Global Treps Project PDF

Title Global Treps Project
Course It Project Management
Institution Arkansas State University
Pages 27
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Global Treps Project...


Global Treps Project IT Project Management April 19, 2021

Table of Contents: 1. Group Charter 2. Chapter 4: Project Integration Management ● Weighted Score Model ● Business Case ● Project Charter ● Lessons Learned ● Project Change Request 3. Chapter 5: Project Scope Management ● Requirements Traceability Matrix ● Project Scope Statement ● Work Breakdown Structure ● WBS Gantt Chart ● Scope Validation Strategy 4. Chapter 6: Project Schedule Management ● Recognize activities to estimate resources and durations ● Gantt Chart 5. Chapter 7: Project Cost Management ● Cost Model ● Cost Baseline ● Financial Calculations 6. Chapter 9:Project Quality Management ● Quality Standards ● Pareto Chart 7. Chapter 10: Project Communications Management ● Communication with the team members ● Partial Communications Management Plan ● Free Online Tools for Kanban Boards 8. Lessons Learned Report

Chapter 4: Project Integration Management Task 1: Summarize each of the proposed projects using a simple table format suitable for presentation to top management. Include the name of each project, identify how each one supports business strategies, assess the potential financial benefits and other benefits of each project, and provide your initial assessment of the value of each project. Write your results in a one-to two-page memo to top management, including appropriate back-up information and calculations.

Name of Project

Global Treps

How the Project promotes business policies

Financial & other benefits

Evaluated Project Worth

This enables both local members & investors to develop their own personalized pages.

This allows investors to make donations to schools or organizations that chose to host an event.


The regulations should be revised in order to reduce further wealth differences.


The Businessmen should present their ideas in a professional environment that would encourage a range of business ideas.

Campaign Reform Laws

This would foster social transparency and the recommendations on how the policies can be improved to eliminate more inequality.

A Rich Unit

This would show those who are extremely wealthy what changes they are able to make within the world and what they could do.

This would require donations and offers to minimize the inequality issues.


Wise Shoppers Worldwide

This actively shows those who are active on social media what products and services are popular.

This would expand import free markets until the demand grows.


Enables small companies to easily link their products and services into the network.

Task 2: Evaluate the four projects by preparing a weighted scoring model using the template provided on the Companion website for this text. Develop at least four criteria, assign weights to each criterion, assign scores, and then calculate the weighted scores. Print the spreadsheet and bar chart with the results. Also write a one-page paper that describes this weighted scoring model and the results.


Global Treps

● Impact on society






● Can Be Implemented In One Year Or Less






● Has Strong Customer Support






● User Friendly Website/app Design






● Has Low Risk In Meeting Scope, Time, And Cost Goals






Weighted Project Scores







Change the laws Wealthy campaign Unite

Global Smart Shoppers

The six criterias that I chose for weighing the projects ios as follows: 1. Impact on society (40%) because improving lives is the main motive of all the four projects. 2. Can be implemented in one year or less (10%) because you the project needs to give revenues down the lane 3. Has strong customer support (25%) because a project will only give revenues and be successful if a customer supports the project. They are the key to project success. 4. User friendly website/app design (20%) because the customer needs to be at ease while using the website. A good website but complex to navigate does not help the customers. 5. Low risk in meeting scope, time, and cost goals (5%) because a project needs to have a balance between its triple constraints and should have less risks in order to be successful and profitable. Explanation of the weighted score: The scores are based on a scale of 0-100 with 0 being the best to 100 being the best. All the projects seem to have a significant impact on society as they all focus for the betterment of society. For the second category, project 1, 2, and 3 have a higher possibility than project 4 of completing the project in a year because project 4 focuses on creating a global platform. It is not easy to create a platform for approximately 7.674 billion people. For category 3 and 4 all the websites will do significantly good as all the projects are for the peoples betterment which means pleasing the customer. If a customer is pleased, they will support the vision hence bringing traffic to the website resulting in revenue generation. For the last category, all the projects except project 4 have less chances of failure because the target audience for the project is global. After the analysis, we believe that global trepes tops all the categories. The project has the potential to complete within a year with costs under budget and less risks.

Task 3: Prepare a business case for the Global Treps project.

Task 4: Prepare a draft project charter

Task 5: Start a lessons learned register to document knowledge learned on this project. Include la lessons learned ID, date, source, category, description, impact, recommendations, and proposed actions. Be creative in making two entries.

Group Members

Lesson Learned







Project Scope statement




Shows what all Will help in the workforce. is included within the project.


WBS breakdown




Demonstrates what all is needed in a project and how to make it more manageable.

This will help once they are in their field or become a project manager.


Cost model 4/12

Textbook & online


Shows a breakdown of what everything costs with overall costs & percent.

This can help in future classes and when they are stepping into their career.


Gnatt Chart 4/12

Textbook & online


A calendar that will show when projects are due and by who.

This will help with future classes and if I were to get a job that does use

Gnatt charts.

Task 6: Prepare a change request for the Global Treps project, using the template provided on the companion website for this text. Assume that you have decided not to provide an online version of the show as it would be too much work for the initial project. Be creative when making up information.

Chapter 5: Project Scope Management Task 1: Document your approach for collecting requirements for the project. Include at least five technical requirements and five non technical requirements in a requirements traceability matrix. Also develop a list of at least five questions you would like to ask the project sponsor. Let your instructor answer them for you, if applicable.

Task 2: Develop a first version of a project scope statement for the project. Use the template provided on the Companion website for this text and the example in Chapter 3 as guides. Be as specific as possible in describing product characteristics and requirements, as well as all of the project’s deliverables. Be sure to include the Global Treps website, four shark tank like events, a business plan, and outsourced items (laptops, donation acceptance, video creation, etc.) as part of the project scope.

Task 3:

Develop a work breakdown structure for the project. Break down the work to Level 3 or Level 4, as appropriate. Use the template on the Companion website and samples in this text as guides. Print the WBS in list form. Be sure the WBS is based on the project charter (created for the Chapter 4 Running Case), the project scope statement created in Task 2 above, and other relevant information. 1. Project - Creation and Installation of Hardware and software within the Organizational system 1.1 Requirement documentation 1.1.1 Interview Paper and Report 1.1.2 List of activities and Requirement 1.1.3 Attached data like National ID and Signed documents 1.2 Design Documents 1.2.1 Design Documents for software projects 1.2.2 Design Documents for Hardware Projects Tested hardware Installed Hardware 1.3 Installation of hardware and Software with the organizational system 1.3.1 Operational Hardware Tested hardware Installed Hardware 1.3.2 Software Files and documentation Interface Files and documentation Program Files and documentation 1.3.3 Database files and documentation 1.4 Various Test Reports preparation 1.4.1 System Test Reports and User Test Reports preparation

1.4.2 Hardware Test reports preparation 1.4.3 Unit Test Reports preparation

Task 4: Use the WBS you developed in Task 3 to begin creating a Gantt chart using your choice of software. Do not enter any durations or dependencies. Print the resulting Gantt chart on one page, and be sure to display the entire Task Name column.

Task 5:

Develop a strategy for scope validation and change control for this project. Write a short paper summarizing key points of the strategy. Document your approach for collecting requirements for the project. Include at least five technical requirements and five non-technical requirements in a requirements traceability matrix. Also develop a list of at least five questions you would like to ask the project sponsor. Let your instructor answer them for you, if applicable. o How long should the events last? o What activities will we need to provide for attendees? o Should we use local beverages or international beverages? o What is our procedure for any last-minute cancelations? o How should we handle fraud attempts? Develop a strategy for scope validation and change control for this project. Write a short paper summarizing key points of the strategy. o At the end of each event an event summary will be produced by the assigned host. We will also gather customer and participant feedback if possible. The company will then determine the overall successfulness of the event. This will be done for all events in a three-month time frame, and the results will be gathered and documented before presenting the results to the sponsor. The company site will contain a private feedback page. On this page an employee can request any changes they would like to see in the company, voice any concerns with upcoming events or staff, voice any concerns with investors or event planners. This page will also be used to formally announce resignation or request a leave. The page will automatically send and email to the project director when a request is submitted.

Chapter 6: Project Schedule Management

Task 1: Review the WBS and Gantt chart you created for Tasks 3 and 4 in Chapter 5. Propose three to five additional activities that would help you estimate resources and durations. Write a one-page paper describing these new activities. Three activities that would help estimate the resources and durations are: -

Mind Mapping Contingency Plans Breakdown Structure for the resources

Mind Mapping- This is where all the team members come together to discuss and share thoughts and ideas on certain things of the project, discuss pros and cons, communicate, and collaborate. Contingency Plan- In simple terms it is a back up plan/ alternative plan from the initial plan just in case things don’t go as planned. When doing a business it is really important to have a contingency plan as we never know what the future holds. By adding this activity, team members can discuss and make an alternative plan for different scenarios. Breakdown Structure for the resources- The resource breakdown structure basically identifies the resources of the project by the order and category in which they are. This hierarchical structure helps with planning and controlling project work by functions and departments which helps with who plays what role and does what work. The above activities would definitely help the resources and durations of the already existing activities in the organization.

Task 2: Identify at least five milestones for the Global Treps Project. Write a short paper describing each milestone using the SMART criteria. Discuss how determining the details of these milestones might add activities or tasks to the Gantt chart. Remember that milestones normally have no duration, so you must have tasks that will lead to completing them. Five milestones for the Global Treps Project were accomplished by using the SMART criteria and following through as needed. By determining the details needed in completing these projects, it helped push the team through and allowed them to come out with an amazing project. Coming up with the initial idea itself is a milestone since it gets the team thinking about what their next few weeks will look like and what is to be expected of them. This can get the team excited and ready for a new challenge.

The second milestone is completing the brainstorming and mapping out what the project will consist of getting ready to present it to a group of investors. This shows that there is confidence within the team and their ideas. With this step, there can only be two outcomes, one being they need to reconfigure some things or, they have successfully shown their investors they know what they are doing and how they will complete the project. This showed measurable confidence and growth within the team by being able to come up with the following ideas and present it. The third milestone that was completed would be the progress being made and what has been accomplished, and what is still left for completion. This is able to show the team is nearing completion with the project and there can be a successful outcome, if not better as they originally planned. Using relevant information and considering what is going on around them business wise, this can really help determine what direction the project is going in and if they should change anything up in their planning. Fourth milestone would be the time-bound deadlines that are being met, while being under pressure of the project, things are being submitted and completed as needed. They are able to show their investors and managers that they are taking the project serious and things are going according the their original plan, and what was presented to the investors of the project, The final milestone is the completion and success of the project. This shows the team was determined and motivated to push out a project worthy of money invested from investors and they used their resources wisely. This can show that a team is well thought out and serious about project completion while staying on a timely manner and within or under budget.

Task 3:

Using the Gantt chart you created for Task 4 in Chapter 5 and the new activities and milestones you proposed in Tasks 1 and 2 above, create a new Gantt chart using Project 2016 or another tool. Estimate the task durations and enter dependencies as appropriate. Remember that your schedule goal for the project is six months. Print the Gantt chart and network diagram, each on one page.

Chapter 7: Project Cost Management Task 1:

Prepare a Cost Model

Task 2: Prepare a Cost Baseline

Task 3: Assume that you have completed three months of the project. The BAC was $120,000 for this sixmonth project. You can also make the following assumptions: PV 5 $60,000 EV 5 $55,000 AC 5 $50,000 a. What is the cost variance, schedule variance, cost performance index (CPI), and schedule performance index (SPI) for the project? Cost Variance (CV) is the earned value minus the actual cost (AC) CV = EV – AC = $55,000 - $50,000 = $5000 Schedule Variance (SV) is the earned value minus the planned value (PV) SV = EV – PV = $55,000 - $60,000 = -$5000 Cost performance index (CPI) is the ratio of earned value to actual cost and can be used to estimate the projected cost of completing the project. CPI = EV / AC = $55,000 / $50,000 = 1.1 x 100% = 110% Schedule performance index (SPI) is the ratio of earned value to planned value and can be used to estimate the projected time to complete the project.

SPI = EV / PV = $55,000 / $60,000 = 0.916 x 100% = 91.6% b. How is the project doing? Is it ahead of schedule or behind schedule? Is it under budget or over budget? A negative schedule variance means the project is behind schedule and a positive cost variance means the project is under budget. Moreover, if the CPI is more than one or more than 100 percent, the project is under budget, and if the SPI is less than one or 100 percent, the project is behind schedule. The CPI is 1.1, which is more than 1, means that the project is under budget. And SPI is 0.916 which is under 1, the project is behind schedule. Therefore, the project is behind schedule but under budget. c. Use the CPI to calculate the estimate at completion (EAC) for this project. Is the project performing better or worse than planned? EAC = BAC / CPI = $120,000 / 1.1 = 109,090.909 The project is performing better than planned because the new estimate is $109,090 which is approximately $10,900 less than initial estimate. d. Use the SPI to estimate how long it will take to finish this project. Estimated time to complete = Time estimate / SPI = 6 months / .916 = 6.55 The project is projected to take 6.55 months to complete so it is estimated that it will take .55 or half a month more than planned. e. Sketch an earned value chart using the information from your answers to parts a through d. Use Figure 7-6 as a guide

Chapter 9: Project Quality Management Task 1: Prepare a RACI chart for the four WBS activities listed.You decide that one person should be accountable for each of these four activities, spreading the work between you, Kim, Ashok, and Alfreda. Bobby will be informed on each activity, and you will be consulted on the ones you are not accountable for. Document key assumptions you make in preparing the chart.

Key Assumption: -

The RACI chart doesn’t allow flexibility in performing tasks as it is according to the present division of work allotted to the team. It does not contemplate upon any future problems / alternative ways to perform tasks as it is set up according to the current work situation.

Task 2: Myers Briggs Personality Test Kyle: INTP, Introvert(44%), iNtuitive(6%), Thinking(38%), Perceiving(19%) Shabana: ISFP, Introvert(16%), Sensing(1%), Feeling(19%), Perceiving(9%) Frankisa: ENFJ, Extravert(9%), Intuitive(34%), Feeling(19%), Judging(22%) I tend to have a slight preference of extraversion over introversion. I enjoy talking and interacting with people but tend to have ...

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