Fundamentals – tissue integrity PDF

Title Fundamentals – tissue integrity
Author Sydney Morrow
Course Fundamentals Of Nursing
Institution Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis
Pages 9
File Size 258.6 KB
File Type PDF
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Kristen Needler...


Fundamentals – tissue integrity & wound care 

Tissue integrity is the state of structurally intact and physiologically functioning epithelial tissues such as the integument (including the skin and subcutaneous tissue) and mucous membranes o Remember: Pink, Warm, Dry, and Intact

Epidermis 

Cells are flattened and dead

Protects underlying cells and tissues from dehydration

Prevents entrance of certain chemical agents

Allows evaporation of water from the skin

Permits absorption of certain topical medications

Dermis 

Inner layer o Provides tensile strength, mechanical support, and protection to the underlying muscles, bones and organs o It contains mostly connective tissue and few skin cells

Alterations in tissue integrity -Pressure ulcers 

A localized injury to the skin and other underlying tissue

Usually over a bony prominence, as a result of pressure or pressure in combination with shear and or friction o Can appear in an hour time frame

Pathogenesis of Pressure Ulcers o Pressure intensity 

Tissue ischemia

Blanching 

If it doesn’t blanch, its stage one

o Pressure duration

o Tissue tolerance  

Nutritional status, hydration, disease process?

Risk factors o Prolonged pressureunable to reposition self independently 

Interventions 

Turn Q 2 hour

Relieve pressure on bony prominences

Prevention tactics like changing dressing

o Shearforce that is the sliding movement of skin and subcutaneous tissue while the underlying muscle and bone are stationary 

Lift up and move, don’t drag

o Frictionforce of two surfaces moving across one another such as the mechanical force exerted when skin is dragged across a coarse surface such as bed linens 

Classifications of Pressure Ulcers o I  intact skin with nonblanchable redness 

Discoloration of the skin, no open area

warmth, edema, hardness, or pain may also be present

o II  partial-thickness skin loss involving epidermis, dermis, or both 

Shallow, open ulcer with a red-pink wound bed without slough

may also be a serum/fluid filled blister

o III  full-thickness tissue loss with visible fat


Subcutaneous fat may be visible, but bone, tendon, or muscle is not exposed

Some slough may be present; may include undermining and tunneling 

Underminingarea of tissue injury beneath intact akin around the margins of a wound

Tunnelinga tract of injury occurring in any direction from surface or edge of wound

Must fill the patch/tunnel to promote healing

 o IV  full-thickness tissue loss with exposed bone, muscle, or tendon 

Slough or eschar may be present often with undermining and tunneling

o Unstageable  full-thickness skin or tissue loss-depth unknown

Base of wound cannot be visualized and depth of injury is unknown because necrosis

Can be either stage 3 or 4

Eschar on the heels serves as “the natural (biological) cover of the body” and should not be removed

Deep Tissue Injury o Full-thickness skin or tissue loss-depth unknown o Stable (dry, adherent, intact without erythema) o May also present as a blood-filled blister

Braden scale for pressure ulcer risk score

SKIN interventions o S  surface appropriate o K  keep turning o I  incontinence management o N  nutrition assessed

-Wounds and Wound Care 

Granulation tissuesoft, pink, fleshy projections of tissue that form during the healing process in a wound not healing by primary intention o Primary intentionfrom the outside down/outside in o Secondary intentioninside out; leave open o Escharthick layer of dead, dry tissue that covers a pressure ulcer or thermal burn


May be allowed to be sloughed off naturally, or is may need to be surgically removed

o Exudate fluid, cells, or other substances that have been discharged from cells or blood vessels slowly through small pores or breaks in cell membranes 

Complications of wound healing o Hemorrhageinitial trauma; normal during and immediately after 

After hemostasis (stopping the flow of blood): 

Slipped surgical suture

Dislodged clot


Erosion of a blood vessel

May be internal or external 

Internal o Distention or swelling of the affected body part o Type and amount of drainage o Signs of hypovolemic shock o Hematomalocalized collection of blood underneath the tissue



o Obvious o Risk of hemorrhage is great during first 24-48 hours after surgery or injury o Infectionwound infection is the second most common health-care associated infection 

A wound is infected if purulent material drains from it

Wound infection is greater when 

Wound contains death or necrotic tissue

There are foreign bodies in or near the wound

Blood supply and local tissue defense are reduced

Bacterial wound infection inhibits wound healing

Signs and symptoms of a wound infection

Contaminated or traumatic wounds: 2-3 days

Post-op surgical wound: 4-5 days

Fever, tenderness and pain at wound site

Elevated WBC counts

Wound edges appear inflamed

Drainage may be present: odorous and purulent (yellow, green, or brown)

Infection drainage 

Serous o Clear, watery plasma

Purulent o Thick, yellow, green, tan, or brown

Serosanguinous o Pale, pink, watery o Mixture of clear and red fluid

Sanguineous o Bright red: indicates active bleeding; thick

Dehiscencepartial or total separation of wound layers 


Sutures/staples pop open

Eviscerationwith total separation of wound the visceral organ protrudes through the wound opening

-Wound care, dressings, and drains 

Principles to maintain a healthy wound environment o Prevent and manage infection o Clean the wound o Remove nonviable tissue o Manage exudate (a mass of cells and fluid that has seeped out of blood vessels or an organ especially in inflammation o Maintain the wound in a moist environment o Protect the wound o Must have an order to change dressings

Prevent and manage infection o Cleaning the wound 


Pressure ulcers: use noncytotoxic wound cleaners

 

NSpreferred cleaning agent, does not harm tissue

Commercial wound cleaners

Other wounds: cytotoxic wound cleaners 

Dakin’s solution

Acetic acid


Hydrogen peroxide

Irrigation is a common method of delivering wound-cleaning solution to the wound if ordered

Debridementremoval of nonviable, necrotic tissue o Wet to dry dressings o Autolytic debridement o Chemical debridement o Surgical debridement

Protection o Protect the wound by applying a sterile or clean dressing o For surgical wounds that heal by primary intention, it is common to remove dressings as soon as drainage stops o For wounds healing by secondary intention, the dressing material becomes a means for providing moisture to the wound or assisting in debridement

Purposes of dressings o Protect a wound from microorganism contamination o Aid in hemostasis o Promote healing by absorbing drainage and debriding a wound o Support or splint the wound site o Protect patients from seeing the wound (if perceived as unpleasant) o Promote thermal insulation of the wound surface

Dressings o Dry or moist 


o Film dressing


o Hydrocolloidprotects the wound from surface contamination o Hydrogelmaintains a moist surface to support healing o Wound vacuum assisted closure (V.A.C.)uses negative pressure to support healing o Changing 

Know which type, placement of drains, and equipment needed

o Prepare the patient for a dressing change 

Evaluate pain

Describe procedure steps

Gather supplies

Recognize normal signs of healing

Answer questions about procedure or wound

o During a dressing change: 

Assess the skin beneath the tape

Perform thorough hand hygiene before and after wound care

Wear clean gloves before directly touching an open or fresh wound

Remove or change dressings over closed wounds when they become wet or if the patients has signs or symptoms of infection, and as ordered

o Packing a wound 

Assess size, depth, and shape

o Securing tape, ties, or binders o Comfort measures

Carefully remove tape

Gently clean the wound

Administer analgesics before dressing change

Cleaning skin o Clean in direction from the least contaminated to most contaminated area 

Such as from the wound or incision to the surrounding skin

Or from an isolated drain site to the surrounding skin

o Use gentle friction when applying solutions locally to the skin




When irrigating, allow the solution to flow from the least to the most contaminated area...

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