - Chapters 2-15docx PDF

Title Final Exam - Chapters 2-15docx
Author onika Griffiths
Course Medical Terminology
Institution University of South Florida
Pages 46
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Chapter 2 1.The abdominal cavity contains the:: liver 2.Adjectives usually modify a noun (thing named) denoting quality, quantity, extent, or _____ .: distinction of the object from something else 3.Breaking a compound term into component word parts (usually with its combining vowel or vowels) is called:: fracturing 4.Cancers of the circulatory system include:: leukemia and lymphomas 5.The combining form of a stem word is usually made of two component parts, the _____ _____ and _____ _____:: word root and combining vowel 6.The combining form onc/o- means:: tumor 7.The combining form or term that literally means "internal organs" is:: viscer/o8.The combining form that means "cause of (disease)" is:: eti/o 9.The correct way to fracture or divide the medical term melanocarcinoma is:: melano/carcin/oma 10.An epithelial or covering cell malignant tumor is referred to as a(n):: carcinoma 11.A fatty tumor is called a(n):: lipoma, steatoma, or adipoma 12.If an infection is "Chronic" it is characterized by:: little change, slow progression, and long duration 13.If a tumor is found to be benign, it is:: encapsulated, slow growing, and expansive 14.In the divided medial term 'osteopor/o/sis', the slash lines (/) indicate that the vowel "o" may be used as part of which word parts?: por- and -osis 15.In the divided medical term 'arthr/o/pathy', "o" is the:: combining vowel "used with both the stem word and suffix" 16.In the divided medical term 'sub/hepat/ic', which part is the prefix and which part is the suffix?: sub- and -ic 17.In the medical term 'arthr/itis', -itis is the:: suffix 18.In the medical term 'intra/ven/ous', -ven- is the:: word root or stem word 19."I swear by Apollo the Physician and Asclepius and Hygieia and Panaceia..." is the beginning of what famous

oath?: Hippocratic Oath 20.The literal meaning of the medical term carcin/oma is:: crab-like tumor "invades with crab-like leg growths" 21.The medical term for new growth (of abnormal tissue or tumor) is:: neoplasm 22.The medical term that means "the science of or study of body changes caused by disease" is:: path/o/logy 23.The most common combining vowel is:: 'o' 24.My/o- is the combining form of a word part that means:: muscle 25.The phrase, refers to or _____, is a generalized actual meaning (not a literal meaning) used for the suffixes -a, -ia, iac, -al, -ar, -ic, -is, -on, -os, -us, -ium, and -um.: pertains to 26.The prefix that means "change or after" is:: meta27.The study of disease is referred to as:: pathology 28.The suffix -plas/ia is a compound suffix (2 or more parts) that refers to:: formation, growth or development 29.The suffix that means "to control or stop" is:: -stasis 30.The term 'af/ferent' (as in sensory impulses) is defined as:: conveying toward the center 31.The term "Clinical" means:: at patient's bedside 32.The term "diagnosis" means:: total knowledge 33.The term "Graphy" means ________:: procedure using an instrument to record something 34.The term "hyperplasia" means:: increase in development 35.The term "Laryngo/scop/y" literally and actually means:: the procedure of viewing and examining the voice box 36.The term "metastasis" means:: to spread 37.The term "Prognosis" means:: before knowledge 38.The term "Stetho/scop/e" literally means:: instrument to examine the chest 39.The term "Surgery" literally means:: procedure of working by hand 40.A tumor of the fibrous and cartilaginous tissue is called a(n):: fibrochondroma 41.Verb variations of a stem word usually describe:: action taken, condition, or state 42.The word part attached to the beginning of a word root in order to modify its meaning is called a(n):: prefix 43.The word part attached to the end of a word root in order to modify its meaning is the:: suffix 44.The word part that contains the fundamental meaning of a word is the:: root word "stem word"

Chapter 3 1.The abbreviation "ICU" refers to a(n):: intensive care unit 2.About how many men will develop breast cancer?: 1 in 1000 3."Angiograms" are used for ________:: recording pictures of vessels 4.A body part which is formed of two or more types of body tissue and performs one or more specific functions is called a(n) ________:: organ 5.Body "X-rays" produce pictures of _____body tissue and bones:: dense 6.Bone is described as _____ tissue.: connective 7.The combining form hist/o- means:: tissue or web-like 8."Cryosurgery" is used to treat ________:: verrucae or warts 9.A "Defibrillator" is used to correct ________:: abnormal heart beats or rhythms 10.The directional term for movement toward the back of the body is:: dorsal 11.The directional term 'inferior' describes movement:: toward

the lower end of the body 12.The directional term 'lateral' describes movement in which direction:: to the side 13.The directional term that means "toward the lower end of the body" is:: caudal 14.A "EEG" is used to record information about _____ electrical activity.: brain 15.A "EKG or ECG" is used to record information about _____ electrical activity.: heart 16.An "Electro Shock Therapy - EST" is also known as:: Electric Convulsive Therapy 17.An "EMG" is used to record information about _____ electrical activity.: skeletal muscle 18."Fluoroscopy" is used to record ________:: moving body parts 19.If one is flat on their back and face up, they are in a _____ position.: supine 20.A "_______" is a noninvasive roentgenography diagnostic technique.: Computerized Axial Tomography 21.The ____________is used to treat brain cancer by directing radiation at precise brain locations.: Gamma Knife 22.The "KUB" examination looks for defects in the:: kidney, ureter, and bladder 23.Laser assisted surgery "LASIK" is used to correct:: myopia (and hyperopia) 24.Lithotripsy" is a procedure for crushing ________:: stones or calculi debris 25.The movement in which a limb is placed in a straight position is called:: extension 26.A "Myelogram" is used to record _______ information:: spinal cord/nerve tissue 27.An "Otoscope" is used to view the:: ear 28.A "Pacemaker" can be external or internal and usually generates electrical stimuli to the heart muscle with ________:: fixed and/or alternate impulse 29.A "PET Scan" is used to detect glucose or energy use levels of the ________:: brain 30.A 'Plantar Wart' is located on the:: sole of foot 31.The procedure of using an instrument that produces high frequency sound waves to produce an image of the size or shape of a body part is called:: Ultra/sono/graph/y 32.A "_____" produces a radio frequency radiation pulse image of soft and hard tissue in multiple planes.: Magnetic

Resonance Imaging (Scan)-MRI 33.The "Pyelogram" records information about the _____:: kidney pelvis 34.A "Spinal Tap" is used to ________:: take fluid samples from the spinal fluid 35.The term "Auscult/ation" literally means:: process or procedure for listening 36.The term "Biopsy" literally means:: the procedure of viewing life 37.The term "Bronchoscope" literally means:: instrument to view trachea-like structures 38.The term "Catheter" literally means:: to let down into 39.The term 'coronal' or 'frontal plane' divides the body into the:: anterior and posterior portions 40.The term "Cryo/surg/er/y" literally means:: a procedure of one who works by hand with cold 41.The term defined as the process of drawing away from the mid-line or middle is:: abduction 42.The term "Intramuscular Injection-IM" literally means:: within a muscle 43.The term "Intravenous Injection -IV" means:: within a vein 44.The term "Mammogram" means:: a recording of the breast 45.The term "Nebuliz/er" means:: one who causes a mist 46.The term "ocular" literally means:: refers to the eye 47.The term "Ophthalmo/scop/e" means:: instrument to examine the eye 48.The term "Percuss/ion" literally means:: process or procedure of striking 49.The term "Phlebotomy" means:: to cut into a vein 50.The term "Sphygmo/mano/meter" literally means:: to measure the pulse by hand 51.The term that describes movement toward the front of the body is:: ventral 52.The term that describes movement toward the top of the body is:: cephalic 53.The term that describes the direction closest to the point of origin is:: proximal 54.The term that divides the body into right and left halves is the:: sagittal plane "like an arrow" 55.The term "Tympanostomy" literally means:: procedure of cutting and making a mouth-like opening in the ear drum 56.A "Thallium - Hot Spot Test" is used to detect _____ damage:: heart

57.A "Tonometer" measures pressure within the ________:: eye 58.A trephine is used to remove___.: bone 59.What cellular organelle contains chromosomes and has the literal meaning "nut"?: nucleus 60.Which of these conditions would be treated with Phakic IOLs?: Myopia 61.Which of these was the first 3D-printed drug approved by the FDA?: Spritam

Chapter 4 1.According to Barbara Ann Brennan's "Hands of Light," a white aura indicates:: Health and happiness 2.Acupuncture has been practiced in the United States since:: 1970s 3."Acu/puncture" literally means ________:: needle puncture 4.Acupuncture may be used to treat:: Insomnia and back pain; Headaches and migraines; Arthritis and rheumatism; Allergies and tinnitus; All of the above 5.All hypnosis techniques put an individual in a relaxed state of ____ brain wave activity.: Alpha 6.Any therapy that relies on the body's own healing powers is considered:: Natural 7."Aromatherapy" is a type of integrated therapy that some may feel is _________:: suggestive, or placebo effect; unsupported by clinical evidence; psychosomatic 8."Biofeedback" is a type of _____ therapy:: psychosomatic 9."Complimentary or Alternative Medicine" is now referred to as ________:: Integrated Medicine 10.Dr. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross is best known for:: The Stages of Death and Dying 11.Folk remedies are based on:: Plants; Charms; Rituals; All of the above 12.The Herbert Spiegel suggestibility test incorporates what organ?: Eye

13.Holistic therapies stress the importance of:: Both self-care and illness prevention 14.Homeo/path/ic literally means:: like or same/as disease/refers 15.Irid/olog/y literally means:: rainbow/science/procedure of 16."Massage and Reflexology" are examples of ________:: integrated medicine 17.Phren/olog/y literally means:: mind/science/procedure of 18."Placebo Effect Therapy"(like hypnotherapy) uses the principle of ________:: suggestion and believability 19.The practice of summoning a higher power to help treat disease is called:: Spiritual healing 20.Small acupuncture needles are used for:: Ears 21.Therapeutic touch is also known as:: Auratherapy 22."Therapeutic Touch Therapy" uses the principle that the body produces:: energy or an aura - "halo" 23.What does Reiki mean in Japanese?: Universal vital force 24.What is the manipulation of the body's soft tissues by stroking, rubbing, kneading and tapping?: Massage 25.What physicians administer small doses of similar disease substances to allegedly stimulate the natural body response of immunity?: Homeopathic 26.What physicians use antagonistic substances to attach to disease organisms or illness?: Allopathic 27.What treats the body using principles similar to acupuncture and acupressure?: Reflexology 28.What type of medicine has ancient origins, strong cultural ties, and trained healers?: Traditional 29.Which of these body parts is commonly massaged by practitioners of reflexology?: Hand 30.Which of these is not one of Kubler-Ross' stages of grief?: Depression; Bargaining; Acceptance; All of these are stages of grief 31.Which of these treatments would commonly be labelled "orthodox" medicine?: Chemotherapy 32.Which oil might an aromatherapist use to attempt to ease a client's joint pain?: Juniper 33.Who is considered the founder of chiropractics?: Daniel David Palmer 34.Who is considered the founder of homeopathy?: Samuel Hahnemann 35.Who is considered the founder of osteopathy?: Andrew Taylor Still

Chapter 5 1.Acro/megal/y: extremities/enlarged/refers to 2.Adip/oma: fat/tumor 3.Aero/sol: air/solution 4.A/men/orrhea: without or lack of/monthly/flow 5.A/taxia: without/muscle coordination 6.Benign/iform: kind/shape or appearance 7.Brachy/dactyl/ia: short/fingers and toes/refers to 8.Bulim/ic: hunger or appetite/condition of 9.Cal/or: heated/one who is 10.Carcin/oma: crab-like/tumor 11.Cauter/iz/ation: to burn/act of/procedure of 12.Cereb/ellum: brain/lesser or smaller 13.Cerv/ical: neck/refers to 14.Cholang/itis: bile duct/inflamed 15.Col/ostomy: colon/opening 16.Com/minute: together/small 17.Concuss/ion: violent shaking/process of 18.Con/junctiv/itis: together/join/inflamed 19.Crenat/ion: notched/process of 20.Cyst/itis: bladder or sac/inflamed 21.Demi/facet: half/little face 22.Dia/stole: between/contraction 23.Duoden/itis: twelve/inflamed 24.Dy/ad: a pair/refers to 25.Em/py/ema: in/pus/refers to 26.Encephalo/gram: within head/ recording 27.Epi/didymis: upon/teste 28.Eu/toc/ia: normal/birth/pertains to 29.Fibul/a: to clasp/refers to 30.Fiss/ure: cleft/state of 31.Genit/al: reproductive/refers to 32.Gravid/ium: pregnant/ refers to 33.Gust/ation: tasting/ process of 34.Helio/pathy: sun/injury 35.Helminth/iasis: worms/disease of 36.Hemat/emesis: blood/vomit 37.Hemo/stasis: blood/stoppage 38.Hyal/ase: glassy/enzyme 39.Ichthy/osis: fish-like/condition of 40.In/cis/ion: into/cut/procedure

41.Infarct/ion: to stuff into/refers to 42.Kali/penia: potassium/decrease of 43.Keto/sis: sour or acid/condition 44.Kine/tic: movement/state of 45.Kyph/osis: hunchback/condition 46.Lacrim/al: tearing/refer to 47.Lap/is: stone/refers to 48.Lapro/scop/y: abdominal/view/procedure of 49.Leio/my/oma: smooth/muscle/tumor 50.Lip/oid: fat/resembling 51.Macro/phage: large/eater 52.Masset/er: to chew/one who 53.Mening/itis: membrane/inflamed 54.Muc/oid: slime/resembles 55.Narco/lepsy: sleep/seizure 56.Nephr/itis: kidney/inflamed 57.Nev/us: birthmark/refers to 58.Nulli/para: no/births 59.Occipit/al: back of head/pertains to 60.Oculo/motor: eye/movement 61.Omphal/ectomy: navel/removal 62.Oophor/itis: ovary/inflamed 63.Oscillo/graph: to swing/instrument 64.Oss/icle: bone/small 65.Pachy/derm/al: thick/skin/pertains to 66.Pachy/derm/ia: thick/skin/refers to 67.Pall/or: pale/one who 68.Papill/ary: nipple/refer to 69.Para/noia: beyond/mind 70.Ped/al: foot/refers to 71.Per/tussis: through/cough 72.Poly/dipsia: many/thirsts 73.Quadr/ants: four/refers 74.Radicul/itis: nerve root/inflammation 75.Ren/al: kidney/pertaining to 76.Retro/col/ic: back of/big intestine/refers to 77.Rug/ae: folds/refers to 78.Sacchar/ide: sugar/likeness 79.Salping/itis: duct/inflamed 80.Scler/itis: hard/inflammation 81.Secreat/or: separating/one who 82.Sphygmo/mano/meter: pulse/by hand/measurement 83.Spondyl/itis: vertebra/inflamed

84.Squam/ous: scaly/refers to 85.Steato/rrhea: fat/flow 86.Sterno/cleido/mast/oid: sternum/collarbone/breast/resemble 87.Strabism/us: squinting/refers to 88.Sub/lux/ation: under/to dislocate/refers to 89.Sudorifer/ous: sweat/pertaining to 90.Sym/physis: together/growth 91.Tal/us: ankle/refers to 92.Teno/desis: tendon/binding 93.Therm/al: temperature/pertains to 94.Tox/ic: poison/refers to 95.Uln/ar: elbow/refers to 96.Unguin/al: nail/pertain to 97.Varico/cele: twisted/rupture 98.Ven/atresia: vein/closure 99.Xanth/oma: yellow/swelling 100.Zygot/e: union/instrument Chapter 6 1.the ankle bones are called the ___ bones:: tarsal 2.An ankle sprain is often characterized by ________:: hematoma formation, with ligaments that are stretch, or partially or fully torn 3.A bone process or eye membrane disease term that means resembling a wing is ________:: pteryg/oid 4.the combining form ___ means bone marrow or spinal cord: myelo- "osteomyelitis or myelogram" 5.the combining form of a term that means "hump or hunchback" is ____, and the medical condition of ___ is the backward bending of the thoracic (chest vertebrae) spine.: kypho- -kyph/o/sis 6.the combining form scolio- means:: crooked and curved 7.the combining forms or terms that literally mean "rib" are:: cost/o and pleuro8.the combining forms that mean "movement or motion" are:: kinesio- and -praxia 9.the combining forms that mean "stone" are:: petro- and litho10.the combining word form that refers to the "spine, vertebral column, and/or vertebra" is:: rachi/o- and spondyl/o11.The condition resulting in spasms of the nerves and muscles due to an abnormally low concentration of calcium in the

blood is:: tetany 12.CTS is an abbreviation for ___________ Syn/drome (sign and symptom complex).: carpal tunnel 13.the diagnostic term ankylosing spondylitis means:: fusing/process vertebrae/inflamed 14.the diagnostic term ankylos/ing spondyl/itis refers to the auto-immune condition of rheumatoid arthritis and actually means:: the abnormal condition of stiffness and fusion of vertebrae 15.the diagnostic term Anterior Polio/myel/itis means an:: inflammation (viral based attack) of the frontal gray horn of the spinal cord 16.the diagnostic term avulsion means:: tearing lose of a body part like a bone chip or ligament 17.the diagnostic term Bunion (turnip sac) actually means:: inflamed bursa of the big toe's metatarsolphalangeal joint 18.the diagnostic term for a disease that causes excessive amounts of uric acid crystals in the blood to be deposited in joint (elbow or toe) is:: gout 19.the diagnostic term Genu Varum (knees are in the varus position) means:: knees are bent outward (bow-legged) 20.the diagnostic term Hammer Toe means:: the toe or toes of the foot are bent over or down 21.the diagnostic term Herniated Disc means:: ruptured or protruding inter/vertebral disk cartilage 22.the diagnostic term Hip Disarticulation (HD) also means:: a surgical amputation through the joint capsule of the hip joint 23.the diagnostic term Muscular Dys/trophy means:: muscles that have faulty development; and wasting away of the muscles that did develop properly 24.the diagnostic term My/asthenia Gravis actually means:: heavy because of muscle weakness 25.the diagnostic term osteoarthritis means:: inflammation of a bone joint causing bone hypertrophy 26.the diagnostic term osteosarcoma means:: bone tumors that causes hard tissue to become soft and fleshy 27.the diagnostic term Pes Planus means:: flat foot 28.the diagnostic term pre/patellar burs/itis means:: inflamed bursa below the knee 29.the diagnostic term rheumat/oid arthr.itis means:: autoimmune disease often with cartilaginous hyper/troph/y 30.the diagnostic term rotator cuff avulsion actually

means:: tearing of shoulder joint's soft tissues, ligaments, and deep tendons (rotaator cuff muscles) 31.the diagnostic terms my/asthenia and neur/asthenia mean:: muscle weakness and nerve weakness 32.the diagnostic term spondylo/listh/esis literally and actually means:: vertebrae/slippage/condition 33.the diagnostic term sub/luxation actually means:: partial joint dislocation 34.the diagnostic term Syn/dactylia means:: fingers connected together 35.the diagnostic term that literally means inflamed joint is:: arthr/itis 36.the diagnostic term that means abnormal build up of calcium on the kneecap (patella) surface is:: calcin/osis 37.the diagnostic term that means abnormal loss of bone density or increased bone poros/ity is:: osteo/por/o/sis 38.the diagnostic term that means pain in the tendon is:: tenalgia or tendodynia 39.the first seven bones of the vertebral column (forming the neck) are the:: cervical 40.The healing specialty that emphasizes a system of therapy based on the manipulation of the vertebral column and other bones of the body by hand is:: chiropractic instrument used to cut bone is called a(n):: osteo/tom/e 42.The literal meaning of the diagnostic term Cardio/myo/path/y is:: heart/muscle/disease/condition 43.The machine that records muscle activity is called the:: electromyo/graph 44.the medical term burs/itis literally means:: wine sac or sac inflamed 45.The medical term for a specialist who treats and diagnoses foot disease and disorders such as corns, bunions, claw foot, ingrown toenails, and par/onych/itis is a(n):: pod/iatr/ist 46.the medical term "gangli/ec/tom/y" means:: procedure of cutting out a knot 47.the medical term that means an artificial substitute or addition replacing a missing body part (teeth, feet, hearing aid, eye lens) is:: prosth/esis 48.a muscle directional term for m...

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