Gender Studies MCQs for CSS PDF

Title Gender Studies MCQs for CSS
Author Holden Mcgroin
Course gender studies
Institution Government College University Lahore
Pages 11
File Size 708.9 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 653
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Gender Studies MCQs for CSS Aspir a nts

Some Up dated Facts and Figur es: Pakistan is the second worst countr y in the wor ld in ter ms of gend er par ity,r anking 148 out of 149 count ries in the ‘Global Gen der Gap Index 2018’ r ep or t released by the Wor ld Econ omic For um (WEF) . Pakistan is the fir st Asian cou ntr y to legally recogn ise self-per ceived gender identity. Closing gend er gap to boost Pakistan's GDP by 30pc: IMF st udy.

Ther e is gen der gap of 12.99 million voters in Pakistan The un employment rate for females fell fr om 9p c to 8.3pc: FY18 Pakistani woman police officer Shahzadi Gulfam, w ho was deployed on a UN peacekeepin g oper ation, received the 2011 Intern ational Female Police Peacekeeper Aw ar d in r ecognit ion of her outstanding per formance. Pr epar ed by: Aamir Mahar Ar ound 35pc of Pakistani women use an y form of non-abort ive bir th contr ol despit e them being inexp en sive. Thar i women set examp le for all with near ly 73% tur nout in 2018 GE Asma Jahangir died on Feb 11, 2018 Ever y 20 minu tes, a woman dies in Pakistan of mat er n ity-r elated complications and that out of ever y 100 females, 40 per cent ar e mar r ied below the age of 18. Rosheen Saleem Vazeer , a stu dent of the Centr e of Aviation, is the first Pakist ani woman to ear n Eur opean Air cr aft Mainten an ce Engin eer (AME) licen ce. Ambassador Riffat Masood is Pakistan's fir st woman envoy to the Islamic Repu blic of Ir an. Asia Bibi, w ho was bor n in 1971 an d has four child r en , was the fir st woman to be sentenced to death under the blasp hemy law s. (BBC) Helen a Saeed has become the fir st Pakist ani female Add itional Inspector Gener al (Addl IG) of Police in the countr y’s histor y. A Pakistani-Amer ican w oman named Sadaf Jaffer has been sworn in as the mayor of the Montgomer y Township , becoming the fir st Sou th Asian -Amer ican woman mayor in New Jer sey.

Sh ar meen Obaid Chin oy’s documen tary Stud ent Athlete is nomin ated for the NAMIC Vision Aw ar d s 2019. Sh ar meen Obaid-Chin oy is the fir st Pakistani to win the Eliasson Global Leader ship Pr ize 2018. Malala Yousafzai received the 2018 Gleit sman Awar d on 6th December from the Cen tr e for Public Lead er ship at Har var d Ken nedy School for her global movement to equip gir ls wit h 12 year s of fr ee, qu ality and safe education.

Who coined the term hegemon ic masculinit y? Raew yn Conn el In 2012, tr ansgen der wer e register ed as thir d gen der on th eir CNICs. RAWA is the feminist association of? Afghanistan APWA was found ed in 1949 by Begu m Ra'ana Liaquat Ali Khan. The fir st Ur du magazine meant for Mu slim women was “Tahzeeb-e-Niswan”. WID coined by US Agency for Development pr ofessional women

The author of 'Rever sed r ealities' is: Naila Kabeer Tehmina Janjua is Pakistan's fir st ever woman for eign secr etar y. Federal Ombudsper son for Pr otect ion again st Har assment of Women at Wor kp lace is: Kashmala Tar iq. Pr epar ed by: Aamir Mahar Pakistan altered its marital law s thr ough the Muslim Family Law Or dinance (1961) r ender in g tr iple talaq illegal. A 10 per cent quot a for w omen in CSS jobs an nounced in 2010

Rukhshan da Naz as the fir st anti-har assmen t ombu dsp erson of KPK 10 December : Human Rights Day 2019 Inter nation al Women's Day 2019 will be on Mar ch 8 with theme is # Balancefor Better . Pr ep ared by: Aamir Mahar Pakistan ratified the Con ven tion on the Elimination of all forms of Discr imination Again st Women (CEDAW) in 1996. The author of 'The Second Sex' is: Simon e de Beauvoir The author of 'The Dialectic of Sex' is: Shulamith Fir estone The Cent re of Excellence for Women 's Stu dies (CEWS) is in Kar achi The fir st UN women confer ence took place in Mexico City in 1975 Pakistan's Ch ild Mar r iage Restr aint Act 1929 set s the legal age of mar r iage for boys is 18 year s an d 16 year s for girls. Sindh was the first province wher e the Domestic Violence (Pr event ion and Pr otection) Act, 2013 was en acted in Mar ch 2013....

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