Gen201 r6 final paper - Grade: A PDF

Title Gen201 r6 final paper - Grade: A
Author Esthepania Galvan
Course Foundations For University Success
Institution University of Phoenix
Pages 7
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Download Gen201 r6 final paper - Grade: A PDF



Continuing Academic Success Esthepania Galvan GEN/201 11/28/2016 Kenneth Wall

Revised 7/5/16


Continuing Academic Success Continuing academic success can be quite frightening for some students, we often ignore the existence of the resources and techniques available to be academically successful, my goal is to take full advantage of these resources to be a student who strives for success, not only during my studies but all throughout my developing career. For many returning to school students this is a major step, as it is, many students already have the everyday weight of a full time job, a family and the stress of being able to provide for the family without having a degree. Returning to school students often fear failure because of the lack of knowledge of all the available resources to be a successful student. Educational and Career Goals My educational goals are to be a successful student by taking full advantage of all the available resources the University of Phoenix has to offer. When I first thought about returning to school I was very scared of the outcome. I was setting myself for failure. After trying out the first three weeks I knew it would not be an easy process. But it is not impossible to be successful when all you have to do is study and use all these wonderful resources. My main goal with my education is obtain A’s and B’s and take full advantage of everything I will be learning and applying it to everyday life situations. My career goal is to move up on the company I currently work for. The only way to achieve this is by getting my Bachelor’s. I want to become a case manager. Not only because I will be helping kids reunify with their family, but because the pay rate is a little higher than what I am making right now. I want to be able to provide a better future for my family. I want to give my kids a better life than what I had. I will be a first generation college student. I want to set the example for my kids and for my siblings, I also want to make my Mother proud. The best way to keep track of my success is by setting small goals. Small


goals I can complete over a short period of time. Completing each small goal will keep me highly motivated to strive for bigger more challenging goals. The Writing Process, Creating Success in Education and Careers Another topic of great value for a returning to school student is the Writing Process. Writing involves being able to communicate without contact. Before starting to write knowing who you are writing for is important. Once the audience is recognizable then a topic can be chosen, followed by an outline, first draft, second draft and final draft. If this process is followed it is ensured your paper will meet the requirements of a well written paper. The writing process also helps returning to school students feel more confident about their writing skills. Back when I wrote my last paper I had no idea there was a writing process. If I compare a paper from back when I was in high school and now it would probably make no sense. Not that it makes much a difference to the way I write now, but it is improving. After learning about the writing process I can say I feel more confident with my writing skills. Having great writing talks well about you, it can get you anywhere from properly explaining yourself to landing the job of your dreams. Mostly all jobs require a certain point of writing skills. To be able to land the job of your dreams your writing skills must match the requirements of that job. You cannot be CEO of a company if your writing skills are those of a first grader. It is a process worth achieving and learning. Ethical Lens Inventory and Decision Making After taking the Ethical Lens Inventory, I have better knowledge of the way I make decisions. My primary concern is protecting individual rights. Before I consider making a decision I think about what is the best for everyone. I sometimes tend to neglect myself just so others can be comfortable. I now know that many of my decisions are based on logical thinking. I always try to relate to my previous experiences to try to come up with the best solution. Some


of the negative traits that can affect my decision making are believing that my own method is good enough and that my own good is good enough. Knowing this helps me make my decisions based on rules and procedures rather than on my knowledge. I also run the risk of becoming oppressive requiring everyone to do things my way. I do avoid considering other opinions because I think I am right all the time. After reviewing my ELI results I know what some of my disadvantages are and I am fully aware of what I can do to become a better person and make better decisions, not only for myself but for everyone around me. I am willing to listen to other opinions and ways of working. Improving Critical-Thinking Skills Critical thinking is another great trait of a master student. Without critical thinking it is almost impossible to seize a problem or to come up with a solution. The critical thinking process consists of mastering six steps. Each steps have advantages that lead closer to better problem solving and mastering critical thinking skills. By remembering previous situations one is able to analyze all the possible outcomes. Being able to understand the situation helps think of a solution right away, putting together all the possible ways to fix the issue. How is this information or issue related to future experiences? Based on previous experiences the information is retained in case it is needed for future references. Evaluating the credibility of the information is another step in mastering critical thinking. Once the information is evaluated, it can be used to create the outcome, or to do more research or simply not use the information. At last, after mastering all the previous steps: (Remembering, Understanding, Applying, Analyzing, Evaluating) comes Creating. If these steps are followed correctly critical thinking skills will be developing, since it is a growing process. I apply these steps as much as possible on everyday situations in and out of work.


University of Phoenix Resources The University of Phoenix offers great resources to students. The resources I will be using to ensure I am a successful student are the following: The writing lab under the library tab. The reason why I choose the writing lab is because being able to master writing skills opens up opportunities not only does it helps with getting awesome grades, but it helps you within the company you currently work for. The way someone writes says much about themselves. I will also be using the citation and reference generator very often. Today will be my first time using the Riverpoint Writer. I would never think that the University of Phoenix would offer so many resources to guarantee the success of the students. The University also has a library. One of the great advantages is protecting the student from using outside resources. Outside resources run the risk of not being credible or not being accurate. Basically, the student has everything needed to be a master student a mouse click away.

Conclusion Returning to school after being out for so long does not have a frightening process. Especially with all the available resources to be a master student. These past five weeks I've learned so much about myself through different self assesments. I now know what is my preferred learning style and how to develop my recessive learning styles through different techniques. I've learned about the writing process and overcoming the fear of writing a paper while dealing with anxiety. Another missing piece of the writing process I learned all through this period was plagiarism and self-plagiarism and how doing this without being aware can bring harsh consequences to the student. Taking full advantage of all these wonderful resources can make the difference between being a student who strives for success or just being another student out there.


References Ellis, D. (2014). Becoming a Master Student (15th ed.).

(The Writing Process) (July 2016)

(Internet Research: What’s Credible?) (2015) (Films for Humanities & Sciences)

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