Author Chemmiane Rein Trias
Course Living in the IT Era
Institution AMA Computer University
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GE103 – Living in the IT Era ALL MidtermsRein here~Yellows are marked as correct. These have 99% accuracy unless the system changed something so beware. Oswald Spengler Plato Vilfredo Pareto Auguste Comte Arnold Tonybee Karl Marx Herbert Spencer An Anthropologist who said that technology and the way...


GE103 – Living in the IT Era ALL Midterms Rein here~ Yellows are marked as correct. These have 99% accuracy unless the system changed something so beware.

1. Oswald Spengler 2. Plato 3. Vilfredo Pareto 4. Auguste Comte 5. Arnold Tonybee 6. Karl Marx 7. Herbert Spencer

An Anthropologist who said that technology and the way it is

Leslie White

used determines the forms of culture and society A scholar who defines social change as evidenced by material

W.F. Ogbum

changes in the environment and the adjustments we as humans make modifies customs and social institutions ______________ refers to the non-customary techniques and

Big Data

advancements expected to assemble, sort out, process and accumulate bits of knowledge from huge datasets Possibility of abuse or revelation of data No assurance that even the examiners with Big Data

Lack of SECURITY Privacy Control

affirmation won't alter your information or abuse it to their own assent. Every single individual data of yours is being shared and some place put away which can be effortlessly abused. A sociologist who believes that society will undergo a religious, philosophic and a positive stage.

August Comte

A sociologist who compared social change to a microorganism.

Herbert Spencer

He postulates that society is inherently militant and struggled for survival. ______________ A sociological Perspective that says as man

Determination Theory

progresses so as man's needs and wants thus he/she is determined to have more because this dissatisfaction. is the coordinated, interdisciplinary quest for social request and

Computation Scie Science nce

focus on data preparation A major factor and as the information measure is expanding the


price that has been expanding exponentially. Characterized by the nearness of the insignificant information

Noise in DATA

which prompts the expanding the measure of information to be broke down, yet in addition builds the cost of administration, stockpiling abuse and nearness of obsolete information in your vault. ______________ is the coordinated, interdisciplinary quest for

Computational Science

social request and focus on data preparation ______________ This is a stage of social change that led to

Ph Philosophic ilosophic Stage

abstraction because of society's belief in supernatural powers Technological Innovations has threatened our security ______________ is the application of human knowledge in

TRUE Technology

creating tools and the use of natural resources A sociologist who made a comparison of the Roman Empire

Oswald Spengler

which rose to power but eventually collapsed E-Science traces it's roots back in the 1950s when specialists


and researchers utilized the PC ______________ refers to any type of information like records, tables or accumulations

Informational index

Implies a foul or wrong aftereffect of your information

Bad Analytic Reports

translation. This by and large happens when you incline toward going for an uncertified expert as opposed to an examiner with a Big Data confirmation. The term e Science however was formally introduced and


authored by James Taylor in 1999 Social change is not observable in small groups


There is a tendency for man to move from happiness to


discontent according to the Determination Theory The time frame when change is measure is important in


determining what social change is ______________ This is a stage of social change when society's

Religious Stage

action is dictated by a belief in a supernatural power Technological advancements has contributed to the protection


of environment in terms of utilizing machineries/inventions to reduce waste e.g recycling process Some social changes e. g. automation in labor has increased


the employment percentage. ______________ refers to the change in the relationships or

Social change

interrelationships of people in a society. A ___________footprint is made when information is acquired


without the knowledge of the proprietor Huge amount of data can also refer to large datasets


The cellular phone has found other use aside from as a means


of communication. The deterministic Theory is also called the single factor theory according to Karl Marx


A ___________footprint is made when individual information is


discharged intentionally by a client to share data around oneself by methods for sites or internet ______________ This is a stage of social change when society's

Positive Stage

action is dictated studies done empirically Technological change reaches everyone whether directly or


indirectly In defining social change, the number of people affected should


be taken into account Social change will eventually decline and stop


Production of basic necessities and commodities contributed to


social change ______________ is considered to be the most important


technological invention of man A sociologist who compared social change to a microorganism.

Herbert Spencer

He postulates that society is inherently militant and struggled for survival. Society is permanent A sociologist who focused on the role of elites in the society. He

FALSE Volfredo Pareto

proposed that society is one "whole" but has interdependent parts. A sociologist who believes that "Economic Factor" is the one

Karl Marx

and ONLY cause of Social Change. A sociologist who is a proponent of the Cyclical Theory that

Arnold J. Tonybee

believes society will undergo the stages of growth, half and eventual decline of civilization Advancements in technology has accounted for humanity's happiness and advancement


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