FLCT Module 5 - Lecture notes 5 PDF

Title FLCT Module 5 - Lecture notes 5
Course Facilitating Learner Centered-Teaching
Institution Pangasinan State University
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Behavioral Perspective MODULE 5

Activity 1. Think of a teacher that’s most unforgettable to you in elementary or high school. 2. Are there things that when you encounter at present (see, hear, touch, smell) make you “go back to the past” and recall this teacher? What are these things? Absolutely, this teacher really have a massive influence to my behavior. It made me to be conscious on things I’m about to do. Those encounters of mine when I was in elementary contributed a lot with my principles that even now, if there are certain things that I encounter I can always reflect and relate it my encounters in the past with this teacher. 3. What kinds of rewards and punishments did she/he apply in your class? For what student behaviors were the rewards and punishments for? Student Behavior Reward/Punishment 1. Unwanted behavior such as Counseling together with the bullying (in all forms) parents and students. 2. Perfect attendance and Award such as ribbon or punctuality certificate 3. Neatness and complete Most likely to give additional uniform attire points inside the class. 4. Stubborn behavior Punishments such as going to office of the Principal and they’re most likely punished to clean the room for a day. Analysis 1. What makes this teacher unforgettable for you?  As for me what makes my previous teacher to be unforgotten for me is her capabilities in making us behave inside her class. She’s so relatable and most likely to push us to our limits. She is the kind of teacher that would want to believe in ourselves and always encourage us to be better students not just in her class but also to our future endeavor. Those encounters of mine really shaped me and influenced my life perspective as a student and as a citizen. 2. Why do your answers in no. 1 make you recall this teacher? Describe the connection these things have on your past teacher.  I would say that this teacher really influence the way I behave inside the class. I can say that I am a stubborn student in elementary, and there was this encounter of mine that really affected my performance as an honor student. Being active in class and misbehaving are separate ideas and it should not be tolerated. I was asked to stay until all of my classmates are dismissed and she would talk to me about my behavior. Those experience made me more conscious about the things I’m

about to do. That way I’ve been an active students but also limits myself from being so extra. 3. Were the rewards and punishments given effective? Please elaborate.  I can say that it wasn’t not just about the reward but the major factor is the learner’s realization of what he has done. If the learner keep on receiving rewards and punishments but still keep on doing things because he wants to is a “No” for me. For me reflecting on this encounters and understanding the situation would be effective for them to grow and learn more about life and about being student in their journey. Synapse Strengtheners 1. Read more about classical conditioning. Find out about their similarities and differences. Prepare a concept map or graphic organizer to highlight these similarities and

differences. Application 1. Observation

a. Choose place where you can observe adult-child interactions – such as in a mall, in church, at the playground, etc. Spend one hour observing such adult-child interactions. Focus your attention on the stimulusresponse consequence patterns you observe.  Observing adult-child interactions in church. b. Describe the consequences you observe. (It is better to write or scribble the details on the spot or as soon as you finish your observation).  Upon observation of adult-child interactions in the church I can say that the interaction is very crucial, adult should be mindful of their child actions while in a sacred place. Church is no place for play, that’s why adults have the necessary means to discipline their child while inside the church. Having said that, children of young age are somewhat always dependent of their adult companion while child at middle age as observe as playful is hereby observed with their adult companion and must behave. On the other hand, children who are known to be young adult are independent and are disciplined enough to be inside the church. To sum up, adult-children inside the church must be highly observed because people think of it as a sacred place. Adults have the major contribution on influencing their children’s behavior. c. Answer these questions: 1. What kinds of stimuli for children’s and adult behavior did you observe?  I’ve observed that adult’s behavior has a major influence in their children’s behavior. What the child sees can be acquired by the child, so when the adult do not behaved well while inside the church, the child might adapt it and think it as a normal thing to do. Adult plays a very significant role of influence on the child, to discipline must be observe first by the adults. 2. What kinds of behaviors on the part of the children elicit reinforcement and punishment consequences from the adult?  Misbehavior of the child and being playful can be punish by thoughtless actions especially while inside the church such as pinch or be punished after the church inside the home. While behaving inside the church can be rewarded or reciprocated by giving him or her a reward such as sweets. 3. What kinds of behaviors of adults are reinforced or punished by the children?  Giving thoughtful words that can be understood by the child as an act of discipline can be reciprocated by the child by behaving inside the church and observing his or her actions next time.

4. What kinds of reinforcements and punishments seem to be the most “successful”? I do think that giving rewards as well as giving them some light punishments can be successful, I believed that reinforcements such as giving sweets can be a massive help in order for them to behave more, while hard punishments would be crucial because the child might be traumatized and take it as a harsh thing, that’s why light punishments should be enforced where the child can be disciplined even at the simplest means. 5. Given the experience, what are your thoughts about operant conditioning? Do you think children reinforce and punish adults as adults reinforce and punish them. How might the two be interdependent. Operant conditioning should be taken as a normal thing, children learns from experiences, with those encounters a child should be able to undergo to some sort of changes where they can be able to perform well and behave well. Children are highly dependent and can be influence by what they see to adults, they’ll take it as basis of their actions, so whatever the child sees from his/her model can be executed by the child as well. These two are interdependent because of that aspects, what child sees can be perform by the child, what adults does can be practice by the child. In other words, both components should be conscious on the things they do.

2. Thorndike’s Connectionism a. Choose a topic you want to teach. Topic: English Language Year level: Grade 5 b. Think of ways you can apply the three primary laws while you teach the topic. Giving or providing them partial information about the next topics to be discussed. Providing those reading materials or basis that they Law of Readiness can used to keep them motivated, with that we can created a neutralized environment during discussions. Law of Effect. Indicate Positive and negative specifically how you will use consequences should impart positive/negative reinforcements motivation on child (rewards) perspectives, it should not

Law of Exercise

be taken as a normal thing where negative consequences can be translated as punishment itself but as a bridge in creating deeper bonds nor positive consequences can be transcribed as a determinant factors where student can be motivated. These two aspects should be neutralized and not be taken as is. The child’s performance must have an equalized feedbacks because it can either motivate the child or hinder the child to do more. The feedbacks should always be associated with the room for success. There must be actions or exercises should be perform by the child and the teacher must critique the child’s performance in an acceptable manner.

Research Connection Read a research or study related to behaviorism. Fill out the matrix below. TITLE & SOURCE THE EFFECTS OF BEHAVIORIST AND CONSTRUCTIVIST INSTRUCTION ON STUDENT PERFORMANCE IN COLLEGE-LEVEL REMEDIAL MATHEMATICS Cox, M. W. The Effects of Behaviorist and Constructivist Instructions on Student Performance in College-Level Remedial Mathematics. (2011). Office of Graduate Studies of Texas A&M University, Nebraska. PROBLEM This study examines the effect of pedagogical style for college-level remedial mathematics students and the effect of the chosen assessment method in determining student success. Specifically, this study explains student achievement for college students exposed to a pedagogical style from either foundation as measured with short-answer, rote-knowledge questions and with long answer, deductive-reasoning questions. Furthermore, consideration of student self-efficacy is investigated in order to account for any variation in instructional method. Ultimately, this study describes the effects of both instruction type and assessment method on the success of college-level remedial mathematics students. The t ti i t b h i i t

METHODOLOGY In one instructional approach, the students were taught with key concepts gleaned from a direct instruction philosophy. The second class was taught using opposing concepts typical of a personalized instructional approach. One assessment method was to use short-answer questions; the other assessment method was to employ extended-answer questions. Beyond the different pedagogical and assessment methods, student motivation and perception were also measured as explanatory variables. The design of this study is an alternativetreatment design with pretest (Shadish, Cook, & Campbell, 2002). Remedial students were randomly placed into two classes and taught with two different instructional methods. Assessment of each student’s abilities was then measured with two different sets of questions. This design produces four groups: instructional method A with assessment type 1, instructional method A with assessment type 2, instructional method B with assessment type 1, and instructional method B with assessment type 2. In addition, the resulting scores were analyzed while taking into account each student’s self-efficacy level. CONCLUSION / RECOMMENDATION


Future research must focus on the existence FINDINGS of highly motivating factors and ways of identifying them. There is great value in properly motivating the remedial student to perform regardless of Analysis of the data provided some significant results that can assist in further circumstances. This particular treatment leads to a different, perhaps higher understanding of understanding remedial mathematics and(pass nonparametric methods Task/s the nature of teaching/learning in that itpedagogy. recognizesParametric the ultimatum remedial mathematics were useful in analyzing the pre-test/post-test differences, pedagogical methods, the or drop out of college) as a primary influence. Using techniques similar to those utilizedand in this 1. questionnaire data (concerning perception of instruction and self-efficacy) provided by the study, it would be possible to perform analyses of other remedial classes exposed to further students. Interviews with participating students and differentially. professors further specific pedagogical actions with students motivated Finally,provided further insight studies into the pedagogy of the college-level remedial mathematics classroom. Interviews addressing measures not considered in this study, such as gender, race, and age, would be beneficial, and additional work about could be in narrowing the reasons for welcomed high remedial provided thoughtful comments thedone instructional methods; students the placement rates in the first place. opportunity to talk and appeared forthright and open. Students felt as though they did as

well in mathematics (or better) than they did in their other classes taken at the same time. Explain the basic principles of The most encouraging result of the interviews was the finding that most students wanted to behaviorism. learn and wanted to be involved inindicates the classroom.  Basic Assumptions the contribution of one’s environment on influencing others behavior. These are the environmental factors in which behavior is being influenced with ones imparted behavior especially in learning. We learn new behavior through classical or operant conditioning (collectively known as ‘learning theory’). 2. Make a simple plan applying the principles of learning. 1. Discussions and Interactive Discussion must be observed. It is important that you doesn’t only discuss the lesson, check your students understanding of the lesson. 2. Create a guided self-assessment where students understanding will be able to be scrutinized.

3. Let students have a reflection about the work they’ve did. Provide specific’s and have them relate it into real life situation. 4. Have your students cope with the knowledge and understanding they’ve gain on the discussion. 5. Peer and group discussions or activities should be done, in that way they’ll be able to interact and share various knowledge with each other. 3. Explain how to use rewards in the learning process effectively.  Rewards should be used in an ethical manner where students are motivated to learn and will urge them to be determined and passionate about the things they do. Rewards should be classified in a standardized goals or settled goals. It is important that rewards should be based on goals being established by the teacher and isn’t giving rewards whenever you want to. Established criteria will help you determined learners who are worthy of your reward. Prepare a set of rewards where students can choose their reward in their convenience. It is also important to upgrade your criteria, because students might just settled to that behavior without being evaluative on things that they do. Raising your standards doesn’t directly mean that you’re being bothered of giving rewards, but it is important in order to let your students understand the what reality from fantasy. 5-minute non-stop writing Your 5-minute non-stop writing begins NOW! From the Module on Behaviorism: Pavlov, Thorndike, Skinner, I realized that . . . 

Behaviorism is meet through conditioning and reinforcements (also known as rewards and/or punishments). It emphasizes how a certain stimuli is somewhat related to the behavior of a certain individual. It doesn’t end at understanding certain behavior but it’s more than that, it is not knowing how certain mindset affects behavior. In regards to the understanding the concept of behaviorism, certain concepts or elements are being presented. Each components reflects how the theory of behaviorism is achieved and being understand. As yearning educator it is significant to understand this concept because it will enable us to understand our future students and we can used it on our practice as a teacher.

Activity 1 Tolman’s Purposive Behaviorism

1. Solve maze A. Enter on the left side and exit at the top. Solve maze B. Enter on the top and exit on the left side. Maze A

Maze B

Analysis 2 1. How did you solve Maze A? What strategy did you use? (Trial and error, examined the maze before proceeding with your pen, etc.) I always believed that I’m more of creative person than analytical, so in solving the maze A, I used trial and error with that I will have variety of strategy to solve the maze, but it took me some time to solve the maze. 2. Was it easier to solve maze B? Why? Yes, because of the schema I’ve created in solving the Maze A, it gave me the experience to answer Maze B because of that encounter, thus, while solving Maze B, I considered my partial knowledge in solving the Maze A to solve Maze B. Activity 2 Bandura’s Social Learning Theory 1. Read the following news article. Analysis 2 Bandura’s Social Learning Theory 1. What do authorities say might be the reason why Sergio hanged himself? They think that the child mimic the execution of former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein, where Saddam’s death is being telecast in the television, and because of the child curiosity, he also executed the same thing but leaving himself dead because of hanging himself. What facts made them give this reason?

Because of the belief that the child acquired this behavior by watching television, and with the prior investigation he watched the television with his uncle and then asking his uncle about Saddam’s death being an issue. 2. Comment on the opinion of the clinical psychologist.  I do agree about the psychologist’s opinion, because as a kid they’re most likely to be curious about the things especially if it is being demonstrated to them. Having said that television is an influential medium by which child’s mind is being exploited to unnecessary shows or mature shows that are not suitable for younger minds. Due to the fact that their minds are still fresh and is very curious about things of this world. 3. What do you think is the effect of television on the behavior of young people (preschool to college)? Cite specific examples.  My take on this one is that college or their older thinking makes them have a preview of the possibilities, I mean they have this understanding about what’s morally right and what is wrong. But that doesn’t necessarily mean that younger minds are useless. It’s just that younger children are very curious about this world. I mean they didn’t still have experiences that influence their thinking, as for me experience is still the best teacher. Experience being paired with prior knowledge is what sets preschoolers and college individuals apart from each other. For instance by watching Disney movies they tend to be not fully aware of the details or smaller information that is being conveyed in the movie, unlike what most of college individuals. College or older individuals are very aware and observant on the following details. To add, if preschoolers and college are being asked the same question, college individuals can most likely to give a concrete and thoughtful answer unlike preschoolers because of the fact that their minds aren’t that composed yet with concrete knowledge about life. Synapse Strengtheners 

1. How are Tolman’s Purposive Behaviorism and Bandura’s Social learning theory able to bridge behaviorism and cognitive theory? 

Both concept deals with how behaviorism is achieved, and it is due to the stimuli that they are able to adapt to their environment. With those stimuli they create response on things that the students encounter. Behaviorism is being influenced by external variables and soon those variables urge them to think and that’s how cognition takes place. With those

variables that a child encounters will now contribute and influence his internal being especially in his cognition; beliefs, perspectives, and ideas are now emerging. Those variable create stimuli where their behavior and thinking is being influence. 2. Read this article about Bandura’s views about television and violence, Albert Bandura lecture – Bing Distinguished Lecture Series “The Power of Social Modeling: The Effects of Television Violence” by Christine Van De Velde (at http://www.stanford.edu/dept/bingschool/rschart/bandura.htm). Make a reaction paper. Application – Tolman’s Purposive Behaviorism State a personal message derived from the key concepts of Tolman’s purposive behaviorism. Use the Table provided below: Key Concept of Tolman’s Theory On Purposive Behaviorism 1. Learning is always purposive and goal-directed.

2. Cognitive maps help students perform well. Organisms select the shortest or easiest path to achieve a goal.

3. Latent ...

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