Final Research Project Instructions[MC 1] PDF

Title Final Research Project Instructions[MC 1]
Course Survey of Bioscience Lab
Institution National University (US)
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Download Final Research Project Instructions[MC 1] PDF


RESEARCH PROJECT ASSIGNMENT I LR260Resear chPr oj ec tAs si gnment Expl or eanet hi cal orsoci al i ssuesur r oundi ngsomeaspectofi nf or mat i on t echnol ogy

DUE: Las tdayofc our s e

OVERVI EW: Defini t i onsof“ i nf or mat i ont echnol ogy”( noun) t hes t udyorus eofs y s t ems( es pec i al l yc omput er sandt el ec ommuni c at i ons )f ors t or i ng, r et r i ev i ng,ands endi ngi nf or mat i on. [ ht t ps : / / www. googl e. c om/ s ear c h?q=i nf or mat i on+t ec hnol ogy ]

t het ec hnol ogyi nv ol v i ngt hedev el opment ,mai nt enanc e,andus eofc omput ers y s t ems , s of t war e,andnet wor k sf ort hepr oc es s i nganddi s t r i but i onofdat a. [ ht t ps : / / www. mer r i amwebs t er . c om/ di c t i onar y / i nf or mat i on%20t ec hnol ogy]

t hedev el opment ,i mpl ement at i on,andmai nt enanc eofc omput erhar dwar eands of t war e s y s t emst oor gani z eandc ommuni c at ei nf or mat i onel ect r oni c al l y .Abbr ev i at i on:I T [ ht t ps : / / www. di c t i onar y . c om/ br ows e/ i nf or mat i ont ec hnol ogy ?s =t ]

Youwi l ldev el opy ourRes ear c hPr oj ec ti naser i esofc l ear l y defined,manageabl es t eps ov ert hef ourweek soft hec our s e. Oneofourc our seobj ec t i v esi nI LR260i st o“ ex pl or eet hi calands oc i ali s s uess ur r oundi ng i nf or mat i ont ec hnol ogy , ”andy ourr esear chpr oj ect s—pi ec esofwhi c hy ouwi l ls har ewi t h c l as s mat es —wi l l s er v et hi sobj ec t i v eandbec omepar toft hec ont entoft hecour s e. Of t enst udent swi l ls el ec tpr oj ect st hatr el at et ot hei rac ademi cmaj or sorc ur r entj obs ,but t hi si snotaf or malr equi r ement .Themos ti mpor t antt hi ngi st opur s uear es ear c hques t i on t hatgenui nel yi nt er es t sy ou.I nf or mat i ont ec hnol ogynowt ouc hesj us taboutev er yar eaof 1

l i f e.Thepoi ntofy ourpaperwi l lbet oc r af tar es pons e,howev erpr el i mi nar y ,t oar eal ques t i onaboutsomeas pec tofi nf or mat i ont ec hnol ogy . A“ r eal ”quest i oni sonet hathasnosi ngl e,st r ai ght f or war dans wer ,andt hatwi l lr equi r ey ou,i n addr essi ngt hequest i on,t odr awuponandsy nt hesi z ei nf or mat i onf r om avar i et yofsour ces. Anot herwayofsayi ngt hi si st hatyouwi l lbeaddr essi ngasi gni fic anti ssuei ny ourpaper ;ani ss ue i sanycl ai m orst at ementt hati scal l edi nt oquest i on.Asi gni ficanti ss uei sonet hatmi ghtbe consi der edcont r ov er s i al ;t hati s,r easonabl ear gument smaybeadvancedf oropposi ngor al t er nat i v eposi t i onsont hi si ssue.Whi l ey ouwi l lnotbepr esent i nganar gumentf oroneposi t i onor anot her ,i ti shel pf ult okeept hi si nmi ndwhi l edeci di ngonandr esear chi ngy ourquest i on. Quest i onst hatl endt hems el v est osi mpl eexpl anat or yor“ howt o”answer s( f orex ampl e,“ Whati s Twi t t er ?”or“ Howcanpeopl epr ot ectt hei rcomput er sf r om hack er s ?” )wi l l notwor kf ort hi s assi gnment .Nei t herwi l lquest i onst hathaveobvi ousorcommonl yknownans wer s.Thi nkabout t hi sway :t her eshoul dbeawor t hwhi l epur posef ort aki ngt het i meandeffor tt or esear chandwr i t e about . Quest i onst hatwi l lwor kf ort hi sassi gnmentappearneart heendoft hi sdocument .Chooseoneof t hesef ory ourResear chPr oj ect .Don’ twor r yi facl ass mat esel ect st hesamequest i on.Eachofy ou wi l li nevi t abl yt ur nupdi ffer entki ndsofsour cesandpr oducev er ydi ffer entfinalpr oj ect s. I fnoneoft heques t i onsi nt er es ty ou…

Ther eshoul dbeatl eastonequest i onont hel i stt hati nt er est sy ou,ort haty oucanmodi f ysot hat t hequest i oni nt er est sy ou.Buti fy ou’ dl i k e,youmaypr oposeaquest i onnoti ncl udedont hel i st . Makesur et hequest i onyouar epr oposi ngaddr ess esanet hi calorsoci ali ss uer el at edt o i nf or mat i ont echnol ogy .Al somak esur ei ti snotov er l ybr oad.Asky our s el f : *Coul danent i r ebookpot ent i al l ybewr i t t enont hi squest i on?I fso,t hequest i oni st oobr oadf ora shor tr esear chpaper . *Doest hequest i oncont ai nmul t i pl ecomponent s ?I fso,sel ectonecomponentt of ocusoni ny our paper .( Hi nt :I fyourquest i oni ncl udesacomma,i ti spr obabl yt oobr oad. )

Asy oudev el opt hepr oj ect ,k eepi nmi ndt hatourf oc usi nI LR260i si nqui r y ,not ar gument at i on.Ar gument at i oni sawor t hyar eaofs t udyandi saf oc usofot herc our s es y oumayt ak eatt heuni v er si t y .I ny ourI LR260r esear chpr oj ect ,howev er ,y ourpr i mar ygoali s t oexpl or ey ourr esear chquest i onwi t hdept handsophi st i cat i onr at hert hant oper suadean audi enceofapar t i cul arvi ewpoi nt .Whi l eyouwi l lneedt opr oposesomesor tofans wert oy our quest i oni nt hefinalv er s i onofy ourpr oj ect ,t hatans wermaybet ent at i ve.I tmay ,f orex ampl e,poi nt i nt hedi r ect i onoff ur t herquest i onsandf ur t herr esear ch.I tmayi dent i f ycont r adi ct i onsi ny our


r esear cht hatar eatt hi st i mei r r esol vabl e.Agai n,i nwr i t i ngt hi spaper ,f ocusonexpl or i ng, i nt er pr et i ng,ands y nt hes i z i ngi deasr at hert hanon“ def endi ng”at hes i s .

Keepi nmi nd,t oo,t haty ouwi l lcar r youty ourr es ear chus i ngpubl i shedi nf or mat i onand opi ni ons .Yous houl dnott r yt odopr i mar yr es ear c hofy ourown,s uc hass ur v ey sor ex per i ment s .Thi sk i ndofr es ear c hi ss pec i al i z ed,v ar i esf r om onedi sc i pl i net ot henext , andi sbey ondt hes copeofI LR260. Asy oupr ogr es st hr ougheac hs t ageoft hepr oj ec t ,y oumi ghtfi ndi thel pf ult ok eepi nmi nd t hatt hes k i l l sy ouar epr act i c i nghav eappl i cat i onswel lbey ondt hi sc our s e,andal s o bey ondt heac ademy .Whet hery ouar ewr i t i ngacol l egepaperorawor kpl acer epor t ,or j us tt r y i ngexpl ai ns omet hi ngt oanot herper s on,y ouwi l l wantt obeabl et oconnec ti deasi n l ogi cal way s ,t oi l l us t r at et hos ei deaswi t hc l earex pl anat i onsandex ampl es ,andt oex pl ai n t henat ur eofanys our c esy ou’ v ec onsul t ed.

EXAMPLE Foranex ampl eofacompl et edI LR260Fi nalRes ear chPr oj ec twr i t t enbyapas tI LR260 t ps : / / t i ny ur l . c om/ y7ek 5zj c s t udent( ands har edwi t ht hes t udent ’ sper mi s s i on) ,see ht


Pr oj ec tI nt r oduct i on ( dueendofWeek1) Li br ar yRes ear chRepor t( dueendofWeek2) Dr af tofRes ear c hPr oj ec t( dueendofWeek3) Fi naldr af tofRes ear chPr oj ect( duel as tdayofc l as s)

FI NALDRAFTSPECI FI CATI ONS LENGTH 9001200wor ds( noti nc l udi ngci t at i onpage) FORMAT Pl eas eus eAPAc i t at i ons t y l e.( I fy ouar emaj or i ngi nEngl i sh,y oumayus eMLAi ns t ead. ) Yourfi nalpr oj ec twi l lnoti nc l udeanabs t r ac t( buti fy ou’ dl i k eanabs t r act wr i t i nghel p owr i t ear es ear c h r es our cef ort hef ut ur e,her ei soney oumi ghtwantt oc hec kout :Howt abs t r act)


AUDI ENCE Addr es sy ourpapert oagener alaudi ence.YourI LR260c l as s mat eshav eawi der angeof bac k gr oundsandac ademi ci nt er es t s ;as sumet hi sk i ndofbr oadr eader shi pwheny ouwr i t e y ourpaper .Ass umet haty ourr eader sar enots pec i al i st si ny ourt opi car ea.I deasmustbe f ul l yexpl ai nedandmadeacc es si bl et oagener alr eader s hi p. SOURCES Yourr es ear c hs houl demphas i z epeer r evi ewed,schol ar l yj our nalar t i cl esf r om t heNU l i br ar y ’ sdat abas es .( Beas sur edt hatt hedat abas es ear chs ki l l sy oudev el opwi l lhav e appl i cat i onsbey ondNU. )Ref er enceasmanys our cesasneededi nor dert os ubs t ant i v el y ex pl or ey ourr es ear c hques t i on,butnof ewert han4.Foraddi t i onal gui dance,seet he s our ces el ec t i onc r i t er i ai nc l udedi nt heWeek2Li br ar yRes ear chRepor tas s i gnment . TheGRADI NG RUBRI Cappear si nt hefi nals ect i onoft hi sdoc ument .

RESEARCHQUESTI ONS LawandSoci et y      

Howdoesanonymi t yaffectonl i nedebat e ? Whati st hef ut ur eofmi l i t ar yr obot s ? Shoul di nt er netac ces satpubl i cl i br ar i esbefi l t er ed? I si nt er netshami ngal egi t i mat emodeofsoc i al c r i t i c i s m? Howi st hedar kwebc hal l engi ngl awenf or cement ? I sacat as t r ophi cc ybert er r or i s tat t acki mmi nent ?

  

Whati st hef ut ur eoft heUni t edSt at esPos t alSer v i c e ? Whati st hef ut ur eofpr edi c t i v epol i c i ng? Whati st hef ut ur eoff aci al r ec ogni t i ont ec hnol ogy ?

 

Shoul di dent i t yc hi psbeus edwi t hhumans ? Howeffec t i v ei si nt er netmedi at i onc ompar edwi t hf ac et of ac emedi at i on?

Whyar ei nt er netconnec t i ons peedsi nt heUni t edSt at ess l owert hant hosei nmany ot herdev el opedc ount r i es ? Whati st hef ut ur eofcr ypt oc ur r enci es ? Whati st hef ut ur eofbr i c k andmor t arr et ai l ?

  

Dowes t i l lneedpubl i cl i br ar i es ?

Medi aandCul t ur e 4

 

Howdoest hedi gi t aldi v i deaffectl owi nc omec ommuni t i es ? Shoul dI nt er netacc es sbecons i der edabas i chumanr i ght ?

 

Howi sonl i neadv er t i s i ngc hangi ng ? Wi l l l oc alj our nal i s m sur vi v ei nt hei nt er netage ?

 

CanGoogl e’ smar k etdomi nancebec hal l enged? CanFacebook ’ smar k etdomi nanc ebec hal l enged?

 

CanAmaz on’ smar k etdomi nanc ebechal l enged? Whati st hef ut ur eoft el ev i s i ont ec hnol ogy ?

Whathasbeent heeffec tofdec l i ni ngt r adi t i onal medi ac ov er ageofl oc ali s s ues ?

Domedi apor t r ay al sofv i ol encedes ensi t i z epeopl et or eal l i f ev i ol ence ?

Heal t handHeal t hcar e  

Canps y c hot her apybeeffec t i v el ydel i v er edov ert hei nt er net ? Whatmot i v at espeopl et of ak ei l l nes sonl i ne ?

 

Howwi l ls oc i abl er obot schangec ar egi v i ng? Doi nt er net bas edwor kpl acewel l nes spr ogr amsl eadt oi mpr ov edheal t h?

Howeffec t i v ear et el emedi c ali nt er v ent i onsi nt het r eat mentof_______?( c hoos ea f oc us)

Howeffec t i v ei sv i r t ual r eal i t yt her apyi nt het r eat mentof_______? ( c hoosea f oc us–f orex ampl e,PTSD,orphobi as )

 

Whati st hef ut ur eofnet wor k bas edpat i ent dr i v enmedi c alr es ear c h? Howdoesel ect r oni cmedi c alr ecor d( EMR)us eaffectofficevi s i t s ?

 

Ar eel ec t r oni cmedi calr ecor ds y s t emsadequat el ypr ot ect ed? Doel ec t r oni cmedi c alr ec or dsac t ual l yi mpr ov et hequal i t yofpat i entcar e ?

Howi s“ bi gdat a”c hangi ngt hemanagementort r eat mentof_______?( c hoos ea f oc us ) . Howdoess oc i almedi aus eaffec ts c hoolper f or manc e ?

 

Dofi t nes st r ac k er si mpr ov eheal t h?

I nt er per s onal Communi cat i on/Rel at i ons hi ps  

Howdoesonl i nei nfi del i t yaffectr el at i ons hi ps ? I sf ac et of acecommuni c at i ons t i l lneces s ar yf orf or mi ngbondswi t hot her s ?

 

Dot ext i ngands oc i al medi al es senouri nper s oncommuni c at i onabi l i t i es ? Whatar et hes oc i alc ons equenc esoft ex t i ngwhi l ei nt hec ompanyofot her s ?

 

Shoul dwebec oncer nedaboutpeopl ef or mi ngemot i onal at t ac hment st or obot s ? Whati st hef ut ur eofsexr obot s ? 5

Howhasonl i nedat i ng’ sdr amat i cex pans i onofc hoi c eal t er edt hemat es el ec t i on pr oces s ?

Educat i onandPar ent i ng 

I st hei nt er netaffec t i ngt heat t ent i ons panofy oungpeopl e ?

 

Hows houl d“ s ext i ng”amongt eenager sbet r eat edbys c hoolaut hor i t i es ? Whats houl dbet her ol eofsc hool si npr ev ent i ngc yber bul l y i ng ?

 

Whats houl dbet her ol eofmemor i z at i oni ni nt er net er aeduc at i on? Howhasi nt er netpor nogr aphyaffec t edt hesex ualat t i t udesandbehav i or sof adol es cent s ? Shoul dpar ent sus esur v ei l l anc et ec hnol ogyt omoni t ort hei rc hi l dr en? Wi l l MOOCsr epl acet r adi t i onal hi ghereduc at i on?

    

Howi ss oci almedi ar es ear c hc hangi ngc hi l dc us t odydi s put es ? Doess of t war ebas edper s onal i z edl ear ni ngi mpr ov eK12educat i on? Whati st hef ut ur eofonl i nel ear ni ng ?

Wor k  

Wi l l c omput er sr epl ac e______? ( Choos eaf oc us .Manypos s i bi l i t i es .Forex ampl e: c as hi er s ,l awy er s ,pi l ot s ,acc ount ant s ,t eac her s… ) Howi sbi gdat ac hangi ng_____?( Choos eaf ocus .Manypos si bi l i t i es .For ex ampl e:t eac hi ng,c ancerr es ear c h,pol i c i ng,l i t er ar ys t udi es ,mar k et i ng,hi s t or i ogr aphy , engi neer i ng…)

 

Howwi l l / does[ i dent i f ys peci fi ci nf or mat i ont echnol ogy ]c hange[ i dent i f ys pec i fi c oc c upat i on] ? Shoul dt el ecommut i ngbec omet henor mf orpeopl ewi t hdes kj obs ? Shoul ds oc i al medi apr ofil esbeus edi nhi r i ngdec i s i ons ?

Howar ecomput er i z eds c hedul i ngs y s t emsaffect i ngs er v i c ei ndus t r yempl oy ees ?

Gr adi ngRubr i c [ Not e:Poi nt swi l lbededuct edf ordevi at i onsf r om ass i gnmentr equi r ement s/ speci ficat i ons .Gr eat er devi at i onswi l lr esul ti ngr eat erdeduct i ons.Percour s epol i c y ,scor esof50% andhi gherar e


r eser vedf orsubmi ssi onst hatat t emptt omeetass i gnmentr equi r ement s/ speci fic at i ons .Rubr i c st ar t sonnextpage…]






Focus is clear, specific, and sustained.

Clear and sustained focus.

Focus is basically clear; some content may deviate from stated focus.

Focus is unclear and/or unsustained.

Lacks focus; lacks coherence.

Approach is sophisticated.

Approach is appropriate to college-level research writing and to the ILR260 project specifically.

Approach is somewhat simplistic and/or somewhat too broad.

Approach is overly simplistic and/or overly broad.

Approach inappropriate to college-level writing and/or the assignment

Source selection meets assignment requirements; sources are strong and skillfully chosen for direct relevance and for the substance and complexity they bring to the inquiry.

Source selection meets assignment requirements; sources are strong and relevant to the inquiry.

Sources meet assignment requirements. A small percentage of the sources may exhibit problems such as insufficient currency, relevancy, or depth.

Source selection suggests attempt to meet assignment requirements, but a significant percentage of sources exhibit problems such as insufficient currency, relevancy, or depth.

Sources mostly do not meet assignment requirements. Many source-selection problems.

Source identification

Source identification

Source identification (Who?) may be

Source identification (Who?) is imprecise or

Source identification (Who?) is mostly 7

(Who?) is precise and smoothly handled

(Who?) is competently handled

imprecise or awkward in places

awkward, and occasionally missing

missing, or is mostly incorrect

Explanation of source content is complete (What? How? So What?), accurate, and concise.

Explanation of source content is complete (What? How? So What?) and accurate.

Explanation of source content is sufficiently well-developed and sufficiently accurate.

Some source content is misrepresented or is not sufficiently well-explained.

Most source content is misrepresented or is not sufficiently wellexplained.

Strong source integration. Paper demonstrates sophisticated sense of when to use a direct quote versus a paraphrase versus a summary, and of how to incorporate source material into sentences and paragraphs.

Good source integration. Paper demonstrates a good understanding overall of when to use a direct quote versus a paraphrase versus a summary, and of how to incorporate source material into sentences and paragraphs.

Uneven source integration. For example, occasional excess use of direct quoting, or incorporation of sources in ways that are occasionally unclear or that make the material difficult to understand.

Poor source integration. Overall, paper demonstrates an inadequate understanding of when to use a direct quote versus a paraphrase versus a summary, and of how to incorporate source material into sentences and paragraphs.

Sources are not incorporated effectively in most or all of the paper.

Strong synthesis; paper makes a contribution to knowledge

Good synthesis of ideas

Synthesis is present, Minimal synthesis but underdeveloped, or may take form of an overly-simplistic structure (such as a pros-and-cons summary)

Strong organization

Good organization Some organizational problems

Poor organization

Compiles rather than synthesizes

Little organization


Clear and wellcrafted transitions

Clear transitions

Some transitions are unclear, or ill-fitting

Most transitions are unclear, or ill-fitting

Weak transitions throughout

Strong conclusion

Good conclusion

Significant problems with Some problems with the conclusion. the conclusion (for example, overly abrupt, or not well-aligned with the body of the project)

Inadequate conclusion

Confidence in use of Standard English, language reflects a practiced and/or refined understanding of syntax and usage.

Conveys a good understanding of Standard English; the writer is clear in his/her attempt to articulate main points, but may demonstrate moments of “flat” or unrefined language.

Presence of sentencelevel errors and awkwardness of expression, but not of such frequency and severity as to significantly impede understanding.

Awkward expression and sentence-level errors occur frequently, often impeding understanding.

Awkward expression and sentence-level errors occur throughout the paper and significantly impede understanding.

Adheres to APA citation format (MLA for arts/humanities majors)

Adheres to APA citation format (MLA for arts/humanities majors); occasional citation errors are minor and at level of presentation. The errors would not prevent a reader from being able to connect in-text and end citations, or from being able to independently

Evidence of attempt to adhere to APA citation format (MLA for arts/humanities majors), but with some errors in presentation and content that might detract from the author’s credibility or prevent readers from being able to understand or locate sources.

Insufficient adherence to APA citation format (MLA for arts/humanities majors); significant/communicationimpeding errors in presentation and content

Major deviations from APA or MLA citation format


track down the references; and they would be unlikely to detract from the author’s credibility.


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