Ethics worksheet PDF

Title Ethics worksheet
Course Ethics of Behavioral Health Science
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Ethics and Multicultural Competencies Worksheet Read "Multicultural Counseling Competencies and Standards: A Call to the Profession" by Sue, Arredondo, & McDavis from Journal of Counseling & Development (1992). Answer the following questions. Your response should generally be one or more paragraphs, or approximately 50-75-words per question. APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected. You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center. 1. Why do you think Sue, Arredondo, & McDavis (1992) are concerned “despite a long history of warnings and recommendations concerning the need to develop a multicultural perspective in the counseling profession”? Do you believe the warnings and recommendations by organizations mentioned in the article were warranted? Cite examples from the article to complete your answer and explain why you think it is important. I believe that Sue, Arrendondo & McDavis are concerned because counselors are not getting the necessary training needed in order to deal with the multicultural perspectives in the counseling profession. It is stated how "numerous conferences held by the American Association for Counseling and Development (AACD), the American Psychological Association (APA), and other government-sponsored events have noted the serious lack and inadequacy of training programs in dealing with racial, ethnic, and cultural matters"(Sue, Arrendando & McDavis, 1992). I believe the warnings and recommendations in the article are warranted because of the cultural diversity and worldviews of different ethnicities. This is because "white middle-class value systems are often reflected in counseling and social psychological research regarding racial and ethnic minorities (Sue, Arrendondo & McDavis, 1992)." This is important because it poses a serious conflict in regard to the counseling being offered to different cultures because it can be misconstrued and deemed as unrelated to the issues at hand for different ethnicities. 2. Which four groups do the multicultural competencies refer to in this article? In the article “Multicultural Counseling Competencies and Standards: A Call to the Profession”, the four groups that the multicultural competencies refer to in this article are: African Americans, American Indians, Asian Americans, and Hispanics and Latinos. These are the visual racial ethic minority groups, however multicultural counseling would include not only racial and ethnic minorities, but also woman, gays, lesbians, and other special populations.

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3. List and explain three of the rationales for multicultural perspective. One rationale for multicultural perspective is the diversification of the United States. The diversification leads to us living in a multi-cultural society that involves people from all parts of the world, including racial and ethnic minorities. There is a decline in fertility and birthrate seen in White Americans. To this day, around 75% of the entering labor force are racial and ethnic minorities and women, which means that the majority of people contributing to social security will be minorities. Our society is changing, and so must our multicultural competence. Another rationale is monoculture nature of training. Even in graduate programs, professionals are not recognizing that race, culture, and ethnicity are functions of each individual and not just minorities. There is not much emphasis being placed on cultural competence when individuals are going through school, which explains why there is such a lack in this profession. Lastly, is sociopolitical reality. We must recognize that the profession of counseling reflects the views of a larger society. The idea that a counselor is supposed to help reflects democratic ideas such as “equal access to opportunity” and “pursuit of happiness”. Overall, it is imperative to take a proactive stance in incorporating stands of practice that reflect the diversity of society.

4. What ethical issues are listed in this article for working with multicultural clients? The ethical issues listed in this article for working with multicultural clients is that for starters, “professionals that work with clients from diverse cultural backgrounds without proper training or competence in working with these clients are unethical and potentially harmful and a violation of human rights” (Sue, 1992). There is a major obstacle in getting the profession to understand that there are implications with monoculturalism and the white culture because it creates an invisible veil that prevents individuals from seeing counseling as a biased system. The counselors are not exposed to multicultural clients and they may end up engaging in cultural oppression and harmful practices with these clients. 5. List and describe three ethical codes that pertain to working with diverse populations. One ethical code that pertains to working with diverse populations is code B.1.a. Multicultural/Diversity Considerations. It states how counselors must “maintain awareness and sensitivity regarding cultural meanings of confidentiality and privacy” (ACA, 2014). Each culture has their own beliefs on privacy, and it is important for counselors to be aware of this information to respect the client and avoid harming them. Another ethical code is code B.5.b. Responsibility to Parents and Legal Guardians. It states how “Counselors are sensitive to the cultural diversity of families and respect the inherent rights and responsibilities of parents/guardians regarding the welfare of their children/charges according to law” (ACA, 2014). Within each culture, families have their own ways that they like things to be done, and it is the counselor’s responsibility that to abide by these rules and make sure that what they are doing lines up with the beliefs within the culture. The third ethical code is E.8 Multicultural Issues/Diversity in Assessment. It outlines how “Counselors recognize the effects of age, color, culture, disability, ethnic group, gender, race…on test admission” (ACA, 2014). These are factors that should be taken into consideration upon receiving a © 2016. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

client. It is important to know these things in order to approach them appropriately and not disrespect them in any way. 6. From Appendix A, beginning on p. 484 of the article, Counselor Awareness of Own Values and Biases, list one way that you have become more aware and sensitive to your own cultural heritage and to valuing and respecting differences as explained in 1. One way that I have become more aware and sensitive to my own cultural heritage and to valuing and respecting differences as explained in 1, is by being aware of my own world view and my culture as well as gaining knowledge of different cultural practices and world views. I have gone to Mexico during my summers and have become aware of the different practices that they do and the way that my culture engages. On the other hand, I am currently taking a culture class and it has made me become more aware of what different cultures practice and how to treat them from a counselor’s perspective. There are a lot of things that must be respected, and this culture class have helped me in being able to respect differences in cultures and value their beliefs. 7. How could obtaining additional knowledge make one an ethically competent paraprofessional in working with a diverse population? Obtaining additional knowledge can make me an ethically competent paraprofessional in working with a diverse population because I will be able to have knowledge on minority family structures, values and beliefs. It will make me knowledgeable in their characteristics in order to assist them at a competent level. It will also help me in engaging with them in a verbal and nonverbal manner and get them to instill their trust in me. It is important to be aware of beliefs within diverse populations to meet their cultural expectations at times of need. 8. What is important about what you read in the section Understanding of the Worldview of the Culturally Different Client: Beliefs and Attitudes on p. 482? What is important about what I read in this section was that I must be aware of how my negative emotions and stereotypes towards a culture could be detrimental to my clients in counseling. I must go into every session with an open mind and a clean slate. I must recognize that while I may know about their culture, I do not know anything about them. As a counselor, you must keep all of your beliefs aside in order for the session to not negatively affect the client. We are not there to judge them or their actions, but instead support them in becoming better. 9. After reading this article, what are your views about your level of multicultural competence? How might your level of multicultural competence assist you in developing an attitude of inclusion and openness as a behavioral health paraprofessional? After reading this article, my views about my level of multicultural competence is that I am someone that has a medium level of multicultural competence. I work in a hospital, so every © 2016. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

day I am exposed to people that are of different cultures and have their own beliefs on how things should be done in regard to a medical aspect. I would like to gain more multicultural competence by volunteering in different parts of the world and doing missionaries that would allow for me to gain a greater insight into people’s culture. My level of multicultural competence will assist me in developing an attitude of inclusion and openness as a behavioral health paraprofessional because I am already exposed to different cultures and it will make it easier for me to interact with them. I have an idea about certain things that are followed in each culture, and this will be useful to me in the behavioral health field. 10. What surprised you as you read the Knowledge and Skills sections of this article? Why? What surprised me from reading the knowledge and skills sections of the article was how much emphasis there is on being aware of a different culture from your own and the importance that there is towards engaging with people that hold different beliefs from you. I never considered how critical it was for a counselor to stay away from judgement and prejudice. I know that clients are vulnerable, and the last thing that they need is someone prejudging them and putting a label on them, but I never stopped to think how important that is during the counseling session. If prejudice and our own personal beliefs are not put to the side, we may potentially harm a client without intending to do so.

References American Counseling Association. (2014). ACA code of ethics. Alexandria, VA: Author Sue, D. W., Arredondo, P., & McDavis, R. J. (1992). Multicultural Counseling Competencies and Standards: A Call to the Profession. Journal of Counseling & Development, 70(4), 477–486.

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