Final Project-EDUC 304 PDF

Title Final Project-EDUC 304
Author Courtney Clement
Course Classroom Management for Teachers (D)
Institution Liberty University
Pages 10
File Size 95.2 KB
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Final Project-EDUC 304...




Final Project Courtney Clement April 1, 2019

FINAL PROJECT Abstract: As becoming a teaching professional, it is essential to have a classroom management plane before it is even necessary to do so. This will help to enable me to better prepare on how I will start my school year off and also how I will teacher my students. By providing my Classroom motto, Philosophy, Classroom diversity, Learning environment, Room arrangement, Student motivation, Classroom procedures, Classroom rules, Consequences, Record keeping, Parent communication, and Biblical integration – SCRIP. I am preparing myself to be more comfortable in my next classroom in the future.




Classroom Motto: “Lead, pray, and learn, to advance to a greater tomorrow!” would be my classroom motto. In the book of Psalms 78:2-4 it states: I will open my mouth with a parable; I will utter hidden things, things from of old things we have heard and known, things our ancestors have told us. We will not hide them from their descendants; we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, his power, and the wonders he has done.” The child of our world today must learn not only about the present but about the past so that they will be able to succeed in the near coming future. As teacher who are Christians we have a responsible to help lead these children closer to the Lord. If we fail to do this, it is very possible that the world we live in will keep them from Him. The students that we teach are the future teacher, Lawyers, Doctors and leaders. Philosophy As an educator I have a role to play to help provide students with the tools and knowledge to grow academically, spiritually, and emotionally so that when they step out as an individual in the future they will be successful. According to the Article “Why PreK for all? The United States can't "race to the top" when many children are not even at the starting line” by Libby Doggett, Pre-K is key in preparing students for what is expected of them in school (Doggett 2010). So my job is to prepare my students for the rest of their school career. My hope is that every student that steps foot into my classroom will be inspired to love and grow. A goal I focus on as a teacher is to foster learning in each student I encounter. I know that everyone has a different way of learning so in order for my students to be successful I must teach the material in several different ways so that the learning styles of every student is met. This is in the best interest of the class as a whole since they will be presented the material in several different ways.



This also allows so much growth within the classroom, because so many different learning styles are welcome. This creates a warm atmosphere making the students comfortable with their way of learning. A classroom with several different learning styles will also come with many different types of behavior. As the teacher it comes with the responsibility of keeping a healthy flow within the classroom. In order to create this, I must have transitions in place as well as lesson plans so that students will have a normal schedule. Although there will always be students who tend to get off task, or some that bicker with one another; so in order to have peace within the classroom, I will follow the Interacting Model. According to Burden the Interacting Model has a medium level of teacher to student control (Burden, 2017). I do have a great concern for the thoughts and feeling of my students in these situations, I must keep myself as the manager of my classroom. When a child becomes off task they will be confronted and counseled. Often times a student needs to be redirected, or simply reminded of the rules, procedures, or boundaries of the classroom. All things that happen within a classroom are learning moments for the students as well as the teacher. Students who have differing needs will have personalized goals plan out for them with will include support and input from administrative stuff and parents. The lesson that I will teach in my classroom will adhere to all learning styles. Also while quiet independent studying, I will be able to work one on one with students so they can have one on one instruction. Classroom Diversity I am currently teaching a full-day Pre-K at a private Christian Pre-School. My class has thirteen students in it, I have ten and three girls. The youngest that is in my class turns five in February and my oldest turns six in August. I have six students who are fifth-generations citizens



from northern Europe. I have one African American Student and five Asian American students. I also have one student who is Spanish. I have one student who has autism spectrum but is moderately functioning. I also have two others with learning disabilities. While there are also four who are gifted. Learning Environment The learning environment in which I would like to create would be an environment where all types of learning is met. Students will have times throughout the day for studying, instruction, and independent work. I will also include opportunities for group discussion as well as group work. I will also include many opportunities for students to be able to work hand-on with the materials being presented. I have a smartboard in my classroom that I use as well as lecture that way both types of learners can be presented the information in their own way. I believe all of my choices will cover the different types of learners I will have in my classroom. Room Arrangement In my PK classroom my students sit at tables which I throughout the room. This is where we do any written work or art projects. We have a large carpet in the center of the room against the wall with our calendar and alphabet center on the wall. This is where we do circle time in the meeting and also read stories. We also have many different centers set up in our classroom these include home living, blocks, a building table, sensory table, reading area, art area, table games area, and a kitchen area. My desk is close to the door and this is where my computer is. Our cubbies are at the back of the classroom. Student Motivation At the beginning of each year I like to get to know my students and find out what they like. Once I get to know them I like to take that information and put some of their interests into



our lessons and units of curriculum. Each unit I like to start with a story that contains some of their favorite characters. Also in order for students to stay motivated we must include students to play a game, watch a video, construct their own study guides, and allowing for group actives (Burden, 2017). I also like to tell stories from our own lives about things we are learning about. For example, if our unit is on pets I would ask each student and myself to bring a picture of their pet so they can take ownership of the lesson and material being presented. I also believe to have a successful classroom there has to be structure. In order for students to be able to stay on task they need time in their centers scheduled so they can come back and focus on learning. Classroom Procedures In order to manage a classroom well there must be procedures that are in place. Without procedures the classroom will not be able to function properly. The best way for students to learn the proper procedures is repetition and practice. Pictures of the procedures are posted by our calendar and students are reminded of them during circle time daily. Each student will receive a folder at the beginning the year which will be sent home each night for parents to read over and sign. The folder than will be returned each morning with the students for the teacher to look over. Classroom Rules In a PK classroom we keep the rules very short and sweet. They include hands to yourself, inside voices, no running in the classroom, bottoms in chairs, and toys stay in appropriate centers. At this age too many rules cannot benefit the child and they will begin to forget some and not others. Although structure and rules are very important in our classroom we just want our students to be able to remember them all so they can succeed in the classroom. Rewards and Consequences



Rewards: 

Pick out of Prize Box


Pizza Party


Star Student of the Week

Consequences: 



Must sit out at recess or go to another teacher’s room

Call home to Parent

Principal’s Office As a teacher I like to give my students rewards throughout the day, weather their behavior

has just been excellent or they completed all their work. I like them to know that they are doing a great job and deserve to be rewarded for their behavior. Whereas consequences are handle as they happen throughout the day. I use a system where there are strikes and when a student gets to the third strike then there is a big consequence they have to deal with.

Record Keeping: One thing that I believe is extremely important for my students is reading education. I always encourage my students as well as their parents to read as often as possible when they are at home. So I made up sheets that track their daily homework as well as what they read and the amount of time they spent reading. The student and their parent will complete these



sheets each night with the amount of time their child read as well as a signature showing the students did the homework and the parents knew that there was homework. So by the end of the month I will add up the time spent reading and the student who spent the most amount of time reading will get a free homework pass. The other sources I use to keep records are a hard copy grading book as well as an electric one to keep records of grades on assignments. I keep the hard copy because a person can never be too sure with the electric. So in my case I keep a hard copy in case anything were to ever happen with the computer. Also during class discussions, I make notes of who is participating and who is not so I have a record of who is participating in class. This is also becoming part of the students’ grade. Participation in class also becomes very important when it comes time to send home interims and report cards. So with having a record of participation if a parent ever is to have a question of their participation grade I can provide the dates and also the lesson that their child had a hard time or refused to be a part of. I also like to keep records of which children follow directions the first time and do not have to be told to do something a second time. Also in my grade book I have a section that is for attendance, this is also marked in the computer. This is very helpful to me when grading because than I can see as to why a student may have missed an assignment. This is also helpful in me being able to put homework packets together. I keep the grades of projects, class assignments, quizzes, homework, tests and assessments of reading inside of my grade book. These are the typical things that are required of a teacher’s gradebook to be able to compute an accurate grade at the end of a term. Parent Communication:



At the beginning of the year I make it very clear to parents that I am available to communicate in every way possible. I send a letter home with the children that has my e-mail address on it as well as the number for my classroom voicemail. I also state in the letter I am available to meet in person on my planning periods, after/before school or through skype in the evenings all of which is by appointment only. Although the method I prefer the most is email because it gives the parent and myself a record of what has been said and tried with the student in regards to the communication. Biblical Integration Proverbs 22:6 states we should start child off on where to go although in the times we live in today it is expected of teacher to teach completely by the book or what the state allows that book to be. A lot of the time teachers must deny what they believe and make sure that it is not reflected within their lesson plans. Our faith and beliefs are also the core of who we are and by eliminating our faith from the classroom, we are deny a part of our identity (Glanzer). Our textbook defines integration as “Viewing all of life and learning from God’s perspective” (Burden 2017). So when we must view the students in our class as God would and show them the love and kindness Jesus would. I would in a Christian Pre-school so I am allowed to speak of Jesus in my lesson and some of my lesson are even on Jesus. Although I am preparing to go into the school system where I will not be allowed this any longer. So I will have to begin to show kindness and love. I will have to see my students as Jesus sees them.

Sources Burden, P. R. (2017). Classroom management: Creating a successful k-12 learning community (6th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

FINAL PROJECT Doggett, Libby, and Albert Wat. "Why PreK for all? The United States can't 'race to the top' when many children are not even at the starting line." Phi Delta Kappan, Nov. 2010, p. 8+. Biography In Context, BIC?u=vic_liberty&sid=BIC&xid=8eae19c0. Accessed 5 Apr. 2019.

Glanzer, Perry & Alleman, Nathan & Jeynes, William. (2018). The Integration of Faith Tradition and Teaching in Christian Higher Education. The Wiley Handbook of Christianity and Education. 141-164. 10.1002/9781119098416.ch6. Proverbs 22:6 Psalms 78:2-4


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