Gatekeepers Worksheet PDF

Title Gatekeepers Worksheet
Course The Language of Now: Pop Culture, Technology and Society
Institution University of North Texas
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In this assignment, you must analyze 2 different videos, and analyze a source of your choice in the second portion of the assignment. ...


Gatekeepers of Language Worksheet

Part A: Weird Al Video Watch the video by Weird Al Yankovic called "Word Crimes" and write down three (3) prescriptive grammar rules that Weird Al has included in his song. There are some parts of the video that are “off limits” for this assignment. These include common typos and writing/spelling errors. In this assignment, we are not interested these. Therefore, please do not use any of the following: a. b. c. d. e. f.

no x in espresso. (*expresso) wanna for want to B-C-R-U for be see are you (reference to text messaging) that peepl mock u onliiiiiiiin 2 lern some grammar Less than/fewer than (this is the example below)

Once you have identified three (3) prescriptive “rules of etiquette” outside of the ones listed above:  

Indicate where in the video the rule is mentioned. Give the minute marker from the video and the lyrics of the song where the rule is mentioned. Next, look up the rule in at least two of the sources listed below. Summarize what the sources says about this word/phrase/usage. o o o o o

Indicate in your response how a prescriptivist would “prescribe” that an English speaker use this word/phrase/usage. Give example sentences indicating “right” and “wrong” usage.

Example: When Weird Al says, “you should know when it’s less or it’s fewer like people who were never raised in a sewer” at 1:00, he is referencing the prescriptive rule of knowing the difference of when to use less than versus fewer than. In looking at the sources, I learned that the grammar rule involved with less than and fewer than is a rule that states that less should be used when referencing something that can't be counted (i.e. mass nouns, such as, sugar), while fewer should be used when referencing something that can be counted (i.e. count nouns, such as, pencils). So, according to the rule, the sign at the grocery store that says 10 items or less is wrong. It should be 10 items or fewer because items can be counted. Your Turn:

Prescriptive Rule #1

Weird Al says Like “I could care less” at 1:08 and explains that even though you say you care less, you’re implying you do care at least a little. As for the sources, they suggest that they each have a deeper meaning. “I could care less” means I care more than I might seem to. As for “I couldn’t care less” means for one to care any less about the subject. According to the rule, the right way would be “I couldn’t care less”, while the “I could care less” would be the wrong way. Prescriptive Rule #2

At 2:35, Weird Al states, “I hope you never use quotation marks for emphasis”, which is commonly used to ensure an importance towards that word. However, in the vide he uses that as being a word crime that people often commit. The sources indicate the correct way to use quotation marks is with titles, imply alternate meaning and to write words as words. Indicating the right way is “I hope you will be here,” she said, and the wrong way is, ‘He said that he “hoped” I would be there.’ Prescriptive Rule #3

Lastly, at 1:50 he says, “If you really wanna leave out that oxford comma.” With that he suggests it’s an optional reference, however it can cause confusion. Sources says the oxford comma is the final comma in a list of things, without it I causes your sentences to sound awkward. The correct usage for the oxford comma would be “I enjoy reading, cats, and dancing” and its wrong usage would be “I enjoy reading cats and dancing.” Part B: Evaluate the sources Choose one of the sources you used for Part A of this assignment, be it a dictionary, a blog, a grammar site, etc. Write a 3-4 sentences below in which you evaluate whether you believe the resource is prescriptive or descriptive. Justify your answer.

From the following sources used in Part A, I’m choosing to evaluate the quick and dirty tips from grammar girl. I believe the resource has a descriptive view towards grammar, however, it does seem to follow the proper rules of grammar and takes a bit of prescriptivism. Stating that, they seem to allow the natural way speakers would encounter grammatical usage. As well on how they would have a different way of using grammar. Part C: Stephen Fry Video Watch the video of Stephen Fry's Kinetic Typography. After watching the video, in a robust paragraph of 5-6 sentences, summarize Stephen Fry's point of view toward language, and specifically mention his thoughts on “rules of etiquette” and prescriptivism.

In in the video, Stephen fry seems to be attacking those individuals who always seem to be trying to correct someone for a grammar error and language overall. And send a positive note to use whatever we feel comfortable with, instead of always having to follow “the rules”. Overall, he encourages that

language changes and that no one should rely on a specific format. He acknowledges the “rules of etiquette” but doesn’t seem to bother him like prescriptivism do. He then tends to focus on them on how they mainly focus on the less then vs. fewer then rather than the common nature of how speakers, language, and writing are all different....

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