Gender Textbook Chapter 2 PDF

Title Gender Textbook Chapter 2
Course Race, Class, And Gender
Institution University of Central Missouri
Pages 3
File Size 37.8 KB
File Type PDF
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Summary notes of Chapter 2...


Gender Chapter 2: Ideas -Women= fairer or second sex -Same tissue that becomes the scrotum and penis in males becomes the outer labia and clitoris in females - we are not “opposite” -binary= system with two separate and distinct parts -gender binary= idea that there are only two types of people, male-bodied people who ar4e masculine and female-bodied people who are feminine -fundamentally different and contrasting -The personal exception on theory of gender: there are men, there are women, and there’s me. -does not stand up to evidence -Gender Ideologies -Ideology= set of ideas widely shared by members of a society that guides identities, behaviors, and institutions -Some consider male/female bodied two-spirits, two genders, or a 3rd and a 4th -Dayak= being a male or female is tied to expertise -The Binary and Our Bodies -intersex= people who are born with a reproductive or sexual anatomy that does not seem to fit the typical definitions of female or male -Eden Atwood -Androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS) -Y sperm combined with an X egg -had XY chromosomes, developed testicles but they remained in her abdomen -externally a female/genitalia -gender identity= a sense of oneself as male or female -XY=male -XX=female -seven steps to identity (page 18, table 2.1) -Klinefelter Syndrome -typically identified as male but have low testosterone

-especially tall, broader hips, less body hair, and less muscle contraction/coordination -most are infertile -Triple X Syndrome -most women will never be diagnosed -tall -Turner Syndrome -women only born with 1 chromosome -X egg/sperm merges with an egg or sperm without a sex chromosome -short, webbed neck, low-set ears, higher likelihood of obesity, most are infertile and at higher risk for health problems -Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) -fetus has a hyperactive adrenal gland that produces masculinizing hormones -XX= masculinized genitals, enlarged clitoris (small to medium sized penis) -Identify as female -Transsexual= a person who experiences gender dysphoria, the sense of being a man in a woman’s body, or vice versa. -take hormones to balance body -sex-reassignment -1% of the population are intersex/transsexual -do not fit into the gender binary -average male is 5.5 inches taller -25% of women are as tall/taller than 10% of men -drag queens/kings= conventionally gendered and often heterosexual men and women who dress up and behave like members of the other sex, usually for fun or play -The Binary and Everything Else -social construction= process by which we make reality meaningful through shared interpretation -gender binary glasses= a pair of lenses that separate everything we see into masculine and feminine categories -cultural competence= a familiarity and facility with how the members of a society typically think and behave

-Blurred Vision and Blind Spots -associative memory= cells in our brain that process and transmit info make literal connections between and among concepts, such that some ideas are associated with other ideas -useful for human adaption -Implicit Association Test (IAT) -Measures subconscious beliefs by comparing how quickly we can make connections between items...

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