Globalization 5 - Homework help for students. PDF

Title Globalization 5 - Homework help for students.
Author Badri Bista
Course Globalization
Institution University of the People
Pages 4
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Homework help for students....


University of the People POLS 1503 Written Assignment Unit 5

One of the concepts discussed during this week’s learning unit includes the aspect of gender equality, and the importance of women in our modern economy. This last one in particular can be defined by the term womenomics, which is the idea that women’s economic advancements will benefit the entire economy as a whole (Japan Information Center, 2015). In recent years, the number of elderly people kept increasing, causing the shrinking of the labor force in a way that could impair further national growth. This is why modern studies have claimed that, by empowering women to work and receive the same benefits and opportunities as men, these vacant job places can be filled by capable women, thus bringing further growth to a nation’s economy and, on the long run, bringing benefits to the global economy.

Unfortunately, this concept is not easy to implement everywhere in the world, mainly because of cultural issues. For example, we could take the case study of Jordan’s workforce, and discuss how a country with the lowest percentage of women workers in the whole Mid East and North Africa could benefit from womenomics (Jaber, 2014). In a country where women are culturally seen and generally accepted to be considered inferior than men, it can be very challenging to implement changes, because empowering women and spending resources on efforts to open education system and workplaces to them will not be enough. Since the dawn of our time, men and women had separate roles, both essential to the survival of the species, but that with the passing of time have been differentiated and misinterpreted by our society. While men went hunting to find food, women

had to take care of the children, and for some reason this last part was seen by society as a “simpler task”, thus depicting women like they were on a lower level when they actually are not. To make such a change possible, one needs to revolutionize the way people think of women, change their cultural and subjective opinions to make them see the benefits and the legitimacy of including women in job positions. 

What are some interesting findings from the Arabic textbooks used? Why did you find these to be interesting?

In the text, there were some findings that left me perplexed, probably because I come from a society that is a bit more “liberal” in terms of granting more freedom to women. I personally found it strange to see that vocational work is not desirable for women, including jobs that are stereotypically considered to be feminine (like chefs and waiters), which I honestly consider it to be a contradiction. If society does not even want women to do what they consider to be women’s jobs, what should they do then? Another finding that left me disgusted was the fact that curriculums are more likely to prepare women to enter the marriage market rather than the labor market, like they were just tools to make children (which is horribly degrading). More than “interesting”, these two findings were just absurd, at least from my point of view. 

Upon reading the report, what strategies do you think could be helpful, in promoting gender equality in Jordan?

I believe that educational campaigns should be enacted to teach the real value of women from a younger age. Since culture is an aspect that is hard to change on grown adults, the best thing to do would be to promote some sort of tolerance towards women, and allow schools to integrate gender equality as art of the teaching, so that newer generations will find it more natural to accept women as an equally important partner.

Take a moment to think about how womenomics looks in your country. Describe the aspects of womenomics where you live and how you believe it can improve.

After taking my time to make a consistent research, I have noticed that my country does not classify well in terms of women present in the work business. The Italian government published data showing that only the 42.1% of the working population is made up by women, which places Italy within the last positions, when compared with the other European countries (Moresco, 2020). Further surveys have shown that 63.5% of the Italian population recognizes that sometimes it is necessary for women to sacrifice part their free time and careers for the good of the family. For how this justification may sound plausible at first, it still places women on a particular category, and our society seems to expect women to accept their position for the good of the family nucleus. If I had the authority to do so, I would invest on a social experiment to analyze the actual benefits and losses of both women deciding to focus on their career while taking care of their family, and women who sacrificed their career to fully dedicate to their family. Once the results are obtained, I would render them public so that everyone can see that women do not need to make extreme sacrifices to properly take care of their family.

References 

Jaber, M. A. (2014). Breaking through Glass Doors: A Gender Analysis of Womenomics in the Jordanian National Curriculum. Brookings Institute. Retrieved from:

Japan Information Center. (2015). What is Womenomics? Retrieved from,the%20economy%20as %20a%20whole.&text=But%20when%20we%20liberate%20the,%2C%20indeed%2C %20the%20world.%22

Moresco, G. (January 20, 2020). Un'Italia da disoccupate, tra famiglia e poche chance di carriera. Retrieved from -242194757/#:~:text=In%20Italia%20le%20donne%20che,l'81%2C2%25....

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