Gold Experience B2 Workbook Answer Key [book 4joy] PDF

Title Gold Experience B2 Workbook Answer Key [book 4joy]
Author Anonymous User
Course Literatura Inglesa de la Restauración al Romanticismo
Institution Universidad de Salamanca
Pages 18
File Size 792.1 KB
File Type PDF
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UNIT 11 1 ** dull **2 reluctant 3 overwhelming 4 pretty 5 dismiss 6 worthwhile 7 pigeonhole 8 willing 9 cosy2 2 Have stories to tell, not stuff to show 3 1 F ( He refers back to Thomas Gilovich) 2 C ( Firstly introduces the answer to the question at the end of paragraph 2) 3 G ( They refers back to ...




UNIT 1 1 1dull 2reluctant 3overwhelming 4pretty 5dismiss 6worthwhile 7pigeonhole 8willing 9cosy 2 2 Have stories to tell, not stuff to show 3 1 F (He refers back to Thomas Gilovich) 2 C (Firstly introduces the answer to the question at the end of paragraph 2) 3 G (They refers back to how people felt; missing an experience more than losing out on an object refers back to choosing not to do or buy something; the sentence following the gap gives an example to support the research) 4 B (experiences define who you are refers back to the effect on identity) 5 A (a difficult situation refers back to an experience has made someone unhappy; turn into a funny story refers back to make that person feel more positive) 6 E (the whole sentence refers back to the idea of how you want to spend your money; them in the sentence following the gap refers to objects in sentence E) 4 1to 2with 3to 4about 5 1possessions 2stuff 3regret 4missed 5last 6keeping

1 1B 2A 3B 4B 5A 6A 7B 2 1 We haven’t known each other for long, but we get on verywell. 2 correct 3 correct 4 I’m hot because I’ve been running round the park 5 I broke my phone two days ago so I haven’t messaged my friends for ages. 6 correct 7 All my friends spend every Saturday afternoon at the football. 8 correct 3 1looks 2are you looking 3I don’t really enjoy 4haven’t done 5have you tried 6I’ve never been (I never am is not possible because of the incorrect word order; the frequency adverb would come after be: I am never) 7are standing 8I’m getting 9I’ve had 10you’re always walking 5 1are always telling 2does, mean 3says 4cross/’re crossing 5’ve been working 6isn’t going 7’ve been trying 8Has, ever said 9means 10has, helped

1 A thrilled 8 B petrified 2 C tense 7 D relieved 5 E determined 4 F sympathetic 1 G offended 3 H moved 6 2 1understanding 2anxious 3strong-willed 4terrified 5insulted 3 1insulted 2understanding 3terrified 4anxious 5sympathetic 6delighted 4 1miss out 2put off 3trying out 4getting, across 5take off 6add to 5 1up, in 2after, back 3on 4over, on/on with 5away, out 6up


1 C to give information about a special category of people 2 1 sight In the first talk in the series on senses, we looked at sight. 2 cells This is someone with a higher density and number of cells for taste compared with the average. 3 limit This was the biggest shock for me when researching this talk – that being a supertaster can actually limit the range of foods you enjoy. 4 quarter … that leaves about a quarter of us who have a very strong reaction to the bitter taste. 5 (about) seventy So our sense of smell and taste fade over time, especially after reaching about seventy. 6 sophisticated What most people don’t realise is that we need the receptors in the nose to work with the taste buds to produce the sophisticated range of flavours we get from our diet. 7 chemical Humans have about 350different receptor genes for smells. Their job is to recognise the chemical pattern given off by different foods. 8 one trillion/a trillion Estimates vary as to how many individual smells humans can detect, but one study suggests it’s as many as one trillion. 9 tried the test. Many people from the team here at the Science for Life office all tried the test and I was really hoping to get supertaster status, but I’m sorry to say I was the worst taster of the whole group. 10 the worst I was really hoping to get supertaster status, but I’m sorry to say I was the worst taster of the whole group. 3 A sour B sweet C bitter D salty 4 1savoury 2strong 3watery 4hot 5fussy 5 1sweet 2bitter 3strong 4watery 5spicy 6hotter

1 1more 2than 3much 4so 5too 6as 7most 8much 9of 2 1more 2than 3as big as 4well 5more 6too long 7good enough 8better and better 9so loudly 3 1the funniest 2the most disappointing 3even better 4the best 5The closer 6the more convinced 7wasn’t/ was not near enough 8as quickly as 9a lot less cool 4 1 speak Russian more fluently than (comparative form with adverb) 2 left too late (too + adverb) 3 is ( just) as tall as/is the same height as (comparative phrase just as … as with affirmative verb; as … as with noun phrase) 4 don’t know anyone kinder (comparative form with anyone) 5 can run far/much faster than (comparative form with adverb faster and adverb of degree far or much) 6 the more accessible they (double comparative to show continual change)

1 1fitness 2deafness 3childishness 4difference 5laziness 6fashionable 7hopeful/hopeless 8enthusiastic 2 1athletic, impressive 2scientific, artistic 3moves, foolish 3 1direction 2rhythm 3humour/fun 4adventure/fun 5achievement 4 1 successful (noun to adjective) 2 dreadful (noun/verb to adjective) 3 comfortable (noun to adjective) 4 repetitive (verb to adjective)

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5 6 7 8

confidence (adjective to noun) competitive (verb to adjective) improvement (verb to noun) accessible (noun/verb to adjective)

1 Speaker 1: B not comparing both photos Speaker 2: E asking the other student questions Speaker 3: C asking the examiner for vocabulary Speaker 4: D hesitating a lot Speaker 5: A not using a range of language 3 1show 2similar 3similarity 4differences 5whereas 6celebrating 7achievement 8anxious 9direction 10better

1 1 B 2B, D, F 3 A the reviewer’s recommendation 4 B brief details about the subject 1 C the reviewer’s experience 2 D more information/examples 3 2 1C 2F 3E 4A 5D 6B 3 1it’s not really worth the money 2it’s perfect for anyone without 3thoroughly recommend 4won’t regret it 5it’s well worth trying 6I wouldn’t recommend it to 4 1air-conditioned 2all-inclusive, all-day 3brightly-lit 4first-class 5old-fashioned 6three-day 7well-organised, well-known, well-lit 5 1instructor 2location 3atmosphere 4audience 5activity 6cost 7problem 6 1absolutely delicious 2truly fascinating 3really dreadful 4extremely dull 5totally terrifying 7 Model answer Putting the fun back into festival Are you looking for a great way to enjoy yourself this summer? It’s well worth trying the ForTeen Festival. It’s a five-day event that takes place every year in the first week of August. What makes it special? It’s specifically for 14–18-year-olds. One of the best things is the entertainment. It’s perfect for anyone interested in bands, clothes, movies or gadgets. There are performances and talks by well-known musicians and speakers. The festival also offers workshops and one-hour lessons so you can have a go at something new. It’s a very well-organised festival, located a few kilometres from the centre. The area is divided into zones for music, technology, fashion and cinema. So you can go for what you love, or try a bit of everything. Air-conditioned buses run every 15minutes to the festival and the area is accessible to wheelchairs. Just one day at ForTeen is fantastic, but if you have time, an all-inclusive ticket is really worth the money. I would highly recommend the event to students of my age. Check out the programme for this year. You won’t regret it.

1 1’m walking 2calls 3know 4’s shouting 5wants 6say 7don’t even know 8are you talking about 9runs off 10’m standing 11has just happened 2 1the 2lot 3than 4more 5enough 6most 7as 8too 3 1the better your marks 2wasn’t as easy as 3are far more adventurous than 4aren’t old enough 5is the best time 4 1put off 2get, across 3trying out 4take off 5are, adding to/have, been adding to 6miss out 5 1achievement, excitement 2difference, existence 3laziness, tiredness 4competitive, creative 5enthusiastic, sympathetic 6knowledgeable, changeable © Pear son Educat ion Limited 2018


UNIT 2 1 1boom, freak out 2awe-inspiring, live up to expectations 3exotic, superb 4medieval, appeal to 5feature, have access to 6vast, incredible 2 C family and lifestyle 3 1 B I haven’t checked it out with my family yet. I’m trying to pick the right moment … 2 A In the last couple of years, the trip has been pretty tedious because it’s tough finding fun things to do. 3 C I have never gotten along too well with my cousins, even though we’re all in our teens. 4 A I had no idea what was coming next. My mom freaked out, her final words were, ‘No way!’ 5 C Can I please go to grandma’s instead? 6 D Maybe they think I’ll do something stupid. 7 B I found myself at a space museum to keep my brother smiling and a farm for my animal-mad sister! 8 A I was thinking of working over the summer, just to top up my allowance. 9 D We message each other all the time … 10 C Dad said yes and mom said maybe so things are still up in the air. 4 1join in 2opt out 3count me out 4sort out 5be in for a treat 6checked it out with 7chill out 8up in the air 5 1chill out 2joining in 3’d be in for a treat 4have, checked it out with 5to sort out 6opt out 7count you out

1 1B 2A 3A 4B 5A 6B 7B 2 1were walking, crashed 2took off, ‘d/had been waiting 3was going to skype, was 4had, swum, stepped 5was reading, missed, had to 6used to spend, would collect 3 Would can replace used to in sentences 2and 4. 4 1B 2F 3A 4D 5C 6E 5 1went 2’d never travelled 3missed 4didn’t get on 5’d been writing 6was due to stay 7was going to have 8’d been looking forward 9’re used to having 10’d already made 11didn’t think

1 1dressed up, live up to 2Think up, doesn’t conjure up 3gave up, ’ll, end up 2 1over, moon 2high, list 3down, dumps 4blown away 5fell, love 6got, swing 3 1down in the dumps 2fall in love with 3(you) to get into the swing of things 4blew you away 5(feel) over the moon 6high on the/your list 4 1cheap travel 2make reservations 3package tours 4make sure 5extremely helpful 6travelling light 7takes such a long time 8enter all the details 9keeps a record 10improve my travel experience

1 1E 2D 3F 4C 2 1 B fairly typical categories; books for under-fourteens, books for fourteen to sixteen-year-olds; stories for animal-lovers, books about aliens. 2 A what brings them together is a very strong sense of place. Each book is set in a different part of the world 3 C we just voted for the first book as a group and since then each person has chosen a story and so the next destination. 177


4 B Life of Pi … turned out to be a great starting point. It’s so thrilling that everyone loved it!; The Old Man and the Sea … divided the group. Some members enjoyed it, but others felt it lacked plot. 5 A Er, I don’t want to say too much more in case your listeners are reading it or want to read it. 6 C I just couldn’t put this one down … .The plot was so thrilling I had to read right to the end in a single weekend. 7 C you get to understand the experiences of people you would never meet … You really do get a global view. 3 1corners 2trip 3pack 4starting 5expedition 6have 7global 4 1pack a suitcase 2having adventures 3be taken to the far corners of the globe 4round-the-world trip 5be a great starting point 6joining, on an expedition 7get a global view

11 2 3 4

correct That was the airline that lost all our luggage. Where’s the best place you’ve ever visited? You find out so much about a place if you explore on the foot. 5 correct 6 correct 7 Have you ever been to the Netherlands? 8 I love (to) travel. I wish I could go abroad more often. 9 correct 10 It’s great to get away for the weekend once in a while. 2 1the, – 2a, a, the 3the, a 4the, a 5The, the 6a, the 3 1–, –, the, the, –, a 2The, –, the, -, The, The, – 3a, –, the, A/The, The 4 1the/- 2a 3An 4a 5– 6a 7a/the 8the 9 – 10a 11the 12the 13a 14the 15an/the

1 1warming, disasters 2with, tourism 3damage, have, think 4achieved, on 5At, no 2 1collapsing 2done a lot of harm 3taking such a risk 4tourist season 5foreign visitors 6make a living 7run into problems 8quality of life 3 1with 2on 3of 4for 5about 4 1to pay for 2complained about 3disagreed with 4was afraid/scared of 5decide on 5 1 B (the other nouns can’t follow take in this context) 2 D (the other phrasal verbs don’t fit the context) 3 A (the other adjectives don’t fit the context) 4 C (the other phrasal verbs don’t fit the context) 5 D (the other verbs don’t collocate with harm) 6 A (the other verbs don’t collocate with jobs in this context) 7 B (the other adjectives don’t fit the context) 8 B (collocation is quality of life, a fixed expression)

1 2 3 4

1C 2D 3B 4A 5B 6C 7D 8A Question 2 1C 2B 3D 4A 1like, because; question one 2as; question seven 3for; question three 4so, such as; question eight 5 1catch 2repeating 3say 4sure 5honest 6used 7sure 6 1 I’m sorry, I didn’t quite catch that. 2 Would you mind repeating that? 3 Sorry, can you say that again, please? 4 That’s an interesting question. I’m not really sure of the answer, but I think I’d say flying is the best way to travel.



5 To be honest, I’ve never been abroad, but I’d like to go to New Zealand because my favourite movie was filmed there. 6 I used to love just playing on the beach, but now I prefer spending time in cities. 7 I’m not really sure which school I’ll be at, but I’ll still be studying English. 7 Model answer I definitely prefer my capital city because there’s so much for teenagers to do there such as sports events and music festivals. I’d go for a summer beach holiday, I think, as I’m not very good at skiing. I love doing things like swimming and relaxing with my family in the sunshine. Australia, definitely! Three of my cousins live there, but I don’t see them very often because of the distance. I used to look forward to going to the water park on holiday every year. I loved all the activities, for example the water games and swimming races. Although I’m quite confident, I don’t think I’d like to travel alone because I would miss my family.

1 1 both 2 an eye-catching title ✓ questions that address the reader directly ✓ lively, colourful language ✓ an interesting conclusion ✓ a personal example or anecdote ✓ a new paragraph for each topic/event ✓ 2 1 After we’d finally found a space on the beach, the sun went in. 2 By the time I found my ticket, the inspector had made me pay again. 3 As soon as we reached/had reached the coast, we ran into the sea. 4 I’d been trying to find my friend before I suddenly spotted her across the square. 5 Even though we had a few arguments, we still had a great time. 6 She didn’t get back until late because her flight was/had been delayed. / Because her flight was/had been delayed, she didn’t get back until late. 7 My brother wasn’t well on the last day, so we cancelled the trip. 8 Since it was such a fantastic place, we’ve booked to go there again. 3 C My dream holiday turned nightmare 4 Paragraph B 5 1cruising 2burning 3flew 4crashed 5shouted 6hit the brakes 7jumped 8speeding 6 Conclusion A 7 Model answer A flight I’ll never forget Do you know that feeling of excitement you get before an important journey? That’s exactly how I felt before I flew alone for the first time. But not everything went according to plan … On my sixteenth birthday, my parents agreed I could go to a music festival later that year. We’d decided that the easiest way to get to the event was to fly, so I’d been saving for an air ticket for months. Then the day finally arrived. I got to the local airport two hours early. I was certainly not going to miss this flight! I’m not scared of flying, so was full of confidence as the plane climbed into the sky. However, minutes later something went wrong. There was a huge bang and the plane suddenly shook. Panic spread and people started screaming. I learned later we’d been hit by a bird and an engine had been damaged. Luckily, the pilot was able to get us back to the airport. And my dad felt so sorry for me that he drove me to the festival. It certainly was a summer to remember! © Pear son Educat ion Limited 2018


1 1had 2’d wanted 3didn’t message 4saw 5were going 6were just doing 7was always getting 8did you make 9met 10were having 11invited 12’d been planning 13used to 14get used to 2 1an, a 2The, – 3 –, – 4a, –, the, a/the 5A, the 6A, a/the, the 7a, the 8the, – 3 1down in the dumps, think up 2blown away by, live up to 3give up, into the swing of things 4dress up, high on my list 4 1have fun 2Keep a record of 3run into 4cause severe damage to 5tan easily 6a few everyday words 7have an impact on

UNIT 3 1 1gearing up 2pilot scheme 3siblings 4distractions 5collaboration 6win-win situation 7support 2 2 a journalist who writes about technology 3 1 C What teenager in the world hasn’t thought of staying at home on a schoolday and sending an avatar to class instead? But what about young people who want to go to school, but can’t? … Meet AV1, the avatar that allows students to attend school even when they are off sick. 2 B AV1is the brainchild of a Norwegian robotics company appropriately named No Isolation. 3 A The built-in camera allows the ill student visual access to the activity in the classroom. However, the student is not visible to the rest of the class or the teacher. This is to protect their privacy … 4 A Contributions to the class are made through the robot with the student’s own voice. This refers back to the student’s own voice and forward to She describes AV1as ‘… the voice’ of the ill student at school. 5 D The students who are in school also need to feel they can relate to the avatar. Karen Dolva explains, ‘… This is supposed to be their friend.’ 6 B It is an amazing opportunity for people with challenges similar to those I face, to be able to go to school, attend classes, … The most important thing is that Marthe gets to attend classes and that she is a part of the group,… . 4 1long-term 2much-needed 3built-in 4real-time 5life-size 6water-resistant 7full-time 5 1life-size 2water-resistant 3long-term 4full-time 5built-in 6much-needed

1 1has already been planned 2prediction 3timetable 4at 5based on what I know 6won’t 7before 8in progress, duration 9future 2 1A 2A 3B 4A 5B 6B 3 1’ll be hanging out 2’m due to start 3Are you working 4’ll have earned 5’ll have been helping 6’ll be doing 7’ll have started 8won’t have been studying 9’m unlikely to need 10you make 4 1we’re moving 2about 3will have started 4will already know 5I’ll make 6walk 7will be thinking 8going to be 9will be 10get 11you’ll feel 12you’ll be enjoying


2 Be: creative / self-employed / your own boss / responsible Have: a good salary / control over your own time / a lot of pressure / time off Work: independently / shifts / part-time / as a team 3 1a self-employed 2off 3responsible 4independently 5as 6being 7part-time 8have 9over 10salary 4 1up with 2up for 3up on 4up with 5on with 6out of 5 A 3goes along with B 6keep out of C 1measure up to D 4go in for E 2get away with F 5given up on

1 BTake your teen to work 2 2engineer, local company offices, visit to construction site 3media/magazines, magazine studio 4food scientist; lab/laboratory 5lawyer, office, court 3 Speaker 1D But the best part was writing a job advert. That really helped me see what skills you need to get an interview. Speaker 2G The work is a lot more varied than I thought. Speaker 3B … it was pretty clear no one knew what to do with a thirteen-year-old. Speaker 4H We did have a go at a taste test, but it was something I’d already done at school. What I really wanted was to see some of the food under development, but that wasn’t possible. Speaker 5E I might even be changing my mind about my career. 4 1B 2E 3H 4F 5D 6G 7C 8A 5 1’ll follow/’re going to follow in their footsteps 2had a go 3opened my eyes 4talked us through 5was stuck 6came over to 7dropping me off 8turned out

1 1suitcases 2rubbish 3journey 4armchair 5money 6skills 2 1no 2many 3bit 4many 5few 6a 3 1...

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