(FLCT Module 5) PDF

Title (FLCT Module 5)
Course Facilitating Learner Centered-Teaching
Institution Pangasinan State University
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Activity 1. Think of a teacher that is most unforgettable to you in elementary or high school. When I think back to my most memorable teacher, I immediately recall Mr. Jojit Ferrer, my Araling Panlipunan teacher during my junior year in high school. 2. Are there things that when you encounter at present (see, hear, touch, smell) make you “go back to the past” and recall this teacher? What are these things? Yes, there are things that made me recall my history teacher. Every time someone ask me my favorite teacher or teacher that I look up my answer will be him. For me, he is really a good teacher. Whenever I recall him, I always remember how I enjoyed history subject back then, how my performance in class became good. 3. What kinds of rewards and punishments did she/he apply in your class? For what student behaviors were the rewards and punishments for?

Student Behavior


1. got a low score on quizzes

Every time we had a quiz, those 5 students who got low score would give 1 peso to those students who got high scores

2. got a high score on quizzes

Every time we had a quiz, those 5 students who got high scores received the 5 pesos from those who got low scores

3. cutting without any valid reason

Marked as absent or cutting

Analysis 1. What makes this teacher unforgettable for you? What I remember most about Mr. Ferrer is that he treated me (and everyone else in the class) with so much respect. He showed so much love for his profession and so great an awareness of what his role in the classroom was, he was such a considerate and understanding person, he never raised a voice to us although sometimes we were a little noisy, he is always calm in class, that his attitude eventually rubbed off on me. Before I met him, I already expected that Araling Panlipunan subject was boring not until Mr. Jojit became my teacher. I noticed I was having fun while learning, I was always excited when his time comes because every time, he had a class I was always active and participating and that was why he was my unforgettable teacher, he made

me loved the subject I find boring even for a short period of time. He was everything I could have asked for in a high school teacher. 2. Why do your answers in no. 1 make you recall this teacher? Describe the connection these things have on your past teacher. The question in number 1 made me recall him because he is such a great teacher for me. He treated us with respect that not all teachers would do. I was never active in class before not until Mr. Jojit became our teacher. It was like I broke my own shell and let myself have fun while learning, and I think Mr. Jojit help me with it because he has this thing that can make students comfortable in class that was why it was unforgettable because I never imagine that even in a short period of time, I was going to enjoy history subject. 3. Were the rewards and punishments given effective? Please elaborate. Yes, every time we had a discussion, I always take notes and if there were quizzes to take, I always read my notes so I can have a good score in class. I did not feel any pressure from that because I enjoyed it. Synapse Strengtheners 1. Read more about classical conditioning. Find out about their similarities and differences. Prepare a concept map or graphic organizer to highlight these similarities and differences.

Application 1. Observation a. Choose place where you can observe adult-child interactions – such as in a mall, in church, at the playground, etc. Spend one hour observing such adult-child interactions. Focus your attention on the stimulus-response consequence patterns you observe. b. Describe the consequences you observe. (It is better to write or scribble the details on the spot or as soon as you finish your observation). The consequences would be based on the decision of the parents on how they will handle or control the behavior of their children. For example, when parents told their child that he should stop playing basketball, but the mindset of the child is to continue to play. The parent offer something so the child will stop playing. c. Answer these questions: 1. What kinds of stimuli for children’s and adult behavior did you observe? There was a four-year-old boy who was playing basketball. A minute later, his time to play was ended but he wants to play more.

2. What kinds of behaviors on the part of the children elicit reinforcement and punishment consequences from the adult? It is the behavior that he still wants to play although his time was already ended. 4. What kinds of reinforcements and punishments seem to be the most “successful”? The consequence on this situation is that his mother did not gave him money to play again but instead a money for an ice cream. It is successful because the little boy did not continue to play basketball still, he became happy because he ate an ice cream as what his mother promised to him if he stops playing. 5. Given the experience, what are your thoughts about operant conditioning? Do you think children reinforce and punish adults as adults reinforce and punish them? How might the two be interdependent. Operant conditioning is what decides the child’s behavior in growing up the more you discipline the child there is a positive and negative result. The positive is that she/he shall acquire the behavior through to her/him, the negative is to rebel upon the parent so for operant conditioning is based on the child’s environment and the child’s attitude if she/he perceives and accepts the conditioning as a positive approach or negative approach of the parents. 2. Thorndike’s Connectionism a. Choose a topic you want to teach. b. Think of ways you can apply the three primary laws while you teach the topic. Topic: The beauty of nature

Law of Readiness

Law of Effect. Indicate specifically how you will use positive/negative reinforcements (rewards)

Grade/year level: Grade 4

First, I would want to tell or share something to my students about the beauty of nature and I will ask them if what plant they can consider beautiful with the use of their sense of sight. Afterwards I would gladly introduce them my decided lesson for the day which will be about plants

The reinforcement that I will be using will be positive or rewards. I will ask somebody to go in front and dissect the flower by being careful and I will give a reward after for my students to be interested on my dayto-day lessons.

Law of Exercise

Research Connection

If anybody in my class participated and answered the wrong answer, I will encourage him/her to continue his determination. Not just to sit for the rest of the subject.

Read a research or study related to behaviorism. Fill out the matrix below. PROBLEM


Does application of Thorndike and Skinner's behavioristic improve the speaking skills of students in SMP 19 Surakarta? FINDINGS Learning with stimulus-response methods is an effective strategy to apply to storytelling skill. Speaking learning strategy refers to stimulus-response principle [7,8]. The stimulus-response paradigm is a fundamental characteristic of behaviorist thought. The application of learning theory suggested by Thorndike and Skinner has been practiced by students and teachers of SMP 19 Surakarta with the following results.

This research took place in SMP Negeri 19 Surakarta using a descriptive qualitative approach. The subject of research was the 7ththB grade class consisting of 32 students. Data collection was conducted through questionnaire distribution, interview, and observation during the learning process. The object of research was speech learning, particularly storytelling. The technique of data analysis used was an interactive model encompassing (1) data collection, (2) data reduction, (3) data display, and (4) conclusion drawing.

TITLE Behavioristic Theory and Its Application in the Learning of Speech SOURCE Anindyarini, A., Rokhman, F., & Mulyani, M. (2018). Behavioristic Theory and Its Application in the Learning of Speech. KnE Social Sciences, 522-530. CONCLUSION From the elaboration above, it can be concluded that the application of Thorndike and Skinner's law of readiness, law of exercise, and law of effect effectively improve the speaking skills of students in SMP 19 Surakarta.

Assessment Task/s

4. Explain the basic principles of behaviorism. All behavior is learned from the environment: Behaviorism emphasizes the role of environmental factors in influencing behavior, to the near exclusion of innate or inherited factors. ... We learn new behavior through classical or operant conditioning (collectively known as ‘learning theory’). 5. Make a simple plan applying the principles of learning.

6. Explain how to use rewards in the learning process effectively. When creating a reward system for your students, create rewards that can be earned in your classroom as well as in school. Reward will work effectively if you try and implement a continual reward system that is based on upholding the classroom rules, rights, and responsibilities

5-minute non-stop writing Your 5-minute non-stop writing begins NOW! From the Module on Behaviorism: Pavlov, Thorndike, Skinner, I realized that . . . . . I realized that Thorndike’s connectionism theory suggested that learning occurs whenever a strong connection or tie is created between stimulus and response. I learned also the three primary laws on learning such as Law of Readiness, Law of Effect, and Law of Exercise.


Activity 1 Tolman’s Purposive Behaviorism 1. Solve maze A. Enter on the left side and exit at the top. Solve maze B. Enter on the top and exit on the left side.

Analysis 2 1. How did you solve Maze A? What strategy did you use? (trial and error, examined the maze before proceeding with your pen, etc.) I solved Maze A by comprehending the instruction given and examining the maze before proceeding to answer. 2. Was it easier to solve maze B? Why? Yes, it was easier to answer Maze B because the pattern is similar to Maze A; only the entrance and exit were interchanged.

Activity 2 Bandura’s Social Learning Theory 1. Read the following news article. 10-Year Old Boy in Texas Hangs Himself After Watching Saddam Execution The Associated Press HOUSTON Jan 4, 2007 (AP)

Police and family members said a 10-year old boy who died by hanging himself from a bunk bed was apparently mimicking the execution of former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein. Sergio Pelico was found dead Sunday in his apartment bedroom in the Houston-area city of Webster, said Webster police Lt. Tom Claunch. Pelico’s mother told police he had previously watched a news report on Saddam’s death. “It appears to be accidental,” Claunch said. “Our gut reaction is that he was experimenting.” An autopsy of the fifth-grader’s body was pending. Julio Gustavo, Sergio’s uncle, said the boy was a happy and curious child. He said Sergio had watched TV news with another uncle on Saturday and asked the uncle about Saddam’s death. “His uncle told him it was because of Saddam was real bad,” Gustavo said. “He (Sergio) said, ‘OK.’ And that was it.” Sergio’s mother, Sara Pelico DeLeon was at work Sunday while Sergio and other children were under the care of an uncle, Gustavo said. One of the children found Sergio’s body in his bedroom. Police said the boy had tied a slipknot around his neck while on a bunk bed. Police investigators learned that Sergio had been upset about not getting a Christmas gift from his father, but they don’t believe the boy intentionally killed himself. Clinical psychologist Edward Bischof of California said children of Sergio’s age mimic risky behaviors they see on TV such as wrestling and extreme sports without realizing the dangers. He said TV appeared to be the stimulant in Sergio’s case. “I would think may be this kid is trying something that he thinks fun to act out without having the emotional and psychological maturity to think the thing through before he acts on it,” Bischof said. Family members held a memorial, for the boy Wednesday in the apartment complex activity center. Gustavo said the family is trying to put together enough money to send Sergio’s body to Guatemala for burial. “I don’t think he thought it was real,” Gustavo said of Saddam’s hanging. “They showed them putting the noose around his neck and everything. Why show that on TV?” (retrieved from www.abcnews.go.com)

Analysis 2 Bandura’s Social Learning Theory 1. What do authorities say might be the reason why Sergio hanged himself?

One of the Webster police officers, Lt. Tom Claunch said that Sergio’s death appears to be accidental. They believed that Sergio might be experimenting that leads to his death. 2. What facts made them give this reason? It is said that Sergio is a happy and curious child that made them believe there is no other reason for his death but purely curiosity. They came up with this idea due to the story of Sergio’s uncle told, as Sergio and the other uncle were watching the news they saw about Saddam’s death. Sergio was curious and told that the reason for Saddam’s execution is because he was a bad man. 3. Comment on the opinion of the clinical psychologist. Children do in fact have the tendency to mimic what they saw or hear without knowing of the consequences. However, it will only happen if no proper guidance is given. Some child learns not to mimic when they are taught properly of the consequences of such actions. 4. What do you think is the effect of television on the behavior of young people (preschool to college)? Cite specific examples.  According to (How Media Use Affects Your Child (for Parents) - Nemours KidsHealth, n.d.): Children who consistently spend more than 4 hours per day watching TV are more likely to be overweight.  Kids who view violent acts on TV are more likely to show aggressive behavior, and to fear that the world is scary and that something bad will happen to them.  Teens who play violent video games and apps are more likely to be aggressive.  Characters on TV and in video games often depict risky behaviors, such as smoking and drinking, and also reinforce gender-role and racial stereotypes. Young people exposed to television for an extended period tend to be linked to obesity because they become inactive and eat while lying down. There is also a tendency to eat too many unhealthy foods rich in calorie and sugar. Young people that are exposed to violence at such a young age tend to adapt violent behavior. This leads to children being confused about what is morally right or wrong. Some may feel too afraid and have trouble sleeping and may experience nightmares. Playing too violent or sexual games may affect the children by conducting risky behaviors and may come too curious to lead to addictive behavior. Synapse Strengtheners 1. How are Tolman’s Purposive Behaviorism and Bandura’s Social learning theory able to bridge behaviorism and cognitive theory? Bandura’s social learning theory posits that people learn from one another, via observation, imitation, and modeling. The theory has often been called a bridge between behaviorist and cognitive learning theories because it encompasses attention, memory, and motivation. Social learning theory has sometimes been called a bridge behaviorist and cognitive theories because it compasses attention, memory, and motivation. The theory is related to Vygotsky’s social

development theory and Lave’s situated learning, which also emphasize the importance of social learning.

2. Read this article about Bandura’s views about television and violence, Albert Bandura lecture – Bing Distinguished Lecture Series “The Power of Social Modeling: The Effects of Television Violence” by Christine Van De Velde (at http://www.stanford.edu/dept/bingschool/rschart/bandura.htm). Make a reaction paper. This is an article that I would find quite interesting. Bandura was quite perceptive in pointing out the negative consequences of television violence. Nowadays, we would watch television with our children and discuss both the positive and negative aspects of it. I believe that the children will attempt to copy what they see on television, which is really harmful. They are completely unaware of it. They would have no way of knowing if what they are seeing is right or wrong. They also watch news and cartoons such as The Avengers, Ben Ten, and Tom and Jerry. When you watch these programs, you will notice how violent they are, which they occasionally mimic. What children watch on television sticks in their minds, and these aggressive habits will be mimicked at school. When they are upset or annoyed, they punch or smack their classmates in the face. They are unable to recognize the consequences of their actions. The negative impact is not only physical, but also verbal. It is also important that the government considers limiting television violence. It should also push individuals to design and build new technologies that can censor violent sequences from children's television shows. Scenes of violence and sex that are inappropriate can also be prevented. It is past time to recognize how harmful watching violent television can be, and its time to protect children from it. Application – Tolman’s Purposive Behaviorism State a personal message derived from the key concepts of Tolman’s purposive behaviorism. Use the Table provided below:

Key Concept of Tolman’s Theory Personal Message On Purposive Behaviorism 1. Learning is always purposive, and goal directed.

1.1. To make my students do what I require them to do, I should state the goal clearly and specifically. 1.2. Having a clear goal makes it easier for the learners to focus on the essential topics they

must learn.

1.3. Learning without a purpose is worth nothing. Students will not be motivated to attend class and partake in the discussion.

2. Cognitive maps help students perform well. Organisms select the shortest or easiest path to achieve a goal.

2.1. Through cognitive maps, learners who are visual learners acquire knowledge efficiently and productively. 2.2. Cognitive maps allow the learners to learn most effectively and quickly.

3. Latent learning stays with the individual until needed.

3.1. Familiarity helps the learners to apply their newly acquired knowledge as their prior knowledge is already existent.

3.2. Learners who already have prior knowledge of the topic makes it easier to perform well. It also allows them to develop their existing knowledge and skills.

4. Learning is influenced by expectations, perceptions, representations, needs and other internal variables like hunger.

4.1 Learning need a lot of attention and focus. If a person has a lot going on in their mind, they tend to lose focus. Thus, making learning ineffective. 4.2. If a student’s needs are not met, it affects their behavior, making learning difficult.

4.3 Thus, it is essential as a teacher that we give attention to our learners not just with their education but alco their needs and behavior. We are the learner’s second parents inside the school. It is important to communicate with the learners and make them feel comfortable and safe inside the institution.

Application – Bandura’s Social Learning Theory Choose 3 key concepts of Bandura’s social learning theory then state how you apply the concept as you teach. Use the Table provided for this purpose.

3 Key Concepts of Albert Bandura 1. Principles: People can learn by observing the behavior of others and the outcomes of those behaviors.

How I apply it in my teaching 1.1. As other say, “Experience is the best teacher” amidst lecture, learners to understand the topic better. We incorporate experiences of others, even our own, to give and clarify the ideas being taught. Through this experience, we are showing what and how should things be done. With th...

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