Frozen food marketing plan PDF

Title Frozen food marketing plan
Course Strategic Marketing
Institution جامعة القاهرة
Pages 41
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Business Plan for Frozen Beef P


Premium Frozen Beef Pr BASED ON A 2

P"EPA"ED F O" Mr. Saif Rahman (Sfr) Course Instructor MGT368.6

P"EPA"ED B! #"OUP1 M Ashad Uz aman !I"# $%&'6$'$3$ M. *amru+ ,asan (I"# $%'6'$3$) Muhi-u+ ,assan Adi+ !I"# $%'68'3$ S/ed Isteaz onaide !I"# $%'8$'$3$ Tam0eed Rahman Rahman !I"# $63'%8'$3$ Tu-a *han !I"# $%'11'3$

Date Date of of Su Su 5thA


Premium Frozen Beef Pr BASED ON A 2

P"EPA"ED F O" Mr. Saif Rahman (Sfr) Course Instructor MGT368.6

P"EPA"ED B! #"OUP1 M Ashad Uz aman !I"# $%&'6$'$3$ M. *amru+ ,asan (I"# $%'6'$3$) Muhi-u+ ,assan Adi+ !I"# $%'68'3$ S/ed Isteaz onaide !I"# $%'8$'$3$ Tam0eed Rahman !I"# $63'%8'$3$ Tu-a *han !I"# $%'11'3$

Date Date of of Su Su 5thA

TABLE OF CONTENTS E$ecuti%e Summar& 'e O((ortunit& 'e Product )ar*et Anal&sis

Methodo+o2/ Maret Size Maret 4+a/ers Maret 4otentia+ 5 4enetration

Industr& Anal&sis

4ST Ana+/sis +om(etition Anal&sis

"irect Com7etitors Indirect Com7etitors )ar*etin, )i$

4roduct 5 4ricin2 

4 ro mo ti on

)ana,ement eam )anufacturin, - Deli%er& Process Financial Pro.ection Pro.ectionss

Ris Ana+/sis E$(ansion Plan Bi/lio,ra('& A((endi$

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The The A2ro'9ased A2ro'9ased Industr/ Industr/ in in 9an2+adesh 9an2+adesh es7ecia++/ es7ecia++/ the the frozen frozen food food secto secto is curren current+/ t+/ en0o/ en0o/in2 in2 a +ucrat +ucrati:e i:e and e;7one e;7onenti ntia+ a+ 2ro *ha+ee0> Sran2osun and A/amas. A/amas. Amon2 its indirect com7etitors> com7etitors> Aftaand and Saus+e/ Saus+e/ are are dominatin2 dominatin2 esta-+ished esta-+ished -rands -rands in in the maret maret sa+t> e-a- s7ices> sodium nitrite> 2ar+ic> de;trose> sodium ascor-ate> +emon 2rind> 7e77er

Cho+estero+ $.$ 2m> sodium 8$m2> Internationa+ st car-oh/drate .6 7aca2in2# 9re 2m> dietar/ fi-er & size# 7cJ3$$2m 2m>Iron => Re2u+ar# 87cJ 4rotein 32

?resh and su7erior ua+it/ meat an e;tensi:e maret research mare size> 2ro$$$ month+/ (A77endi;). ?urthermore> amon2 those -e+on2in2 to the U77er U77er c+ass> $= s7ends T. $$$ to 3$$$ month+/ on -eef -eef and fish and forei2n -rands inc+ud A+ *a-eer' the +eadin2 com7etitor in -eef 7roducts> "ou;> A/amas an Sran2osun fresh sausa2e 7roducts.

3$= of the e-a- enthusiasts fa:ors -eef either fis and sea food (A77endi;). •

Ma0or ad:anta2e of the current maret scenario is +ac of 9eef *e-a7roducts -oth +oca+ and forei2n 7roduced. This minimizes com7etitio for 4remium ?rozen 9eef 4roducts to on+/ +oca+ 7roducers Rich> an ?orei2n im7orts +ie A+'*a-eer.

The 7roduct +ine for 9eef *e-a- are com7+ete+/ ne< and unri:a+ed in the +oca+ maret> therefore 7ro:idin2 it a hu2e o77ortunit/ to ca7tur the unta77ed maret se2ment. ItFs on+/ ma0or com7etitor is A+'*a-eer :er/ e;7ensi:e and is not a+ it en0o/s an unfa+terin2 demand.

The de:e+o7ment of customerFs taste> hea+t h a thei 7aca2in2 a nd 7ricin2. The ta-+e -e+o< sho and easierJuic to res7ond to the chan2es in maret demand. This mae in:entor/ mana2ement more cost'effecti:e and efficient.

DI"E+ +O)PEIO"S;

There are se:era+ direct com7etitors in the frozen -eef maret as re7resented -/ the ta-+e a-o:e. ,o our e/ com7etitors are Rich (+oca+) and A+'*a-eer (forei2n). "ic'

Rich A2ro Industries @td. is a su-sidiar/ com7an/ of ,ar:est Ric Grou7> a 7ioneer in te;ti+e and a2ro industr/ in 9an2+adesh. NRichN is th maret +eader in 9an2+adesh for further 7rocessed meat 7roducts 9eef> ?ish> Mutton 5 Tu-e ice. The/ ar cate2orized into Co+d meatsJcuts> Smoed 5 Gourmet S7ecia+tie Sausa2es> 9ur2ers and 9readin2 +ine u22ets> and *ie:s. Their 7roduc ran2e cate2ories are -een distri-uted to a++  Star hote+s> Internationa restaurants> Chain Stores to the Corner sho7s in their o a++ of them com-ined too u7 on+/ 6= of the -rand 7reference. ,o des7ite -ein2 forei2n> thei 7ricin2 are 7rett/ com7etiti:e and simi+ar to +oca+ 7roducers +ie Rich This cou+d -e the on+/ 7otentia+ threat to us.


There are fe< indirect com7etitors of our frozen -eef 7roducts. The/ are main+/ the +oca+ 7roducers Afta- and Saus+e/. Afta/se++ on+/ frozen chicen 7roducts of more or +ess same cate2ories +ie sausa2e> meat-a++> and sa+ami. 9ut their -rand 7reference Schoo+s> Uni:ersities> ?airs Gu+shan 

ee +/

1  7

e/ Site Source: eiai& -t+


The 7romotiona+ costin2 initia++/ second hea+th and safet/ in addition to other frin2e -enefits +ie 7aid +ea:e> -onuses etc. @a-or and Mana2ement Sa+ar/ cost 8$>$$$ and "ou; etc. This consistenc/ in the se+f de+i:er/ 7rocess a+so fai+in2 to ser:e their customer needs and t from ha:in2 to tae the hass+e themse+:es to -rin2 the 7roduct from the 7roducerJdistri-utor to their she+f (as in the case of Afta- and other im7orted 7roducts ( Com7etitor inter:ie for the first  /ears $$ $. Frige Tru/0( e ha:e met a dea+er $$>$$$ Fa/t!r1( e ha:e come to no< that a factor/ esta-+ishment cost is T

>$$$>$$$ $$$. 4rices of $$ 9"T $>$ 9"T >$ 9"T 1 9"T %$ 9"T $ BDT 3 ,4


As 30>and our -rea e:en sa+es amount is T. 102377730> And our tota+ et Income for these  /ears is T. 253403561 3653000. Pro:forma Income Statement orst +ase

Sales : +osts of ,oods sold #ross Profit otal o(eratin, e$(enses EBI a$ or Interest e$(ense Net Income

Bear  Bear & Bear 3 Bear &161$8 3&%%&% 36>%>1% 3113 % & %8&1 16636 &>%$>18 &31 &  8%61 3$1$1 >61>11$ 1%  % 8% %&8&3 %>$6%>81 %6% 3%&863 18$1%3 %>$&> 8&1% $ $ ' 3%&863 18$1%3 %$&$. 8&1%

In the 3$>6% for a++  /ears. This ma/ -e due to +ess 2ro1>&









the th /ear e income> sa:in2s> and net +endin2 a22re2ates.K UNata. .7.> n.d. e-.  Mar. &$$. htt7#JJdata.un.or2J"ata.as7;\ income5dSA5f2rou7Ycode=3a$3V. 4ar:ez> Sohe+. K?rozen ?ood ;7orts to Russia Resume.K The "ai+/ Star !"haa  o:. &$$1> sec. 9usiness# n. 7a2. The "ai+/ Star. e Mar. &$$....

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