get out there and be helpful imto the world PDF

Title get out there and be helpful imto the world
Author Nawaf Alsubki
Course Material science and engineering
Institution جامعة الملك فهد للبترول و المعادن‎
Pages 2
File Size 77.9 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 40
Total Views 140


I was jumping around then some lady said "We are open for Business!" I was like Who said that? Then I saw Yuna!

Edit: I have no idea how or why this video blew up in views but if you are bored enough would you folks like to check out this video:



KFUPM |Mechani calEngi neer i ngDepar t ment|ME218|HW1:EDS|100pt s ________________________________________________________________________________________ I nt er vi ewauserofar oom ai rcondi t i oner( st andal oneuni t ) .Col l ectfivecust omerr equi r ement st hatt heuser want st oi ncl udei nnextmodel oft hi sai rcondi t i oner .Fr om t heser equi r ement s,makeacompl et eEDSt abl e ( sampl et abl egi veni nl ect ur esl i des) .Submi tonbl ackboar dasapdffil e.


Ani sAl humai di

Customer’s Needs (What’s)


Engineering Characteristics = EDS (How’s)

Units (metrics)

Target value (Limits constraints)

Heat output


≤ 18 ° C

Power efficient

Electric output

Watt per hour

≤ 3500 watt/hour

Room coverage

Rotational flaps


≥ 120 degrees

Very fast

Cooling efficiency


≤ 60 seconds

very quiet

Noise suppression


≤ 60 dB

Very Cold



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