Format of NOC by Auditor PDF

Title Format of NOC by Auditor
Author Rudra Chaturvedi
Course Indian Political Thought-I
Institution University of Calcutta
Pages 2
File Size 28.4 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 112
Total Views 144




( Tobepr i nt edi nt hel et t erheadofNewAudi t or ) t h 10 December ,2018

Mukt iNat h&Co. Char t er edAccount ant s 3rdFl oor ,PandeyPl az a, Ex hi bi t i onRoad, Pat na–800001,Bi har

DearSi r s, Re:NoObj ect i onCer t i ficat e Thi si st oi nf or my out hatwehav ebeen appoi nt ed ast heSt at ut or yAudi t orofAI KO LOGI STI CS PRI VATE LI MI TED f ort hefi nanc i aly ear20172018att heEx t r aGener al Meet i ngoft hemember soft heCompanyhel don06th Dec ember2018. We hav e been i nf or med t hatt he s ai d appoi nt menthasbeen made i nv i ew ofy our r es i gnat i onasSt at ut or yAudi t oroft heCompany . Acc or di ngl yt hi si st os eeky ourNoobj ect i oni nwr i t i ngi nourf av oursoast oenabl eust o ac ceptt hes ai dappoi nt mentasSt at ut or yAudi t oroft heCompany . I nc as ei fwedonothearf r om y ouwi t hi n15day sf r om t hedat eoft hi sl et t ert henwes hal l pr es umet haty oudonothav eanyobj ec t i ont oouracc ept anc eoft heappoi nt mentas s t at ut or yaudi t oroft hes ai dCompany . Yourear l yr es ponses hal lbeappr ec i at ed.

Thank i ngy ou. Your sf ai t hf ul l y , ForPr em KumarBhot i k a, Char t er edAcc ount ant s

Pr em KumarBhot i k a

Pr opr i et or

( Tobepr i nt edi nt hel et t erheadofol dAudi t or )

t h 14 Dec ember ,2018

Pr em KumarBhot i k a, Char t er edAcc ount ant s 65,Mat r umalLohi aLane, Sal k i a,Howr ah–711106, Wes tBengal ,I ndi a

DearSi r s , Re:OurNoObj ec t i onf ory ourac c ept anc eofappoi nt mentasSt at ut or yAudi t orofAI KO LOGI STI CSPRI VATELI MI TED t h Thi shasr ef er enc et ol et t erdat ed10 Dec emberi s suedbyy ouasr egar dst he s ubmi s s i onofourNoObj ect i on.

Acc or di ngl yt hi si st oc onv eyourNoObj ec t i ont oy ourac cept anc eoft hes ai d appoi nt mentasSt at ut or yAudi t orofAi k oLogi s t i csPr i v at eLi mi t ed. Thank i ngy ou. Your sf ai t hf ul l y ,

Mukt i Nat h&Co. Char t er edAcc ount ant s

Mukt i Nat hSi nha Pr opr i et or...

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