Jeremy Ashton Global Warming Outline PDF

Title Jeremy Ashton Global Warming Outline
Course Core: Public Speaking Coll Stu
Institution St. John's University
Pages 3
File Size 68.7 KB
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Dr. Bernard Class...


Persuasive Speech, Skeleton Jeremy Ashton The price of inaction, Human suffering

General Purpose: To bring the issue of global warming to the attention of the international community Specific Purpose: To convince the UN leaders that climate change must be a priority by focusing on the human suffering inaction brings. ATTENTION STEP Mr. President, honored delegates, respected ladies and gentlemen: Good afternoon. I. We all have a vested interested in helping humanity. However, by not dealing with global warming, you are all simply pulling drowning people onto a sinking ship. A. We need a planet to live on. Global warming is here. My respected delegates you all have heard the science before, you’ve even formed committees on the topic. But where is the action? I am not here today to give you more of the same knowledge; I am here today to show you. The price of inaction is human suffering. B. I want to be able to know the babies born today will have a planet to live on. That will take action. C. Human suffering due to the problems of global warming has already begun. If we don’t take action now, our brothers and sisters will continue to suffer. NEED STEP II. It’s not just melting ice, Inaction in global warming has a human toll. A. Global warming causes the unnatural “natural disasters” that is causing humanity to suffer today.

B. Ramifications 1. 2004`s Tsunami that destroyed thousand in Thailand and Indonesia, to the current situation in the Philippines, the effects of global warming are far reaching and quite real. 2. The displacement and staving out of thousands of Kenyan farms due to the rapid desertification of their once fertile land. C. As your fellow delegates from Kenya will tell you, the pain of global warming is being felt today in the empty stomach’s of their country. SATISFACTION STEP III. Statement of Solution A. We only have so much aid to try and help respond to these disasters. We need to take action to the root cause of the issue and avoid more suffering. B. Theoretical Demonstration1. We must listen to the scientific community. 2. We must pressure governments to create laws and regulations in response to the science (Such as the United States and greenhouse gases) 3. We can then begin to implement them, live greener, and reverse the damage done. C. Practical Experience (day to day, consequences of these actions) - Chiefly, this would involve the United States, and other nations, to radically change the culture form one based in fossil fuels to one using green alternatives D. Meeting Objections (now who is against that) 1. Now, you might claim my plan proves unrealistic, and while I do not claim to have all the answers, you can see from our

fellow men and women suffering in the Philippines, inaction, where we are right now, is no solution. 2. You might argue taking such action and reverting to green solutions could be costly, but I ask you. How much is life worth to you? Can we really put a price tag on the future of humanity? VISUALIZATION STEP IV. Without action, humanity will continue to suffer. Without action, our children might not get to there next birthday. Without action, we will lose our homes. Our home. This world we share. ACTION STEP V. Restatement and Summary A. We must take action on the root causes of global warming, before it’s too late. B. I want a world for your children, and all of us, to live in. C. Global warming is truly global. It affects each and every one of us. This is a call to action now, in hopes of their being any future for us all. My name is Jeremy Ashton, Thank you....

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