Final Exam Lecture Notes PDF

Title Final Exam Lecture Notes
Author Minh Dau
Course Flight Culture and the Human Experience
Institution The University of Texas at Arlington
Pages 14
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The notes here are a compilation of the lectures that correspond to the material that is covered on the final exam....


Final Exam Tuesday, May 5, 2020

4:49 PM

Munich Crisis- encouraged Hitler to gain more teriortry. Hiter was not satisfied with only gaining Austria, so he began demanding parts of Czechoslovokai. In September 1938, war against Germany was increasingly likely, Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain flew it munich in an attempt to appease hitler(give him what he wants) to secure a guarantee that there will be no more German hostility. But hitler broke that promise and occupied Czechoslovaika in March 1939 BCR aircraft- Bombardment combat and recon aircraft, a series of planes intended to serve multipurpose, to save money. Slow planes, unmunerable, and ugly, slower than me-109. _French had wide tech gap, the Dewaitline D-520 is their more technology advanced plane. The french at the time were illprepared for war. The government allowed the military complex to stagnate and their production were horrible. Tried to fight war by having mulitple small countries join an alliance in an attempt to surround Germany, built Maginot Line to try to play defense against Germany. Frech factories are not prepared to mass-produce airplanes. Greatly outnumbered and outpowered by Germany. British structured air force by function- fighter command, bomber command, costal command, etc

Hugh Dowding- commander in chief of fighter command, air marshal in 1933 of Britian, pushed for development of spitfire and hurricane. Organized a new defensive shield as "dowding" system. RDF- radio direction finding. Early radar system. 1935- radar can detect planes of 40 miles.

Chain Home- 5 operational stations covering entrance to London estuary. An entire air defense system that utilizes fighter command bases integrated with communication system based upon radar system that could detect aircraft. Operational on the eve of battle of britian

Me-109 not designed for long operational, more of a short-ranged tactical role. Hawker Hurrican comprised mostly of British aircraft but slower and steadier than Spitfire. Luftwaffe strategy was to shutdown Biritish 1940 was to shutdown shipping in English Channel. German high command often underestimated their opponenet. British worked out the kinks of their radar system when German kept attacking shipping lines. German had bad intelligence and numerous bad decisions, did not attack production lines or radar command centers. German out of fustration attacked major cities and civilian to terrorize and demoralize British citizens. German had the nickabine, to identify where the radar pings are coming from, British responded by having electronic countermeasures. Luffwaffe had bad logictics and support system, lack of forward maintence and repair facilities, bad range of aircraft. Use of enemy airbases to support their offensive movements. Lack of forward maintence of German meant servicability rates dropped a lot. Luffwaffe had bad leadership and intelligence, lack of clear and goals and constant underestimation of opponent. Industrial mobilization was bad until late in the war. Had fewer newer aircraft models, low industrial outputs, expected to win a short war. Battle of Britian- large scale air battle in which the Royal airforce of britian defended Britian against massive aerial attacks from the German. Only air forces. Large scale night attacks called the "blitz" targeted major English population center to reign terror and demoralizes British citizens. Douglas B-18 were a protyype, the US army eventually liked the B-17, these were from a design contest. Boeing plane lost in contest because of an error in ground crew, and lost protytpe, constant lobbying by US officals lobbied for Boeing Model 299. Massive publicity stunt to get this model going. And wants public opinon to change to like this. Boeing B-17 "Flying Fortress"- high-tech, result of massive publicity stunt and attempts to suade the public into thinking the US had the

most advanced bomber. US had mission to have precison bombing, try to minimize collateral damage, destroy the enemy war making capability and eliminate lost of civilan life. PRECISION BOMBING. Norden bombsight- problem at time was accuracy of bombing. Had well crafted optics and variaable speed motors that swiveled the telescope, allowed to keep bomb sight on target. Very complicated, had to keep a fixed speed for 15-20 second, can place a bomb in a 100 ft circle from 4 miles up, weighed only 50 lbs. ONE OF AMERICAS SECRET. CHANGED STRATEGIC BOMBING. "Operation Gomorrah"- a collboration between US and British air raids targeted city of Hamburg,Germany. 7/27/1943, combined 700 Brit and US bombers snet to germany terrortory, dropped "window" alluminum strips so radar gives a false signal. Dropped incendiary bombs in residental areas, dry areas in German and high winds, everything lit into flames. Example of PRECISION BOMBING. P-51 mustangs, has supplemental fuel tanks that could be dropped during machine, had ability to escort from England To Berlin, had the range to escort bombers all the way into German. And p-47. Eventually US shifted tactics and used bombers as a way to attract the lufftwaffe and then destroy German air force that way and have air superiority, Then another shift in strategy occur, instead of attacking German cities, the allies started targeting oil refineries. Flying a bomber was deadly, high attrition rate Hosho- first aircraft carrier, designed by British firms and French firms, and trained Japanese in advanced aerial tactical technqiues Minoru Genda- his class was tasked with arnament that could defeat US naval fleet. He wrote a paper that carrier dive bombers and torpedo can outrange the guns of the ships, seabattles can take place by airplanes by opposing aircrafts. Right arnmanent against US is air-based naval attack. His ideas was criticized by everybody. Ships would attack each other without seeing each other,- was his vision Isoruku YamamotoUsed Genda's idea to attack US naval ships. Opposed the idea of attacking the US, idea of going to war with US was risky and illogical. Ordered to oversee the preparation of the attack in Pearl Harbor. Two different types of airforce, navy aircraf and army aircraft Both are attached to the emperor. Interservice rivarly between Japanese

army and navy to fight for funding. Japanese had the best pilots in the world. Japanese zero had better range and higher climb than Spitfire. Problem was a small engine, light weight but no armor. Japan had the most carriers, and best pilots and planes in the world. Essex-Class Carriers- first appeared in 1943, form the backbone of US navy air strike capabilities. "A floating city", first to include a radar that’s effective integrated into a combat information center that can distingush between enemy and friendly, corrdinate anti-air fire and vector aircraft to where its needed. "Fast tankers" ships that carry a lot of oil that move very fast, that is used to fuel these aircraft carriers. Enola GayFirst aircraft to drop the atomic bomb, it was a b-29 superfortress Berlin Airlift Stretching the isolated city that was blockaded by Stalin's USSR, Berlin, supplies so they can last longer. Supply West Berlin with food via airlift. Lots of planes flew in and supplied the Berlin City, new runways were built to accomdate the larger airplanes and the frequent use of the runways. Eventually stalin backed down, Huge propaganda victory for the US. New view for airplane as symbol of weatlh and power, "dropping milk instead of bombs for Berlin" RAND Corporation -Research and Development, independent(private) non-profit, conducts research via contracts provided by Air Force for advanced aerial weaponry and technology. Define now culture because military often goes to universities so they can conduct research into future war technology. US military heads into the direction of strategic air power(bombing), strateigic air command, tactical air command and defense air command. USAF eventually develops into its own independent service branch 1947

Curtis LeMay - Head of strategic air command, central to development of

strategic air doctrine during and after WWII. Commander of 305th bomber crew out of UK. Inovates box formation of bomber planes. Concludes that aerial tactics in UK were not effective in Pacific Theatre. High attitude precison bombing is ineffective, argues for mid and low level bombing in day time, argues for use of incendiary. IN charge of berlin airlift. Ordered a bombing test that found out that bombers were very inaccurate and therefore wanted his bombers to train and train. Argues for new fleet of bombers and aerial refueling capability and missile capability. Plants the image into public that the SAC is the elite unit of Air Force. Can spot promote his men without going to congress. CONSTANT LOBBYING LED TO INCREASE IN MILITARY BUDGET. Constatnly promotes SAC to get budget and to increase public image.

Strategic Air Command (SAC) - Mission was to be prepared to develop offensive aerial operations around the world, and recon missions. 40-50s american culutre, airplane is seen as frontline weaponry, long range bombing Frank Whittle - Associated w/ development of jet engines. Wrote a paper and argues that to get to speeds of faster than 500 mph, a new propulsion system will be needed. - Combines jet engine with a turbine to build a turbojet, instead of piston turning, the fan is turning. The higher atitudes and more speed you got, the better working it is. This idea was in 1928 but beurcratic dismissed it as unworkable. Set up a prytorotype and changes mind in 1937. Led to the Gloster Meteor- first british jet fighter in 1944. Messerschmitt Me 262 World's first jet plane that is operational, build quality was bad, productive capability was bad, most of the airfields that were used were often attacked. Mostly constructed by slaves. P-59 Airacomet was US first jet plane. US contributuion involve theroy and incoporation of jet engines into the plane.

Swept wing - By sweeping the wing, air velocity could remain in subsonic range and not have excessive shockwaves turblent effects can be avoided. - B-47 was first uniquely jet strategic bomber for US and had swept wings.

Army needed fighters to conduct ground campign for air superiority and ground attack role. Lockheed F-80 shooting stars- US fighter planes at time in N.Korea, good tactical aircraft but limited range and require runaway to take off. If flown from Japan then waste a lot of gas and still limited range. Call up old P-51 because they have more mobility and range and can fly on runaways, P-51 are loaded on carriers and dispatched from these carriers to attack N.Korea, carry naplam bombs and rockets. Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-15 - Soviets provided North Korea with Mig-15 which are better than F-80 Shooting Star. Could outclimb the sabre. Greater operation celing. Poor control at high speeds, directional instability. Could come down and attack american and come back up in air. Airwar halts the hostility but does not end war, air attack slows down Chinese movement into North Korea. US attacks on DAMS eventually led to an armistice in North Korea because fear of starvation. North American F-86 Sabre - American new jet in the korean war that is used to match up against MIG-15. looks like it too. Faster than MIG. More maneurable. PAN AM lobbies as the primere international travel in US. PAN AM gave up that monopoly because US government doesn't want a monopoly, Parcel out international travels, each international travel airlines given different routes. IATA(international air transport Assoication)-57 members, assist airline companies to corrdinate lawful competition. Give out abbreviation for airports like DFW. International Civil Avivation Organization- settle conflicting ideas about the structure of international air travel. America wants open sky concept- minimal nationalistic regulation(government regulation). One airline in a country that is subsizdized by

government, this was a fear of regulated air travel. Forms international standards for communication. ICAO Bermuda Agreements- established procedures for thronier problems like which flights can your airplanes fly and how frequently they can fly. Cabatage- transport of goods or passengers between two points in the same country. Ex: British airplane can fly passenger from London to New York, then fly to LA to refuel but cannot pick up passengers in LA. Helps American air carriers. Helps insulate them from international competition. Efficent structure for international commerical travel but not enough airplanes, British does not have enough airplanes. US dominate civilian air market after WWII. Boeing 377 stratocruiser- luxary civilian aircraft that is similar to the clippers of the 1930s. Very expensive to make, only 55 constructed, and spotty service record.

De Havilland Comet First civilian jet airplane for civilian use, developed by the British. Flight crew of 4, 36-44 passengers. British pinoneered international jet avivation. Then all of a sudden, the planes started mysteriously crashing, so Britsh grounded all comet jets, Fatigue cracks found in the corners of the square windows. Because of this, we have round windows instead of square windows to solve fatigue problems. Took 4 years to get recertified for service. Airservice at the time of 1930 was reserved for the very rich and now after WWII, everyone could fly, millions flew on a annual basis. No longer the rich that could fly but everyone could fly. Ecnomic boom in US.

Boeing 707 Built in response to supension of Comet flight, considered an upgrade to COMET. Offered levels of comfort, set industry standards, folded arm rest, opaque window shades. Development was very costly to develop, huge risk by boeing. 800 were produced. International Civil Avivation Organization (ICAO)

Federal Avivation Agency (FAA) he Federal Aviation Administration is a governmental body of the United States with powers to regulate all aspects of civil aviation in that nation as well as over its surrounding international water

Mary Wells - Madison avenue respected advertising executive, "Litte blonde bomber." Wells Rich and Green, her own company, after she left, she took Braniff contract when she left. Becomes first female CEO of a New York Stock Exchange listed firm. WRG, became the top notch advertisting company that many companies go to. Came up with lots of notable advertisng slogans that are still present today. Braniff ad campign lifted her to success. Airplanes after WWII, airline ads had images of kids in ads indicating that families could also enjoy air travel. Braniff airlines's Harding was hired to shift the company into the right direction. Hired Tinkoff and Company to market their strategy. Airline Deregulation Act K..US domestic avivation regulated by CAB, set fares established travel schedules and tried to help airlines, abilities transferred to FAA in 1958, airlines had to wait for years to get routes approved because of beuracracy, Congress decided to deregulate the airlines in 1978, aim to remove government control of airline industry and exposed passengers to the free market and competition w/ little government interference. Airlines then cut routes that were unprofitable, major airlines can now decide their own routes. Companies rapidly expanded their routes. Fares plummet and competing airlines introduced a whole bunch of gimmick to attract customers- hence the birth of , reward points. Airlines suffered from competition, rapid overexpansion, rising fuel costs and low fares made airline unprofitable. Deregulations led to major merges between carriers. Lessened the opportunity to use major carriers, have to drive to a major city to get to a hub. Service reduction to set cities but aimed to cut losses. Hub and Spoke Model of organizng a company's air routes. Major hubs that provided routes to different outreaches like for example DFW is the hub for American Airlines. Used to save money.

Southwest Airlines -1967, served 3 cities HOUSTON DALLAS AND SAN ANTONIO, got into legal battle with braniff over route expansion. When began only had 3 boeing 737, first two years, no profit, From 1973 to on, would make money every single year. Introduces interesting ad campign- "long lags and short nights". "hostess in hotpants". Offers a point to point service, utilizes secondary instead of primary airports. First air carrier to have internet presence, where you buy tickets 1995. No assigned seats. Used fuel options, buy fuels in contracts when it was low. Fleet is composed of nothing but 737, made maintence easier. US largest airline in terms of passengers that it carry. Douglas corporation was the one that introduced the move to larger aircrafts. - DOUGLAS DC-8-61("super sixty" series), took the fuselage of DC-8 and made it longer, 189 to 259. Boeing 747 - Created a new breed of "jumbo jets". A challenge for those in the interior, can hold up to 490 passengers, serving and cleaning up can be difficult. Airbus - Cooperation between european airline companies, each individual company made individual parts, that they shipped from different countries and mailed them to join them together to build the airplane, this is to help compete with american giants airplane company Airbus A320 - State of the art, long distance passenger airplane, intended to compete and beat boeing for industry long range passenger plane. Full generation ahead of Boeing airplane. Entire family of airbuses, 318,319,320,321. Wider single isle cabins,, larger overhead bins, spacious cargo hold, lower maintence cost, and introduction of flyby wire control system- computerized flight control. Designed with composite materials, to make it lightweight, one of the most successful airplane. All of these pointing to the way of international partnership and cooperation. Supersonic Transport (SST) Operation Rolling Thunder

LOTS OF BOMBS DROPPED IN VIETNAM. Strategic bombing of supplies of weapons and to slow flow of men from north to south. Targeting highways, and railroads. Limited bombing. Many called for extensive bombing of strategic locations. To the north, industry was very little so bombing wasn't effective, what is there to bomb? US staff had no imagination for newer techniques so it did not work out. No military commanders were at the meetings for the meetings w/ the president where president determines what packages to hit. President prohibited commander s from striking targets close to Hanoi and the harbor. F-111 Aardvark - Major defects and gaft overrun, very expensive, variable-sweep wings, afterburning turbofan engine, terrain-following radar, electronic warfare,countermeasures. Did not see combat. Successor to F-4, extremly heavy and complex design. Designed to be a jack of all trades, so in effect, does nothing well. So complex that something always go wrong.

Vietnam was a failure of US air power, that the aerial superiority did not win the war, vietnam syndrome. Other proponents said that political decisions and military decions made war resrouces less effective. Importance of vietnam war: introduction of electronic warfare. Douglas AC-47- "spooky", first gunship. This was born into vietnam. Ac-130H spectre gunships also was born during vietnam war. Tactical air support was needed not strategic bombers, in vietnam. Evolution of army air is due to interservice rivalry. Vietnam testing ground for use of air cavlary in military 1st Air Cavalry (Airmobile) division - First air cavalry was created. 428 helicopters(5x as many infantry units) but half as many jeeps and group units. UH-1 huey were used as scouts and tranports. Helicopters provided excellent logistics and scouting. Chinnook turned into ground gunship. HUEY-cobra is the first dedicated helicopter gunship. Helicopter pilot was dangerous job, primitive technology and attack from ground fire made it deadly to fly. Vietnam changed the thinking of USAF, eventually changed thinking

to tactical air, : fighter pilots (for ground attack) Red Flag - New training exercise to provide beginning pilots with realistic combat experience. Create a virtual air war with realistic air simulations, such as the tactics that MIG would employ and si...

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