flying spaghetti monsterism final draft PDF

Title flying spaghetti monsterism final draft
Author sara montoya
Course Basic Writing
Institution Nova Southeastern University
Pages 7
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Argument on credibility of newly found religion( Flying Spaghetti Monsterism) in comparison to other world leading religions. ...


Sara Montoya Professor Whitaker COMP 1000 CRN: 24444 1 October 2020

Why Pastafarianism is a Hoax Since the beginning of time, religion has played a very significant role in societies all across the world. With over six major world religions, there is a faith for almost everyone. Bobby Henderson's open letter to the Kansas State Board of Education explicitly demonstrates his passion for Pastafarianism, a so claimed science based religion. These claims have been researched by many qualified individuals such as government officials and scientists. Their findings have allowed for people like myself to doubt this kind of worship. I believe that although faith is individual and based on spiritual understanding, the lack of supporting evidence pertaining to this doctrine in comparison to other confirmed reliable religions do not make Pastafarianism a credible faith. Despite the claims made by Henderson in his letter, he provides no proof of historical holy texts, no house of worship, and instead satirizes traditional attire that does not fit into the norm of most respected religions. In order to recognize and embrace the authenticity of Pastafarianism, one must first understand the concept of “religion.” What goes into a genuine religion? Fortunately, centuries worth of religious texts and readings have served as valid accounts for the fellow devotee and in turn allowed for religion to expand and prosper. For instance, the Bible was written between 1200 and 165 BC (Drane). These years are relevant because it shows the history surrounding the religion and the extensive amount of time that people have been following Christianity. These thousands of years have allowed for the religion to develop and become world known. The Bible also tells stories of important figures, such as Adam and Eve, two people that even

Montoya 2 non-Christians know about. These figures are significant because Henderson does not mention other people in his letter except for the Spaghetti Monster. Another major religion that serves as an example for a true faith is Islam. The central religious text of Islam is the Qur’an, which Muslims believe to be a revelation from Allah, or God. The Qur’an was orally revealed in the years 610 through 632 by God to Muhammad (Coughlan). The Qur’an serves as a prime example because for centuries, millions of Muslim children have memorized the entire holy book to be deemed a “hafiz” and later instill the same custom onto their kids (Shahriari). Islam compares to Pastafarianism in the way that Islam has an extensive amount of following and respect, as opposed to Pastafarianism. Furthermore, the main holy book of Hinduism, the Vedas, written around 500 BCE (Mark) are considered to be one of the oldest religious works in the world. The Vedas were passed down from master to student for generations and the students would memorize them forwards and backwards to perfect it (Mark). The Vedas have been translated into over 100 languages showing how well known this religion is and how many other countries it has reached (Veda Translation). On the other hand, Henderson claims that The Flying Spaghetti Monster created the universe and there are “several lengthy volumes explaining all details of his power”(Henderson). His statement is flawed for various reasons. After extensive research, it is evident there are no late or recently dated holy texts proving his statement. Instead, Henderson himself, wrote a book in 2006 named The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster in which he outlines the basis of the religion and all it encompasses. The fact that he is the author makes it clear that the religion does not have any historical texts which document the Spaghetti Monster as the creator of the universe, as Henderson claims. This also shows that before 2006, there were no other holy texts or accessible scriptures where the “ten million” (Henderson) Pastafarians could resort back to for reference. In regards to the aforementioned Pastafarians, there are instances that show them to be practicing Pastafarianism for their own devious reasons. Supreme Court officials and other knowledgeable individuals have debated whether these

Montoya 3 “Pastafarians” are mocking the regulations or if it is true devotion. Lastly, Henderson provides no further proof that the Flying Spaghetti Monster is the creator of the universe but simply states it in hopes that the reader will not oppose his claims. Throughout his letter Henderson satirizes traditional religious attire by attempting to argue that the garb worn for Pastafarianism should be seen just as acceptable as other religions. Henderson states, “It is disrespectful to teach our beliefs without wearing His chosen outfit, which of course is full pirate regalia. I cannot stress the importance of this enough…” This detail is important because in April 2016 a prisoner, Stephen Cavanaugh, sued the prison officials for being denied religious observance (Federal Court Rules). The U.S. District Court for the District of Nebraska denied his request to “be afforded the same rights and privileges as his fellow religious inmates in order to observe Pastafarianism.” (Federal Court Rules...) He wished to be permitted to regularly eat pasta as communion and wear the pirate regalia. The Judge wrote that the Court found Pastafarianism to be a satire rather than a true religion. The Cavanaugh v. Bartelt decision reads “This is not a question of theology: it is a matter of basic reading comprehension” (Federal Court Rules) and was not meant to be read as a religious doctrine. The court also argued that a practice should not be seen as “religious” simply because a person labels it as such. Conversely, Islam’s religious attire is an important example due to the distinguishable and conservative way the followers dress to follow the Islamic faith. For instance, “a long widesleeved gown reaching to the feet and buttoned halfway down its total length over a striped garment, with headgear consisting of a soft collapsible cap of red felt around which is wound [to] a white muslin” (Pye). This quote shows how simple but meaningful their attire is. The colors are not bright and they cover their heads out of respect with a proper garment, not with a kitchen utensil. This is significant because if the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster was a genuine religion, they would have permitted Cavanaugh to wear a colander on his head and eat as much pasta as he desired, as the court would be permitted to allow a Muslim woman to wear her hijab

Montoya 4 at the same jail. Similarly, attire worn for the Buddhist religion is unadorned but very expressive for their journey as devotees. For example, “The robe (chivara) illustrates two main types of religious action, each symbolized by the character of the materials used. First, the wearing of “cast-off rags” was one of the ‘four resources’ of a monk, being an exercise in ascetic humility similar to the other three, which are living on alms, dwelling at the foot of a tree, and using only cow’s urine as medicine”(Pye). These Monks have meaning for the dressing that they wear and don't ridicule it by comparing it to a robber who travels by water, which is what the Pastafarianism garb is inspired by. Finally, in most Chinese religions, the same concept stands. Their attire is meant to represent what they preach and are devoted to. For example, “Garments used in sacrifices to former kings and dukes were prepared from silk grown in a special silkworm house. According to the ‘Doctrine of the Mean,’ the clothes used by ordinary people at sacrifices were ‘their richest dresses’” (Pye). They used fine material and their sacrifices while wearing these clothes were for respected higher beings and not a long thin noodle. Also, in August the highest court of the Netherlands ruled that the Church of the FSM is not a religion, and its followers do not have the right to wear religious headgear in passport or driving license photos (Zaimov). Every known religion in the world has a house of worship where followers unite to practice their beliefs. Pastafarianism continues to prove it is not a real religion by failing to have a house of worship despite the claims made by Henderson. For example,“Future goals for the church [is to] inherit benefits that the mainstream religions enjoy” (Henderson). He refers to the religious house as a church but provides no proof of where these “churches” can be found. After research, there are no locations of any churches associated with Pastafariansim further indicating this religion is false. On the contrary, religions like Islam and Buddhism have thousands of beautiful homes of worship around the world. Islam, for example, is practiced in a Mosque. Meant to praise Allah it is a very sacred area that has a domed roof with the Islamic symbol.

Montoya 5 There is no furniture or statutes in them as they kneel to pray (Blanch). In addition, Buddhism is practiced in a Temple and is a place for ancestor worship and meditation. A shine containing an image of Buddah is also very important in these temples (Blanch). The Church of the flying spaghetti monster offers no insight into what is supposedly inside this building so it is still unknown to the public. These aforementioned temples and mosques are one of the most important aspects of their religion and without them it would be difficult to establish a community, which is why Pastafarianism does not exist. They do not have a place to meet and expand. Thus, Henderson’s demand for Pastafarianism to be taught in Kansas schools is absurd. Not only would it be extremely difficult to teach due to the lack of sources surrounding the religion, but most importantly, it would teach the children false information about environmental phenomena that the scientific community has worked tirelessly to create conclusions for. As a community, it is our duty to ensure that our youth is properly educated and prepared to take on the countless experiences they will encounter. By introducing them to a new faith that is hardly supported, schools would be doing them a disservice. Instead, they should be educated on the many other religions that have been around for centuries, or the factual evidence found for climate change. The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster should be seen solely as comic relief and steered away from schools.

Montoya 6


Blanch, Lynn. “List of Important Facts About Ancient Egyptian Religions.” The Classroom | vvvvvEmpowering Students in Their College Journey, 10 Jan. 2019, Accessed 2 vvvvvOct. 2020. Coughlan, Sean. “'Oldest' Koran Fragments Found in Birmingham University.” BBC News, vvvvvBBC, 22 July 2015, Accessed 2 Oct. 2020. Drane , John. “Religions - Christianity: The Bible.” BBC, BBC, 12 July 2011, Accessed 2 Oct. 2020. "Federal Court Rules that 'Pastafarianism' is Not A Real Religion." Church & State, vol. 69, no. vvvvv6, 06, 2016, pp. 18. ProQuest, vvvvvdocview/1793642986?accountid=6579. Accessed 18 Sept. 2020. Henderson, Bobby. “Bobby Henderson's Open Letter To The Kansas State Board of Education.” vvvvvFacebook, 4 Feb.2015, vvvvvbobby-hendersons-%20open-letter-to-the-kansasstate-board-ofeducation/7583083809268vvvvv39/. Accessed 18 Sept. 2020. Pye, E. Michael, and James Dickie. “Types of Dress and Vestments in Eastern Religions.” vvvvvEncyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 11 Aug. 2018, vvvvvAccessed 2 Oct. 2020. Shahriari, Shahriar. “ Hafiz Biography .” Biography of Hafiz, 2005,

Montoya 7 vvvv“Veda Translation.” VIP Translator - Provided By Your Favorite Language Service Provider vvvvvWagner Consulting, 2018, Accessed vvvvv2 Oct. 2020. Zaimov, Stoyan. “Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster Not a Religion, Can't Have Rights vvvvvLike Christianity: Germany.” The Christian Post, 6 Nov. 2018, Accessed 2 Oct. 2020.

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