Mat115 Global Warming project PDF

Title Mat115 Global Warming project
Course College Algebra And Trigonometry
Institution LaGuardia Community College
Pages 7
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Project on Global Warming and Carbon Emission ...


Global Warming Mat 115 Part I CO2 Year Japan 1994 1,118 1995 1,116 1996 1,134 1997 1,157 1998 1,113 1999 1,156 2000 1,201 2001 1,193 2002 1,199 2003 1,249 2004 1,256 2005 1,241 2006 1,239 2007 1,254 2008 1,216 2009 1,104 2010 1,177 2011 1,200 2012 1,259

World CO2 21,737 22,166 22,680 22,833 22,860 23,271 24,041 24,132 24,579 25,688 26,969 27,880 28,619 29,266 29,644 29,435 31,154 32,154 32,310

(Table 1) Japan and World Co2 emissions (Source U.S. EIA)

(3) y = 5.4351x - 9698 (2012+10)=2022 Y = 5.4351(2022) - 9698 Y= 1291.7722

I predict that Co2 emission will be 1291.7722 after 10 years in Japan.

(4) I think that series 2 curve fit gives the most reliable prediction in both cases of CO2 because the curve passes through most of the points and it’s clearly visible and shown.

(Table 2) Human population and CO2 gas emissions, 2010 (Source: U.S EIA) Country

Population (m)

Carbon (metric tons/capita)

(1) USA



(2) Canada



(3) China



(4) India



(5) Russia



(6) Germany



(7) Australia



(8) Japan



(9) Italy



(10) South Africa



(11) United Kingdom



(12) Mexico



Graph 1: Carbon emissions per person for each country

X-axis = countries from the table. Example (3 = China)

Graph 2: Total carbon emissions for each country (carbon per capita times population).

X-axis = Countries from the table. Example (2 = Canada). Part-II Reflection: (1)

Carbon emission is the greenhouse caused by human activities. Animals at North

Pole, humans, atmosphere, oceans, soil and plants are affected by Carbon emission. (2)

Factories and Industries are some of the causes of global warming.


From New Carbon’s emission visualized video, I learned that in 2010 New York

City added over 54 million metric tons of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere and most of the emissions came from the buildings and the people. (4)

Google Earth helps gives us image and envision the amount of Carbon emission

reaching through the atmosphere. (5)

After I reach 50 years old, the year will be 2047. y = 5.4351x - 9698 (2012+32)=2047

Y = 5.4351(2047) - 9698 Y= 1427.6497 After I reach 50 years old, I predict that the Co2 level will be 1427.6497 Some of the implications of these changes are climate changes, rise in temperature and melting of ice. I think most people are ignoring the crucial issue about global warming and not helping to reduce the Carbon emission. The rising of Carbon emission at different rate can prevent me from making stronger predictions. Precautionary principle is the principle that resists the release of unknown products or process. If we make unknown products, there is a possibility that it can harm our environment by producing more carbon. (6)

I would place most of the responsibility for CO2 gas reductions on India. India has

low Co2 gas emission which doesn’t help global warming. Limiting the amount of creation of business, factories and industries is the economic policies that I might recommend to deal with the widely differing emission rates across countries. (7)

Most of the rich countries most likely have increasing Co2 because they have high

population and industries. On the other hand, Poor countries have fewer factories, buildings and people which don’t help CO2 to rise and they have to hold in the disaster from global warming such as flood caused by rich countries. Kyoto Protocol is a legally binding international treaty between United Nations with their purpose to protect the climates and reduce Co2 emissions. According to United Nation Framework Convention on climate change, the current statuses include 192 parties and 83 signatories. The United States of America is currently working to reduce the carbon pollution and they lead the global efforts to address the threat of climate change.

Reference and Sources

Website of the US Energy Information Administration HYPERLINK " tid=90&pid=44&aid=8&cid=regions&syid=1980&eyid=2010&unit=MTCDPP"& HYPERLINK " tid=90&pid=44&aid=8&cid=regions&syid=1980&eyid=2010&unit=MTCDPP"pid=44 HYPERLINK " tid=90&pid=44&aid=8&cid=regions&syid=1980&eyid=2010&unit=MTCDPP"& HYPERLINK " tid=90&pid=44&aid=8&cid=regions&syid=1980&eyid=2010&unit=MTCDPP"aid=8 HYPERLINK " tid=90&pid=44&aid=8&cid=regions&syid=1980&eyid=2010&unit=MTCDPP"& HYPERLINK " tid=90&pid=44&aid=8&cid=regions&syid=1980&eyid=2010&unit=MTCDPP"cid=regi ons HYPERLINK " tid=90&pid=44&aid=8&cid=regions&syid=1980&eyid=2010&unit=MTCDPP"& HYPERLINK " tid=90&pid=44&aid=8&cid=regions&syid=1980&eyid=2010&unit=MTCDPP"syid=198 0 HYPERLINK " tid=90&pid=44&aid=8&cid=regions&syid=1980&eyid=2010&unit=MTCDPP"& HYPERLINK " tid=90&pid=44&aid=8&cid=regions&syid=1980&eyid=2010&unit=MTCDPP"eyid=201 0 HYPERLINK " tid=90&pid=44&aid=8&cid=regions&syid=1980&eyid=2010&unit=MTCDPP"& HYPERLINK " tid=90&pid=44&aid=8&cid=regions&syid=1980&eyid=2010&unit=MTCDPP"unit=MT CDPP

Per Capita Carbon Dioxide Emissions from the Consumption of Energy (Metric Tons of Carbon Dioxide per Person) HYPERLINK " tid=90&pid=45&aid=8&cid=regions&syid=2008&eyid=2012&unit=MMTCD"& HYPERLINK " tid=90&pid=45&aid=8&cid=regions&syid=2008&eyid=2012&unit=MMTCD"pid=45 HYPERLINK " tid=90&pid=45&aid=8&cid=regions&syid=2008&eyid=2012&unit=MMTCD"& HYPERLINK " tid=90&pid=45&aid=8&cid=regions&syid=2008&eyid=2012&unit=MMTCD"aid=8 HYPERLINK " tid=90&pid=45&aid=8&cid=regions&syid=2008&eyid=2012&unit=MMTCD"& HYPERLINK " tid=90&pid=45&aid=8&cid=regions&syid=2008&eyid=2012&unit=MMTCD"cid=regions HYPERLINK " tid=90&pid=45&aid=8&cid=regions&syid=2008&eyid=2012&unit=MMTCD"& HYPERLINK " tid=90&pid=45&aid=8&cid=regions&syid=2008&eyid=2012&unit=MMTCD"syid=2008

HYPERLINK " tid=90&pid=45&aid=8&cid=regions&syid=2008&eyid=2012&unit=MMTCD"& HYPERLINK " tid=90&pid=45&aid=8&cid=regions&syid=2008&eyid=2012&unit=MMTCD"eyid=2012 HYPERLINK " tid=90&pid=45&aid=8&cid=regions&syid=2008&eyid=2012&unit=MMTCD"& HYPERLINK " tid=90&pid=45&aid=8&cid=regions&syid=2008&eyid=2012&unit=MMTCD"unit=MMTCD

Word Population HYPERLINK ""& HYPERLINK " tid=93&pid=44&aid=33"pid=44 HYPERLINK ""& HYPERLINK " tid=93&pid=44&aid=33"aid=33 New York's carbon emissions visualized - as giant spheres Official page of the Kyoto Protocol U.S Department of State web page regarding the Administration’s policy regarding climate change and the Kyoto Protocol

United States Status on Global Warming

Status of Ratification of the Kyoto Protocol

Effects of Global Warming

Overview of Greenhouse Gases

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