Final Socio PDF

Title Final Socio
Author Fernand Adrian Celestino
Course Intro to sociology
Institution University of Manitoba
Pages 7
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Final Assignment


Sociology Concepts Assignment 1. Difference Between Dyad and Triad A dyad is a group with two people, while a triad is of three. Generally, a dyad’s level of interaction is more personal and intimate. As in a dyad there’s only one way of interaction. Unlike in a triad where multiple interactions can occur. In a triad, one faces the problems of self-supply or finding common interest between the members to be the subject of conversation, while in a dyad a person is more open to revealing their actual thoughts and opinions. Also, coalitions can occur in a triad causing one person to be a third wheel.

This problem often occurred to me during group discussions and personal conversations. In a church group where I belong to we always have a weekly gathering where each of us share what has happened to us during the week. There were some questions that we have to answer that are bit personal. During this group sharing I always mix some lie or exaggerate in my answers in order to manage my image towards other members. An example, is questions regarding 2. Learning the University Student Role University student roles are generally loose in comparison to the tight high school student role. In high school a teacher is responsible in teaching and supervising a student. Unlike in university where one is mostly responsible for their learning without the supervision of a teacher. Also, the responsibilities of a student are more reinforced in a high school setting, as one is always supervised with the status of their learning with frequent quizzes, and tests. Unlike, in a university setting where. Another difference is attendance in high school is taken daily, unlike in

During last year on my first semester of University, I have taken a full course load, while working for about 25 hours a week. In the beginning, I was sure that I could handle the course load and stress. I was taking 3 Science classes, a written class, and Calculus, which resulted into 5 lectures, and 4 weekly labs. The first weeks were easy enough, as most of the materials covered in the classes were review specially in Biology and Chemistry. Every day of the week I

was going to Pembina as my work was close to the University. The travel time takes at least 1 hour to 2 hours depending on traffic from our house to the University. Each consecutive week I get more tired as I was unable to rest any day, nor have time to catch up to my studies. I figured that as the materials covered in class are mostly review from high school, and attendance during lectures was not taken, skipping a few days of classes shouldn’t be a big deal. Also, there were no weekly tests nor mandatory assignments for my classes that the teacher marked, unlike in High School. The few days became weeks, as the physical toll from work and mental toll of

3. Social Determinants of Embarrassment Occurs in a social setting when one’s action causes an appropriate identity to be lost and an inappropriate identity gained. Things we do that we feel embarrass as others see as incompetent, and new identity is incompetent. Many people don’t know tha 4. Civil Inattention A way in which individual shows an awareness of another in present without making this person the object of attention

University is a big place and I often see people I know and recognized.

5. An instance referring groups visible and real 6. The development of structure in a relationship over time 7. Make evident the structuring significance of the statuses of gender, age, and race / ethnicity on social interaction

8. Anomie Relative absence of a norm in a social setting. Anomie is the opposite of nomie/norm .

On the Winter of 2011, my father went to a business trip to Egypt without knowing that the country was on the verge of a revolution. After his return, he told us horror stories of the violence at the streets of Cairo that has occurred. The Egyptian people overthrew the

government, resulting in mass chaos throughout the country. Even the lobby of the hotel that my father checked-in was in rumbles. His seven day trip took longer as most flights were cancelled due to the concurring chaos, as the government was abolished. Foreigners were asked to hide inside heavily guarded embassies to protect them from hate crimes against Western influence, while waiting for flights to take them home. He told me that he was the last of his fellow

9. Self-Fulfilling Prophecy A false or not yet definition of reality that we tend to act on and base our definition of situation that becomes true reality. Last year on my Calculus class I found the material to be extremely challenging and wondered if I would pass the class. After the midterms I determined that I didn’t 10. The non-material culture from one group seems foreign and out of place in another group Non-material Culture consists of the abstract or intangible human creations of society that influence people’s behavior. Primarily in a cultural group it can be divided into language, values, symbols, values, and norms.

As I grew up in three different countries with each set of different culture and norms. As an example, is the topic of pre-marital sex. I was raised in a very conservative and religious setting that ingrained into my morals that pre-marital sex is one of the gravest taboo one can commit. That belief is further strengthened when my family moved to U.A.E, in which act can be punished by deportation and imprisonment. I had personally known people who got pregnant and got deported as abortion is illegal in that country and getting pregnant is a very good sign of pre-marital sex. However, when I moved to Canada I was surprised on how normal and common it is for teenagers to have premarital sex. That what I saw in Hollywood movies


11. Territorial Encroachment

a. Violation: A violation occurs when a person is entitled to enter a body territory, but once within makes inappropriate use of it.

On my way home from buying things in the supermarket. I was suddenly grabbed by a stranger in the elevator. He suddenly touched me and asked me how old I was. This occurred about 6 years ago b. Contamination Contamination occurs when one renders a territory impure about its definition / usage making it unclean and contaminated.

12. Describe the characteristics of Aces and Bombers (found at your place of work, recreation, etch …) Indicate how interactions within identity types differ from interactions across identity types differ from interaction across identity types

An ace personality is an identity type in which a person can move freely about, while a bomber experiences constraint and stigma. In a classroom setting the Ace are those who are on top of things and can cope with the demands of school. Unlike, a bomber who always must catch up to things . Interactions between two statuses equal are more open and spontaneous. In contrast, the farther the distance between the two interactants status the more constrained and subjected to impression management is their interaction. Example: Work Instance Pedro, a hardworking member of the game-development team hav Real vs ideal norm/ Real vs ideal culture

An ideal norm/culture is what a society desires to achieve, while a real culture/ norm is what it really practices. Canada takes pride in its acceptance to the diverse cultures of immigrants from all around the world. It is one of the countries in the world that boasts its tolerance towards diversity. The nation professes itself as an ally of acceptance and tolerance to the different customs and beliefs of its citizens. However, there is only some truth to this ideal culture/ norm that our country portrays. During my first days in school here in Canada, coming from the Philippines I have been bullied by those who have considered me “fresh of the boat”. The purposely exclude me in social groups by spreading damaging rumors about me to the whole school, which caused my high school years to be of loneliness and isolation. The 13. Ethnocentrism The practice of judging all other culture by one’s own culture. During my time in high school, I have seen a lot of 14. Role taking and role making 15. “Looking glass self” Looking glass self is when one makes an imagination of how oneself appears to others without considering what they really think.

I am a person who is paranoid of what others think of me. Even the most subtle comments

16. “I” and “me” 17. Impression management People’s efforts to present themselves to others in ways that are most favorable to their own interest or image. a. Concealment

b. Dramatic Realization

An attempt to make one’s better qualities noticed when they might otherwise go unnoticed

18. Role Competition, role overload Role Overload occurs when differing roles competes for time and resources, while A 19. Compartmentalization Compartmentalization is a way to cope with role strain where one segregates the competing roles into different time and space compartments. Society institutionalize much of this as type of adjustment.

Perhaps this is this is the most used technique to deal with role strain in our society. As a university student taking a full load of classes scheduling time to satisfy all my role needs is essential. Specially during exam time when the test dates are usually close to each other. To cope with the studying, I separate different subjects on different times of the day to be able to concentrate on one subject at a time. Last year I had a job at a fast food near the University

20. Motive Mannerism a. Accounts after being accused, you will non-verbally make up an excuse

b. Disclaimers standard repeated mannerism, something you give before a problematic behaviour, when talk is not available\ 21. Discrepancy between role personality and true personality Role PE 22. Status group A status group is a group where one is a member of with same lifestyle, occupation

In high school

23. Describe the where, when, and how of an interaction where you learned the reality of social class Social Class, ia As a kid I had a naïve thought that everyone in this world is equal. My family in the Philippines were renting an apartment in the city of Manila. While I was playing in the streets with the children 24. Status inconsistency

25. Power-Authority Power is the ability to do something even against opposition...

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