Title Final EXAM Parallel TEST PART I
Author Cecilia Cajara
Course Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering
Institution Samar State University
Pages 19
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ELANIE S. CAJARA DTS I-A DECEMBER 27, 2021FINAL EXAM- PARALLEL TEST PART IMultiple Choice: 1. An act known as the Philippine Teacher's Professionalization Act of 1994, to strengthen the regulation and supervision of the practice of teaching is provided in A. Republic Act No. 8736B. Republic Act No. ...



DECEMBER 27, 2021


Multiple Choice: 1. 1. An act known as the Philippine Teacher's Professionalization Act of 1994, to strengthen the regulation and supervision of the practice of teaching is provided in A. Republic Act No. 8736 B. Republic Act No. 7836 C. Republic Act No. 8980 D. Republic Act No. 9880 Answer: A. Republic Act No. 8736 – because Republic Act 7836: Philippine Teachers Professionalization Act of 1994. AN ACT TO STRENGTHEN THE REGULATION AND SUPERVISION OF THE PRACTICE OF TEACHING IN THE PHILIPPINES AND PRESCRIBING A LICENSURE EXAMINATION FOR TEACHERS AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES.

2. “Learning has taken place when a strong bond between stimulus and response is formed.” This is based on the theory of A. constructivism B. categorization C. predisposition D. connectionism Answer: D. connectionism is the philosophy of Edward Thorndike, which says that learning is a product between stimulus and response. A stimulus is something that causes a reaction, while a response is the reaction to a stimulus. The connection between the two is called an S-R bond, or stimulus-response bond. 3. According to Ausubel, one of the ways to strengthen the students cognitive structure is by using an instructional tool called A. cross-referencing B. spiral approach C. advance organizer D. narrative Answer: C. Ausubel's idea of an “advance organizer” is to relate what a student already knows to the new content to be learned and thus increase retention. Advance organizers should be at a higher level of abstraction, generality, and inclusiveness than the content to be presented.

4. Thorndike's law of effect states that a connection between stimulus an response is strengthened when the consequence is A. repeated B. negative C. pleasurable D. positive Answer: D. positive. This law states that the responses to a situation that have a satisfying state of affairs will be strengthened and will become a habitual response to that situation. 5. Watson applied classical conditioning in his experiments and the results showed that behavior is learned through stimulus-response associations , specifically the development of emotional responses to certain stimuli. This helps us in A. understanding fears, phobias and love B. interpreting reflexes as emotions C. connecting observable behavior to stimulus D. understanding the role of overt behavior Answer: A. understanding fears, phobias and love because becoming emotionally connected with another person. It shares many of the same traits as other specific phobias, 6. Skinner is known for his theory based upon the notion that learning is a re- sult of change in overt behavior, meaning, an individual responds to events that occur in the environment. This theory came to be known as A. operant conditioning B. stimulus-response associations C. classical conditioning D. connectionism Answer: A. operant conditioning because Actions that are followed by reinforcement will be strengthened and more likely to occur again in the future. ... Conversely, actions that result in punishment or undesirable consequences will be weakened and less likely to occur again in the future

7. The leading proponent of social learning theory is Bandura. He believes that A. behavior can influence both the environment and the person. B. learning stays with the individuals until needed. C. reinforcement influences cognitive processes. D. people learn from one another such as by modeling.

Answer: D. people learn from one another such as by modeling. Because Bandura goes on to explain that "Fortunately, most human behavior is learned observationally through modeling: from observing others one forms an idea of how new behaviors are performed, and on later occasions, this coded information serves as a guide for action. 8. Should a teacher involve her / his students in planning the instructional objectives before starting a lesson? A. Yes, with shared objectives, they become self-motivated. B. No, they will not be ready for it at the beginning C. Yes, they will be given a tip on what questions to ask. D. No, with cognitive objectives at the start, irrelevant questions are formulated. Answer: A Yes, with shared objectives, they become self-motivated. Because the most important reason to plan is that it ensures your students' time in the classroom is worthwhile. As their teacher, you should tie all activities to specific learning objectives and connect your daily lessons to all long-term units. 9. Teacher A aims to develop critical and creative thinking among her students. She should try using A. declarative statements B. convergent questions C. divergent questions D. expository statements Answer: C. divergent questions because it is a question with no specific answer, but rather exercises one's ability to think broadly about a certain topic. 10. Lesson objectives must be aligned with the aims of education as embodied in the Philippine Constitution and should be stated in the course syllabus. What is a reason for this? A. To learn more about the Constitution of our country B. To develop mission-inspired citizens C. To facilitate a faster and better learning D. To instill the ideals and goals of the country Answer: B. To develop mission-inspired citizens

11. Read this dialogue “Would you tell me which way I ought to go from here?” asked Alice. "That depends a good deal on where you want to go.” said the cat. "I don't much care, where.” said Alice. “Then it doesn't matter which way you go” said the cat. Give the implication on instructional objectives.

A. Objectives provide guides on questioning techniques. B. With specific objectives ,the lesson becomes more focused. C. Objectives are open to students comments on the lesson. D. With cognitive objectives, the affective domain is assured. Answer: A. Objectives provide guides on questioning techniques. 12. Instructional objectives in the affective domain includes receiving, responding, valuing and the highest level is A. acceptance or preference B. selective attention or willingness to receive C. sequence or feelings of satisfaction D. conceptualization of a value system Answer: D. conceptualization of a value system because it is a hierarchy of values that all moral agents possess, demonstrated by their choices. A person's standards and self-discipline set, based on the common sense and wisdom of knowing what the proper moral rules and discipline are, and the amount of willingness to see themselves and others abide by them. 13. One of the principles of learning states that “learning is emotional as well as intellectual.” Give your interpretation. A. Internalization of ideas result to better learning. B. Teachers should appeal to their students acquisition of ideas. C. Learning is maximized if feelings and thoughts are in harmony. D. Teachers must draw the learners' ideas and skills. Answer: C. Learning is maximized if feelings and thoughts are in harmony. Because the process of learning is emotional as well as intellectual. Learning is affected by the total state of the individual. People are feeling beings as well as thinking beings and when their feelings and thoughts are in harmony learning is maximized. 14. Miss Reyes observed that one of her students excels in activities requiring strength, speed, flexibility, balance and hand-eye coordination. According to Howard Gardner, such natural intellegenc can be identified as A. bodily-kinesthetic C. interpersonal B. verbal-logical D. verbal-linguistic Answer: A. bodily-kinesthetic. Because bodily kinesthetic intelligence is the capacity to manipulate objects and use a variety of physical skills. This intelligence also involves a sense of timing and the perfection of skills through mind–body union. 15. Learning styles refer to the preferred way an individual processes informa- tion. Classify a student who learns best through verbal lectures, discussions, talking things through and listening to what others have to say. He/She is a/an A. visual learner

C. analytic B. auditory learner D. global Answer: B. auditory learner because this are individuals who learn better when they take in information in auditory form when it is heard or spoken. They are prone to sorting their ideas after speaking, rather than thinking ideas through before. 16. Identify the ninth intelligence which is described as the ability to seek connections involving one's place in the family, school, community and “role in the world.” They ask "why are we here?” This intellegence is termed A. naturalist B. interpersonal C. intrapersonal D. existentialism Answer: D. existentialism because it is the philosophical belief we are each responsible for creating purpose or meaning in our own lives. Our individual purpose and meaning is not given to us by Gods, governments, teachers or other authorities.

17. Children with sub average intelligence and deficits in adaptive behavior, experience difficulty in managing daily activities and in conducting themselves appropriately in social situations are diagnosed to be suffering from a kind of disability called A. mental retardation C. emotional disorder B. attention-deficit disorder D. health impairment Answer; A. mental retardation is a condition of arrested or incomplete development of the mind, which is especially characterized by impairment of skills manifested during the developmental period, which contribute to the overall level of intelligence

18. Difficulty in focusing and maintaining attention coupled with recurrent hyper- active and impulsive behavior are observed difficulties of children manifest- ing a kind of difficulty known as A. autism B. dyslexia C. sensory impairment D. attention-deficit-hyperactivity disorder Answer: D. ATTENTION-DEFICIT-HYPERACTIVITY DISORDER- Stands for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. It is a medical condition. A person with ADHD has differences in brain development and brain activity that affect attention, the ability to sit still, and self-control. ADHD can affect a child at school, at home, and in friendships. 19. Who is a major contributor in the development of the behaviorist theory? A. Vygotsky C. Erikson

B. Pavlov D. Kohlberg Answer: B. PAVLOV- his work had a major influence on the field, particularly on the development of behaviorism. His discovery and research on reflexes influenced the growing behaviorist movement. 20. Erikson was influenced by Sigmund Freud and came up with a theory which serves as a basis for analyzing personality and development to help facilitate the teacher's understanding of various environmental factors that affect own behavior and those of his / her students', as well. This theory came to be known as A. emotional development C. personality development B. moral D. psycho-social Answer: D. psycho-social because the psychosocial approach looks at individuals in the context of the combined influence that psychological factors and the surrounding social environment. 21. According to Dewey, teachers should make a significant analysis of their own actions, decisions and successes or failures in teaching daily lessons. This activity is indicative of their ability to employ A. assessment agenda C. procedural learning B. experiential teaching D. reflective teaching Answer: reflective teaching because reflective teaching is looking at what you do in the classroom, thinking about why you do it, and thinking about if it works - a process of self-observation and self-evaluation. 22. What is one advantage of using the project method in science teaching? A. It tests the student's manipulative skill. B. It requires students to present in concrete form how a principle works. c. It requires assistance of experts on the subject. D. It develops high-level thinking and learning. Answer: It requires students to present in concrete form how a principle works. , in which students acquire and apply knowledge and skills to define and solve realistic problems using a process of extended inquiry. Projects are student-centered, following standards, parameters, and milestones clearly identified by the instructor

23. It is an approach that makes students “think about their thinking.” Students get conscious of their thought processes while they are engaged in their cognitive tasks. This is an example of an approach called A. cognitive C. metacognitive B. constructivist D. reflectivist Answer: A. cognitive because it .can be distinguished from behavioral learning on the basis that cognitive learning involves a change in the learner's knowledge whereas behavioral learning involves a change in the learner's behavior

24. I like to show a close representation of the size and shape of the earth and its location in the entire solar system. What is the best instructional aid? C. realia B. models D. films A. picture Answer: B. models helps in simplification of complex ideas this is by clarifying the structure of a complex phenomenon by reducing it to simpler and more familiar terms. 25. The best way to assess learning is to use real-life situations, objects and materials existing in the environment. Hence, teachers are encouraged to use A. rating scale B. pencil-and -paper test C. observation technique D. authentic assessment Answer: D. authentic assessment, in which students are asked to perform real-world tasks that demonstrate meaningful application of essential knowledge and skill. 26. An appropriate assessment tool for assessing the development of learning in the affective domain is through A. reading of journal entries C. product assessment B. performance assessment D. self-assessment Answer: A. reading of journal entries, the students are given the opportunity to evaluate their academic performance, identify emotional inhibitors, and describe solutions to academic situations through the journaling exercise. 27. The theme of Vygotsky's socio-cultural theory emphasizes the role of appropriate assistance given by the teacher to accomplish a task. Such help enables the child to move from the zone of actual development to a zone of proximal development. Such assistance is termed C. active participation D. collaboration A. competency technique B. scaffolding Answer: B. scaffolding it is a variety of instructional techniques used to move students progressively toward stronger understanding and, ultimately, greater independence in the learning process. 28. The heroism of Jose Rizal exemplifies Kohlberg's theory of moral development. Which is Rizal's characteristic? A. He possesses moral responsibility to make societal changes regardless of consequences to oneself. He believes laws that are wrong can be changed. C. He gives importance to what people will think or say. D. He is motivated to act by the benefit he gets later Answer: A. He possesses moral responsibility to make societal changes regardless of consequences to oneself.

29. A left-brain dominant individual is portrayed as one who is analytic, linear and responds to logic. A right-brain person is viewed as one who prefers to begin with details leading to a generalization B. vernal, impulsive and learns sequentially C. global, holistic and responds to emotions D. one who is more comfortable with details and patterns Answer: C. global, holistic and responds to emotions it means that you tend to be more creative or artistic 30. How can a teacher help students with different learning and thinking styles continue to learn more effectively? A. Allow sufficient time for processing different types of information. B. Provide a general overview of the lesson. C. Use a variety of reflection strategies. D. Use questions of all types to stimulate various levels of thinking and valuing. Answer: D. Use questions of all types to stimulate various levels of thinking and valuing. Because questions stimulate discussion and creative and critical thinking, as well as determine how students are thinking. Questions help students retain material by putting into words otherwise unarticulated thoughts. 31. Students possessing intrapersonal intelligence, according to Gardner, lear through dominant involvement of A. interaction with their environment B. feelings, attitudes and values c. reasoning and problem solving skills D. interaction with others Answer: A. interaction with their environment, considers traditional learning abilities like math and science skills as markers of intelligence, but it also includes more diverse abilities, such as musical, social, and nature-based skills. 32. A Concept in Tolman's purposive behaviorism Learning IS always ZONAL EDUCATION purposive and goal-directed." He believed that individuals do more than respond to stimuli. This means that A. individuals responses are holistic and aaapuvc D B. they act on changing conditions, not merely respond to stimul . t C. here are variables that are determinants of behavior D. D. reinforcement is not essential in learning Answer: D. reinforcement is not essential in learning. Because Tolman's work challenged the behaviorist notion that all behavior and learning is a result of the basic stimulus-response pattern. ... His theory of latent learning suggests that learning occurs even if no reinforcement is offered. 33. Ausubel recommends the use of visuals designed to bridge the gap between wnat the learners already know and what they need to knoW, Which is an example?

A. Pictures C. Comparison patterns B. Concept maps D. Overviews Answer: B. Concept maps because they can take the form of charts, graphic organizers, tables, flowcharts, Venn Diagrams, timelines, or T-charts. ... They can also be used to analyze information and compare and contrast 34. The framework for creative thinking includes the production of a great number of ideas or alternate solutions to a problem. Secondly, the ideas pro- duced must show a variety of possibilities and different points of views. Together they are considered effective in developing creativity among students. What does the framework include? A. Problem solving and enchancing C. Different approaches and strategies B. Variety and strategy D. Fluency and flexibility Answer: D. FLUENCY AND FLEXIBILITY- this two of 4 common frameworks for creative thinking processes is describe by Torrance. 35, The process of problem solving and learning are highly unique and indi- vidual. This principle means A. students can adapt alternative problem solving models B. students can modify their own personal styles ceach student becomes aware or now learning styles can be changed each student has his/her own distinctive style of learning and solving problems Answer: D. EACH STUDENT HAS HIS/HER OWN DISTINCTIVE STYLE OF LEARNING AND SOLVING PROBLEMS- learning is greatly dependent upon the individual, on how he or she is going to respond unto the knowledge that comes from the outside. This could be influence depending upon an individual’s motivation to learn, upon his or her capacity to learn, or upon his interest to learn.

36. In the three level approach to teaching, values are at the apex of the triangle. Now comes the question, “Can values be taught?” A. Yes, it is dependent on affective dimensions. B. No, it is rather caught than taught. C. Yes, it has cognitive dimension as well. D. No, it cannot fit a subject matter content. Answer: C. Yes, it has cognitive dimension as well. good moral values such as kindness, humility, courage, and compassion at an early age builds a child's character. It forms the very core of their being and becomes a foundation of their moral beliefs. This is why it's essential to start teaching them moral values while they're still children. 37. In the following method, the teacher starts a lesson stating the following findings: The flies died after three days in a tightly-covered bottle. The cockroaches caught in a covered tray died. The rat caught in a deep hole was found dead. Question: What caused the death of the animals? Answer: Lack of oxygen

Generalization: Living things need oxygen in order to live. What method of teaching is illustrated? Describe briefly A. Demonstration present an activity to a group of observers. B. Deductive start with the generalization, then give examples. C. Direct instruction a step by step procedur...

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