FOS 3042 Exam 2 Study Guide PDF

Title FOS 3042 Exam 2 Study Guide
Course Intro Food Science
Institution University of Florida
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FOS 3042 Exam 2 Study Guide MODULE 7: Food Regulation and Labeling  Regulatory Agencies o Food and Drug Administration (FDA)  Oversees:  Food products other than meat, poultry, and egg products  Foods including shell eggs, dietary supplements, chewing gym, food additives, infant formula  Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (1938)  Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Title 21  Activities:  Oversees all imported and domestic food in interstate commerce including shell eggs but not meat or poultry  Makes food plant and warehouse inspections  Collects and analyzes samples for contamination  Reviews safety of additives and food colors before marketing  Develops model codes, ordinances and guidelines  Tests for pesticide residues to ensure tolerances are met  Examines imported foods for acceptability  Sets up standards of identity and labeling requirements for manufactured foods  Establishes good manufacturing practices, plant sanitation standards  Works with state and local agencies in times of disaster to detect and dispose of contaminated foods o USDA  Laws:  Domestic and imported meat and poultry products  Federal Meat Inspection Act (1906)  Poultry Products Inspection Act (1957)  Egg Products Inspection Act (1970)  Regulatory Activities  Inspects food animals for disease before and after slaughter (FSIS)  Ensures meat and poultry processors exporting to the US meet standards (FSIS)  Inspects meat and poultry processors (FSIS)  Monitors and inspects processed egg products (FSIS, AMS)  Collecting and analyzing food samples (FSIS)  Establishes standards for food additives used in meat and poultry, for plant sanitation and processing (FSIS)  Seeks voluntary recalls by meat and poultry processors (FSIS)  Educates the industry and the consumers on safe foodhandling practices (FSIS)

o Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)  Investigates sources of foodborne disease outbreaks  Maintains foodborne disease surveillance systems o Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)  Oversees drinking water and pesticide safety  The Safe Drinking Water Act (1974)  Food Quality Protection Act (1996) o National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS)  Inspects and certifies fishing vessels, seafood processors and retail facilities for sanitation standards o Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB)  Oversees alcoholic beverages except wine with less than 7% alcohol o Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS)  Division of Food Safety  Bureau of Food Inspection o Grocery stores, convenience stores, coffee shops, bakeries, retail meat and seafood markets, bottled water plants, ice and water vending machines, food processing plants and food warehouses, etc. o USDA Country of Origin Labeling audits  Bureau of Dairy Industry o Programs part of the Pasteurized Milk Ordinance published by FDA  Division of Food, Nutrition and Wellness  National School Lunch Programs, School Breakfast Program, etc.  Division of Aquaculture  Commercial aquaculture facilities in FL  Division of Fruit and Vegetables  Inspects and certifies fresh shipments of tomatoes, citrus, avocados and peanuts. Food Laws o Federal Meat Inspection Act (1906) o Pure Food and Drug Act (1906) o Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (1938) o Agricultural Marketing Act (1946) o Federal Poultry Products Inspection Act (1957) o Federal Egg Products Inspection Act (1960) o Infant Health Formula Act (1980)* o Nutrition Labeling and Education Act (1990)* o Organic Foods Production Act (1990) o Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (1994)* o Food Quality Protection Act (1996)* o Food and Drug Administration Modernization Act (FDAMA) (1997) *

o FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (2011)* Why do we have food laws? o Economic fraud and unsafe food  Food adulteration for economic reasons reported as early as the 4th century, BC  Trade guilds (13th century) to advance food standards  Ensuring safe and wholesome products makes the market stronger o More recently: inform consumers about the nutritional content o How it started  The 1906 Pure Food and Drug Act  Signed simultaneously with the Meat Inspection Act  Modern era of food regulation in the U.S.  Dr. Harvey Washington Wiley, Chief Chemist of the Bureau of Chemistry  Upton Sinclair’s book “The Jungle” o How it evolved  Federal Food Drug and Cosmetic Act (1938)  Tightened controls over food and drugs  Authorized standards of identity, quality and fill-of containers  Authorized factory inspections  Enhanced the government’s ability to enforce the law  Food Additives Amendment (1958)  Any substance that becomes a component of food (direct or indirect additives) or otherwise affects the characteristic of the food (e.g. irradiation)  GRAS provision o Generally Recognized As Safe o GRAS substances not subject to premarket review and approval by FDA  The Delaney Clause o Zero tolerance standard for carcinogens o Now “reasonable certainty that no harm will result”  Color Additives Amendment (1960)  Dyes and pigments used in foods, drugs, cosmetics and certain medical devices  Color additives for food use  Certifiable: 9 total with last 2 that have very specific use (FD&C Blue No.1, FD&C Blue No.2, FD&C Green No.3, FD&C Red No.3, FD&C Red No.40, FD&C Yellow No.5, FD&C Yellow No.6, FD&C Orange B, FD&C Citrus Red No.2)  Exempt from certification: Pigments from natural sources or their man-made counterparts  Nutritional Labeling and Education Act (1990)  Mandated nutritional labeling

Label declarations of collective terms, sulfites, sweeteners, colors, spices, allergenic substances, net contents, metric labeling  Light, fat free, low fat, reduced fat, etc. – Nutrient-health claims  Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (1994)  Vitamins, minerals, herbs, amino acids, enzymes  To supplement the diet by increasing dietary intake  Food Safety Modernization Act (2011)  Prevention  Inspections, compliance, and response  Import safety  Enhanced partnership with other agencies  Prevention: Written preventive controls plan, ample record keeping and monitoring Inspections, compliance and response  Import safety  Enhanced partnership with other agencies Labelling Requirements o Principal Display Panel  PDP: Portion of the label that is most likely to be seen by the consumer at the time of purchase  On PDP: statement of identity, and the net quantity statement  Statement of identity: Name established by law or the common name of the food, or, appropriate descriptive name, that is not misleading. o Standard of Identity  Examples of foods with standards of identity: Milk, yogurt, peanut butter, canned tuna, mayonnaise, maple syrup  21 CFR parts 131 to 169  Net Quantity Statement o Net quantity of contents o Metric and U.S. Customary System o Not include the weight of the container, or wrappers and packing materials o Water or other liquid added to food in a container is usually included o Drained weight if packing medium is normally discarded o Information Panel  Name and address of the manufacturer, packer or distributor, the ingredient list, nutrition labeling and any required allergy labeling.  Ingredients List  Nutrition Facts o Nutrient Content Claims

Claim on a food product that characterizes the level of a nutrient in the food, e.g. low fat, high in oat bran, contains 100 calories.  Free, low, reduced/less defined for: calories, total fat, saturated fat, cholesterol, sodium, sugars.  Except low sugar which is not defined and therefore may not be used o Health Claims  Suggest relationship exists between the presence or level of a substance in the food and a disease or health-related condition  Statements, symbols, vignettes o Structure/Function Claims  Describe the effect that a substance has on the structure of function of the body  Do not make reference to a disease o Other information  Grades, religious symbols, universal product code, organic  Federal Grades and Standards o Foods w/ grades  Beef, poultry, pork, goat, lamb  Eggs  Dairy  Fruit and vegetables  Fish and seafood  Nuts o Examples of Grades  Butter and cheese: Based on flavor, body, texture  Poultry: Absence of defects for A  Shell Eggs: AA, A or B  Beef MODULE 8: Intro to Food Processing, Heat  Intro to Food Processing o What is food processing?  Segment of manufacturing industry  Transforms materials of animal, plant, aquatic and other origin into intermediate or finished products. o Purposes of Food processing  Provide food free from pathogens  Preservation/extending shelf life  Providing variety and convenience  Providing nutrients through supplementation  Adding value o Unit operations in food processing  Heat transfer

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Destroy microorganisms Destruct enzymes Change sensory characteristics of food Temperature gradient is the driver 3 modes o conduction o convection o radiation  Mass transfer  Migration/diffusion of fluid constituent or mixture component  Concentration gradient is the driver  Within one phase or across phases  Distillation, crystallization, filtration, evaporation, drying, etc. utilize mass transfer  Fluid flow  Moving liquid food through pipes  Pressure gradient is the driver  Gravity flow or pumps o Centrifugal pumps o Positive displacement pumps  Mixing  Even distribution of ingredients for o Efficient heat transfer o Uniformity in composition and properties o Consistency in eating quality  Mixing time, power, and product uniformity are the important variables  Rate of mixing, possible effects of mixing on feed components, and hygienic design are other considerations  Size adjustment  Size reduction: cutting, slicing, dicing, grinding, etc.  Size enlargement: aggregation, gelation, agglomeration  Separation  Solid from solid (e.g. shelling of nuts)  Solid from liquid (e.g. filtration, extraction)  Liquid from liquid (e.g. evaporation, distillation)  Often an intermediate step o Batch vs continuous processing  Batch process: given mass of material is subjected to a series of operations in a sequence  Labor intensive  Batch to batch variability in product characteristics

Continuous process: material flows through a series of operations undergoing continuous change  No manual handling  Temperature, composition, flow rate constant at a given point in the process  consistent product Food Processing vs. Food preservation o Food Processing  The conversion of raw animal and plant tissue into forms that are convenient and practical to consume  Mechanical action  Heating  Extrusion  Many others  Encompasses the basic preparation of food, the alteration of a food product into another form, and preservation and packaging techniques  Preparation steps required to convert the raw agricultural commodity to a finished consumer product  Main reasons for processing  Preserves foods so that they remain fresh, wholesome, nutritious, safe, and free from the effects of spoilage for a certain length of time  Manufacture specific desirable food products that exhibit a certain shelf-life o Food preservation  Use of thermal and non-thermal processing techniques to minimize the number of pathogenic and spoilage organisms in food, making them safe and giving them extended shelf life  Canning, refrigeration, freezing, dehydration, high pressure, irradiation, use of food additives that inhibit microbial growth  Main factors that cause or determine the rate of deterioration  Microbial growth  Enzymatic activity  Oxidation  Physical changes  Factors used to inhibit or slow down microbial growth and other types of deteriorations include:  Heating, freezing, pH control, water activity control, antimicrobial agents  6 Basic methods to preserve a food  heat treatment  non thermal “alternative” processes  refrigeration/freezing  non-thermal and preservative addition  moisture removal

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acidity control

Heat o Pasteurization  The process of heating a food, usually a liquid, to a specific temperature for a definite length of time, and then cooling it immediately  Reduction microbial growth in food  Named after its creator Louis Pasteur  In 1864 the first pasteurization test was completed  The process was originally conceived as a way of preventing wine and beer from souring  Types of pasteurization  High Temperature Short Time (HTST) o refrigerated milk shelf life of two to three weeks o 71.7 °C (161 °F) for 15-20 seconds  Ultra High Temperature (UHT) o With sterile handling and aseptic packaging, milk’s shelflife may be extended to 6 to 9 months, unrefrigerated o Maillard Browning occurs because of high temperatures changes the flavor and odor of milk o 135 °C (275 °F) 1-2 seconds o Heat preservation  Holding a food for a specific time at a specific temperature is necessary for preservation  Sterilization = destruction of all organisms  121 ºC for 15 min  commercial sterilization = destruction of pathogenic and toxic forming organisms that could grow (applies to most preserved foods)  Pasteurization – lower temperature heat treatment (80-90ºC) that kills certain microbes that pose a public health risk  Destroys pathogenic microorganisms  Extends product shelf life (but not extensively)  Examples: milk, beer, fruit juices, liquid eggs  Blanching – applied to fruits and vegetables to inactivate natural food enzymes, destroys some microorganisms  Primarily used for fruits and vegetables  Deactivates enzymes  Kills some bacteria o Selecting heat treatments  Heat that is sufficient to destroy all microorganisms and enzymes is detrimental to other food quality factors such as:  Color, flavor, texture, nutrition, consistency  To select optimum heat treatment and severity must determine

What is the goal? o Blanching, retorting, pasteurization, etc. o Inactivating enzymes vs. stable shelf product  Time/temp combination required to inactivate the most resistant microbe  Heat penetration characteristics of o The food (varies with consistency, particle size) o The container (Varies with size, shape, material) o Microbial heat resistance  Time temperature combination required inactivate the most resistant microbe  clostridium botulinum is most heat resistant pathogenic organism typically found in foods  bacillus stearothermophilus (PA 3679) is the most hear resistant organism that we know  margin of safety  unknowns in raw foods, especially lose thich are low acid: o types of microbes present o number of microbes present  therefore assume c. botulinum to be present in large numbers  logarithmic scale  scale o Log 100 = 1 o Log 101 = 10 o Log 102 = 100 o Log 103 = 1,000 o Log 104 = 10,000 o Log 105 = 100,000  So, a 5-log reduction would reduce the microbiological counts by 100,000 colony forming units per gram (CFU/g)  Serial dilution  If you have a plate from a 10-5 dilution where you observe 5 CFUs on it, that would mean there was 500,000 CFUs in the original sample  Thermal processing for food preservation  D values (decimal reduction value) o Individual bacteria have their own d-values o Higher d value = greater heat resistance o Time to destroy 90% of the bacterial population at a given temperature o Requires thermal death curve to calculate o Can calculate by determining the time required to reduce the population by one log cycle

Thermal death curves o Heat kills bacteria logarithmically  If 90% are killed in the first minute at a certain temperature, then  90% of those remaining alive will die during the second minute, and  90% of those remaining alive will die during the third minute, etc.  100,000 (5-log) X .10 = 10,000 (4-log)  Therefore, a 1-log reduction is the D-value o Spores are more heat resistant than vegetative cells o D-value reference (DR = 250oF or 121oC) o Organisms grow and are destroyed logarithmically 12-D reduction of C. botulinum o in canning, the target heat treatment is considered the 12d reduction of clostridium botulinum  processing time will reduce the amount of this bacteria by 1012 CFU per gram or mL at 121ºC  Dr for c. botulinum is .21 minute (12.6 sec)  12-D reduction will take 2.52 min (151 sec) thermal death time curves o higher temp = shorter times o lower pH = shorter times o z-value  temperature increase to reduce heating time by 1log cycle (decrease the microbial population by 1log cycle)  temperature decrease to increase heating time by 1 log cycle or 90% ( increase the microbial population by 1-log cycle)  z-value for c. bot is 18ºF  temperature change required to destroy 90% of the microbial population or reduce by a factor of 10  changes exponentially with temperature  temperature range that gives a 10-fold reduction  refers to the degrees F required for the thermal destruction curve to travers one log cycle o relationship b/w time and temperature F-value or F0 o Is equivalent to the number of minutes at 121ºF (250ºF) to destroy a specified number of organism o Arbitrarily set to 1.0 o Therefore, 1 min at 250ºF = F 0 of 1

o This term is known as lethality o Target F-value is ~3 for most vanned foods 

Summary  Determining time/temp treatment o Unknown and known factors  Nature of food (pH)  Storage conditions of the food  Heat resistance of the microorganism  Heat transfer characteristics of the food  Initial microbial load o To test the effectiveness of the time/temp treatment we can generate a thermal destruction curve (survival curve) and a thermal death curve (TDT)  1 min at 304 °F = F-value of 1000  1 min at 286 °F = F-value of 100  1 min at 268 °F = F-value of 10  1 min at 250 °F = F-value of 1  1 min at 232 °F = F-value of 0.1  1 min at 214 °F = F-value of 0.01*  1 min at 196 °F = F-value of 0.001  *Processing in boiling water would take ~300 min (5 hrs) to reach an F0 (lethality) of 3….see the problem with home canning?  Margins of safety o Inherent problems with death curves o The “slope” of the curve may vary o We don't know how many or what type organisms are present o We must choose an indicator organism o usually Clostridium botulinum o Heat for 12 D-values at desired temp. o Shoot for an adequate F-value (above 3.0)  D, Z, and F Values o The Z-value is a TEMPERATURE o The D-value is a TIME o The F-value (lethality) is an equivalent TIME at a given TEMPERATURE Factors affecting microbial heat resistance  pH effect: low acid vs. high acid foods; pH greatly affects process time and temperature o low acid foods  pH above 4.6

must thermally process (retort) to destroy c. botulinum  most vegetables and meats o high acid foods  pH below 4.6  c. botulinum will not grow  much milder process can be used (90-100ºC)  pasteurization techniques  most fruit juices, fruits, milk o heat penetration of foods  cold spots in canning  conduction vs convection and conduction  effects of food composition  sugar or syrups slow down penetration  starch or proteins slow down penetration  oils slow down penetration  any ingredient that makes food heat more by conduction than convection will slow the heat penetration and lengthen the process time  heat transfer  determining a process time o put thermocouples inside of cans o fill cans, seal, process at desired external temp (steam or hot water) o monitor temp inside cans o coo; cans o calculate F value o determine if process provides adequate lethality (F-value)  determine a process time when o new product o changed retorts o changed containers o changed any food component/ingredient o change processing temp o change initial temp of food prior to processing  inoculated pack studies o method to check adequacy of process o add heat resistant organism to a food o generally a non=pathogenic strain o process for calculated time o analyze for viable organisms/spores o many different time-temperature combinations can be used

o HTST usually gives best quality  Heating after packaging  Still retorts o Large pressure cooker o Limited temperature range (up to 270ºF) o Longer times  Agitating retorts o Move ca...

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