George Lee- L2P1 L1 DVD Activity - Integrated Chinese Lore- Wang peng x Gao Wen Zhong Fan Fiction PDF

Title George Lee- L2P1 L1 DVD Activity - Integrated Chinese Lore- Wang peng x Gao Wen Zhong Fan Fiction
Author gor0
Course American Church History
Institution Bob Jones University
Pages 3
File Size 238.1 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 38
Total Views 126


aye its a me chris pratt. i like meatballs and pizza. i am italian. i aint anti lgbtq(winky face). ma ma mia....


Integrated Chinese • Level 2 • Part 1 © Cheng & Tsui

Lesson 1 新职业

INTEGRATED CHINESE Level 2 Part 1 LESSON 1: 新职业 Previewing Activity Talk about your dream: 如果你毕业以后打算工作,打算做什么工作? 如果我毕业以后打算工作,打算成为一名工程师。 如果你毕业以后想念研究生,想学习什么专业? 如果我毕业以后想念研究生,我想学计算机科学。

Viewing Activities A. Watch the video. Check True (对) or False (错). 对

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3. 齐晓庆去学校见朋友。 齊曉慶去學校見朋友。

4. 齐晓庆对念研究生没有兴趣。 齊曉慶對念研究生沒有興趣。

5. 齐晓庆今年还可以考研究生。 齊曉慶今年還可以考研究生。

1.齐晓庆(Qí Xiǎoqìng)去年已经来北京了。 齊曉慶(Qí Xiǎoqìng)去年已經來北京了。 2. 齐晓庆现在是英语老师。 齊曉慶現在是英語老師。

6. 苏菲以前认识齐晓庆。 蘇菲以前認識齊曉慶。 B. Watch the video again. Answer the questions in Chinese. 1. 齐晓庆今年几岁?是在哪里长大的? 齐晓庆今年二十五岁。 是在内蒙古长大的。

2. 她去中国传媒大学做什么? 她去中国传媒大学问那里的教授, 怎么样才能成为一位出色的记者。 3. 赵老师觉得,齐晓庆想做记者,除了有热情以外,还应该做什么? 还可以去传媒大学念研究生。 © Cheng & Tsui. You may not use these exercises for personal or commercial use or post them on a website or in a lab environment that is not for the exclusive use of students and teachers learning and teaching Chinese and using the Cheng & Tsui Integrated Chinese series.

Integrated Chinese • Level 2 • Part 1 © Cheng & Tsui

Lesson 1 新职业

4. 苏菲为什么觉得齐晓庆不应该只学习? 苏菲觉得齐晓庆不应该只学习, 因为光念书不见得对未来的工作有好处。 5. 齐晓庆想和苏菲一起采访吗?为什么?(give two reasons and connect themwith “除了……以外,还……” or “再说”) 齐晓庆觉得和苏菲一起采访,可以适应传媒的工作,还可以省钱。

6. 齐晓庆问了那个女孩子哪两个问题?(齊曉慶問了那個女孩子哪兩個問題?) 一、你在这边是学什么的? 二、你在宿舍里面住还是在外面住?

Post-Viewing Activity A. If you are a friend of Xiaoqing’s, what suggestions do you have for her dream? Should she go to school? Should she get a job? Give at least three reasons and connect them with proper conjunctions. (Answer in Chinese. AP 60 words, Chinese 4 40 words) 我觉得其齐 晓 庆可以先工作一年。这样可以适应一下传媒的工作。而且还可以省 钱。之后再去学校读书。学校可以学到做记者的有关知识。尤其很多老师都是电视 台主持人和记者,在他们身上可以学到很多东西。也可以帮助她以后找工作。

B. What kinds of dreams do youths of your country have? What are the ways to achieve it? How are they different or similar to the dreams of the Chinese youths? (Answer in Chinese. AP 60 words, Chinese 4 40 words) 有一些美国孩子希望以后能上到一所好的大学。也有些孩子希望在未来有自己理 想的工作。努力学习,不断地操练。学习和别人相处。中国和美国孩子多数有类似 的梦想。

© Cheng & Tsui. You may not use these exercises for personal or commercial use or post them on a website or in a lab environment that is not for the exclusive use of students and teachers learning and teaching Chinese and using the Cheng & Tsui Integrated Chinese series.

Integrated Chinese • Level 2 • Part 1 © Cheng & Tsui

Lesson 1 新职业

© Cheng & Tsui. You may not use these exercises for personal or commercial use or post them on a website or in a lab environment that is not for the exclusive use of students and teachers learning and teaching Chinese and using the Cheng & Tsui Integrated Chinese series....

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