GED107 M2 Reviewer - past exam PDF

Title GED107 M2 Reviewer - past exam
Course Ethics
Institution Mapua University
Pages 8
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Aquinas was highly influenced by the philosophy of Aristotle that even in the theory of natural law Aquinas included some of Aristotle's ideals TrueAccording to Aquinas, no one could possibly knowingly act evilly. TrueAccording to hedonists, arts is pleasure. TrueSocrates believed that knowledge is ...


Aquinas was highly influenced by the philosophy of Aristotle that even in the theory of natural law Aquinas included some of Aristotle's ideals True According to Aquinas, no one could possibly knowingly act evilly. True According to hedonists, arts is pleasure. True Socrates believed that knowledge is the same thing as virtue or excellence and is always good. True The Divine Law is considered as the blueprint of God for the reality of everything False Moral Virtue is considered by Aristotle as innate to every human being that needs to be flourished through practiced called habit. False Moral exemplars are those people that could be imitated by those people wanting to be virtuous. True Natural Law ethics is another example of universal ethics True Like moral virtues, intellectual virtues are also considered as innate or inborn to every human according to Aristotle False Natural Law ethics cannot incorporate to virtue ethics False Aristotle acknowledged that within the human nature there are feelings and emotions and letting it controls our behavior is necessary particularly in developing virtue False

Aquinas believed that man is both rational and social animal False Just like knowledge, virtue can also be learned through experienced according to Aristotle True For Aquinas, not all virtues can be acquired by human through their own effort just like the cardinal virtues. False The ethical standard for Aristotle is solely originated in the society wherein man practiced his identity as social animal False In Pauline principle the means justify the ends False A trait can be considered virtuous if it brings happiness, developed our wellbeing, and it flourished us according to Aristotle True The Divine Law is helpful to man particularly in achieving his eternal salvation True Some would argue that any act that’s in one’s self-interest cannot be called altruistic, even if it helps others: the concept of altruism excludes self-interested actions, even those that coincide with the interests of others. False You act only on that maxim whereby you can at the same time will that it would become a universal law is a principle of deontology. True Freedom is absolutely taken to require the ability to act otherwise or in ways contrary to the way one is currently acting or has acted in the past. True

Morality and law are not connected due to the separation of power between the church and the state ; thus, morality should not be the basis of the law, for there can be both unjust laws and immoral acts that cannot be legally enforced. True The conceptions of autonomy are less important politically, because one’s ideas about politics are often bound up with the ideas about what people are and what they’re capable of doing or not doing. False The three virtues of justice, honesty and prudence is prescribed by: Epicurus Who emphasized the importance of order and obedience to the father? Aquinas Truth: ideas as conceived by the senses Plato Unlike Aristotle, Plato is responsible for an important philosophical distinction. What is the distinction? The distinction between appearance and reality For Plato what virtue should a leader possess? Wisdom All the main argument for the existence of God come in various forms from various people. Who proposed an argument in his work "Summa Theologica"? Saint Thomas Aquinas ___________ is God's plan as God understand it Eternal Law __________ is the concept that repeated actions eventually become second nature, because over time repeated actions will require less effort. Habit According to Aquinas, human beings have natural inclinations towards fundamental goods and the top of it is ________. Life

__________ is a character that stands in the way of one's flourishing Vice The concept that we ought to perform those actions that promote the values specified by the natural inclinations of human being refers to _______ Principle of Natural Law _____________ virtues considered gift from God according to Aquinas. Theological The theory and traditions that says there are universal ethical standards discoverable through human reflection on human natural inclinations refers to __________ Natural Law Ethics ___________ is an ethical theory that emphasizes an individual's character rather that following a set of rules Virtue Theory For Aquinas, the one that is considered as the supreme law-giver is ________ God According to Aristotle, man is basically a ____________ which means humans are naturally incline to live and get along with others Social Animal _______ is the natural creature's participation in and (limited) understanding of the eternal law Natural law __________ is the human capacity to act in moral ways is the ability not only to choose and to act on those choices but also to choose for oneself, to be the author of one’s own life. AUTONOMY Your neighbor witnessed that a student is being assaulted by another student He shouted, “Hey you, get out of here!” This scares off the attacker, thus limiting the harm of his assault.

What does the neighbor lose by doing this? Just a temporary experience of fear, which the neighbor might have experienced anyway. This statement is a _________ of an act. CONSEQUENCE "You ought to do this" is a phrase use in what ethical domain? ACTION Ethical theories that focus primarily on consequences in determining moral rightness and wrongness is called_____________. TELEOLOGICAL ETHICS The leading proponent of Deontological Ethics is ______________. IMMANUEL KANT Which of the following is one of the conditions of agency? ACTING ON THE BASIS OF DESIRE ONLY Religion relies more on revelation, and morality relies more on ______________ or rational reflection. Reason Ethical theories that focus primarily on consequences in determining moral rightness or wrongness of an act is also called ________________. TELEOLOGICAL ETHICS __________ is a principle that says it is not morally permissible to do evil so that good may follow. Pauline Principle The concept that human nature directs human beings toward certain fundamental goods, which human beings then naturally value is refers to ______ Natural Inclination _______ is the pinnacle of humanity according to Aristotle Eudaimonia The concept of a person who possesses and thus displays developed character traits that should be imitated according to Aristotle is called _________. Also known as Moral Exemplar.

Role Model The two extremes pointed by Aristotle are excess and _______. Deficiency For Aristotle, _________ is acquired by teaching and requires foresight and sophisticated intelligence. Intellectual Virtue

For Aristotle, there is _____, everything has a function. It is good when it reaches potential and bad if it is not. Proper Functioning The principle that says it is morally permissible to perform an action that has two effects, one good and the other bad, if certain conditions are met is called ______ Principle of Double Effect _________ is a concept that each person possesses a distinctive grouping of traits. Character ____________ contends that moral rules or actions are to be judged by their consequences. CONSEQUENTIALIST ______________ deals with controversial moral problems such as abortion, premarital sex, capital punishment, euthanasia, and civil disobedience. APPLIED ETHICS If I judge that an act is right for a certain person, then that act is right for any other relevantly similar person. This trait of moral principle is called _____________________. UNIVERSALIZABILITY It is a kind of concupiscence that arises without the command of the will, thus the person is exempted from responsibility.

ANTECEDENT The Good Samaritan offers money to an innkeeper to care for a wounded man found on the road, and promises to repay the innkeeper "over and above" for any extra expenses SUPEREROGATORY Which of the following does not define the term " right" in ethical principle. YOU CAN DO THAT There is a general moral duty to obey the law because the law serves an overall moral purpose, and this overall purpose may give us moral reasons to obey laws that may not be moral or ideal. This principle is called_____________ CIVIL RESPONSIBILITY If a person who is unsure about certain Catholic teachings, but refrains from seeking an explanation of those teachings. AFFECTED IGNORANCE _____________ is a kind of act one that morality requires you to do; it is not permissible for you to refrain from doing it. Obligatory Act What type of ignorance this statement is: " A student was scheduled to deliver her speech project in class. to scape her speech, he pretends that he has stomach ache and needed to go home already." AFFECTED IGNORANCE Whether a woman will marry or remain single is an important decision about how to live one's life. This is NEITHER OBLIGATORY Which of the following is not a correct idea about etiquette? ETIQUETTE IS A CULTURAL INVENTION...... Which of the following is not a concern of Ethics? existence of afterlife, therefore we should be good Which of the following is not a concern of Ethics? -

is sometimes a bit off-putting because so many differing theories often appear to contradict each other and thus produce confusion rather than guidance Human freedom is an important principle in Ethics. Which of the following ideas is not true of freedom? All civil law is based on freedom Factors included in human acts are in the options, except; EMOTION It is an act of the will which means thepoint at which the plan is realized. FRUITION It is a kind of vincible ignorance that occurs when a person who ought to know but does not. CRASS IGNORANCE...

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