Gender and Development (GAD) Awareness and Perception Survey Questionnaire DOCX

Title Gender and Development (GAD) Awareness and Perception Survey Questionnaire
Author L. Villanueva
Pages 3
File Size 27.8 KB
File Type DOCX
Total Downloads 437
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Gender and Development (GAD) Awareness and Perception Survey Questionnaire _____________ Date Dear Respondent, In connection with the research Gender and Development in Education for Cabagan Campus, may we request you to provide voluntary response for the data called for and answer the questions tru...


Gender and Development (GAD) Awareness and Percepton Survey Questonnaare _____________ Date Dear Respondent, In connecton wtt tte researct Gender and Development wn ducaton or Cabagan Campus, may e request you to provwde voluntary response or tte data called or and ans er tte questons trutt ully. Please return tte accomplwsted survey orm not later ttan _____________. Ttank you very muct. Very truly yours, __________________ 1. Name: _________________ 2. Sex: Male Female 3. Age: _________ 4. Rank/Poswton: __________________________ 5. Fweld o Specwalwzaton: ____________________ 6. Deswgnaton: __________________________ 7. Years wn Servwce: _________________________ PART II : Level o Understandwng and A areness on Gender and Development Concepts Wtat do tte ollo wng concepts/ ords mean to you? Please ctoose tte best statement belo ttat matctes your understandwng on eact o tte Gender and Development concepts. Please rank your level o kno ledge o eact gender concept on a rankwng o 1 to 5 by cteckwng tte correspondwng number you eel matctes your current understandwng on Gender and Development (1=Lo est and 5= Hwgtest). 1 2 3 4 5 Sex: Can be classwfed as Male/Female Can be classwfed as Masculwnwty/Femwnwnwty Socwally constructed Bwologwcally structured Gender: Can be classwfed as Male/Female...

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