Title GEB Esay
Course  Career Search Strategy
Institution University of Central Florida
Pages 2
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The final essay in the second of the 4-series course...


As a student who is majoring in Integrated Business, my career choice is a bit unconventional compared to what others in the major are seeking. When I sit in on meetings it seems everyone wants to be an entrepreneur or something to that effect, but I have my sights set on being a flight attendant. In my GEB3003 Career Project Essay assignment I came to this conclusion by applying my test results into a field I am interested in. I have worked in a restaurant for nearly five years now and customer service is, I believe, my greatest strength. The results of the MyPlan assessment supported this where I scored particularly high in the areas of “Service” and “Relationships”. So now that I know what I want to do for my future career, how could I pursue making my dreams come true? That is where GEB3005 has been very handy. In this class we were required to create and Action Plan in a three-step process. The first step was an “identification of Sources.” Here I listed out six sources that would help me delve into what I needed to do in order to reach my career goal. My sources included: visiting Career Services, finding a website that has updated information from airlines that are currently hiring, finding job fairs that will have airlines in attendance, internships that offer flight operations experience, referrals from friends that currently work in the airline industry, and finally networking with current and former employees of airlines through a platform such as LinkedIn. This was truly an eye-opening experience in doing my research because I realized how many opportunities were out there for me to be successful in my endeavors. Now that I had all my sources handy, the second part of this project was to create an “Evaluation of Sources.” In this step I took all my Sources from part one and made a table of how each source would be applicable, the potential it could impose in aiding me, and the benefits I would reap out of it. For instance on my source for Internships my applicable section said: “Work experience directly with an airline. Multiple opportunities available from Flight Operations to Sales.” For potential I put: “Could be hired after completion of internship.” And for benefit I listed: “Can put on resume that you have some form of experience with an airline.” This step was crucial in that it made me think thoroughly through every source I had listed. I found that I truly am passionate about my career choice and went above and beyond in my research to have every detail that could potentially give me an edge in the future. For the final part of this project we were instructed to finally make our “Career Action Plan.” This document took our sources and made us put them on a somewhat timeline of how we would go about completing each step and how long we would give ourselves to complete it. In my particular table I had my Goal, the Tasks I would do to complete that goal, Time Required to complete the task, and a Due Date. I have not yet set Due Dates but for my goal of visiting Career Services I put the following: for Tasks I listed “Update

and have resume reviewed by Career Services and 3 other sources. Conduct multiple practice interviews that include online and in-person interviews.” And for Time Required I put “Over the course of one month.” The interview process to become a flight attendant is very rigorous and I believe this Action Plan item will aid me in completing that process successfully. Through each step of this process in creating an Action Plan I found myself more and more eager to learn about the airline industry and how I could be a part of it one day. I have no doubt in my mind that I have chosen the right career path and I believe following these steps has led me to that conclusion. These items will help aid me through the process and I cannot wait to complete each one....

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