‘God exists’ 12 marker - Grade: 9 PDF

Title ‘God exists’ 12 marker - Grade: 9
Course Religious Education - A1
Institution Sixth Form (UK)
Pages 2
File Size 48.3 KB
File Type PDF
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Does god exist 12 marker...


‘God exists’ Do you agree? 12 marker I agree with the statement because God has shown his existence and powerful nature in this world through the beautiful creation he has made and the holy book He has given us to guide us through our life so we can live it without sin and go to Heaven in the afterlife (or reach mukti in terms of Sikhism). Christians would agree with me and support the design argument proving God’s existence and that He made the universe. The design argument shows that since everything is so intricately designed and everything relies on one another, then there must have been an omnipotent thing to do all this, which is God. This is evident in the Bible which says “nothing is impossible for God”. This highlights to Christians that God can do anything as he is all powerful and has the ability to do anything He wants to do with his creations. This is paramount for Christians as by believing that God exists, you will act in a way that will get you to Heaven which is by reaching salvation and following His rules and commandments. Therefore, Christians believe that God exists as the design argument and their Holy book (Bible) shows that they have logical reasons to believe so. This is a strong argument because there is empirical evidence from ‘God-breathed’ words which tells us how God designed the world in Genesis. However, the design argument can also help to prove that God does not exist as there are many flaws in the universe and humans. Evidence for this is in humans which is that we have an appendix which is completely useless and if God is so omnipotent and omniscient, he should know that we do not need the appendix so it shouldn’t have been there in the first place. Atheists would use this as an argument to prove that God does not exist as he is not powerful and all-knowing to have created all of this perfectly; therefore God does not exist. In addition, there are natural disasters, crime and death so if God is omnibenevolent, He shouldn’t have put all these things in the world. This is very unlike God, therefore God doesn’t exist. Consequently, the flaws in the world prove to atheists that God does not exist as he is not powerful enough to fix all these problems. This is also strengthened by the fact that Maurice Wiles said “an interventionalist God is unworthy of worship” which means that it is unfair for God to only love some people by giving them a much easier life than others as we should all be treated equally. This is a weak argument because Sikhs, Christians and Muslims believe that life is where you will be tested, sometimes more than others to test your devotion to God and see if you are worthy of going to Heaven/achieve mukti. There is also the first cause argument to show that God does truly exist and that the creation of the world is proof for this. The first cause argument states that there are causes and effects in this world and that everything relies on one another. The whole process in this world needs to be caused by an uncaused causer who has so much power. Their uncaused causer is God as God was not caused by anyone and one of his qualities is that He is omnipotent. Sikhs would agree with this argument because in the Guru Granth Sahib it says ‘He is the creator’ which supports this as God is the only uncaused causer as He is the most powerful and He was the only one that made the whole universe using his Hukam. Christians also agree with the first cause argument as in the Bible it says “In the beginning he created the Heavens and the Earth” which shows that God caused each thing to be made in certain steps, one followed by the other. Therefore, the first cause argument proves the existence of God as it shows the omnipotence and omnibenevolence God has to have made this world for humans to sustain a life on. This is a strong argument because Sikhs and Christians believe

that God exists as without God, there would be no foundation to their faith and they would have no guidance to live a Christ-like/gurmukh life. Overall, God must exist as the design argument and the first cause argument also displays the omnipotence and powerful nature of God that he was able to create the world and everything that inhabits it. Even though there are some flaws within the Earth and the universe, God does this as He wants to test us and see if we will remain moral or fall into the temptations of evil and sin....

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