Adverstisement Analysis - Rough Draft PDF

Title Adverstisement Analysis - Rough Draft
Author gohulan siva
Course Intro to Academic Writing
Institution University of Waterloo
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Advertisement Analysis: “Nike Dream Crazy” Web Address: Close your eyes and envision yourself of soaring and reaching heights you have set out for yourself and are destined to accomplish. Focus on how you will strive for that dream regardless of whatever obstacles are in your vicinity. Now open your eyes and tell yourself in a repeated manner, “just do it”. As beautifully shown, Nike’s Ad: “Dream Crazy” is one spectacle to say the least. They have considerably put in huge efforts to really connect with the audience on a real personal level. Nike’s Dream Crazy advertisement share a number of intellectual messages but the main purpose that is evidently highlighted in this advertisement is for one to ponder on the thought, “Don’t ask if your dreams are crazy, ask if they’re crazy enough.” This advertisement’s purpose is to persuade and provide encouragement to everyone who has crazy dreams and goals that may theoretically seem insurmountable. As this falls under Nike’s “Just Do It” campaign, it uses a great use of persuasive tools including a high volume of notable celebrity endorsements. In addition, the Nike uses ingenious examples to illustrate the various logos, ethos, and pathos persuasion tactics within their advertise to gage the audience from the perspective of never holding back on your dreams and using sports as a platform to move the world forward to a better place. The major purpose of the Nike Advertisement, “Dream Crazy,” was to persuade the public that dreams are destined to become realities once you put your mind and soul into it. In order to achieve this goal, the advertisement right off the bat used an effective use of pathos to deliver a powerful message. “Because what non-believers fail to understand, is that calling a dream crazy is not an insult. It’s a compliment.” This dives deep into one’s emotions and deeply held beliefs as it pertains to the idea of being confident in what you dream in regardless of what non-believers say to you just to bring you down morally. Moreover, with Nike stating this it

really brings out something the audience can connect to and draw themselves into as they may have encountered situations is their own life where they have been surrounded by non-believers when chasing their dreams. Throughout the advertisement it focuses on a collection of stories representing athletes who are household names and those who Nike believe who should be as well. It states in the advertisement, “Don’t believe you have to be like anybody to be somebody.” I found this to be an exceptional use of Ethos for the reason that it shows in the advertisement an ordinary individual, Charlie Jabaley, who had a life-long brain tumour, felt like his life hit rockbottom. However, by adopting a plant-based vegan diet he lost 120 pounds and reversed the progression of his brain tumour and ended up becoming and Ironman competitor. As a result, this established a credible source to prove to the audience that despite Charlie’s unfortunate circumstances his will got him through his obstacles and allowed him to be somebody and embrace it. Nike pursues its strategic persuasive tactics with the use of logical appeals as Colin Kaepernick states, “Believe in something, even if it means sacrificing everything.” Logos is effectively utilized at this moment in the advertisement as Colin Kaepernick’s quote alludes to the fact when he sparked outrage as he kneeled during the national anthem, even when it caught criticism on a global level, as a stand to protest the violence against the people of colour. What this goes to shows is that Colin’s vision and belief to stand up and protest against the people of colour shows that even a star Athlete would not let the sceptics to pull him away from his dream to stand up to what he believes is right despite sacrificing playing in the NFL.

The advertisement follows with revealing Lebron James as one of the many iconic celebrity endorsements that are introduced throughout the advertisements to showcase to the audience that even a simple kid from Akron, Ohio was able to become the greatest basketball

player in the world at the highest level. On top of being the greatest, it shows how Lebron James dream of giving back to his community was fulfilled in a huge way as his foundation, The Lebron James Family Foundation, is a top donor to the “I PROMISE” school Lebron James opened for at-risk youth students. As an icon of such magnitude this embodies that by chasing your dreams constantly, one day it will become a reality for you and a dream for a little kid looking up to you. Another celebrity athlete used in the advertisement is Shaquem Griffin and it states “If you only have one hand, don't just watch football — play it at the highest level.” This line is one powerful and influential line as Colin Kaepernick was referring to Shaquem Griffin being the first one-handed player to be drafted in the NFL. Once again Nike does a great job in showing many examples and stories to get across their main message out of this advertisement which is “Don’t ask if your dreams are crazy, ask if they’re crazy enough.” As Nike constantly revolves its purpose of the advertisement on having one’s dreams push the limits exactly how athletes work hard to push limits, it reveals to the audience a sense of belief to set out extraordinary dreams and to always know it is possible to surpass them.

Overall, Nike’s advertisement “Dream Crazy” could go down as one of the most inspirational and powerful advertisements of the century. This is for the reason that it effectively made use of rhetorical tools to be able to persuade the audience to buy into their vision. As the advertisement ends off with Colin Kaepernick stating “So, don’t ask if your dreams are crazy, ask if they’re crazy enough,” it sums up the purpose of the advertisement perfectly as it shows the audience of how amazing it is for one to set high dreams and be able to achieve them despite the world being filled with non-believers. Moreover, the advertisement consistently was able to make use of rhetoric including pathos, ethos, and logos illuminating a connection to be built on a

personal level with the audience. Nike was ingenious as they focused on using iconic athletes and their collection of stories to represent how athletes were able to leverage the power of sports and use their platform to pursue their dreams of moving move the world forward. Overall, this advertisement does a tremendous job in portraying to the audience that you should never limit yourself from chasing your dreams despite all the obstacles and odds against you....

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