Gifted Hands (A Reflection Paper) DOCX

Title Gifted Hands (A Reflection Paper)
Author L. Verdadero
Pages 1
File Size 44 KB
File Type DOCX
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Total Views 213


“We bake MIRACLES from STRUGGLES” A reflection on film “Gifted Hands” The story of stupendous climax and appreciates the complexity and mystery of the body and celebrates LIFE—this is the Ben Carson’s story on GIFTED HANDS. He was a known neurosurgeon and perhaps a courageous but righteous Professio...


"We bake MIRACLES from STRUGGLES" A refeection on flm "Gtiftceª Hanªs"t The story of stupendous climax and appreciates the complexity and mystery of the body and celebrates LIFE—this is the Ben Carson's story on GIFTED HANDS. He was a known neurosurgeon and perhaps a courageous but righteous Professional Doctor. He defed present theories in his medical feld by pioneering a type of surgery, which involves hemispheres of the brain. We watched a flm dubbed as "Gifted Hands" which is the story of Ben Carson and his struggle to live a momentous life. As a child, Benny (as what his family call him) has trouble in learning which was manifested in his exams. He would often get the lowest in his tests that triggered his classmates to demean or belittle him. In addition, he has also a unique nuisance in 'visualizing in his mind' or 'imagine'. These incidents eventually disturbed his Home Life. Feeling disheartened, he then pay no heed to his studies and spent his leisure time watching TV. They are just three in the Family: His mother, Brother Curtis, and him. His brother has a bit similar problem with him. They would both watch Television together and laugh as if they do not have home works to mind. His mother, apart from being a solo parent, having son's who are has a huge problem too. I, as a viewer, would expect that she would encourage and foster his sons' academic endeavour by reading with them, or doing math problems with them. However, I was in disbelief when it was revealed that his Mom is struggling with being unable to read. She makes up excuses, such as blurring of his vision and has to have reading glasses to read. Thus, she only had a minimal efort in helping his children and compensate to them by giving them confdence that they could do more and push them to their limit (shown when she requested her children to memorize Multiplication table and doing book reports in the Public Library). I think this push somehow becomes a turning point for them especially to Benny. In his teenage life, Ben Carson is undoubtedly one of the brightest students in his class. Still, he seems to struggle with racial discrimination (especially during his awarding ceremony). As he grows, his temperament gradually changed too. Benny became more agressive...

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