Global-LIT- Reviewer- Lesson-1-10 Lecture Notes PDF

Title Global-LIT- Reviewer- Lesson-1-10 Lecture Notes
Course Global currents and world literature
Institution Pangasinan State University
Pages 16
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LESSON 1: DEFINITION OF LITERATURE We will define literature as a term which refers to the sum total of man’s imagination and experiences in life transferred from one generation to another. Literature is a byproduct of life.

Clive Staples Lewis (29 November 1998 – 22 November 1963) was a British writer and lay theologian.

Literature stimulates our imagination and ingenuity.

Literature shows the significance of irony, paradox, oxymoron and ambivalence of life.

Literature allows us to see the world in different vantage points.

Literature relives history.

Literature reminds us that we are human beings.

LESSON 2: FUNCTIONS OF LITERATURE “Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become.”

What is literature? 

CIRILO F. BAUTISTA (July 9, 1941 – May 6, 2018) was a Filipino poet, critic, writer of nonfiction. A national artist of the Philippines.

“Literature raises life to a new level of meaning and understanding, and in the process restores sanity and justice in an insane and unjust world.”

- It is a known fact that literature deals with emotions, thoughts and ideas of man. It provides different meanings and different lessons to different stages of life. Thus, regardless of what you learn from a book, literature provides connection to the reader and to the world. - The word literature derived from a Latin term literatura which means “writing formed with letters”. The term is further derived from litera which means “letter” in English. -

Others may interpret that literature can be any printed material written within a book or pamphlet. For some it could be a result of one’s imagination and expression.


Literature helps us grow both personally and intellectually.

Literature links us with the rest of the world if which we are apart.

Literature enables us to transcend our immediate time, place, and culture and to make connections with other human beings and their concerns.

Literature encourages us to develop mature empathy with all forms of life: human, animal, plant.

Literature sharpens our sense of moral judgement.

Literature is any collection of written work, but it is used more narrowly for writing specifically considered to be an art form, especially prose fiction, drama, and poetry. Literature may be classified according to a variety of systems, including language, national origin, historical period, genre, and subject matter.

8 FUNCTIONS OF LITERATURE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Entertainment Function Social And Political Function Ideological Function Moral Function Linguistic Function Cultural Function Educational Function Historical Function

ENTERTAINMENT FUNCTION Known as “pleasure reading”. In this function, literature is used to entertain its readers. Literary works are consumed for the sake of one’s enjoyment. We live in the digital age with all forms of entertainment at our fingertips, people still enjoy reading books. SOCIAL AND POLITICAL FUNCTIION Literature shows how society works around them. It helps the reader ‘sea’ the social and political constructs around him or her and shows the state of the people and the world around him or her IDEOLOGICAL FUNCTION Literature shapes our way of thinking based on the ideas of other people. Literature also displays a person’s ideology placed in the text consciously and unconsciously. MORAL FUNCTION Literature may impart moral values to its readers. The morals contained in a literary text, whether good or bad, are absorbed by whoever reads it, thus helps in shaping their personality.



Literature preserves the language of every civilization from where it originated. They are also evidences that a certain civilization has existed by recording the language and preserving it through wide spans of time.

First of all, it is the communication between the reader and the author. Very often, we are impressed by some characters and do not like others. We can agree with a point of view of the author, and we can disagree with it altogether. Also, a book can be a topic for discussion with your friends and acquaintances.

CULTURAL FUNCTION ENTERTAINMENT Literature orients us to the tradition, folklore and the arts of our ethnic group’s heritage. Literature preserves entire cultures and creates an imprint of the people’s way of living for others to read, hear, and learn. EDUCATIONAL FUNCTION Literature teaches us of many things about the human experience. Literature is used to portray the faces of life that we see, and those that we would never dream of seeing. Literature, therefore, is a conduit for the chance to experience and feel things where we can learn things about life.

Even though we live in the digital age with all forms of entertainment at our fingertips, a lot of people still enjoy reading books to entertain themselves. After all, books can take you anywhere without you even leaving your couch and they can provide you with hours of fun. They don't even have to be fiction; some folks get a kick out of reading construction manuals. SHAPING THE AESTHETIC TASTE Literature helps us to form our own vision of beauty. It pleasantly influences us, changing our behaviour in society and attitude towards people in general. It helps us to notice everything beautiful around us.

HISTORICAL FUNCTION SELF-DEVELOPMENT Ancients’ texts, illuminated scripts, stone tablets etc. Keep a record of events that happened in the place where they originated. Thus they serve as time capsules of letters that is studied by scholars and researchers of today.





We deal with literary compositions almost every day, but how much do we know about its functions? How does it help us in our lives? Here are 10 functions of literature everyone should know. Read more: KNOWLEDGE SHARING This is the most basic and important function of literature. We can learn many new things about the world with its help; we can fill ourselves with knowledge and become smarter.

Literature helps us to develop ourselves. Thanks to books, articles, magazines, we have the opportunity to fill ourselves with new knowledge, cultivate good qualities and strive for something more. DEVELOPMENT OF THOUGHT PROCESS The more we know, the more we have the desire to tell others about it and find out what they think about it. As the saying goes: "Truth is born in dispute," and so it is. People very often reflect on processes, events, knowledge, which they read and discuss various issues with others. PLEASURE We get pleasure every time from reading good verses or beautiful work, or a book with a great plot, or other interesting facts and scientific works. People spend a lot of time looking for something that really brings them pleasure, and literature is something that does that.

UPBRINGING SHAPING SPEECH Literature affects the feelings and outlook of a person. Why do we read fairy tales in childhood? Well, mostly because they clearly distinguish between good and evil, which helps children to understand what is good and what is bad from an early age. Thanks to artistic images, authors convey basic educational principles to the child. Also, literature like language is an element of culture. It expresses people’s life and culture they have from one generation to another.

The more a person reads the more words they learn, as well as different designs and options for constructing sentences. People can enrich their vocabulary thanks to literature. TRANSFORMATION Our world is full of information, and not all of it is good and beautiful, but with the help of literature, we can transform bad memories into something beautiful. Ordinary characters, events, and settings can be

turned into something artistic, poetic and beautiful. Also, literature can be used to transform societies through the criticism of societal ills and injustices. Literature as a tool for awareness criticizes society by pointing out the evils and other injustices in society. When criticized, the people in a particular society take necessary actions.


Prose comes from the Latin word “prosa oratio,” meaning “straightforward”. Prose is a literary work that is spoken or written in sentences and in paragraphs that provides information within the usual flow of language. It is the most common type of language, employing conventional grammatical structure and spontaneous speech flow rather than rhythmic structure. This definition of prose, like most human conversation/speech, textbooks, lectures, novels, short stories, fairy tales, newspaper articles, and essays, is an example of prose writing. 1. Fiction

What is Genre? A genre is a broad term that comes from the French (and originally Latin) word for 'kind' or 'class'. The term is widely used in rhetoric, literary theory, media theory, and more recently linguistics, to refer to a distinctive type of 'text'. It is the organization of literature into categories based on the type of writing the piece exemplifies through its content, form, or style. Major genres include poetry, drama, prose, fiction, and nonfiction and each of these categories can be further broken down into subgenres. Classifying literature by genre helps foster the study and understanding of literature as a whole. What is Form? Form is a broad term that encompasses all the specific literary or rhetorical elements that make up how a poem, story, or play is written. This include a sentencelevel literary devices with which we are already familiar, such as metaphor, simile or personification. But form also includes the overall structure and style of a work, such as whether a poem is written in a specific pattern, as in a sonnet, or whether a story is narrated from a specific point of view, such as the first-person perspective. Form is the name of the text type that the writer uses. For example, scripts, sonnets, and novels. All of these are different text types that a writer can use. The form of a text is important because it indicates the writer's intentions, characters or key themes. What is Literature? The term literature derives from Latin word literatura/litteratura, "learning, a writing, grammar," originally "writing formed with letters," from litera/littera "letter". Literature generally can be any written works, but it especially an artistic or intellectual work of writing. The usage of language in literature is sometimes different from the way it is ordinarily used. The difference is the use of artistic tools to create aesthetic beauty in a text. Literature is the depiction of the society. It is a great tool to teach the morality to a society. Literature may be classified according to its main divisions/genres and subdivisions/subgenres which consist of different styles or approaches to writing stories, composing poems, and performing dramas. Although these genres all differ from one another in significant ways, the general approaches to reading and interpreting that we will develop in this can be somewhat easily be applied from one genre to another.

Divisions of Literature A. Prose

A literary work of “Imaginative Narration”, design to entertain the readers it is usually originated from the writer’s imagination. Fiction is defined as any creative work, particularly any narrative work that depicts people, events, or locations in ways that are not strictly based on history or truth. In its most restricted sense, fiction refers to written narratives in prose, most typically novels, novellas and short stories. a. Myth Myth is often a story of origin, how the world and everything in it came to be. The term myth stems from the ancient Greek ‘muthos’, meaning a speech, account, rumor, story, and fable. A myth is a classic or legendary story that usually focuses on a specific hero or event, and explains mysteries of nature, existential, or cosmic mysteries that have no true basis in fact. Myths exist in every culture, but Greek and Roman mythology are the most well-known in Western culture and literature. Characters in myths – usually gods, goddesses, warriors, and heroes – are frequently responsible for the creation and maintenance of natural elements, as well as physical, emotional, and practical aspects of human existence – for example, Zeus, the god of the sky and the earth and father of gods and men. b. Legend Its meaning stems from the Medieval Latin term ‘legenda’, meaning ‘things to be read’, and from the Latin word ‘legendus’. It refers to unverified story passed down from earlier times, particularly one that is widely believed to be historical. A legend is a story about human events or actions that has never been proven or documented in historical records. Legends are retold as if they were true events, and they were thought to be historical accounts. They usually tell stories about things that could happen, so both the storyteller and the audience might believe them to be true. c. Parable A Parable is a simple story illustrating a moral or religious lesson. A parable is a short story used to illustrate a moral or spiritual lesson. Parable comes to us via Anglo-French from the Late Latin word ‘parabola’, which in turn comes from Greek parabolē, meaning "comparison”. d. Fable

It is usually a short narrative making an edifying or cautionary point and often employing as character animals that speak and act like humans. The word fable comes from the Latin ‘fābula’ meaning ‘discourse or story’. Fable is a tale that provides a moral lesson, often using animals, mythical creatures, forces of nature, or inanimate objects come to life. It’s a short fictional story that has a moral or teaches a lesson. Fables use humanized animals, objects, or parts of nature as main characters, and are therefore considered to be a sub-genre of fantasy. e. Fairy Tale Fairytale is a kind of folktale or fable. Marvelous and magical things happen to characters in fairy tales. A fairy tale is a story, often intended for children, that features fanciful and wondrous characters such as kings, queens, princes, princesses, elves, goblins, and wizards, with a touch of magic. The term “fairy” tale seems to refer more to the fantastic and magical setting or magical influences within a story, rather than the presence of the character of a fairy within that story. Fairy tales are often traditional; many were passed down from story-teller to story-teller before being recorded in books. f.

two main characters and takes place at a single location. 2. Non-Fiction Presents factual information or expresses a viewpoint. Nonfiction is any document or media content that intends, in good faith, to present only truth and accuracy regarding information, events, or people. a. Autobiography Which comes from the Greek words auton, 'self', bios, 'life' and graphein, 'write', is a biography written by the person himself or herself. b. Biography Which comes from the Greek word’s "bios" meaning "life", and "graphein" meaning "write" is a personal account of a person's life written by another person. c. Character Sketch It is an abbreviated portrayal of a particular characteristic of people. d. Diary or Journal

Short Story

It is a daily record of events in a person's life.

Short story is a piece of prose fiction marked by relative shortness and density, organized into a plot and with some kind of denouement at the end. A short story is a fully developed story which is shorter than a novel and longer than a fable. It typically takes just a single sitting for reading. Short Story focuses on the incidents bigger or smaller and evokes strong feelings from its readers. A short story often has a few characters in the plot.

e. Editorial

g. Novel


A novel is a fictional prose narrative of considerable length, typically having a plot that is unfolded by the action, speech, and thoughts of numerous characters placed in a number of different situations. The word ‘novel’ has been derived from the Italian word ‘novella’ which means “new”. A Novel is a long narrative work of fiction with some realism. It is often in prose form and is published as a book. Similar to a short story, a novel has some features like a representation of characters, dialogues, setting, plot, climax, conflict, and resolution. There are many types of novels, they include mysteries, thrillers, suspense, detective, science fiction, romantic, historical, realist or even postmodern.

Poetry is a piece of art written by a poet in meter or verse expressing various emotions which are expressed by the use of variety of techniques including metaphors, similes and onomatopoeia. Poetry has been around for almost four thousand years. Poetry, like other forms of literature, is written to communicate ideas, express emotions, and create imagery. Poets selects words based on their meaning and acoustics, then arrange them to create a tempo known as the meter. Some poems use rhyme schemes, with two or more lines ending in similar sounding words. Poetry is a type of literature that uses a concentrated, lyrical arrangement of words to convey a thought, describe a scene, or tell a story. It is a literary work that expresses an emotional response to an experience, feelings or facts through verse, measure, rhythm, and sounds. Poems can be structured with rhyming lines and meter, which refers to the rhythm and emphasis of a line based on syllable beats. Poems can also be freeform, which follows no formal structure.

h. Novella A novella is a fictional prose narrative that is longer than a short story, but shorter than a novel. It is form in its own right. In literature, a novella is a type of prose fiction, which is shorter than full length novels and longer than short stories. It is a well-structured yet short narrative; often satiric or realistic in tone. It usually focuses on one incident, or issue with one or

It is a statement or an article by a news organization, newspaper or magazine that expresses the opinion of the editor, editorial board, or publisher. f.


Essay is a brief work of nonfiction that offers an opinion on a subject.

1. Lyric Poetry Lyric poetry is a comparative short, non-narrative poem in which a single speaker presents a state of mind or an emotional state. Lyric poetry uses song-like

and emotional words to describe a moment, an object, a feeling, or a person. Lyric poems do not necessarily tell a story but focus on the poet’s personal attitudes and state of mind. They use sensory language to set the scene and inspire emotions in the reader. In short, lyric poetry is a short poem, often with song like qualities, that expresses the speaker’s personal emotions and feelings.    

Sonnet – A descriptive fourteen-line poem with a specific rhyme scheme. Elegy – A reflective poem to honor the dead. Ode – An elevated poem that pays tribute to a person, idea, place, or another concept. Song – A lyric poem intended to be sung with melodious harmony and rhythm.

2. Narrative Poetry Gives a verbal representation, in verse, of a sequence of connected events.  Ballad – Ballad is a narrative poem, typically consisting of a series of four-line stanzas. Ballads were originally sung or recited as an oral tradition among rural societies, and were often anonymous retellings of local legends and stories by wandering minstrels in the Middle Ages.  Metrical Romance – Metr...

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