Genre Analysis Final Draft PDF

Title Genre Analysis Final Draft
Course Rhetoric & Composition 2
Institution University of Texas at El Paso
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Genre Analysis Final Draft...



Source one

Title- University of Sussex: Address major holes in ozone hole treaty to avert stronger climate change and serious health risks, experts warn. Source type- Newspaper Genre- Typography Link-. u=txshracd2603&sid=HRCA&xid=257ca736 Reference- University of Sussex: Address major holes in ozone hole treaty to avert stronger climate change and serious health risks, experts warn. (2020, August 27). ENP Newswire. u=txshracd2603&sid=HRCA&xid=257ca736

Source two

Title- The age of man Source type- Documentary video Genre- Iconography Link- Reference- Films Media Group. (2015). The age of man. Films On Demand.


Introduction Given the large range of database that UTEP library offers, which I was made aware of during the very first semester, I found it fitting to utilize it for research purposes whenever required down the road. As such, I pulled the two listed sources from the UTEP library for my research on Climate change- A subject I have been drawn towards since my junior high school days and something that will always be a part of my future endeavors. While the database presented me with a vast array of good sources, the two listed sources were appealing to me not only in terms of the genre type they fall under, but also because of how the title, along with the given description directly addressed my topic with a justified argument which directly contributed towards my selection. Apart from the contrasting format the two selected genres offered in the way they present information (In terms of form, technique, or content), the strong claims they made backed by empirical data provided me with a greater incentive to include them in my analysis so that it would make my analysis not only easier, but more interesting.

Analysis i.

Audience and Purpose

The first source specifically targets the 197 UN members who were initially unified under the Montreal Protocol in an effort to phase out ozone-depleting substances/gases. The representatives of the 197 member states were very well aware about the deteriorating ozone layer since the 1980s and the implications in terms of global health and long-term sustainability. However, over the course of years, the ever-growing greed that ushered in the new era of modernization caused many member states to part ways from a sustainable and conservative future as was envisioned during the formation of the protocol back in 1987. Maintaining the


membership may have meant a contribution towards the envisioned future but it came at the expense of stunted growth in economy and the audience- The member states aren’t willing to abide by the terms of something that forbids them from exercising their greed. The purpose of this source was to inform the global leaders about the inherent dangers of Climate change and also to persuade them to redefine their meaning of wealth who are so set on improving their economy without any regard for the environment. Basically, the newspaper is trying to inform, request, and persuade the global leaders to take collective efforts before running down humanity to the brink of extinction. The information is addressed in a formal language and the source makes use of two specialized vocabulary namely CFC and HFC, which stands for Chlorofluorocarbon and Hydrofluorocarbon. These two gases are detrimental to the ozone layer and hence has been phased out under the Montreal protocol. The second source on the other hand, targets the general public in an attempt to necessitate collective efforts to combat climate change. Around 61% of global population is aware about the concept of climate change but many tend to remain oblivious to the fact that necessary measures ought to be taken. This is because, mankind has always strived to achieve a convenient and more comfortable lifestyle which became exponentially apparent during the industrial revolution. Advocating measures to combat Climate change would imply less exploitation of natural resources which consequently translates to less easy lifestyle but men have always embraced efficiency and comfort. Therefore, the purpose of this documentary was to persuade and call out for collective efforts to adapt a new lifestyle even at the expense of the comfortable lifestyle which everyone seems to love. The narration and expert views are presented in a very formal language and the documentary makes use of one specialized vocabulary namely ‘Anthropocene’ which means the ‘Age of man’. In terms of audience and purpose, the two sources do not ‘radically’ contrast each other (They do so


on a small degree). The first source has a specific audience namely the 197 UN members but the second source has set a broader audience. And both the source has a relatively similar purpose i.e., Both are determined to persuade their audience for collective efforts before it is too late. Both addresses their content in a very formal language but they are different in their approach of persuasion. For instance, the narration in documentary uses low grave tone which signifies the emotive nature of climate change which ultimately has the ability to trigger the conscience and sense of duty of its audience and persuade them to contribute to the prevention of climate change. The newspaper on the other hand presents us with scary empirical data and facts in an attempt to persuade the UN members, subtly hinting to the general public as well. For example, Professor Alcamo of the University of Sussex states how the current pace of climate change implies that we won’t be able to reach the global Sustainable Development Goals by 2030 without closing the gaps in the ozone treaty which consequently translates to higher risk of skin cancers and even more rapid climate change.


Rhetorical Appeals: Ethos, Pathos, and Logos

The first source has laid down the updated terms of the Montreal Protocol and newfound sources of ozone-depleting gases, and has included direct quotes of experts and professors such as Professor Alcamo in order to establish credibility. It is announcing the need for immediate action and is trying to evoke a sense of fear and urgency amongst the global leaders. The documentary also introduces numerous experts to define the credibility of its content. It is attempting to trigger our conscience to stimulate a rippling effect of responsible actions from mankind so as to adapt a new lifestyle and not perish like the Mayans and The Vikings did under the climate change.


Basically, the documentary is attempting to instill a sense of fear into the general public. In terms of rhetorical appeals, the two sources display a greater degree of contrast because the documentary has emphasized on Pathos unlike the newspaper which approached a more Logoscentered route to achieve its purpose. As such, the documentary makes greater use of stories of past civilizations like The Mayans and The Vikings which fell victim to the periodic Climate change attributing to their inability to necessitate and adopt a new lifestyle. On the other hand, the newspaper bases its claims on empirical data and findings which are quite compelling. For example, “The planet's average surface temperature has risen about 1.62 degrees Fahrenheit (0.9 degrees Celsius) since the late 19th century- A direct consequence of increasing human activities resulting in increased emission of carbon dioxide. The Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets have decreased in mass. Data from NASA's Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment show Greenland lost an average of 286 billion tons of ice per year between 1993 and 2016, while Antarctica lost about 127 billion tons of ice per year during the same time period. The rate of Antarctica ice mass loss has tripled in the last decade” (Hock et al. 2019). Both the sources have employed the same technique of Ethos to establish credibility.


Structure and Delivery

The media usually has more freedom of speech as reflected in the constitution and as such, this particular newspaper clearly is expressing the information with more freedom than other genres are capable of doing so. There are no limitations placed on the information given the nature of the genre. It is disclosing all the numbers, scientific articles and other related scholarly articles with freedom. The content and information are structured to persuade, and warn the global


leaders to lead the path for the necessary change that is overdue as supported by scientific data. The freedom of speech authorized to the media facilitates the need for the content reflected in this newspaper to reach a broader audience thus establishing a worldwide effort to avert the consequences of climate change. On the other hand, the information in the documentary is presented in a very sequential manner. The narrator presents statistics and facts of a particular place such as the water consumption in Phoenix and subsequently features the similarity of that place with the past occurrences thus implying a repetition of history. The credible experts then share their views and concludes with a warning to the audience. The same format is followed throughout the one-hour documentary. Since documentaries are supposed to be a non-fiction content with the primary purpose of education and information, there are constraints in the information that it can present which is evident in this documentary. The language is very formal and scholarly and only verified facts and numbers are presented in an inspiring and grave tone to trigger the conscience of the viewers/audience. A documentary typically has the freedom to express information as long as they are facts which in a way, serves both as a constraint and freedom. The non-fiction characteristics of documentaries assures the credibility of the content of this very documentary this facilitating its need to persuade the general public to work for a cause supported by scientific data as was evident in previous civilizations. To sum up, the two sources present a wide scale of contrast in terms of structure and delivery, mostly defined by their genre conventions. The documentary has put more emphasis on the visual, narration, tone, and background music to facilitate its purpose. On the other hand, the newspaper has exercised the inherent freedom of speech associated with the genre to disclose the irresponsible act of the world leaders who opted out of the Montreal Protocol which was adopted in an effort to combat the Climate change. By leaving the global leaders accountable, the newspaper creates a window


to signify the scale of threat this issue poses to mankind while also stimulating the general public to work together for a major change in our lifestyle. To sum up, this newspaper has more or less used the very salient feature of this genre to convey its core message.

Discussion and Conclusion The wide array of empirical data and scientific model posits an exponential increase in the rate of Climatic change which could push mankind to the brink of extinction, faster than many seem to expect. The long endeavor of the experts such as NASA which continues to this day, defines the magnitude of the problem at hand and is certainly not something to be taken lightly. Those concerned have taken advantage of the different types of genres and the different views held across discourse communities, as if setting a stage to play out their art of persuasion on the concerned issue. This assignment analyzed two genres dealing with Climate change and the contrasting format in which they choose to present their information as defined by their genre conventions. For instance, the newspaper gravitated more towards the rhetorical appeal of Logos in order to facilitate its purpose. The documentary on the other hand, approached the Pathoscentered route to facilitate its art of persuasion. The longer duration of play stage and space allowed by the genre of documentary gave it the ability to induce a visual emphasis backed by fancy vectors, sounds, and visuals in contrast to the newspaper which played out its art of persuasion with the element of greater freedom as granted to its genre. The newspaper, although rich in content, was not visually appealing to attract more audiences. It could have used the space to include visuals supporting the claims such as the rise in ocean levels as photographed by satellites. The documentary was lax in its employment of Logos and could have included better and stronger empirical data, rather than putting sole emphasis on Pathos....

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