Final EXAM Online Parts 2 and 3 PDF

Title Final EXAM Online Parts 2 and 3
Course The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Institution Utah Valley University
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Use this document! Type your responses under each question. Change the font color of your responses. DON’T choose a light color. Write reflectively! This means to think first, then write out what is in your head. (Read the Learning Journal Instructions and Tips document in Canvas in the Week 1 “Orientation” Module) Respond to all question parts. SLSS 1200 ONLINE--FINAL EXAM: PARTS 2 & 3

PART 2: Assessing the 7 Habits (Approximately 2 pages; 30 points) Developing self-awareness has been a central aspect of this class. One of the best ways to increase selfawareness is to honestly assess yourself. Pull up your results from the pre-assessment that you took the first week of the semester. You can find this document in your assignments. Next, review the post-assessment that you just took. Spend a little bit of time comparing the changes from the pre- to the post results. a. Specifically, what concepts or areas within the 7 Habits seem to be natural strengths or where you’ve seen some substantial improvement? What evidence do you have for your perceptions?

There is only one of the 7 Habits that I think have been a natural strength for me, and that is Habit 2. Habit 2 has been a natural strength for me because even at the beginning of the semester that is the Habit that I agreed most strongly with all but one statement. Now, at the end of the semester, I can say that I strongly agree with all of the four statements. This is the main reason for why I believe that this habit seems to be a natural strength for me. All the rest of the habits are ones that I have had to grow into, in some way. The habit that I have seen the most improvement has been in Habit 1. When I took the pre-assessment, I either disagreed or strongly disagreed with all of the statements, for this particular habit. When I took the post-assessment, I could see a significant amount of improvement. This is because most of my answers ranged from neither disagree nor agree to strongly agree. There is also other evidence that I have noticed as to why this is the habit with the most improvement. At the beginning of the semester, I never really tried to control my moods. I really did not want to take the time to work on controlling them. However, now, I desire to control my moods and have made significant progress with it. Another big thing that has changed is that I have started taking responsibility for my actions. This is something that I rarely would ever do at the beginning of the semester. I would always try to blame my actions on something or someone else. Now, I can say that even though I might not want to, I take ownership of my actions and deal with the consequences that follow them. b. Specifically, what are a couple of key areas within the 7 Habits that you know you need to focus on in order to be more effective? What evidence do you have for your perceptions?

There are two things that I need to make sure that I keep working on, especially after this semester is over. The first one is focusing on the things that I can do. This is definitely something that I struggle with; however, I am still able to do it. Anyways, I think that the biggest evidence that

I have, that shows I need to work on this, is the fact that I have started worrying about the things I have no control over. The second one is caring for my physical well-being. The biggest evidence that I have for this is that there are times that I care about taking care of myself physically, but there are also times that I do not care. I think that if I continue working on these two key areas I will be able to more fully live the 7 Habits, as laid out by Steven Covey. c. What will happen if you ignore and/or don’t attend to the areas you identified in the previous question?

The biggest thing that will happen is that I will not be living my life, at least not completely, by the 7 Habits as laid out by Steven Covey. Now, there are also some specific things that could happen if I do not work on these key areas. If I do not work on focusing on the things I can do something about, then I will continue to worry and stress about the things I cannot do something about. If this continues to happen, then I will be living a life full of stress and worry that I could be avoiding. If I do not work on caring for my physical well-being then I would be affecting my body, possibly in a negative way. I would not be taking care of myself and that can have serious side effects. d. What is a specific action plan that you can employ right away to address these needed areas of improvement?

For the first key area, focusing on things I can do something about, there is a specific action plan that would be beneficial. This action plan starts with me realizing that there are things that I cannot control, and accepting that fact. Once I accept that fact, I can start slowly transitioning where my focus lies. By slowly transitioning where my focus lies, it allows me to have time to allow my brain to get used to focusing on the things that I can do. I know that this is something that will take a little time, but I have been working on it. Which means I do not have to completely start from scratch. I can start from where I am at and continue working on this key area. For the second key area, caring for my physical well-being, I would start by making a plan to start exercising more and being more diligent about it. I would find someone who would hold me accountable each day that I say I am going to exercise. I would exercise with this person on the specified days, which would definitely hold me accountable. This would also prevent me from just saying that I had exercised, especially when I did not do it at all or barely did it. Having an accountability person would also force me to work hard because they would be able to tell whether or not I was actually trying to push myself. e. Were you able to make progress on the desired results (goals) that you wrote about in the first week of the semester? If so, briefly describe the progress. If not, briefly describe why you didn’t.

I think that I have definitely made progress on my desired results, from the pre-assessment. I have seen myself make slow but steady progress on being more proactive in my life. I have stopped procrastinating things, and have been taking the initiative to get what I need to get done done. I think that was one of the hardest things that I had to overcome because I was a big procrastinator. However, this class has definitely helped me overcome that habit. I have made a lot of progress when it comes to controlling my moods. At the beginning of the semester I never really tried to control my moods because it always seemed too hard. However, as I went through this class I have learned and started practicing the skills to help me control my moods. I could be doing better at controlling my moods, but I can confidently say that I can control my moods and anger, usually with a lot of effort. Another reason

that I believe that I have made progress is because I have started putting first things first. I have been able to work on all the key areas of this habit in all aspects of my life. It has been a long hard road to get to this point, but I have definitely am able to now say that I have gotten to the point where I can agree with all the statements, in this habit, in varying degrees. PART 3: Application (Approximately 2 pages; 30 points) Begin this part by reviewing your work this semester. This includes looking back and re-reading your learning journal submissions. Keep your post=assessment results in mind (that you just completed from Part 2 of this exam) as well. Consider all 7 habits and the many different roles in your life (parent, spouse, roommate, employee, student, etc.). Choose one habit from the private victory and one habit from the public victory and in specific, concrete terms, articulate how you have applied them in your life. You should feel free to draw upon examples from your learning journals but your response here should not be a copy/paste from the journal. 1. Private Victory Habit Application: Articulate, specifically, how you applied this habit in your life.

The private victory that I chose to write about is Habit 3. Habit 3 is about time management. This was a habit that has really helped me in my life because of how much I have applied it. The first thing that I did to apply this habit in my life was by setting my priorities straight. This means that instead of putting the small rocks first, I began to put my big rocks first. When I was doing the learning journal, for this habit, I realized that some of my big rocks were things that I wanted the right then; however, the majority of my big rocks were things that are important to me in a lifelong sense. The ones that were not something that was lifelong, I decided that I wanted to change because I wanted my big rocks to be something that I could work on every day of my life. So, my big rocks became: maintaining a current temple recommend, maintaining strong family relationships, maintaining strong friendships, continually get closer to my Heavenly Father, exercise more often, and work with my service dog more. Once I decided what I wanted my big rocks to be, I started making time for them each and every day. I realized that the more that I continued to put my big rocks first, the more things just seemed to fall into their proper places. By this I mean that when I stopped putting the little rocks first, I was able to arrange everything around the big rocks, and still have enough time. I was surprised that I was able to find a way to fit everything I needed to do in each day. Through putting my big rocks first, I have been able to get more done in a day, than I ever was able to when I was putting the small rocks first. I am really thankful that I have been able to learn this habit and apply it in my life because it has definitely been a life changing thing for me. 2. Public Victory Habit Application: Articulate specifically how you applied this habit in your life.

The public victory that I chose to write about is Habit 4. Habit 4 is about creating WIN-WIN Agreements in each of my relationships, with other people. The first way that I have applied this habit into my life was in my relationship with my mom. In the learning journal, for this habit, I asked my mom to participate in the exercises with me. As we went through the different parts of the learning journal we started to realize that our relationship would definitely benefit from having a WIN-WIN Agreement. So, as we went through the process of creating our WIN-WIN Agreement, we started realizing more about each other, especially about what bothers each other. Once we created our WINWIN Agreement, I started immediately working on the things that I agreed to do. I realized that the more I was doing those things, the closer I was getting to my mom. I also realized that we were fighting less and less about ridiculous things, and were able to just communicate our feelings and thoughts with each other. It was an amazing transformation in our relationship because it had been so long since we felt like we could just talk freely with each other.

After I started seeing a difference in my relationship with my mom, I started working on some of my other family relationships that were not doing too well. The first one that I chose to start working on was my relationship with my brother Preston. As we went through the process of creating our WINWIN Agreement, we also learned a lot about each other. Through this habit I have been able to find a way to help solve problems in my relationships with my family members. I am really thankful that I have been able to learn how to apply this habit into my life because I have seen so much good come from applying it. 3. How can you model your increased self-awareness so that you can impact those in your life positively? In other words, how will you alter your behaviors so that others in your life can learn from you?

I honestly do not know how I can model my increased self-awareness. I think that if the biggest thing that I would alter would be making sure that I am always living by the different 7 Habits each and every day, no matter how stressful it is....

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