FLCT Module 4 (Activities) PDF

Title FLCT Module 4 (Activities)
Course Facilitating Learner Centered-Teaching
Institution Pangasinan State University
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MODULE 4 LESSON 1 Activity 1. Examine the class where you belong. 2. Each of you will provide information about your Name: Carl Vincent DC Libatique

Age: 19 Gender: Male Nationality: Filipino Province: Pangasinan language/dialects spoken: English, Tagalog, Pangasinan hobbies/interest: Drawing, Painting, Reading & Dancing

favorite subjects: English, Science subject you are best in: English subject you find difficult: Mathematics Ambition: I want to become a Teacher or a Famous Painter someday. (what you want to be in the future)

3. Tally all your responses to come up with a class profile. Analysis 1. In what ways are you and your classmates similar? Most of us are having difficulties in the subject Math. 2. In what ways are you and your classmates different? Different goals and perspectives in Life. 3. How does a girl differ from a boy in behavior? Boys had a higher prevalence of behavioural disorders than girls between the ages of two and three. Boys were 10% more likely than girls to engage in "externalizing behaviors" such as destructiveness and aggression. Girls, on the other hand, were more likely to have anxiety and other "internalizing issues." Girls were also more likely to have higher ratings on “competence” tests like upholding laws and caring for others (helping when someone is hurt, for instance).


In what ways does an American differ from a Filipino? I could only react from the perspective of a Filipino, as I am one. Filipinos are a fascinating combination of beauty, humor, wit, laziness, hard work, stubbornness, loving, shyness, imaginative, creative, intellectual, humbleness, and, at times, a huge ego. Americans hold their customs and practices in high regard as well, but they take a more straightforward approach to coping with people and circumstances. 5. How does life in the province differ from that in the city? A city is a group of people who live in a single metropolitan area, which may or may not include suburbs. A province, on the other hand, is a political unit within a country that often includes several cities. In certain cases, such as in China, where Shanghai and Tianjin are both known as municipalities, a single city may encompass an entire province. 6. Are you glad you have similarities? differences? Explain your answer. Yes, because variations distinguish my personality from others by making it more special, thrilling, mysterious, and stunning. Now, I can have someone to talk about the things we both like. 7. How can the teacher utilize these similarities and differences in teaching you? By comparing, classifying, creating metaphors, and creating analogies.

Synapse Strengtheners Research on at least 2 images for diversity in the classroom and explain what each image communicates about diversity.

Application Describe/present the concepts on individual differences by means of the following: (You may choose one only.) song poem jingle slide presentation powerpoint presentation This is what they mean. That's what we do. This is what they do. That's what we mean. Individual Differences This is where we call home. They make their home there. They make their home there. This is where we call home. Dismantle the barriers. And keep an eye on how problems vanish. They are aware of our existence. They are people we are familiar with. This is what they believe.

That is what they believe. Individual Characteristics. Yes, there are Individual Characteristics..

RESEARCH CONNECTION ; Read a research or study related to student diversity. Fill out the matrix below. Title and Source : An Action Research Case Study on Students’ Diversity in the Classroom: Focus on Students’ Diverse Learning Progress Problem : This study aimed to discover what strategies can be used to deal with students’ diverse learning progress in the classroom. Research Methodology : This study adopted a qualitative method which enabled the researcher to gain an insider’s view of the field through close association with both participants and activities within the setting (Burns, 1994). Conclusions/Recommendations : N/A Findings : To provide students with a positive and supportive learning environment, the Year One classroom teacher involved in this study employed many strategies to deal with students’ diverse learning progress. These strategies included using free choices, giving several tasks at the same time, as well as inviting parent-teacher help and recommending the school supporting programs and tuitions.

Assessment Task/s 1. By means of a graphic organizer, identify the factors that bring about diversity in the classroom. 2. Think of a slogan that celebrates diversity in the classroom. Make posters and have a Student Diversity Day Poster Exhibit. 3. Cite teaching strategies and explain how these teaching strategies consider student diversity. Learn about your own culture. Learn about your students' culture. Understand your students' linguistic traits. Use this knowledge to inform your teaching. Use multicultural books and materials to foster cross-cultural understanding. Know about your students' home and school relationships.

5-minute non-stop writing Your 5-minute non-stop writing begins NOW! From the Module on Individual Differences, I realized that . . . . . Individual differences are needed for successful instruction planning. The following three variables are taken into account when determining student diversity: 1. socioeconomic status, 2. learning style 3. Exceptional circumstances. Socio refers to a family's position in the society in which they reside, while economics refers to a family's money or income. There are several methods for raising children's cognitive development by engaging people of various

social statuses. Children would be more socially connected if we teach them that they are all the same and treated fairly, regardless of their socioeconomic background. The main thing is that they communicate well with one another. There are also benefits for students to discover their learning styles so that they can understand both negative and optimistic perspectives on life. If I do become a classroom adviser, I would ensure that my students are not denied their rights as children because of their socioeconomic status, as this is not a barrier to social interaction. Without bias, learning must be accomplished. In terms of their needs and services, I ensure that there is peace, empathy, and open communication between parents and teachers.

LESSON 2 Activity What type of learner are you? What’s your style? Answer the Learning Style Inventory below, and find out! 1. If I have to learn how to do something, I learn best when I: (V) Watch someone show me how. (A) Hear someone to tell how. (K) Try to do it myself. 2. When I read, I often find that I: (V) Visualize what I am reading in my mind’s eye. (A) Read out loud or hear the words inside my head. (K) Fidget and try to “feel” the content. 3. When asked to give directions, I: (V) See the actual places in my mind as I say them or I prefer to draw them. (A) Have no difficulty in giving them verbally. (K) Have to point or move my body as I give them. 4. If I am unsure how to spell a word, I: (V) Write it in order to determine if it looks right. (A) Spell it out loud in order to determine if it sounds right. (K) Write it in order to determine if it feels right. 5. When I write, I: (V) Am concerned how neat and well-spaced my letters and words appear. (A) Often say the letters and words to myself. (K) Push hard on my pen or pencil and can feel the flow of the words or letters as I form them. 6. If I had to remember a list of items, I would remember it best if I: (V) Wrote them down. (A) Said them over and over to myself. (K) Moved around and used my fingers to name each item. PANGASINAN STATE UNIVERSITY 7. I prefer teachers who: (V) Use the board or overhead projector while they lecture. (A) Talk with a lot of expression. (K) Use hands-on activities. 8. When trying to concentrate, I have a difficult time when: (V) There is a lot of clutter or movement in the room. (A) There is a lot of noise in the room. (K) I have to sit still for any length of time. 9. When solving a problem, I: (V) Write or draw diagrams to see it. (A) Talk myself through it.

(K) Use my entire body or move objects to help me think. 10.

When given written instructions on how to build something, I: (V) Read them silently and try to visualize how the parts will fit together. (A) Read them out loud and talk to myself as I put the parts together. (K) Try to put the parts together first and read later. 11. To keep occupied while waiting, I: (V) Look around, stare and read. (A) Talk or listen to others. (K) Walk around, manipulate things with my hands, or move/shake my feet as I sit. 12. If I had to verbally describe something to another person, I would: (V) Be brief because I do not like to talk at length. (A) Go into great detail because I like to talk. (K) Gesture and move around while talking. 13. If someone were verbally describing something to me, I would: (V) Try to visualize what she was saying. (A) Enjoy listening but want to interrupt and talk to myself. (K) Become bored if her description gets too long and detailed. 14. When trying to recall names, I remember: (V) Faces but forget names. (A) Names, but forget faces. (K) The situation that I met the person other than the person’s name or face. Scoring Instructions: Add the number of responses for each letter and enter the total below. The area with the highest number of responses is your primary mode of learning Visual Auditory Kinesthetic V= 6 A= 3 K= 5

Application 1. Choose a topic from your field of specialization. 2. Think of at least ten learning activities relevant to the topic you picked. 3. Indicate the thinking/learning styles and multiple intelligences that each learning activity can address. Remember, a learning activity may address both thinking/learning style and multiple intelligences.


Learning Activity

Student Diversity

Learning Style / Multiple Intelligences Global Analytic Continuum

Buzz Session


Visual Learners

Interpersonal Think, Pair and Share

Verbal Linguistic Debate

Visual Learners Case Studies and Problem-Based Learning

Verbal/Linguistic Interview or Roleplay

Visual Learners Free Writing

Visual Learners Pretest

Visual Learners Interactive Demonstration

Visual Learners Reflection

Synapse Strengtheners 1.

Read about other categories of thinking/learning styles, such as field dependent/field independent types 2. Make a compilation of teaching of teaching strategies based on the different thinking/learning styles and multiple intelligences. https://virtualspeech.com/blog/teaching-strategies-different-learning-styles

RESEARCH CONNECTION ; Read a research or study related to teaching/learning styles or multiple intelligences. Fill out the matrix below. Title and Source : THE EFFECTIVENESS OF MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES BASED TEACHING STRATEGY IN ENHANCING THE MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES AND SCIENCE PROCESS SKILLS OF JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS Problem : This study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of MI-based learning strategies in enhancing the multiple intelligences and SPS of students. 124 junior high school students included as the samples. Research Methodology : This study employed quasi experimental research design. Conclusions/Recommendations : Based on the results, it can be concluded that there is a significant effect of MI-strategy on the development of students MI and SPS. Findings : The study revealed that Multiple Intelligences strategy has an effect on and can be a significant predictor of the development of students’ Multiple intelligences. This study showed an improvement of the SPS, specifically in the questioning ability. The results of this study will change the teaching strategy in the future, from academic ability oriented to be multiple intelligences oriented and focus on the potential of each student. Assessment Task/s 1.

In your own words, describe the different learning/thinking styles and multiple intelligences. Multiple Intelligences and Learning Styles: What's the Difference? Different intellectual abilities are represented by several intelligences. Howard Gardner defines learning styles as "the ways in which a person approaches a variety of tasks." 2.

What is/are your thinking/learning style/s? What are your dominant multiple intelligences? My thinking/learning style is Auditory while my dominant multiple intelligences are Visual/Spatial, Verbal/Linguistic, and Intrapersonal. 3.

Choose a particular learning style and multiple intelligence of students. Plan learning activities that match with the particular learning styles and multiple intelligences of students. Visual Learners and Visual/Spatial Intelligence. Reflection, Brainstorming and Free Writing/Minute Paper/Question of the Day Exercise

5-minute non-stop writing Your 5-minute non-stop writing begins NOW! From the Module on Thinking/Learning Styles and Multiple Intelligences, I realized that . . Multiple intelligences, while similar to learning types, place a greater emphasis on intellectual ability. Learning styles, on the other hand, focus on a person's interests or preferred method of learning. Visual learning is my primary mode of learning, and auditory learning is my secondary mode of learning. This means that I can quickly gain awareness and information through my learning or thinking style's visual sensory preference.

I also learned about Howard Gardner's nine types of intelligence, which include: Visual, Verbal, Mathematical/Logical, Kinesthetic, Musical, Intrapersonal, Interpersonal, Naturalist, and Existential.

LESSON 3 Activity Watch any of the following films. The Rain Man I am Sam Sun-rise a Miracle of Love The Life of Helen Keller Analysis 1. Describe the main character in the movie you watched. I watched the movie “I am Sam”. Sam is a well-adjusted man with a mental age of seven who is surrounded by four other men with similar intellectual disabilities. Annie (Dianne Wiest), a pianist and agoraphobe, befriends Sam and looks after Lucy while Sam is unable. Sam serves as a table busser at Starbucks. 2.

What was his/her exceptionality? Describe. Sean Penn gave an incredibly realistic portrayal of a father with an intellectual disability who is fighting to keep custody of his daughter. Many of these characteristics will be readily apparent in a man with an intellectual disability. 3.

What problem/difficulties did the main character experience? Autism


Who provided support? What support did he/she get from his/her environment? He learns how to care for Lucy from a neighbor, and his friends give him emotional and practical support. Even the foster family becomes a good support system over time. The foster family agrees to help Sam in his attempt to reunite with Lucy, and they plan to assist him in this endeavor. Synapse Strengtheners 1. Make a collection of teaching guidelines or tips on how to work with students with exceptionalities. Follow the categories shown in this Module. Present your guidelines tips in bulleted form. Planning Brief Lectures Cooperative Groups Rewards 2. Advocate for people-first language by telling at least 5 people about how to use people-first language when referring to learners with exceptionalities. By concentrating on the individual rather than the disorder, it removes generalizations, prejudices, and stereotypes. People First Language, as the name suggests, prioritizes the person over the impairment. Instead of saying "the autistic," it says "a child with autism" 3. Surf the internet for the Son-Rise Program for autism. It is based on the life-changing experience of Ron Kauffman who had autism but recovered. Most practitioners believe that autism is incurable, but the sonrise program has another approach. Read about it and write a reaction paper on it. The book was both inspiring and uplifting to me. Barry and Samaria, as well as their children,

demonstrated incredible dedication and passion. When faced with similar challenges, most people would give up, but they believed in their conviction that they could cure Raun, and they were rewarded for sticking to their beliefs and values. It is proof of the fact that love is a strong motivator capable of overcoming any obstacle. However, my praise for the book is limited to the fact that it is an inspiring novel. While most people find the book inspirational, full of promise, and even a cure for autism, I am skeptical of some of the Son-Rise program's methods and values as established by the Kaufmans. To begin with, their basic concept seems to mean that any problem or issue in this universe can be resolved simply by choosing to be positive about it. Even autism can be healed miraculously by simply accepting and loving the autistic person. You had the wrong mindset if the individual was not healed. Any human being, in my opinion, can overcome any challenge in life if given the proper amount of care and attention.

Name: Carl Vincent Libatique

Yr. & Sec. ! BSED English B

Application Revise the following sentences to adhere to the people-first language and the other guidelines given in this Module. 1. The teacher thought of many strategies to teach the mentally challenged. 2. Their brother is mentally retarded. 3. Their organization is for the autistic. 4. He is a polio victim who currently suffers from post-polio syndrome. 5. There was a blind girl in my psychology class. The teacher thought of many strategies to teach those people who has cognitive disability diagnosis. Their brother is having a developmental disability. Their organization is for those people who are experiencing autism. He is suffering from post-polio syndrome There was a visionless girl in my psychology class.

RESEARCH CONNECTION ; Read a research or study related to exceptionalities. Fill out the matrix below. Title and Source : Peer Attitudes Towards Students With Exceptionalities in the Classroom Problem : The purpose of this research is to explore children’s attitudes towards their peers who have exceptionalities within inclusive classrooms. Research Methodology : In order to fully understand these attitudes, the research has been guided by a mixed methods approach which Creswell (2015) suggested provides a comprehensive examination of data and trends. Conclusions/Recommendations : Through multiple analyses of three independent data sources (questionnaires, classroom discussions, and individual interviews), various reports of student attitudes were explored. Based on these multiple analyses (quantitative and qualitative), the emergent attitudes of 27 students were discussed in relation to previous research and a need for continued research. Findings : Overall, this research provides insight regarding student attitudes towards their peers who have exceptionalities.

Assessment Task/s 1. By means of a graphic organizer present the basic categories of exceptional learners and describe each category briefly?.


How do handicap and disability differ?? A disability is the inability to carry out a set of movements, pick up sensory input, or perform a cognitive function that normally unaffected humans can carry out, pick up, or perform. Physical, cognitive, behavioral, auditory, emotional, developmental, or a combination of these disabilities may be present. A handicap is the inability to do anything that the majority of people around you can do. Reading, walking, catching a ball, and talking are only a few examples. 3. Revise the following sentences to adhere to the people-first language and the other guidelines given in this Module. a. I attended a seminar about teaching disabled children. b. That classroom was designed for the deaf and blind. c. I like to read books about handicappe...

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